Austin Henderson Intelligent Systems Laboratory Xerox Palo Alto Research Center 3333 Coyote Hill Rd. Palo Alto, CA 94304 JAN 15, 1985 Martin Gittens, David Butler, et al. Artificial Intelligence Limited Watford, UK. Dear Martin, David, et al.: I apologize for the delay in getting these files to you. I got delayed by Christmas/New Year, and then had to expurgate the files a bit. But here they are. Find enclosed two floppy disks containing: the Trillium sources TRI-* TRILLIUM the Trillium DCOMs (compiled for Harmony) TRI-*.DCOM TRILLIUM.DCOM the most recent set of fixes JAN-7-85-FIXES JAN-7-85-FIXES.DCOM a set of PTypes OK for public use PUBLIC-PTYPES a set of ItemTypes OK for public use PUBLIC-ITEMTYPES a version of the Demo interface OK for public use PUBLIC-DEMO-INTERFACE Loading instructions: Move all the sources to a single directory (the loading procedure, contained in the main bootstrap file TRILLIUM, expects them to be in a single directory). You may want to put the other files there too. Load TRILLIUM.DCOM. This will prompt through a set of questions asking about the sort of loadup you want. I suggest: small loadup: no with sources: yes sources only: no load standard PTypes: no load standard Itemtypes: no load standard Demo Interface: no. The rest of the DCOMs will be loaded and the source code loaded onto the props for quick reference. Load the fix file (.DCOM and the source on the PROP if you want). Load the public PTypes Load the public Itemtypes Load the public Demo Interface. Save if you wish, and play. Playing: Start by opening a window for the Demo interface. Then walk through the demo, seeing that everything looks OK. If you have a copy of the videotape about, you could try duplicating what you see therein. The demo has changed a bit, but you should be able to figure out what to do. Questions to: Austin Henderson (, 8*923-4322) Nick Briggs (, 8*923-4857) Pat Wall (PSWall.Henr, 8*227-1496) Terms: In the absense of a completed agreement between AIL and Xerox, these are provided under the standard Xerox non-disclosure agreement with AIL. Plans: We understand that AIL will expand the heads of agreement as the next step in formalizing the agreement. I mentioned to Martin Gittens that the heads was fine with ISL with the exception that ISL would like a clause added that will grant to Xerox the right to designate (and support, I presume) Beta Test sights for the product software. Primarily this will permit us to support experimentation at sights of our own choosing. A rework of some of the representation of Trillium objects is under way at Xerox (Nick Briggs at PARC, actually). We expect it to be available by March 85. It is intended that if this rework imrproves the performance (speed and size) of Trillium, that this will be the basis of the set of sources provided under the agreement. I am looking forward to a close and satisfying co-operation. Good luck, Austin