(FILECREATED " 1-Aug-87 18:46:30" {NB:PARC:XEROX}<ROOMS>SUITES>EXPLORATORIUM.ROOMS;6 previous date: "19-Jul-87 18:12:53" {NB:PARC:XEROX}<ROOMS>SUITES>EXPLORATORIUM.ROOMS;3) (* Copyright (c) 1987 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.) (PRETTYCOMPRINT EXPLORATORIUMCOMS) (RPAQQ EXPLORATORIUMCOMS ((RM.SUITES EXPLORATORIUM))) (* "Rooms suite: " EXPLORATORIUM) (RM.SUITE.READ EXPLORATORIUM 1) (((RM.ROOM 3 Ex.Backgrounds ((WHOLEBACKGROUND (SHADE 40035)) (FRAME (SHADE 65535) (FRAME.WIDTH 2) ) (TEXT (STRING Ex.Backgrounds) (FONT (MODERN 36 BOLD)) (POSITION (9 . 18)) (OPERATION DROP.SHADOW)) (BOX (SHADE 40438) (REGION (437 115 451 569)) (OPERATION REPLACE)) (FRAME (SHADE 65535) (FRAME.WIDTH 2) (REGION (437 115 451 569))) (BITMAP (BITMAP (EVAL RM.EXPLORATORIUM.BITMAP )) (REGION (468 493 165 179)) (OPERATION REPLACE)) (TESSELLATE (REGION (454 125 419 55)) ( BITMAP (EVAL RM.EXPLORATORIUM.BITMAP.2)) (OPERATION REPLACE)) (BOX (SHADE 42405) (REGION (661 579 153 83)) (OPERATION REPLACE)) (BOX (SHADE 65535) (REGION (704 542 67 88)) (OPERATION ERASE)) (BOX (SHADE 52428) (REGION (718 578 39 67)) (OPERATION INVERT)) (TEXT (STRING "Operation: Replace") (FONT (MODERN 36 BOLD)) (POSITION (450 . 450)) (OPERATION REPLACE)) (TEXT (STRING "Operation: Paint") (FONT (MODERN 36 BOLD)) (POSITION (450 . 400)) (OPERATION PAINT)) (TEXT (STRING "Operation: Erase") (FONT (MODERN 36 BOLD)) (POSITION (450 . 350)) (OPERATION ERASE)) (TEXT (STRING "Operation: Invert") (FONT (MODERN 36 BOLD)) (POSITION (450 . 300)) ( OPERATION INVERT)) (TEXT (STRING "Operation: Drop.Shadow") (FONT (MODERN 36 BOLD)) (POSITION ( 450 . 250)) (OPERATION DROP.SHADOW)) (TEXT (STRING "Operation: Compound") (FONT (MODERN 36 BOLD) ) (POSITION (450 . 200)) (OPERATION ((6 -6 PAINT) (4 -4 ERASE) (2 -2 PAINT) (0 0 ERASE))))) (( RM.PLACEMENT 2 1 (15 48 411 680) (4 42405) NIL (327 . 498)) (RM.PLACEMENT 2 2 (447 692 73 23) NIL NIL (327 . 498)) (RM.PLACEMENT 2 3 (920 125 50 30) NIL NIL (327 . 498))) (Ex.Panel) ( BACK.DOOR.POSITION (908 . 196) FILEPKG.COMS ((BITMAPS RM.EXPLORATORIUM.BITMAP RM.EXPLORATORIUM.BITMAP.2) (FILES %{QV%}<ROOMS>SOURCES>POSTIT) (FILES %{QV%}<ROOMS>SOURCES>POSTIT) (FILES %{QV%}<ROOMS>SOURCES>POSTIT) (FILES %{QV%}<ROOMS>SOURCES>POSTIT) (FILES %{QV%}<ROOMS>SOURCES>POSTIT) (FILES %{QV%}<ROOMS>SOURCES>POSTIT) (FILES POSTIT) (FILES POSTIT) ( FILES POSTIT) (P (FONTCREATE (QUOTE (MODERN 24 BOLD))) (FONTCREATE (QUOTE (MODERN 36 BOLD))) ( FONTCREATE (QUOTE (HELVETICA 14 BOLD))))))) (RM.ROOM 3 Ex.Doors ((WHOLEBACKGROUND (SHADE 40035)) (FRAME (SHADE 65535) (WIDTH 2)) (TEXT (STRING Ex.Doors) (FONT (MODERN 36 BOLD)) (POSITION (9 . 18)) (OPERATION DROP.SHADOW))) ((RM.PLACEMENT 2 4 (20 196 568 519) (4 42405) NIL (327 . 498)) (RM.PLACEMENT 2 5 (770 468 81 80) NIL NIL (327 . 498)) (RM.PLACEMENT 2 6 (632 502 73 23) NIL NIL (327 . 498)) (RM.PLACEMENT 2 7 (690 389 59 99) NIL NIL (327 . 498)) (RM.PLACEMENT 2 8 (692 301 86 30) NIL NIL (327 . 498)) (RM.PLACEMENT 2 9 (920 125 50 30) NIL NIL (327 . 498))) (Ex.Panel) ( BACK.DOOR.POSITION (908 . 196))) (RM.ROOM 3 Ex.End ((WHOLEBACKGROUND (SHADE 40035)) (FRAME ( SHADE 65535) (WIDTH 2)) (TEXT (STRING Ex.End) (FONT (MODERN 36 BOLD)) (POSITION (9 . 18)) ( OPERATION DROP.SHADOW)) (TEXT (STRING "The End, for Now") (FONT (MODERN 36 BOLD)) (POSITION ( 365 . 353)) (OPERATION DROP.SHADOW))) ((RM.PLACEMENT 2 10 (20 505 377 220) (4 42405) NIL (327 . 498))) (Ex.Panel) (BACK.DOOR.POSITION (908 . 196))) (RM.ROOM 3 Ex.Menu ((WHOLEBACKGROUND (SHADE 40035)) (FRAME (SHADE 65535) (WIDTH 2)) (TEXT (STRING Ex.Menu) (FONT (MODERN 36 BOLD)) ( POSITION (9 . 18)) (OPERATION DROP.SHADOW))) ((RM.PLACEMENT 2 11 (8 59 358 672) (4 42405) NIL ( 327 . 498)) (RM.PLACEMENT 2 12 (370 112 520 580) NIL NIL (327 . 498)) (RM.PLACEMENT 2 13 (920 125 50 30) NIL NIL (327 . 498))) (Ex.Panel) (BACK.DOOR.POSITION (908 . 196))) (RM.ROOM 3 Ex.Model ( (WHOLEBACKGROUND (SHADE 40035)) (FRAME (SHADE 65535) (WIDTH 2)) (TEXT (STRING Ex.Model) (FONT (MODERN 36 BOLD)) (POSITION (9 . 18)) (OPERATION DROP.SHADOW))) ((RM.PLACEMENT 2 14 (19 279 590 439) (4 42405) NIL (327 . 498)) (RM.PLACEMENT 2 15 (638 432 170 30) NIL NIL (327 . 498)) ( RM.PLACEMENT 2 16 (920 125 50 30) NIL NIL (327 . 498)) (RM.PLACEMENT 2 17 (908 196 73 23) NIL NIL (327 . 498))) (Ex.Panel) (BACK.DOOR.POSITION (908 . 196))) (RM.ROOM 3 Ex.Overview (( WHOLEBACKGROUND (SHADE 40035)) (FRAME (SHADE 65535) (WIDTH 2)) (TEXT (STRING Ex.Overview) (FONT (MODERN 36 BOLD)) (POSITION (9 . 18)) (OPERATION DROP.SHADOW))) ((RM.PLACEMENT 2 18 (691 398 82 30) NIL NIL (327 . 498)) (RM.PLACEMENT 2 19 (34 116 614 573) (4 42405) NIL (327 . 498)) ( RM.PLACEMENT 2 20 (919 125 50 30) NIL NIL (327 . 498)) (RM.PLACEMENT 2 21 (908 196 86 30) NIL NIL (327 . 498)) (RM.PLACEMENT 2 22 (702 293 76 24) NIL NIL (327 . 498))) (Ex.Panel) ( BACK.DOOR.POSITION (908 . 196))) (RM.ROOM 3 Ex.Panel ((IF (AT.TOP (WHOLEBACKGROUND (SHADE 40035) ) (FRAME (SHADE 65535) (FRAME.WIDTH 2)) (TEXT (STRING Ex.Panel) (FONT (MODERN 36 BOLD)) ( POSITION (9 . 18)) (OPERATION DROP.SHADOW)))) (BOX (SHADE 42405) (REGION (680 701 314 34))) ( TEXT (STRING "The Rooms Exploratorium") (FONT (MODERN 24 BOLD)) (POSITION (691 . 712)) ( OPERATION ((5 -5 PAINT) (3 -5 PAINT) (5 -3 PAINT) (3 -3 PAINT) (4 -4 PAINT) (1 -1 PAINT) (-1 -1 PAINT) (1 1 PAINT) (-1 1 PAINT) (0 0 ERASE)))) (FRAME (SHADE 65535) (REGION (680 701 314 34)) (FRAME.WIDTH 3) (OPERATION ERASE)) (FRAME (SHADE 65535) (REGION (898 116 96 587)) (FRAME.WIDTH 3) (OPERATION ERASE)) (BOX (SHADE 42405) (REGION (901 119 90 589))) (BOX (SHADE 8738) (REGION (901 701 90 3))) (BOX (SHADE 42405) (REGION (995 111 4 620)) (OPERATION PAINT)) (BOX (SHADE 42405) (REGION (902 111 93 4)) (OPERATION PAINT)) (BOX (SHADE 42405) (REGION (684 698 214 4)) (OPERATION PAINT))) ((RM.PLACEMENT 2 23 (913 158 66 30) NIL NIL (173 . 120)) (RM.PLACEMENT 2 24 ( 903 529 86 30) NIL NIL (173 . 120)) (RM.PLACEMENT 2 25 (903 495 86 30) NIL NIL (173 . 120)) ( RM.PLACEMENT 2 26 (905 461 82 30) NIL NIL (173 . 120)) (RM.PLACEMENT 2 27 (875 427 142 30) NIL NIL (173 . 120)) (RM.PLACEMENT 2 28 (891 393 110 30) NIL NIL (173 . 120)) (RM.PLACEMENT 2 29 (903 636 86 30) NIL NIL (173 . 120)) (RM.PLACEMENT 2 30 (909 601 74 30) NIL NIL (173 . 120)) ( RM.PLACEMENT 2 31 (6 741 1010 60) (4 42405) NIL (173 . 120)) (RM.PLACEMENT 2 32 (899 312 94 30) NIL NIL (173 . 120)) (RM.PLACEMENT 2 33 (709 10 288 91) (4 42405) NIL (173 . 120))) NIL ( BACK.DOOR.POSITION (908 . 196) FILEPKG.COMS ((FILES POSTIT) (P (FONTCREATE (QUOTE (MODERN 24 BOLD))) (FONTCREATE (QUOTE (MODERN 36 BOLD))) (FONTCREATE (QUOTE (HELVETICA 14 BOLD))))))) ( RM.ROOM 3 Exploratorium (40035 (FRAME (SHADE 65535) (FRAME.WIDTH 2)) (TEXT (STRING "Exploratorium") (FONT (MODERN 36 BOLD)) (POSITION (9 . 18)) (OPERATION DROP.SHADOW))) (( RM.PLACEMENT 2 34 (23 420 509 304) (4 42405) NIL (173 . 120)) (RM.PLACEMENT 2 35 (920 125 50 30) NIL NIL (173 . 120))) (Ex.Panel) (BACK.DOOR.POSITION (908 . 196) SUITE.ROOM.NAMES (Ex.Backgrounds Ex.Doors Ex.End Ex.Menu Ex.Model Ex.Overview Ex.Panel)))) ((1 (1 POSTIT ( "The background appearing %"behind%" windows can be specified separately for each room. In fact, most of what you see in this room is %"painted on the wall%". This is done by setting the BACKGROUND property of the room to a background specification. The specification is a list of forms, each specifiying one operation to be carried out in preparing the background. Operations include REGION, TEXT, FRAME, and BITMAP. There is also the conditional IF. The best way to create a background is to edit the room. DEdit is provided as an editor for a structure defining the properties of this room. Exercise: Use the %"Overview>Edit room%" background command (or the Edit screen button at right) to look at the properties of this room. Return by Exiting from DEdit. Commands have been added to DEdit to support the creation of these specifications. In particular: 1) The syntax of these specifications is obtained by using the %"Info%" command: select the thing in question and select Info. 2) Interactive aids to help specify regions, etc. are invoked by selecting the appropriate %"get x%" commands. Exercise: Add a box of some shade. Do this by: - Enter DEdit by selecting the Edit screen button. - Inserting (BOX) at the end of the specification. - Select Info. Replace your insertion with this extended form. - Select Get a Region. Shape the box to get create a region. Replace the region field. - Select Get a Shade. Interact with the shade editor to get create a shade. Replace the shade field. - Delete the Operation field. The default (Replace) will be supplied. - Exit DEdit. You will see the change. Notice also the use of (EVAL form) to compute a value, and the use of the FILEPKG.COMS property to save values with the room." (566765351 566766957 566769818 566770566 566770637) T (MODERN 14))) NIL) (2 (1 BUTTON (2 (( LABEL (CENTER ("Edit" ((0 0 PAINT)) (HELVETICA 14 BOLD)))) (ACTION (RM.EDIT.THIS.ROOM)) (IMAGE ACTION.BUTTON) (PROTECTED NIL) (HELP "There is no help for this button")))) NIL) (3 (1 BUTTON (2 ((LABEL (CENTER ("Next" ((1 1 PAINT) (1 -1 PAINT) (-1 1 PAINT) (-1 -1 PAINT) (0 0 ERASE)) ( HELVETICA 14 BOLD)))) (ACTION (RM.GOTO.ROOM.NAMED (QUOTE Ex.End))) (IMAGE ARK-NSEW-BUTTON) ( PROTECTED NIL) (HELP "There is no help for this button") (POSITION (920 . 125))))) NIL) (4 (1 POSTIT ( "The various buttons which you have been using to move about in this exploratorium are called %"doors%". Doors can be of various different shapes. To the right you will find a number of those shapes, all of which will take you to this very room. Doors can be moved around with the middle mouse button. Exercise: Try moving around the doors at right. Doors can be created using the background menu: select the %"Overview>Create a door%" command. (This X>Y notation is used to denote the Y subcommand of the X command of a menu.) You will be prompted with a menu of room names to select a destination for the door; then you will be prompted with a menu of door shapes for the shape of the door. A door will be created, and you will be permitted to move it into the position you would like. Exercise: Create a door to this room, looking like a porthole. Then go through it to this room. Doors may also be used to take you to the Overview. The name <overview> appearing on the room name menu permits creating doors to the overview. Exercise: Create a Panel door to the overview. Then go through it to the overview. Return by holding down the %"O%" key and selecting the pictogram for this room, the one called %"Doors%". (Notice that this label is gray, indicating that this is the room from which you entered the Overview.) Doors are Interlisp-D windows. You can therefore get rid of them by closing the window. Exercise: Close the doors you just created. " (566589348 566589920 566590026 566590121) T (MODERN 14))) NIL) (5 (1 BUTTON (2 ((LABEL "Ex.Doors") (ACTION RM.DOOR.ACTION) (IMAGE PORTHOLE) (POSITION (770 . 468)) (HELP "Changes to the Room named Doors") (PROTECTED NIL) (ROOM.NAME Ex.Doors) (TEMPORARY NIL) (SETFN RM.DOOR.SETFN) (DISPLAYFN RM.DOOR.REPAINTFN) (AFTERMOVEFN RM.BACK.DOOR.AFTERMOVEFN)))) NIL) (6 (1 BUTTON (2 ((LABEL "Ex.Doors") (ACTION RM.DOOR.ACTION) (IMAGE ACTION.BUTTON) (POSITION (632 . 502)) (HELP "Changes to the Room named Doors") (PROTECTED NIL) (ROOM.NAME Ex.Doors) (TEMPORARY NIL) (SETFN RM.DOOR.SETFN) (DISPLAYFN RM.DOOR.REPAINTFN) (AFTERMOVEFN RM.BACK.DOOR.AFTERMOVEFN)))) NIL) (7 (1 BUTTON (2 ((LABEL "Ex.Doors") (ACTION RM.DOOR.ACTION) (IMAGE PANEL) (POSITION (690 . 389)) (HELP "Changes to the Room named Doors") (PROTECTED NIL) (ROOM.NAME Ex.Doors) (TEMPORARY NIL) (SETFN RM.DOOR.SETFN) (DISPLAYFN RM.DOOR.REPAINTFN) (AFTERMOVEFN RM.BACK.DOOR.AFTERMOVEFN)))) NIL) (8 (1 BUTTON (2 ((LABEL "Ex.Doors") (ACTION RM.DOOR.ACTION) (IMAGE ARK-NSEW-BUTTON) ( POSITION (678 . 289)) (HELP "Changes to the Room named Doors") (PROTECTED NIL) (ROOM.NAME Ex.Doors) (TEMPORARY NIL) (SETFN RM.DOOR.SETFN) (DISPLAYFN RM.DOOR.REPAINTFN) (AFTERMOVEFN RM.BACK.DOOR.AFTERMOVEFN)))) NIL) (9 (1 BUTTON (2 ((LABEL (CENTER ("Next" ((1 1 PAINT) (1 -1 PAINT) (-1 1 PAINT) (-1 -1 PAINT) (0 0 ERASE)) (HELVETICA 14 BOLD)))) (ACTION ( RM.GOTO.ROOM.NAMED (QUOTE Ex.Menu))) (IMAGE ARK-NSEW-BUTTON) (PROTECTED NIL) (HELP "There is no help for this button") (POSITION (920 . 125))))) NIL) (10 (1 POSTIT ( "Sorry, the Rooms exploratorium is still under construction. We hope you have enjoyed what is here, and will check in later for more. Thank you. The Management (Stu and Austin)" (566590331) T (MODERN 14))) NIL) (11 (1 POSTIT ( "So that commands to manipulate the Rooms system are always ready-at-hand, they are made available on the background menu, as the subcommands of the %"Overview%" and %"Go to another room%" commands. Menus are used for prompting in the interactions invoked by some of these commands. Selecting outside any of these menus indicates that you do not want to issue the command after all (you are %"cancelling%" or %"aborting%" the command). Exercise: Go to the %"Doors%" room using the %"Go to another room%" background command. Exercise: Go to the Overview using the %"Overview%" background command. The file at right describes the various commands. (This information is also included in the rooms documentation.) %"X>Y%" denotes the Y subcommand of the menu command X. This information is also included in the rooms documentation. Exercise: Go to the %"Doors%" room using the %"Overview>Change rooms%" background command. Return to this room using the back door at right. Exercise: Go to the Overview using the %"Overview>Change to Overview%" background command. To make it quicker to issue these commands , Rooms provides a way of getting a screen button (an accelerator) for any command appearing on the background menu. Hold down the CTRL (or PROPS) key when selecting the command from the menu. Instead of the command being invoked, a button which will invoke the command will be created. Exercise: Create an accelerator for the %"Overview>Change rooms%" background command. (It will be labelled %"Goto%", like the one you see at right.)" (566761379 566761853 566762439 566764422) T (MODERN 14))) NIL) (12 (1 TEDIT ((FILENAME ( FILENAME.FORM (RM.RELATIVE.FILENAME (QUOTE DOCUMENTATION>BACKGROUND-MENU-COMMANDS.TEDIT)))) ( EXTENDED.MENU.NAMES (EXPANDED.MENU)))) NIL) (13 (1 BUTTON (2 ((LABEL (CENTER ("Next" ((1 1 PAINT) (1 -1 PAINT) (-1 1 PAINT) (-1 -1 PAINT) (0 0 ERASE)) (HELVETICA 14 BOLD)))) (ACTION ( RM.GOTO.ROOM.NAMED (QUOTE Ex.Overview))) (IMAGE ARK-NSEW-BUTTON) (PROTECTED NIL) (HELP "There is no help for this button") (POSITION (920 . 125))))) NIL) (14 (1 POSTIT ( "Rooms provides many screens worth of working space for the Interlisp-D user. Each space is called a %"room%", has a name, and contains a collection of windows. Windows can be in one or more rooms. A window in more than one room is referred to as %"shared%". A window may have a different position and shape in each room. The collection of this information is called the %"placement%" of the window in that room. In certain situations, it is desirable to use the same configuration of windows in more than one room. For example, in these exploratorium rooms, the navigation buttons, the promptwindow, the typescript window act as a common framework for each room's specific information windows. In these situations, a rooms containing only the common windows is created (here it is called Exploratorium.Panel) and this room is %"included%" in the other rooms. Exercise: The %"Exploratorium.Panel%" button is an easy way to go to the Exploratorium.Panel. Use it to go to that room, and notice the set of windows which is common. Then return to this room, using the black button labelled %"Model%". So a room has (at least): a name a set of placements for various windows a set of inclusions of other rooms. " (566588131 566588954 566589050 566589212 583434775) T (MODERN 14))) NIL) (15 (1 BUTTON (2 ((LABEL (CENTER ("Exploratorium.Panel" ((1 1 PAINT) (1 -1 PAINT) (-1 1 PAINT) (-1 -1 PAINT) (0 0 ERASE)) (HELVETICA 14 BOLD)))) (ACTION (RM.GOTO.ROOM.NAMED (QUOTE Ex.Panel))) (IMAGE ARK-NSEW-BUTTON) (PROTECTED NIL) (HELP "There is no help for this button") (POSITION (638 . 432)) ))) NIL) (16 (1 BUTTON (2 ((LABEL (CENTER ("Next" ((1 1 PAINT) (1 -1 PAINT) (-1 1 PAINT) (-1 -1 PAINT) (0 0 ERASE)) (HELVETICA 14 BOLD)))) (ACTION (RM.GOTO.ROOM.NAMED (QUOTE Ex.Doors))) ( IMAGE ARK-NSEW-BUTTON) (PROTECTED NIL) (HELP "There is no help for this button") (POSITION (920 . 125))))) NIL) (17 (1 BUTTON (2 ((LABEL (LEFT ("Exploratorium" ((0 0 PAINT)) (HELVETICA 14 BOLD)))) (ACTION RM.DOOR.ACTION) (IMAGE BUTTON) (POSITION (0 . 0)) (HELP "Changes to the Room named Exploratorium") (PROTECTED NIL) (ROOM.NAME Exploratorium) (TEMPORARY T) (SETFN RM.DOOR.SETFN) (DISPLAYFN RM.DOOR.REPAINTFN) (AFTERMOVEFN RM.BACK.DOOR.AFTERMOVEFN)))) NIL) (18 (1 BUTTON (2 ((LABEL (LEFT ("Overview" ((0 0 PAINT)) (HELVETICA 14 BOLD)))) (ACTION RM.DOOR.ACTION) (IMAGE ARK-NSEW-BUTTON) (POSITION (690 . 395)) (HELP "Changes to the Overview") (PROTECTED NIL) (ROOM.NAME \INTROSPECTION) (TEMPORARY NIL) (SETFN RM.DOOR.SETFN) (DISPLAYFN RM.DOOR.REPAINTFN) (AFTERMOVEFN RM.BACK.DOOR.AFTERMOVEFN)))) NIL) (19 (1 POSTIT ( "Commands in the Overview The Overview provides a number of different operations. Roughly these can be grouped into: room selection, room manipulation, room structure viewing. All operations in the Overview are invoked in same way: the operation is selected by depressing and holding down a mode key, the object to be operated on selected by pointing and clicking: a room: right or middle mouse button, or a placement: left mouse button. (NB: The same operation can be invoked on many objects without releasing the mode key which selects that operation.) The various operations are represented by screen buttons at the bottom of the screen. These are inverted to indicate the operation which is currently selected. If these screen buttons are selected with the mouse, the mode key (or keys) which select this operation is printed out (in boolean notation) in the prompt window. The operations are indicated on the screen buttons. Exercise: Use the Enter operation to return to this room: goto the overview. select the %"Enter%" screen button with the left mouse button. note in the prompt window the expression indicating how to select the Enter operation. select the Enter operation. return to this room by selecting it with the right mouse button. Exercise: Use the Move operation on a placement: goto the overview. find the placement for the window you see at right in this room. select the Move operation. move the placement around in this room. return to this room when you are done. Exercise: Explore the other Overview commands. Return to this room when you are done. " (570758532 570759515 570760346 570760365 570760409) T (MODERN 14))) NIL) (20 (1 BUTTON (2 ((LABEL (CENTER ("Next" ((1 1 PAINT) (1 -1 PAINT) (-1 1 PAINT) (-1 -1 PAINT) (0 0 ERASE)) ( HELVETICA 14 BOLD)))) (ACTION (RM.GOTO.ROOM.NAMED (QUOTE Ex.Backgrounds))) (IMAGE ARK-NSEW-BUTTON) (PROTECTED NIL) (HELP "There is no help for this button") (POSITION (919 . 125))))) NIL) (21 ( 1 BUTTON (2 ((LABEL (LEFT ("Ex.Model" ((0 0 PAINT)) (HELVETICA 14 BOLD)))) (ACTION RM.DOOR.ACTION) (IMAGE ARK-NSEW-BUTTON) (POSITION (0 . 0)) (HELP "Changes to the Room named Ex.Model") (PROTECTED NIL) (ROOM.NAME Ex.Model) (TEMPORARY T) (SETFN RM.DOOR.SETFN) (DISPLAYFN RM.DOOR.REPAINTFN) (AFTERMOVEFN RM.BACK.DOOR.AFTERMOVEFN)))) NIL) (22 (1 BUTTON (2 ((LABEL (CENTER ("Edit vars" ((0 0 PAINT)) (HELVETICA 14 BOLD)))) (ACTION ( RM.EDIT.USER.VARIABLES)) (IMAGE NSEW-BUTTON) (POSITION (702 . 293)) (HELP "There is no help for this button")))) NIL) (23 (1 BUTTON (2 ((LABEL (CENTER ("Start <" ((1 1 PAINT) (1 -1 PAINT) (-1 1 PAINT) (-1 -1 PAINT) (0 0 ERASE)) (HELVETICA 14 BOLD)))) (ACTION (OR (RM.RETRACE.BACK.DOORS.TO (RM.FIND.ROOM (QUOTE Exploratorium))) (RM.GOTO.ROOM.NAMED (QUOTE Exploratorium) (QUOTE NONE)))) (IMAGE ARK-NSEW-BUTTON) (PROTECTED NIL) (HELP "There is no help for this button") (POSITION (913 . 158))))) NIL) (24 (1 BUTTON (2 ((LABEL ( CENTER ("Ex.Model" ((1 1 PAINT) (1 -1 PAINT) (-1 1 PAINT) (-1 -1 PAINT) (0 0 ERASE)) (HELVETICA 14 BOLD)))) (ACTION RM.DOOR.ACTION) (IMAGE ARK-NSEW-BUTTON) (POSITION (902 . 529)) (HELP "Changes to the Room named Model") (PROTECTED NIL) (ROOM.NAME Ex.Model) (TEMPORARY NIL) (SETFN RM.DOOR.SETFN) (DISPLAYFN RM.DOOR.REPAINTFN) (AFTERMOVEFN RM.BACK.DOOR.AFTERMOVEFN)))) NIL) (25 (1 BUTTON (2 ((LABEL (CENTER ("Ex.Doors" ((1 1 PAINT) (1 -1 PAINT) (-1 1 PAINT) (-1 -1 PAINT) ( 0 0 ERASE)) (HELVETICA 14 BOLD)))) (ACTION RM.DOOR.ACTION) (IMAGE ARK-NSEW-BUTTON) (POSITION (904 . 478)) (HELP "Changes to the Room named Doors") (PROTECTED NIL) (ROOM.NAME Ex.Doors) (TEMPORARY NIL) (SETFN RM.DOOR.SETFN) (DISPLAYFN RM.DOOR.REPAINTFN) (AFTERMOVEFN RM.BACK.DOOR.AFTERMOVEFN)))) NIL) (26 (1 BUTTON (2 ((LABEL (CENTER ("Ex.Menu" ((1 1 PAINT) (1 -1 PAINT) (-1 1 PAINT) (-1 -1 PAINT) (0 0 ERASE)) (HELVETICA 14 BOLD)))) (ACTION (RM.GOTO.ROOM.NAMED (QUOTE Background.Menu ))) (IMAGE ARK-NSEW-BUTTON) (PROTECTED NIL) (HELP "There is no help for this button") (POSITION (905 . 515))))) NIL) (27 (1 BUTTON (2 ((LABEL (CENTER ("Ex.Backgrounds" ((1 1 PAINT) (1 -1 PAINT) (-1 1 PAINT) (-1 -1 PAINT) (0 0 ERASE)) (HELVETICA 14 BOLD)))) (ACTION RM.DOOR.ACTION) ( IMAGE ARK-NSEW-BUTTON) (POSITION (875 . 482)) (HELP "Changes to the Room named Backgrounds") ( PROTECTED NIL) (ROOM.NAME Ex.Backgrounds) (TEMPORARY NIL) (SETFN RM.DOOR.SETFN) (DISPLAYFN RM.DOOR.REPAINTFN) (AFTERMOVEFN RM.BACK.DOOR.AFTERMOVEFN)))) NIL) (28 (1 BUTTON (2 ((LABEL ( CENTER ("Ex.Overview" ((1 1 PAINT) (1 -1 PAINT) (-1 1 PAINT) (-1 -1 PAINT) (0 0 ERASE)) ( HELVETICA 14 BOLD)))) (ACTION RM.DOOR.ACTION) (IMAGE ARK-NSEW-BUTTON) (POSITION (891 . 449)) ( HELP "Changes to the Room named Ov.Commands") (PROTECTED NIL) (ROOM.NAME Ex.Overview) (TEMPORARY NIL) (SETFN RM.DOOR.SETFN) (DISPLAYFN RM.DOOR.REPAINTFN) (AFTERMOVEFN RM.BACK.DOOR.AFTERMOVEFN)))) NIL) (29 (1 BUTTON (2 ((LABEL (LEFT ("Overview" ((1 1 PAINT) (1 -1 PAINT) (-1 1 PAINT) (-1 -1 PAINT) (0 0 ERASE)) (HELVETICA 14 BOLD)))) (ACTION RM.DOOR.ACTION) (IMAGE ARK-NSEW-BUTTON) ( POSITION (903 . 636)) (HELP "Changes to the Overview") (PROTECTED NIL) (ROOM.NAME \INTROSPECTION) (TEMPORARY NIL) (SETFN RM.DOOR.SETFN) (DISPLAYFN RM.DOOR.REPAINTFN) (AFTERMOVEFN RM.BACK.DOOR.AFTERMOVEFN)))) NIL) (30 (1 BUTTON (2 ((LABEL (CENTER ("Goto ..." ((1 1 PAINT) (1 -1 PAINT) (-1 1 PAINT) (-1 -1 PAINT) (0 0 ERASE)) (HELVETICA 14 BOLD)))) (ACTION ( RM.BACKGROUND.GOTO)) (IMAGE ARK-NSEW-BUTTON) (PROTECTED NIL) (HELP "There is no help for this button") (POSITION (909 . 601))))) NIL) (31 (1 PROMPTWINDOW ((FONT HELVETICA 14 (BOLD REGULAR REGULAR) 0 DISPLAY) (TITLE))) NIL) (32 (1 BUTTON (2 ((LABEL (CENTER ("Comments" ((1 1 PAINT) (1 -1 PAINT) (-1 1 PAINT) (-1 -1 PAINT) (0 0 ERASE)) (HELVETICA 14 BOLD)))) (ACTION (RESETFORM (CURSOR WAITINGCURSOR) (TEDIT (\LAFITE.READ.FORM ( RM.RELATIVE.FILENAME (QUOTE DOCUMENTATION>COMMENT.LAFITE-FORM)))))) (IMAGE ARK-NSEW-BUTTON) ( PROTECTED NIL) (HELP "There is no help for this button") (POSITION (899 . 312))))) NIL) (33 (1 EXEC NIL) NIL) (34 (1 POSTIT ( "Welcome to the Rooms Exploratorium. This is a suite of rooms which describe the Rooms system itself. Each room introduces certain topics, and where appropriate provides exercises to let you experience the things described (%"put some meat on the bones%"). The collection of buttons at the right can be used to move through the exhibits. Following the screen buttons labelled %"Next%" in each room will provide a step-by-step introduction to the basics of Rooms. This is recommended as the best way to get started. Start by selecting the Next screen button with the left mouse button. Additionally, all topics are directly available via appropriately labelled buttons. All comments will be appreciated: use the %"Comments%" button. The Management (Stu and Austin)" (566582226 566582415 566587734 566587754 570757081) T (MODERN 14))) NIL) (35 (1 BUTTON (2 ((LABEL (CENTER ("Next" ((1 1 PAINT) (1 -1 PAINT) (-1 1 PAINT) ( -1 -1 PAINT) (0 0 ERASE)) (HELVETICA 14 BOLD)))) (ACTION (RM.GOTO.ROOM.NAMED (QUOTE Ex.Model))) (IMAGE ARK-NSEW-BUTTON) (PROTECTED NIL) (HELP "There is no help for this button") (POSITION (920 . 125))))) NIL))) (RPAQQ RM.BACK.DOOR.POSITION (300 . 20)) (RPAQ RM.EXPLORATORIUM.BITMAP (READBITMAP)) (125 173 "@HI@D@@@@@@@AI@@@EBIBD@@@@H@@J@@" "C@B@H@@@H@@@BED@@BIBHH@@@@@@@D@@" "@@EA@@@@B@@@@JH@@IBEBB@@@@@@@BH@" "EJKF@@@@DD@BED@@AD@@@D@@@@A@@E@@" "JDFI@@@@A@@@JJH@@H@B@@@@@@@A@@J@" "AEIJ@@@@JE@ABD@@@B@@@@@@@@AB@ADH" "@@C@@@@A@JD@EH@@@L@@B@@@@@BD@@I@" "@FJH@@@@E@H@CD@@@A@@ED@@@@A@@@A@" "@@E@@@@ABF@@D@@@@D@@B@@@@@BD@@@H" "@BKD@@@@@@H@C@@@AA@@H@@@@@@@@@@@" "@@NJ@@@B@D@BJ@@@BD@@B@@@@@@@@@@@" "DACED@@DHH@DE@@@HI@@H@@@@@@@@@@@" "H@FJJ@HI@B@IFH@EG@@B@@@@D@@@@@@@" "D@EEE@BBJDHBI@@JL@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" 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"D@@@@@@@@D@@@@@@BBHMEENIEBMBKN@@" "H@@@@@@@@H@@@@@@@LKBBBKONMBIOJ@@" "J@@@@@@@A@@@@@@@FIDMMMFJI@DCEF@@" "D@@@@@@ADH@@@@@@AGGFBBOOJJIFOM@@" "I@@@@@@@ID@@@@@AGMMMOMJJJADIJNJH" "@@@@@@@@BH@@@@@BMGGGMFONHJIGGMMH" "H@@@@@@@MJ@@@@@AKMNNKKEECEBAMKK@" "@@@@@@@@AD@@@@@GGGKMOFONDEDFKOOH" "D@@@@@@@FH@@@@@BMNNJHMJJIJJKOGEH" "@@@@@@@@C@@@@@@MKKADAGOOBEDNJNO@" "@@@@@@@@LD@@@@ACOFDH@JEEDJJIOMMH" "@@@@@@@@C@@@@@@MFL@@ADJJJEEGJOG@" "@@@@@@@@LH@@@@ACMH@@BHDA@JDMGJLH" "@@@@@@@@C@D@@@@OK@@@J@@@ADKGNOKH" "@@@@@@@@J@@@@@CKG@@@E@@@@ADJMMG@" "H@@@@@@@E@@@@@DNNJ@@J@@@@@IGKKNH" "@@@@@@AEBH@@@@IKM@@AJ@@@@@BJOOGH" "@@@@@@@JJA@A@@GGGA@BD@@@@@@EOFNH" "@@@@@@BDEJH@@BHNL@AEH@E@D@@JJOMH") (RPAQ RM.EXPLORATORIUM.BITMAP.2 (READBITMAP)) (15 15 "OOON" "OGKJ" "OOON" "NCA@" "JCA@" "NCA@" "OOON" "OOON" "NCA@" "JCA@" "NCA@" "OOON" "NCA@" "JCA@" "NCA@") (FILESLOAD {QV}<ROOMS>SOURCES>POSTIT) (FILESLOAD {QV}<ROOMS>SOURCES>POSTIT) (FILESLOAD {QV}<ROOMS>SOURCES>POSTIT) (FILESLOAD {QV}<ROOMS>SOURCES>POSTIT) (FILESLOAD {QV}<ROOMS>SOURCES>POSTIT) (FILESLOAD {QV}<ROOMS>SOURCES>POSTIT) (FILESLOAD POSTIT) (FILESLOAD POSTIT) (FILESLOAD POSTIT) (FONTCREATE (QUOTE (MODERN 24 BOLD))) (FONTCREATE (QUOTE (MODERN 36 BOLD))) (FONTCREATE (QUOTE (HELVETICA 14 BOLD))) (PUTPROPS EXPLORATORIUM.ROOMS COPYRIGHT ("Xerox Corporation" 1987)) STOP