(FILECREATED "19-Sep-85 17:12:04" {QV}<NOTECARDS>RELEASE1.2I>KIRKPATCH001.;3 1743   

      changes to:  (VARS KIRKPATCH001COMS)

      previous date: "19-Sep-85 15:45:09" {QV}<NOTECARDS>RELEASE1.2I>KIRKPATCH001.;1)

(* Copyright (c) 1985 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.)


(RPAQQ KIRKPATCH001COMS ((* File created by KELLEY)
			 (* * change to NC.CloseNoteCards to fix forced file abort while closing 
			    multiple cards.)
			 (FNS NC.CloseNoteCards)))

(* File created by KELLEY)

(* * change to NC.CloseNoteCards to fix forced file abort while closing multiple cards.)


  (LAMBDA (CardTextStreamWindowOrID NoCheckFlg DontClearFlg)
                                                             (* kirk: "19-Sep-85 15:21")

          (* * Close note acrds on the screen)

    (PROG (ID Cards Window)
          (SETQ Cards (OR CardTextStreamWindowOrID (NC.SelectNoteCards NIL NIL NC.DeleteSelectingMenu 
								       NIL NIL 
							  "Please select the cards to be closed.")))
          (for Card in (MKLIST Cards)
	     do (SETQ ID (COND
		    ((WINDOWP Card)
		      (NC.IDFromWindow Card))
		    ((NC.IDP Card)
		    ((TEXTSTREAMP Card)
		      (NC.IDFromWindow (WINDOW.FROM.TEDIT.THING Card)))))
		  ((AND (NC.ActiveCardP ID)
			(SETQ Window (NC.FetchWindow ID)))
		    (if (NEQ (NC.QuitCard ID T)
			     (QUOTE DON'T))
			then (while (OPENWP Window) do (BLOCK)))))))))
(PUTPROPS KIRKPATCH001 COPYRIGHT ("Xerox Corporation" 1985))
  (FILEMAP (NIL (643 1660 (NC.CloseNoteCards 653 . 1658)))))