(FILECREATED "28-Sep-85 22:56:30" {QV}<NOTECARDS>RELEASE1.2I>FGHPATCH025.;1 1432   

      changes to:  (VARS FGHPATCH025COMS)
		   (FNS NC.GetCachedMap))

(* Copyright (c) 1985 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.)


(RPAQQ FGHPATCH025COMS ((* * Update for new maps caching scheme from NCDAtABASE)
			(FNS NC.GetCachedMap)))
(* * Update for new maps caching scheme from NCDAtABASE)


  (LAMBDA (DatabaseStream)                                   (* fgh: "28-Sep-85 22:54")
                                                             (* Read a bit map from the file and then put it onto 
							     the cached maps list)

          (* * FGH 9/28/85 Updated to handle new map changes. In particular, caching now done on the map resolution and noit 
	  on the x and y offsets.)

    (PROG (CacheSpecs BitMap)
          (SETQ CacheSpecs (READ DatabaseStream))
	    ((EQ (LENGTH CacheSpecs)

          (* * Old Scheme for cahcing)

	      (SETQ CacheSpecs (CONS (QUOTE HIGH)
				     (CDDR CacheSpecs)))))
          (SETQ BitMap (HREAD DatabaseStream))
          (AND CacheSpecs BitMap (APPLY (FUNCTION SetCachedBitMap)
					(CONS BitMap CacheSpecs))))))
(PUTPROPS FGHPATCH025 COPYRIGHT ("Xerox Corporation" 1985))
  (FILEMAP (NIL (439 1350 (NC.GetCachedMap 449 . 1348)))))