(FILECREATED " 1-Apr-85 15:31:44" {PHYLUM}<NOTECARDS>RELEASE1.2>NCTYPESMECH.;8 17702 changes to: (FNS NC.ListOfCardTypes) previous date: "13-Mar-85 01:29:09" {PHYLUM}<NOTECARDS>RELEASE1.2>NCTYPESMECH.;7) (* Copyright (c) 1984, 1985 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.) (PRETTYCOMPRINT NCTYPESMECHCOMS) (RPAQQ NCTYPESMECHCOMS ((E (SETQ NC.SystemDate (DATE)) (UNMARKASCHANGED (QUOTE NC.SystemDate) (QUOTE VARS))) (VARS NC.SystemDate) (P (UNMARKASCHANGED (QUOTE NC.SystemDate) (QUOTE VARS))) (* * Internal variables) (GLOBALVARS NC.CardTypes NC.SubstanceTypes NC.NoteCardTypeMenu) (* * Note Cards Type Mechanism) (RECORDS NoteCardType SubstanceType) (MACROS NC.Inherit) (FNS NC.SubstanceCopyFn NC.MakeSubstanceTypesList NC.MakeCardTypesList NC.MarkCardDirtyFn NC.AddSubstanceType NC.AddCardType NC.ListOfCardTypes NC.CollectReferencesFn NC.DelReferencesFn NC.EditFn NC.GetSubstanceFn NC.MakeCardFn NC.PutSubstanceFn NC.QuitCardFn NC.UpdateLinkIconsFn NC.SubstanceDirtyPFn NC.SubstanceMarkDirtyFn) (FNS NC.DefaultCardWidth NC.DefaultCardHeight NC.DefaultHeightFromType NC.DefaultWidthFromType) (FNS NC.InsertLinkFn NC.TranslateWindowPositionFn) (P (NC.MakeSubstanceTypesList) (NC.MakeCardTypesList)))) (RPAQQ NC.SystemDate " 1-Apr-85 15:31:45") (UNMARKASCHANGED (QUOTE NC.SystemDate) (QUOTE VARS)) (* * Internal variables) (DECLARE: DOEVAL@COMPILE DONTCOPY (GLOBALVARS NC.CardTypes NC.SubstanceTypes NC.NoteCardTypeMenu) ) (* * Note Cards Type Mechanism) [DECLARE: EVAL@COMPILE (RECORD NoteCardType (TypeName SuperType SubstanceType MakeCardFn EditCardFn QuitCardFn GetCardFn PutCardFn CopyCardFn MarkCardDirtyFn CardDirtyPFn CollectLinksInCardFn DeleteLinksInCardFn UpdateLinkIconsInCardFn InsertLinkInCardFn TranslateWindowPositionToCardPositionFn LinkDisplayMode CardDefaultWidth CardDefaultHeight CardLinkAnchorModesSupported CardDisplayedInMenuFlg)) (RECORD SubstanceType (SubstanceName CreateSubstanceFn EditSubstanceFn QuitSubstanceFn GetSubstanceFn PutSubstanceFn CopySubstanceFn MarkSubstanceDirtyFn SubstanceDirtyPFn CollectLinksInSubstanceFn DeleteLinksInSubstanceFn UpdateLinkIconsInSubstanceFn InsertLinkInSubstanceFn TranslateWindowPositionToSubstancePositionFn SubstanceDefaultWidth SubstanceDefaultHeight SubstanceLinkAnchorModesSupported)) ] (DECLARE: EVAL@COMPILE (PUTPROPS NC.Inherit MACRO ((NC.Fn CardFn SubstanceFn CardTypeVariableName) (PROG (SaveCardType (AtomCardType (COND ((NLISTP CardTypeVariableName) CardTypeVariableName) (T (CAR CardTypeVariableName))))) (RETURN (OR (for CardType in NC.CardTypes when (EQ AtomCardType (fetch (NoteCardType TypeName) of CardType)) do (SETQ SaveCardType CardType) (RETURN (OR (fetch (NoteCardType CardFn) of CardType) (AND (fetch (NoteCardType SuperType) of CardType) (NC.Fn (LIST (fetch (NoteCardType SuperType) of CardType)))))) finally (NC.ReportError (MKSTRING (QUOTE NC.Fn)) (CONCAT "Unknown note card type: " NoteCardType "."))) (AND (NLISTP CardTypeVariableName) (fetch (SubstanceType SubstanceFn) of (for SubstanceType in NC.SubstanceTypes when (EQ (fetch (NoteCardType SubstanceType) of SaveCardType) (fetch (SubstanceType SubstanceName) of SubstanceType)) do (RETURN SubstanceType))))))))) ) (DEFINEQ (NC.SubstanceCopyFn (LAMBDA (NoteCardType) (* fgh: "19-Oct-84 11:57") (* * Return the function that does a byte-wise copy of NoteCardType substance from one stream to another.) (NC.Inherit NC.SubstanceCopyFn CopyCardFn CopySubstanceFn NoteCardType))) (NC.MakeSubstanceTypesList (LAMBDA NIL (* fgh: "12-Feb-85 23:18") (* * Make the initial list of substance types.) (SETQ NC.SubstanceTypes NIL) (QUOTE Done))) (NC.MakeCardTypesList (LAMBDA NIL (* fgh: "12-Feb-85 23:18") (* * Make initial set of card types.) (SETQ NC.CardTypes (LIST (create NoteCardType TypeName ←(QUOTE NoteCard) SuperType ← NIL SubstanceType ← NIL MakeCardFn ← NIL EditCardFn ← NIL QuitCardFn ← NIL GetCardFn ← NIL PutCardFn ← NIL CopyCardFn ← NIL MarkCardDirtyFn ← NIL CardDirtyPFn ← NIL CollectLinksInCardFn ← NIL DeleteLinksInCardFn ← NIL UpdateLinkIconsInCardFn ← NIL LinkDisplayMode ←(QUOTE Icon) CardDefaultWidth ← NIL CardDefaultHeight ← NIL))) (SETQ NC.NoteCardTypeMenu))) (NC.MarkCardDirtyFn (LAMBDA (NoteCardType) (* fgh: "22-Oct-84 12:41") (* * Return the fuinction that marks a card of type NoteCardType dirty.) (NC.Inherit NC.MarkCardDirtyFn MarkCardDirtyFn MarkSubstanceDirtyFn NoteCardType))) (NC.AddSubstanceType (LAMBDA (SubstanceName FnsAssocList VarsAssocList) (* fgh: "16-Feb-85 01:35") (* * Add a substance ttype to the lists of substance types.) (PROG (NewType) (COND ((NULL SubstanceName) (NC.ReportError "NC.AddSubstanceType" "Illegal substance type name: NIL"))) (* * Remove old instance of SubstanceType) (for SubstanceType in NC.SubstanceTypes when (EQ (fetch (SubstanceType SubstanceName) of SubstanceType) SubstanceName) do (SETQ NC.SubstanceTypes (REMOVE SubstanceType NC.SubstanceTypes))) (* * Add new SubstanceType to NC.SubstanceTypes list) (SETQ NC.SubstanceTypes (CONS (SETQ NewType (create SubstanceType SubstanceName ← SubstanceName CreateSubstanceFn ←(CADR (ASSOC (QUOTE CreateSubstanceFn) FnsAssocList)) EditSubstanceFn ←(CADR (ASSOC (QUOTE EditSubstanceFn) FnsAssocList)) QuitSubstanceFn ←(CADR (ASSOC (QUOTE QuitSubstanceFn) FnsAssocList)) GetSubstanceFn ←(CADR (ASSOC (QUOTE GetSubstanceFn) FnsAssocList)) PutSubstanceFn ←(CADR (ASSOC (QUOTE PutSubstanceFn) FnsAssocList)) CopySubstanceFn ←(CADR (ASSOC (QUOTE CopySubstanceFn) FnsAssocList)) MarkSubstanceDirtyFn ←(CADR (ASSOC (QUOTE MarkSubstanceDirtyFn) FnsAssocList)) SubstanceDirtyPFn ←(CADR (ASSOC (QUOTE SubstanceDirtyPFn) FnsAssocList)) CollectLinksInSubstanceFn ←(CADR (ASSOC (QUOTE CollectLinksInSubstanceFn) FnsAssocList)) DeleteLinksInSubstanceFn ←(CADR (ASSOC (QUOTE DeleteLinksInSubstanceFn) FnsAssocList)) UpdateLinkIconsInSubstanceFn ←(CADR (ASSOC (QUOTE UpdateLinkIconsInSubstanceFn) FnsAssocList)) InsertLinkInSubstanceFn ←(CADR (ASSOC (QUOTE InsertLinkInSubstanceFn) FnsAssocList)) TranslateWindowPositionToSubstancePositionFn ←( CADR (ASSOC (QUOTE TranslateWindowPositionToSubstancePositionFn) FnsAssocList)) SubstanceDefaultWidth ←(CADR (ASSOC (QUOTE SubstanceDefaultWidth) VarsAssocList)) SubstanceDefaultHeight ←(CADR (ASSOC (QUOTE SubstanceDefaultHeight) VarsAssocList)) SubstanceLinkAnchorModesSupported ←( CADR (ASSOC (QUOTE SubstanceLinkAnchorModesSupported) VarsAssocList)))) NC.SubstanceTypes)) (RETURN NewType)))) (NC.AddCardType (LAMBDA (TypeName SuperType SubstanceType FnsAssocList VarsAssocList) (* fgh: "16-Feb-85 01:36") (* * Create a new note acrd type and link it into the card type heirarchy.) (PROG (NewType) (COND ((NULL TypeName) (NC.ReportError "NC.AddCardType" "Illegal type name: NIL")) ((for Type in NC.CardTypes never (EQ (fetch (NoteCardType TypeName) of Type) SuperType)) (NC.ReportError "NC.AddCardType" (CONCAT "Unknown type in super type field: " SuperType))) ((for Substance in NC.SubstanceTypes never (EQ SubstanceType (fetch (SubstanceType SubstanceName) of Substance))) (NC.ReportError "NC.AddCardType" (CONCAT "Unknown substance type field: " SubstanceType)))) (* * Remove old instance of this NoteCardType) (for CardType in NC.CardTypes when (EQ (fetch (NoteCardType TypeName) of CardType) TypeName) do (SETQ NC.CardTypes (REMOVE CardType NC.CardTypes))) (* * Create new NoteCardType) (SETQ NC.CardTypes (NCONC1 NC.CardTypes (SETQ NewType (create NoteCardType TypeName ← TypeName SuperType ← SuperType SubstanceType ← SubstanceType MakeCardFn ←(CADR (ASSOC (QUOTE MakeCardFn) FnsAssocList)) EditCardFn ←(CADR (ASSOC (QUOTE EditCardFn) FnsAssocList)) QuitCardFn ←(CADR (ASSOC (QUOTE QuitCardFn) FnsAssocList)) GetCardFn ←(CADR (ASSOC (QUOTE GetCardFn) FnsAssocList)) PutCardFn ←(CADR (ASSOC (QUOTE PutCardFn) FnsAssocList)) CopyCardFn ←(CADR (ASSOC (QUOTE CopyCardFn) FnsAssocList)) MarkCardDirtyFn ←(CADR (ASSOC (QUOTE MarkCardDirtyFn) FnsAssocList)) CardDirtyPFn ←(CADR (ASSOC (QUOTE CardDirtyPFn) FnsAssocList)) CollectLinksInCardFn ←(CADR (ASSOC (QUOTE CollectLinksInCardFn) FnsAssocList)) DeleteLinksInCardFn ←(CADR (ASSOC (QUOTE DeleteLinksInCardFn) FnsAssocList)) UpdateLinkIconsInCardFn ←(CADR (ASSOC (QUOTE UpdateLinkIconsInCardFn) FnsAssocList)) InsertLinkInCardFn ←(CADR (ASSOC (QUOTE InsertLinkInCardFn) FnsAssocList)) TranslateWindowPositionToCardPositionFn ←(CADR (ASSOC (QUOTE TranslateWindowPositionToCardPositionFn) FnsAssocList)) LinkDisplayMode ←(CADR (ASSOC (QUOTE LinkDisplayMode) VarsAssocList)) CardDefaultHeight ←(CADR (ASSOC (QUOTE DefaultHeight) VarsAssocList)) CardDefaultWidth ←(CADR (ASSOC (QUOTE DefaultWidth) VarsAssocList)) CardLinkAnchorModesSupported ←(CADR (ASSOC (QUOTE CardLinkAnchorModesSupported) VarsAssocList)) CardDisplayedInMenuFlg ←(CADR (ASSOC (QUOTE CardDisplayedInMenuFlg) VarsAssocList)))))) (SETQ NC.NoteCardTypeMenu) (RETURN NewType)))) (NC.ListOfCardTypes (LAMBDA (ForMenuFlg) (* fgh: " 1-Apr-85 11:50") (* * Return a list of the note card types) (* * Special processing for older types to make them not all caps.) (for CardType in NC.CardTypes when (AND CardType (OR (NULL ForMenuFlg) (fetch (NoteCardType CardDisplayedInMenuFlg) of CardType))) collect (fetch (NoteCardType TypeName) of CardType)))) (NC.CollectReferencesFn (LAMBDA (NoteCardType) (* fgh: "19-Oct-84 12:02") (* * Return the function that will collect the links in a substance of NoteCardType) (NC.Inherit NC.CollectReferencesFn CollectLinksInCardFn CollectLinksInSubstanceFn NoteCardType))) (NC.DelReferencesFn (LAMBDA (NoteCardType) (* fgh: "19-Oct-84 12:03") (* * Return the function that deletes references to a card from another card of a given type.) (NC.Inherit NC.DelReferencesFn DeleteLinksInCardFn DeleteLinksInSubstanceFn NoteCardType))) (NC.EditFn (LAMBDA (NoteCardType) (* fgh: "18-Oct-84 23:03") (* * Return the function to call the editor on substances of type NoteCardtype) (NC.Inherit NC.EditFn EditCardFn EditSubstanceFn NoteCardType))) (NC.GetSubstanceFn (LAMBDA (NoteCardType) (* fgh: "18-Oct-84 23:11") (* * Return the funcion for getting the substance of NoteCardType from a databasestream) (NC.Inherit NC.GetSubstanceFn GetCardFn GetSubstanceFn NoteCardType))) (NC.MakeCardFn (LAMBDA (NoteCardType) (* fgh: "19-Oct-84 11:48") (* * Return the function that will make a the type specific part of cards of NoteCardType.) (NC.Inherit NC.MakeCardFn MakeCardFn CreateSubstanceFn NoteCardType))) (NC.PutSubstanceFn (LAMBDA (NoteCardType) (* fgh: "19-Oct-84 16:20") (* * Return the Put Substance Fn for NoteCardType) (NC.Inherit NC.PutSubstanceFn PutCardFn PutSubstanceFn NoteCardType))) (NC.QuitCardFn (LAMBDA (NoteCardType) (* fgh: "22-Oct-84 12:31") (* * Return the function that foreces a note card of NoteCardType to quit or stop) (NC.Inherit NC.QuitCardFn QuitCardFn QuitSubstanceFn NoteCardType))) (NC.UpdateLinkIconsFn (LAMBDA (NoteCardType) (* fgh: "24-Oct-84 18:36") (* * Return the function for updating the link icons in a card of NoteCardType) (NC.Inherit NC.UpdateLinkIconsFn UpdateLinkIconsInCardFn UpdateLinkIconsInSubstanceFn NoteCardType))) (NC.SubstanceDirtyPFn (LAMBDA (NoteCardType) (* fgh: "19-Oct-84 11:58") (* * Return the function that determines DirtyP for the substance of NoteCardType) (NC.Inherit NC.SubstanceDirtyPFn CardDirtyPFn SubstanceDirtyPFn NoteCardType))) (NC.SubstanceMarkDirtyFn (LAMBDA (NoteCardType) (* fgh: "12-Oct-84 23:12") (* * Return the function that marks a or unamrks card of NoteCardType dirty) (COND ((NC.TeditBasedP NoteCardType) (FUNCTION NC.MarkTextDirty)) ((NC.SketchBasedP NoteCardType) (FUNCTION NC.MarkSketchDirty)) ((NC.GrapherBasedP NoteCardType) (FUNCTION NC.MarkGraphDirty)) (T (NC.ReportError "NC.SubstanceMarkDirtyFn" (CONCAT NoteCardType ": Unknown note card type.")) )))) ) (DEFINEQ (NC.DefaultCardWidth (LAMBDA (ID) (* fgh: " 4-Feb-85 23:27") (* * Determine the default width for card ID from its CardType) (PROG ((Type (NC.FetchType ID))) (RETURN (NC.DefaultWidthFromType Type))))) (NC.DefaultCardHeight (LAMBDA (ID) (* fgh: " 4-Feb-85 23:28") (* * Determine the default height for card ID from its CardType) (PROG ((Type (NC.FetchType ID))) (RETURN (NC.DefaultHeightFromType Type))))) (NC.DefaultHeightFromType (LAMBDA (NoteCardType) (* fgh: " 4-Feb-85 22:48") (NC.Inherit NC.DefaultHeightFromType CardDefaultHeight SubstanceDefaultHeight NoteCardType))) (NC.DefaultWidthFromType (LAMBDA (NoteCardType) (* fgh: " 4-Feb-85 22:49") (NC.Inherit NC.DefaultWidthFromType CardDefaultWidth SubstanceDefaultWidth NoteCardType))) ) (DEFINEQ (NC.InsertLinkFn (LAMBDA (NoteCardType) (* fgh: "16-Feb-85 00:54") (* * Find the InsertLinkFn for NoteCardType) (NC.Inherit NC.InsertLinkFn InsertLinkInCardFn InsertLinkInSubstanceFn NoteCardType))) (NC.TranslateWindowPositionFn (LAMBDA (NoteCardType) (* fgh: "16-Feb-85 00:59") (* * Find the TrasnalteWindowPosition for NoteCardType) (NC.Inherit NC.TranslateWindowPositionFn TranslateWindowPositionToCardPositionFn TranslateWindowPositionToSubstancePositionFn NoteCardType))) ) (NC.MakeSubstanceTypesList) (NC.MakeCardTypesList) (PUTPROPS NCTYPESMECH COPYRIGHT ("Xerox Corporation" 1984 1985)) (DECLARE: DONTCOPY (FILEMAP (NIL (3814 15875 (NC.SubstanceCopyFn 3824 . 4141) (NC.MakeSubstanceTypesList 4143 . 4390) ( NC.MakeCardTypesList 4392 . 5191) (NC.MarkCardDirtyFn 5193 . 5486) (NC.AddSubstanceType 5488 . 8598) ( NC.AddCardType 8600 . 12087) (NC.ListOfCardTypes 12089 . 12609) (NC.CollectReferencesFn 12611 . 12934) (NC.DelReferencesFn 12936 . 13259) (NC.EditFn 13261 . 13533) (NC.GetSubstanceFn 13535 . 13830) ( NC.MakeCardFn 13832 . 14126) (NC.PutSubstanceFn 14128 . 14385) (NC.QuitCardFn 14387 . 14670) ( NC.UpdateLinkIconsFn 14672 . 14995) (NC.SubstanceDirtyPFn 14997 . 15298) (NC.SubstanceMarkDirtyFn 15300 . 15873)) (15876 16937 (NC.DefaultCardWidth 15886 . 16189) (NC.DefaultCardHeight 16191 . 16497) (NC.DefaultHeightFromType 16499 . 16718) (NC.DefaultWidthFromType 16720 . 16935)) (16938 17564 ( NC.InsertLinkFn 16948 . 17213) (NC.TranslateWindowPositionFn 17215 . 17562))))) STOP