changes to:  (FNS NCP.CreateBrowserCard)

      previous date: " 3-Jan-85 03:03:28" {PHYLUM}<NOTECARDS>RELEASE1.1>NCPROGINT.;10)

(* Copyright (c) 1984, 1985 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.)


(RPAQQ NCPROGINTCOMS ((* * Notefile creation and access)
	(FNS NCP.CreateNoteFile NCP.OpenNoteFile NCP.CloseNoteFile NCP.RepairNoteFile 
	     NCP.CompactNoteFile NCP.DeleteNoteFile NCP.FloppyRestoreNoteFile 
	     NCP.FloppyBackupNoteFile NCP.CurrentNoteFileStream NCP.CurrentNoteFile 
	     NCP.CheckInNoteFile NCP.CheckOutNoteFile NCP.LockFileName)
	(* * Creating and accessing NoteCard types and substances.)
	(FNS NCP.CardTypes NCP.SubstanceTypes NCP.CreateCardType NCP.CreateSubstanceType 
	     NCP.CardTypeSuper NCP.CardTypeSubstance NCP.CardTypeLinkDisplayMode NCP.CardTypeFn 
	     NCP.CardTypeInheritedFn NCP.SubstanceTypeFn NCP.ValidCardType NCP.ValidSubstanceType 
	     NCP.ValidCardTypeFn NCP.ValidSubstanceTypeFn NCP.CardTypeFns NCP.SubstanceTypeFns)
	(* * Creating Notecards and fileboxes)
	(FNS NCP.CreateCard NCP.CreateTextCard NCP.CreateFileBox NCP.CreateBrowserCard 
	     NCP.CreateSketchCard NCP.CreateGraphCard NCP.MakeDocument NCP.MakeLinkIndex)
	(* * Accessing cards and boxes)
	(FNS NCP.BringUpCard NCP.CardType NCP.ValidCard NCP.ActiveCardP NCP.ActivateCards 
	     NCP.DeactivateCards NCP.CardTitle NCP.FileCards NCP.UnfileCards NCP.CardParents 
	     NCP.FileBoxChildren NCP.GetLinks NCP.CardPropList NCP.CardProp NCP.CardAddProp 
	     NCP.CardDelProp NCP.CardSubstance NCP.CardRegion NCP.CardAddText NCP.ChangeLoc 
	     NCP.DeleteCards NCP.FileBoxP NCP.AllCards NCP.AllBoxes NCP.MapCards NCP.MapBoxes 
	     NCP.GetContentsFileBox NCP.GetOrphansFileBox NCP.GetToBeFiledFileBox)
	(* * Creating and accessing links)
	(FNS NCP.LocalGlobalLink NCP.GlobalGlobalLink NCP.GlobalLocalLink NCP.LocalLocalLink 
	     NCP.LinkDesc NCP.LinkDisplayMode NCP.LinkLabel NCP.GetLinkSource NCP.GetLinkDestination 
	     NCP.DeleteLinks NCP.ValidLink NCP.AllLinks NCP.MapLinks)
	(* * Creating and accessing link labels.)
	(FNS NCP.CreateLinkLabel NCP.DeleteLinkLabel NCP.RenameLinkLabel NCP.GetLinkLabels 
	     NCP.GetReverseLinkLabels NCP.GetUserLinkLabels NCP.ValidLinkLabel)
	(* * Miscellaneous)
	(FNS NCP.GetCardTypes NCP.TitleSearch NCP.PropSearch NCP.WhichCard NCP.CardFromWindow 
	     NCP.CardWindow NCP.SelectCards NCP.DocumentParameters NCP.NoteCardsParameters 
	     NCP.PrintMsg NCP.ClearMsg NCP.AskUser)
	(* * Handy internal functions)
	(FNS NCP.ReportError NCP.ReportWarning NCP.ValidID NCP.LinkAnchorDesc NCP.MaxIDNum 
	     NCP.GetTypeRecord NCP.GetSubstanceRecord NCP.AddTitleBarMenuItems)
	(* * Global variables.)
	(VARS (NCP.LinkDisplayModes (QUOTE (Icon Title Label Both)))
	      (NCP.TypeFnsAssocLst (QUOTE ((MakeCardFn . NC.MakeCardFn)
					   (EditCardFn . NC.EditFn)
					   (QuitCardFn . NC.QuitCardFn)
					   (GetCardFn . NC.GetSubstanceFn)
					   (PutCardFn . NC.PutSubstanceFn)
					   (CopyCardFn . NC.SubstanceCopyFn)
					   (MarkCardDirtyFn . NC.MarkCardDirtyFn)
					   (CardDirtyPFn . NC.SubstanceDirtyPFn)
					   (CollectLinksInCardFn . NC.CollectReferencesFn)
					   (DeleteLinksInCardFn . NC.DelReferencesFn)
					   (UpdateLinkIconsInCardFn . NC.UpdateLinkIconsFn))))
	      (NCP.NoteCardTypeFnsFieldNames (QUOTE (MakeCardFn EditCardFn QuitCardFn GetCardFn 
								PutCardFn CopyCardFn MarkCardDirtyFn 
								CardDirtyPFn CollectLinksInCardFn 
	      (NCP.SubstanceTypeFnsFieldNames (QUOTE (UpdateLinkIconsInSubstanceFn 
	(GLOBALVARS NCP.LinkDisplayModes NCP.TypeFnsAssocLst NCP.SubstanceTypeFnsFieldNames 
			   (LAMA NCP.ReportWarning NCP.ReportError NCP.PrintMsg NCP.PropSearch 
				 NCP.TitleSearch NCP.LinkLabel NCP.LinkDisplayMode NCP.CardProp 
(* * Notefile creation and access)


  (LAMBDA (FileName)                                         (* rht: "17-Oct-84 14:35")

          (* * Prog intface function for creating a notefile.)

    (PROG ((FileNameWithExt (NC.DatabaseFileName NIL NIL NIL NIL FileName)))
	    ((INFILEP FileNameWithExt)
	      (NCP.ReportError "Filename " FileNameWithExt " already exists.")
	      (RETURN NIL))
	    (T (NC.CreateDatabaseFile FileNameWithExt NIL NIL NIL)
	       (RETURN FileNameWithExt))))))

  (LAMBDA (FileName Don'tCreateFlg Convertw/oConfirmFlg)     (* rht: "30-Nov-84 17:22")

          (* * Prog's intface version of opening a notefile.)

    (PROG ((FileNameWithExt (NC.DatabaseFileName "Name of NoteFile to open:" " -- " T NIL FileName)))
          (AND FileNameWithExt (RETURN (NC.OpenDatabaseFile FileNameWithExt NIL NIL NIL 
							    Don'tCreateFlg Convertw/oConfirmFlg))))))

  (LAMBDA (NoteFileStream)                                   (* rht: "18-Oct-84 11:39")

          (* * Prog's intface function for closing a notefile.)

    (if (AND NoteFileStream (NEQ (NCP.CurrentNoteFileStream)
	then (NCP.ReportError "Argument Stream " NoteFileStream " is not the currently open stream.")
      else (NC.CloseDatabaseFile))))

  (LAMBDA (FileName)                                         (* rht: "18-Oct-84 11:42")

          (* * Prog's intface function for repairing a notefile.)

    (PROG ((FileNameWithExt (NC.DatabaseFileName "Name of NoteFile to repair: " " -- " T NIL FileName)
          (AND FileNameWithExt (RETURN (NC.ScavengeDatabaseFile FileNameWithExt))))))

  (LAMBDA (FileName)                                         (* rht: "18-Oct-84 11:44")

          (* * Prog's intface function for compacting a notefile.)

    (PROG ((FileNameWithExt (NC.DatabaseFileName "Name of NoteFile to be compacted: " " -- " T NIL 
          (AND FileNameWithExt (RETURN (NC.CompactDatabase FileNameWithExt))))))

  (LAMBDA (FileName)                                         (* rht: "18-Oct-84 11:45")

          (* * Prog's intface function for deleting a notefile.)

    (PROG ((FileNameWithExt (NC.DatabaseFileName "Name of Notefile to be deleted:" " -- " T NIL 
          (AND FileNameWithExt (RETURN (NC.DeleteDatabaseFile FileNameWithExt))))))

  (LAMBDA (FileName)                                         (* rht: "18-Oct-84 11:50")

          (* * Prog's intface function for restoring a notefile from floppy disk.)

    (PROG ((FileNameWithExt (NC.DatabaseFileName "Name of NoteFile to be copied from floppy: " " -- " 
						 T T FileName)))
          (AND FileNameWithExt (RETURN (NC.FloppyArchive FileNameWithExt T))))))

  (LAMBDA (FileName)                                         (* rht: "18-Oct-84 11:52")

          (* * Prog's intface function for backing up a notefile to floppy disk.)

    (PROG ((FileNameWithExt (NC.DatabaseFileName "Name of NoteFile to be copied to floppy: " " -- " T 
						 NIL FileName)))
          (AND FileNameWithExt (RETURN (NC.FloppyArchive FileNameWithExt NIL))))))

  (LAMBDA NIL                                                (* rht: " 7-Oct-84 13:58")

          (* * Returns the stream corresponding to the current notefile, or nil, if none.)


  (LAMBDA NIL                                                (* rht: " 7-Oct-84 13:59")

          (* * Returns the current notefile, or nil, if none.)

    (if PSA.Database
	then (FULLNAME PSA.Database))))

  (LAMBDA (FromFile ToFile)                                  (* rht: "19-Dec-84 20:22")

          (* * Check lock file for ToFile. If none, then just copy FromFile to ToFile. If there is one, then must be owned by 
	  us. If date of ToFile is more recent than date of lock file, then ask for user confirmation.)

    (PROG (LockFile User)
          (SETQ ToFile (NC.DatabaseFileName "Name of file to check in to: " "--" T T ToFile))
	    ((SETQ LockFile (INFILEP (NCP.LockFileName ToFile)))
                                                             (* lock file exists.)
		     0)                                      (* Lock file is empty so delete it.)
		  (DELFILE LockFile))
		      (SETQ User (READ (SETQ LockFile (OR (OPENP LockFile (QUOTE INPUT))
							  (OPENFILE LockFile (QUOTE INPUT)
								    (QUOTE OLD)))))))
                                                             (* someone else is playing with it.)
		  (PRIN1 (CONCAT "Can't check in because file was locked by " User " at "
				 (CHARACTER 13)
				 "To override, delete lock file and try again."
				 (CHARACTER 13)))
		  (CLOSEF LockFile)
                                                             (* Someone wrote the file since we locked it.)
		  (PRIN1 (CONCAT "Can't check in because file was locked by " User " at "
				 " but written by someone at "
				 (CHARACTER 13)
				 "To override, delete lock file and try again."
				 (CHARACTER 13)))
		(T                                           (* It's the lock file we wrote when checking out so 
							     just delete it.)
		   (CLOSEF LockFile)
		   (DELFILE LockFile)))))
          (SETQ FromFile (NC.DatabaseFileName "Name of file to check in from: " "--" T T FromFile))
          (PRIN1 (CONCAT "Copying " FromFile " to " ToFile " ... "))
          (COPYFILE FromFile ToFile)
          (PRIN1 (CONCAT "Done." (CHARACTER 13)))
          (RETURN (FULLNAME ToFile)))))

  (LAMBDA (FromFile ToFile)                                  (* rht: "19-Dec-84 20:12")

          (* * Copy FromFile to ToFile unless FromFile is locked. Create a lock file in FromFile's directory.)

    (PROG (LockFile User)
          (SETQ FromFile (NC.DatabaseFileName "Name of file to check out: " "--" T T FromFile))
      LP  (SETQ LockFile (NCP.LockFileName FromFile))
	    ((INFILEP LockFile)                              (* lock file already exists.)
		     0)                                      (* Lock file is empty. Delete and start over.)
		  (DELFILE LockFile)
		  (GO LP))
		(T                                           (* someone else already is playing with it.)
		   (SETQ LockFile (OR (OPENP LockFile (QUOTE INPUT))
				      (OPENFILE LockFile (QUOTE INPUT)
						(QUOTE OLD))))
		   (SETQ User (READ LockFile))
		   (PRIN1 (CONCAT "File is locked by: " User (CHARACTER 13)))
		   (CLOSEF LockFile)
		   (RETURN NIL))))
	    ((SETQ LockFile (OPENFILE LockFile (QUOTE OUTPUT)))
		  (CLOSEF LockFile))
		(T                                           (* someone else created one before us.
							     Delete this one and try again.)
		   (DELFILE (CLOSEF LockFile))
		   (GO LP))))
	    (T                                               (* something when wrong)
	       (PRIN1 (CONCAT "Trouble in NC.CheckOutNoteFile." (CHARACTER 13)))
	       (RETURN NIL)))
          (SETQ ToFile (NC.DatabaseFileName "Name of file to check out to: " "--" T T ToFile))
          (PRIN1 (CONCAT "Copying " FromFile " to " ToFile " ... "))
          (COPYFILE FromFile ToFile)
          (PRIN1 (CONCAT "Done." (CHARACTER 13)))
          (RETURN (FULLNAME ToFile)))))

  (LAMBDA (FileName)                                         (* rht: "19-Dec-84 12:09")
                                                             (* returns the name of the lock file associated with 
(* * Creating and accessing NoteCard types and substances.)


  (LAMBDA NIL                                                (* rht: "26-Oct-84 17:06")

          (* * Return list of all known card type names.)


  (LAMBDA NIL                                                (* rht: "26-Oct-84 17:08")

          (* * Return list of all known substance type names.)

    (for Substance in NC.SubstanceTypes collect (fetch (SubstanceType SubstanceName) of Substance))))

  (LAMBDA (TypeName SuperType SubstanceType MakeCardFn EditCardFn QuitCardFn GetCardFn PutCardFn 
		    CopyCardFn MarkCardDirtyFn CardDirtyPFn CollectLinksInCardFn DeleteLinksInCardFn 
		    UpdateLinkIconsInCardFn LinkDisplayMode)
                                                             (* rht: "29-Oct-84 00:25")

          (* * Make a new card type. If there is already a card type by that name, then print message and overwrite.)

    (if (FMEMB TypeName (NCP.GetCardTypes))
	then (NCP.ReportWarning "Redefining NoteCard type: " TypeName))
    (NC.AddCardType TypeName SuperType SubstanceType MakeCardFn EditCardFn QuitCardFn GetCardFn 
		    PutCardFn CopyCardFn MarkCardDirtyFn CardDirtyPFn CollectLinksInCardFn 
		    DeleteLinksInCardFn UpdateLinkIconsInCardFn LinkDisplayMode)

  (LAMBDA (SubstanceName CreateSubstanceFn EditSubstanceFn QuitSubstanceFn GetSubstanceFn 
			 PutSubstanceFn CopySubstanceFn MarkSubstanceDirtyFn SubstanceDirtyPFn 
			 CollectLinksInSubstanceFn DeleteLinksInSubstanceFn 
			 UpdateLinkIconsInSubstanceFn)       (* rht: "26-Oct-84 12:39")

          (* * Create a new substance type. If already exists, then print message and overwrite.)

    (if (FMEMB SubstanceName (NCP.GetSubstancesTypes))
	then (NCP.ReportWarning "Redefining substance type: " SubstanceName))
    (NC.AddSubstanceType SubstanceName CreateSubstanceFn EditSubstanceFn QuitSubstanceFn 
			 GetSubstanceFn PutSubstanceFn CopySubstanceFn MarkSubstanceDirtyFn 
			 SubstanceDirtyPFn CollectLinksInSubstanceFn DeleteLinksInSubstanceFn 

  (LAMBDA (Type)                                             (* rht: "26-Oct-84 17:36")

          (* * Return the super type for this type.)

    (if (NCP.ValidCardType Type)
	then (fetch (NoteCardType SuperType) of (NCP.GetTypeRecord Type))
      else (NCP.ReportError Type " is not an existing NoteCard type.")

  (LAMBDA (Type)                                             (* rht: "26-Oct-84 17:37")

          (* * Return the substance for this type.)

    (if (NCP.ValidCardType Type)
	then (fetch (NoteCardType SubstanceType) of (NCP.GetTypeRecord Type))
      else (NCP.ReportError Type " is not an existing NoteCard type.")

  (LAMBDA (Type)                                             (* rht: "26-Oct-84 17:37")

          (* * Return the link display mode for this type.)

    (if (NCP.ValidCardType Type)
	then (fetch (NoteCardType LinkDisplayMode) of (NCP.GetTypeRecord Type))
      else (NCP.ReportError Type " is not an existing NoteCard type.")

  (LAMBDA (TypeName Fn)                                      (* rht: "26-Oct-84 18:17")

          (* * Return the function stored as the Fn for TypeName's record.)

    (if (NCP.ValidCardType TypeName)
	then (if (NCP.ValidCardTypeFn Fn)
		 then (RECORDACCESS Fn (NCP.GetTypeRecord TypeName)
				    (QUOTE FETCH))
	       else (NCP.ReportError Fn " is not a kind of Fn for NoteCard types."))
      else (NCP.ReportError TypeName " is not an existing NoteCard type.")

  (LAMBDA (TypeName Fn)                                      (* rht: "26-Oct-84 18:03")

          (* * Return the function stored as the Fn for TypeName's record if non-nil. Otherwise, return the inherited one.)

    (if (NCP.ValidCardType TypeName)
	then (if (APPLY* (OR (CDR (FASSOC Fn NCP.TypeFnsAssocLst))
			     (QUOTE NILL))
	       else (NCP.ReportError Fn " is unknown kind of fn for NoteCardTypes")
      else (NCP.ReportError TypeName " is not an existing NoteCard type.")

  (LAMBDA (SubstanceName Fn)                                 (* rht: "26-Oct-84 18:07")

          (* * Return the function stored as the Fn for SubstanceName's record.)

    (if (NCP.ValidSubstanceType SubstanceName)
	then (RECORDACCESS Fn (NCP.GetSubstanceRecord SubstanceName)
			   (QUOTE FETCH))
      else (NCP.ReportError SubstanceName " is not an existing NoteCard substance type.")

  (LAMBDA (TypeName)                                         (* rht: "26-Oct-84 17:48")

          (* * Returns non-nil if this TypeName is an existing NoteCard type.)

    (AND (FMEMB TypeName (NC.ListOfCardTypes))

  (LAMBDA (SubstanceName)                                    (* rht: "26-Oct-84 17:50")

          (* * Returns non-nil if this SubstanceName is an existing NoteCard substance.)

    (AND (FMEMB SubstanceName (NCP.SubstanceTypes))

  (LAMBDA (CardTypeFn)                                       (* rht: "26-Oct-84 18:21")

          (* * Returns non-nil if CardTypeFn is one of the Fn fields of the NoteCardType record.)

    (AND (FMEMB CardTypeFn NCP.NoteCardTypeFnsFieldNames)

  (LAMBDA (SubstanceTypeFn)                                  (* rht: "26-Oct-84 18:22")

          (* * Returns non-nil if SubstanceTypeFn is one of the Fn fields of the SubstanceType record.)

    (AND (FMEMB SubstanceTypeFn NCP.SubstanceTypeFnsFieldNames)

  (LAMBDA NIL                                                (* rht: "26-Oct-84 18:25")

          (* * Returns list of the fns fields of the NoteCardType record.)


  (LAMBDA NIL                                                (* rht: "26-Oct-84 18:25")

          (* * Returns list of the fns fields of the SubstanceType record.)

(* * Creating Notecards and fileboxes)


  (LAMBDA (Type Title NoDisplayFlg Props ParentFileBoxes TypeSpecificArgs)
                                                             (* rht: "20-Nov-84 12:49")

          (* * Creates a new notecard with given type, title, props and parents. Any of those args can be nil.
	  Type being NIL will cause user to be asked. Makes a card with initially empty substance.)

          (* * rht 11/20/84: Had to add a horrible kluge: if creating a document card in which embedded links may be copied, 
	  then need to have document card visible on screen. This is because ID is currently unattainable from just the 
	  Textstream -
	  need to have a window. Until that is fixed, we temporarily bring up the document card while it's being filled in.)

    (PROG (IDOrWindow ID (DocKlugeFlg (AND (EQ Type (QUOTE Document))
          (if (AND Type (NOT (FMEMB Type (NC.ListOfCardTypes))))
	      then (NCP.ReportError "Unknown card type: " Type)
		   (RETURN NIL))
          (OR (SETQ IDOrWindow (NC.MakeNoteCard Type Title (if DocKlugeFlg
							       then NIL
							     else NoDisplayFlg)
	      (RETURN NIL))
          (SETQ ID (if (WINDOWP IDOrWindow)
		       then (NC.IDFromWindow IDOrWindow)
		     else IDOrWindow))
          (NC.MarkCardDirty ID)
          (if Props
	      then (NC.SetPropList ID Props)
		   (NC.SetPropListDirtyFlg ID T))
          (for Box in (MKLIST ParentFileBoxes) do (if (NCP.FileBoxP Box)
						      then (NCP.FileCards ID Box)
						    else (NCP.ReportError Box 
								      " not an existing filebox.")))
          (if DocKlugeFlg
	      then (NCP.DeactivateCards ID)
		   (NCP.ActivateCards ID))
          (RETURN ID))))

  (LAMBDA (Title NoDisplayFlg Props ParentFileBoxes)         (* rht: "30-Oct-84 16:40")

          (* * Creates a new TEXT notecard with given title, props and parents. Makes a card with initially empty textstream.)

    (NCP.CreateCard (QUOTE Text)
		    Title NoDisplayFlg Props ParentFileBoxes)))

  (LAMBDA (Title NoDisplayFlg Props ChildCardsBoxes ParentFileBoxes)
                                                             (* rht: " 2-Dec-84 16:58")

          (* * Creates a new Filebox with given title, props, children and parents. Does not display the card, but does give 
	  it an initial textstream)

    (PROG ((ID (NCP.CreateCard (QUOTE FileBox)
			       Title NoDisplayFlg Props ParentFileBoxes)))
          (NCP.FileCards ChildCardsBoxes ID)
          (RETURN ID))))

  (LAMBDA (Title RootID LinkLabels NoDisplayFlg Props ParentFileBoxes VerticalFlg)
                                                             (* rht: "11-Feb-85 23:40")

          (* * Creates a new browser notecard with given type, title, props, parents, starting ID and link labels.
	  LinkLabels can be atom or list and can contain litatoms ALL and/or ←ALL.)

    (PROG (ValidLinkLabels)
          (SETQ ValidLinkLabels (for Label in (MKLIST LinkLabels) join (COND
									 ((EQ Label (QUOTE ALL))
									 ((EQ Label (QUOTE ←ALL))
									 ((NOT (NCP.ValidLinkLabel
									   (NCP.ReportError Label 
								       " not a valid link label.")
									 (T (LIST Label)))))
          (SETQ ValidLinkLabels (INTERSECTION ValidLinkLabels ValidLinkLabels))
          (RETURN (if (AND LinkLabels (NULL ValidLinkLabels))
		      then NIL
		    else (NCP.CreateCard (QUOTE Browser)
					 Title NoDisplayFlg Props ParentFileBoxes
					 (LIST RootID ValidLinkLabels VerticalFlg)))))))

  (LAMBDA (Title NoDisplayFlg Props ParentFileBoxes)         (* rht: "30-Oct-84 16:41")

          (* * Creates a new SKETCH/MAP notecard with given title, props and parents.)

    (NCP.CreateCard (QUOTE Sketch)
		    Title NoDisplayFlg Props ParentFileBoxes)))

  (LAMBDA (Title NoDisplayFlg Props ParentFileBoxes)         (* rht: "30-Oct-84 16:42")

          (* * Creates a new GRAPH notecard with given title, props and parents.)

    (NCP.CreateCard (QUOTE Graph)
		    Title NoDisplayFlg Props ParentFileBoxes)))

  (LAMBDA (RootID ParamProps NoDisplayFlg Props ParentFileBoxes)
                                                             (* rht: "15-Nov-84 20:00")

          (* * Do a MakeDocument starting from RootID according to parameters in ParamProps if non-nil.
	  Otherwise use the default parameters. Note that ParamProps are *only* used for the duration of this MakeDocument and
	  do not affect the default parameter values.)

    (PROG (CurParams DocID WasActive)
          (if (NCP.ValidID RootID)
	      then (AND (NOT (SETQ WasActive (NCP.ActiveCardP RootID)))
			(NCP.ActivateCards RootID))
		   (if ParamProps
		       then (SETQ CurParams (NCP.DocumentParameters ParamProps)))
		   (SETQ DocID (NCP.CreateCard (QUOTE Document)
					       NIL NoDisplayFlg Props ParentFileBoxes RootID))
		   (if ParamProps
		       then (SETPROPLIST (QUOTE NC.MakeDocParameters)
		   (AND (NOT WasActive)
			(NCP.DeactivateCards RootID))
		   (RETURN DocID)
	    else (NCP.ReportError RootID " not a valid card or filebox.")
		 (RETURN NIL)))))

  (LAMBDA (LinkLabels BackPointersP NoDisplayFlg Props ParentFileBoxes)
                                                             (* rht: "15-Nov-84 19:57")

          (* * Do a MakeLinkIndex on LinkLabels inserting backpointers according to BackPointersP.)

    (PROG (ValidLinkLabels)
          (SETQ ValidLinkLabels (for Label in (MKLIST LinkLabels) join (COND
									 ((EQ Label (QUOTE ALL))
									 ((EQ Label (QUOTE ←ALL))
									 ((NOT (NCP.ValidLinkLabel
									   (NCP.ReportError Label 
								       " not a valid link label.")
									 (T (LIST Label)))))
          (SETQ ValidLinkLabels (INTERSECTION ValidLinkLabels ValidLinkLabels))
          (RETURN (if (AND LinkLabels (NULL ValidLinkLabels))
		      then NIL
		    else (NCP.CreateCard (QUOTE LinkIndex)
					 NIL NoDisplayFlg Props ParentFileBoxes (LIST ValidLinkLabels 
(* * Accessing cards and boxes)


  (LAMBDA (ID Region/Position)                               (* rht: "17-Oct-84 17:44")

          (* * Brings up a window for ID using Region/Position or asks user to place.)

    (PROG (Win (OldProc (TTY.PROCESS)))
          (if (NCP.ValidID ID)
	      then (SETQ Win (NC.EditNoteCard ID Region/Position))
	    else (NCP.ReportError ID " not an existing card or box."))
          (AND (PROCESSP OldProc)
	       (TTY.PROCESS OldProc))
          (RETURN Win))))

  (LAMBDA (ID)                                               (* rht: "18-Oct-84 12:36")

          (* * Return the type of ID or NIL if no such ID.)

    (AND (NCP.ValidID ID)
	 (NC.RetrieveType ID PSA.Database))))

  (LAMBDA (ID)                                               (* rht: "25-Oct-84 16:19")

          (* * Non-nil if ID corresponds to extant card in current notefile. Returns type of card or nil.)

    (NCP.CardType ID)))

  (LAMBDA (ID)                                               (* rht: " 3-Oct-84 12:16")

          (* * Returns non-nil if contents of ID are currently cached.)

    (NC.ActiveCardP ID)))

  (LAMBDA (IDs)                                              (* rht: "15-Nov-84 11:30")

          (* * Cache all the info for any inactive cards in IDs.)

    (for ID in (MKLIST IDs) unless (if (NOT (NCP.ValidID ID))
				       then (NCP.ReportError ID " not an existing card or filebox.")
       do (if (NOT (NCP.ActiveCardP ID))
	      then (NC.GetNoteCard ID PSA.Database))
       finally (RETURN ID))))

  (LAMBDA (IDs)                                              (* rht: "15-Nov-84 11:42")

          (* * Uncache all the info for any active cards in IDs.)

    (for ID in (MKLIST IDs) bind Win (OldProc ←(TTY.PROCESS)) unless (COND
								       ((NOT (NCP.ValidID ID))
									 (NCP.ReportError ID 
							      " not an existing card or filebox.")
       do (if (NCP.ActiveCardP ID)
	      then (SETQ Win (NC.FetchWindow ID))
		   (NC.QuitCard ID T)
		   (AND Win (while (OPENWP Win) do (BLOCK))))
       finally (AND (PROCESSP OldProc)
		    (TTY.PROCESS OldProc))
	       (RETURN ID))))

  (LAMBDA Args                                               (* rht: "16-Oct-84 14:59")

          (* * Expects one or two args, the ID and an optional new title. If the latter is present then change the title of 
	  ID. In any case, return the old title.)

    (PROG (ID OldTitle)
          (if (AND (NEQ Args 1)
		   (NEQ Args 2))
	      then (NCP.ReportError "Improper number of arguments to NCP.CardBoxTitle.")
		   (RETURN NIL))
          (if (NCP.ValidID (SETQ ID (ARG Args 1)))
	      then (SETQ OldTitle (NC.RetrieveTitle ID PSA.Database))
		   (if (EQ Args 2)
		       then (NC.AssignTitle ID NIL (ARG Args 2)))
		   (RETURN OldTitle)
	    else (NCP.ReportError ID " not an existing card or box.")
		 (RETURN NIL)))))

  (LAMBDA (CardBoxList BoxList)                              (* rht: "29-Oct-84 01:33")

          (* * File every card or box in CardBoxList in every box in BoxList. Either arg can be an atom or list.
	  Check for cycles.)

    (SETQ CardBoxList (for ID in (MKLIST CardBoxList) unless (if (NOT (NCP.ValidID ID))
								 then (NCP.ReportError ID 
						     " not an existing card or box.  Can't file.")
			 collect ID))
    (SETQ BoxList (for ID in (MKLIST BoxList) unless (if (NOT (NCP.FileBoxP ID))
							 then (NCP.ReportError ID 
						" not an existing filebox.  Can't be filed into.")
		     collect ID))
    (if (AND BoxList CardBoxList)
	then (for Box in BoxList when (NC.FileBoxCollectChildren NIL Box CardBoxList T) collect
      else NIL)))

  (LAMBDA (CardBoxList BoxList)                              (* rht: "18-Oct-84 12:33")

          (* * Unfile every card or box in CardBoxList from every box in BoxList. Either arg can be a litatom ID.
	  Either can also be the litatom ALL. If CardBoxList is ALL then clear out all children from every element of BoxList.
	  If BoxList is ALL then unlink all parents of every element of CardBoxList.)

    (if (NEQ CardBoxList (QUOTE ALL))
	then (SETQ CardBoxList (for ID in (MKLIST CardBoxList) unless (if (NOT (NCP.ValidID ID))
									  then (NCP.ReportError
						   " not an existing card or box.  Can't unfile.")
				  collect ID)))
    (if (NEQ BoxList (QUOTE ALL))
	then (SETQ BoxList (for ID in (MKLIST BoxList) unless (if (NOT (NCP.FileBoxP ID))
								  then (NCP.ReportError ID 
								      " not an existing filebox.")
			      collect ID)))
    (if (NEQ CardBoxList (QUOTE ALL))
	then (if (EQ BoxList (QUOTE ALL))
		 then                                        (* Unfile every element of CardBoxList from all its 
		      (for ID in CardBoxList do (NCP.DeleteLinks (NCP.GetLinks NIL ID
	       else                                          (* Unfile every element of CardBoxList from a selection
							     of its parents.)
		    (for ID in CardBoxList do (for Box in BoxList
						 do (NCP.DeleteLinks (NCP.GetLinks Box ID
      else (if (EQ BoxList (QUOTE ALL))
	       then (SETQ BoxList (NCP.AllBoxes)))
	   (for Box in BoxList do (NCP.DeleteLinks (NCP.GetLinks Box NIL (LIST NC.FiledCardLinkLabel 
    (AND CardBoxList BoxList)))

  (LAMBDA (ID)                                               (* rht: "13-Oct-84 15:45")

          (* * Return the list of fileboxes in which ID has been filed.)

    (if (NCP.ValidID ID)
	then (for Link in (NCP.GetLinks NIL ID (LIST NC.FiledCardLinkLabel NC.SubBoxLinkLabel))
		collect (fetch (NOTECARDLINK SOURCEID) of Link))
      else (NCP.ReportError ID " is not an existing card or filebox."))))

  (LAMBDA (BoxID)                                            (* rht: "13-Oct-84 15:45")

          (* * Return the list of children of BoxID in proper order.)

    (if (NCP.FileBoxP BoxID)
	then (for Link in (NCP.GetLinks BoxID NIL (LIST NC.FiledCardLinkLabel NC.SubBoxLinkLabel))
		collect (fetch (NOTECARDLINK DESTINATIONID) of Link))
      else (NCP.ReportError BoxID " is not an existing filebox."))))

  (LAMBDA (IDs DestinationIDs Labels)                        (* rht: "29-Oct-84 02:47")

          (* * Returns a list of all links from IDs to DestinationIDs whose link label is one of Labels.
	  Labels can be nil, in which case all such links are returned. IDs and DestinationIDs can each be atomic.
	  Each can also be nil. For example, if DestinationIDs is nil, then all links pointing from IDs to anywhere with given
	  labels are returned. Note that if both IDs and DestinationIDs are nil, then will return all links whose label is one
	  of Labels. If all three args are nil, then return all links in the current notefile.)

    (PROG (ValidIDs ValidDestinationIDs)
          (SETQ Labels (MKLIST Labels))
          (SETQ ValidIDs (for ID in (MKLIST IDs) unless (if (NOT (NCP.ValidID ID))
							    then (NCP.ReportError ID 
								  " not an existing card or box.")
			    collect ID))
          (SETQ ValidDestinationIDs (for ID in (MKLIST DestinationIDs)
				       unless (if (NOT (NCP.ValidID ID))
						  then (NCP.ReportError ID 
								  " not an existing card or box.")
				       collect ID))
          (if IDs
	      then (RETURN (for ID in ValidIDs join (for Link in (NC.RetrieveToLinks ID PSA.Database)
						       when (if DestinationIDs
								then (FMEMB (fetch (NOTECARDLINK
									       of Link)
							      else T)
						       when (if Labels
								then (FMEMB (fetch (NOTECARDLINK
									       of Link)
							      else T)
						       collect Link))))
          (if DestinationIDs
	      then (RETURN (for ID in ValidDestinationIDs
			      join (for Link in (NC.RetrieveFromLinks ID PSA.Database)
				      when (if Labels
					       then (FMEMB (fetch (NOTECARDLINK LINKLABEL)
							      of Link)
					     else T)
				      collect Link))))
          (RETURN (for ID# from 1 to (NCP.MaxIDNum) bind ID when (NCP.ValidID (SETQ ID (
		     join (for Link in (NC.RetrieveToLinks ID PSA.Database)
			     when (if Labels
				      then (FMEMB (fetch (NOTECARDLINK LINKLABEL) of Link)
				    else T)
			     collect Link))))))

  (LAMBDA (ID)                                               (* rht: "30-Sep-84 14:44")

          (* * Return the ID's property list)

    (NC.RetrievePropList ID PSA.Database)))

  (LAMBDA Args                                               (* rht: "29-Oct-84 16:49")

          (* * Expects two or three arguments: ID, Property, and optional new value. Returns the old value.
	  Assigns the new value if given. Semantics are just like WINDOWPROP.)

    (PROG (ID PropList)
          (if (AND (NEQ Args 2)
		   (NEQ Args 3))
	      then (NCP.ReportError "Improper number of args to NCP.CardBoxProp.")
		   (RETURN NIL))
          (SETQ ID (ARG Args 1))
          (if (NCP.ValidID ID)
	      then (RETURN (PROG1 (LISTGET (SETQ PropList (NC.RetrievePropList ID PSA.Database))
					   (ARG Args 2))
				  (if (EQ Args 3)
				      then (if PropList
					       then (LISTPUT PropList (ARG Args 2)
							     (ARG Args 3))
					     else (NC.SetPropList ID (LIST (ARG Args 2)
									   (ARG Args 3))))
					   (if (NOT (NCP.ActiveCardP ID))
					       then (NC.PutPropList ID PSA.Database)
					     else (NC.SetPropListDirtyFlg ID T)))))
	    else (NCP.ReportError ID " not an existing card or box.")
		 (RETURN NIL)))))

  (LAMBDA (ID Property ItemToAdd)                            (* rht: "29-Oct-84 16:51")

          (* * Adds ItemToAdd to the value of ID's Property property. Returns the old value. Same semantics as WINDOWADDPROP.)

    (PROG (PropList OldPropValue)
          (if (NCP.ValidID ID)
	      then (SETQ PropList (NC.RetrievePropList ID PSA.Database))
		   (SETQ OldPropValue (LISTGET PropList Property))
		   (if (NOT (FMEMB ItemToAdd (MKLIST OldPropValue)))
		       then (LISTPUT PropList Property (APPEND (MKLIST OldPropValue)
							       (LIST ItemToAdd)))
			    (if (NOT (NCP.ActiveCardP ID))
				then (NC.PutPropList ID PSA.Database)
			      else (NC.SetPropListDirtyFlg ID T)))
		   (RETURN OldPropValue)
	    else (NCP.ReportError ID " not an existing card or box.")
		 (RETURN NIL)))))

  (LAMBDA (ID Property ItemToDelete)                         (* rht: "29-Oct-84 16:50")

          (* * Deletes ItemToDelete from the Property prop of ID if it is there, returning the previous list.
	  If it's not there, then return NIL. Same semantics as WINDOWDELPROP.)

    (PROG (PropList OldPropValue)
          (if (NCP.ValidID ID)
	      then (SETQ PropList (NC.RetrievePropList ID PSA.Database))
		   (SETQ OldPropValue (LISTGET PropList Property))
			     ((NLISTP OldPropValue)
			     ((FMEMB ItemToDelete OldPropValue)
			       (LISTPUT PropList Property (for Item in OldPropValue
							     unless (EQ Item ItemToDelete)
							     collect Item))
			       (if (NOT (NCP.ActiveCardP ID))
				   then (NC.PutPropList ID PSA.Database)
				 else (NC.SetPropListDirtyFlg ID T))
			     (T NIL)))
	    else (NCP.ReportError ID " not an existing card or box.")
		 (RETURN NIL)))))

  (LAMBDA (ID)                                               (* rht: "30-Oct-84 14:46")

          (* * Return the substance for this card.)

    (if (NCP.ValidID ID)
	then (PROG (WasActive)
	           (OR (SETQ WasActive (NCP.ActiveCardP ID))
		       (NCP.ActivateCards ID))
	           (RETURN (PROG1 (NC.FetchSubstance ID)
				  (OR WasActive (NCP.DeactivateCards ID)))))
      else (NCP.ReportError ID " not an existing card.")

  (LAMBDA (ID)                                               (* rht: "31-Oct-84 03:24")

          (* * Return the substance for this card.)

    (if (NCP.ValidID ID)
	then (PROG (WasActive)
	           (OR (SETQ WasActive (NCP.ActiveCardP ID))
		       (NCP.ActivateCards ID))
	           (RETURN (PROG1 (NC.FetchRegion ID)
				  (OR WasActive (NCP.DeactivateCards ID)))))
      else (NCP.ReportError ID " not an existing card.")

  (LAMBDA (ID Text Loc)                                      (* rht: "28-Oct-84 15:53")

          (* * Adds the Text to ID's window at the given Loc. Loc defaults to the current cursor position.)

    (PROG (WasActiveP)
          (if (NOT (NCP.ValidID ID))
	      then (NCP.ReportError ID " is not an existing card or filebox.")
		   (RETURN NIL))
          (if (NOT (EQ (NCP.CardTypeSubstance (NCP.CardType ID))
		       (QUOTE TEXT)))
	      then (NCP.ReportError "Can only add text to cards with TEXT substance type.")
		   (RETURN NIL))
          (if (NOT (SETQ WasActiveP (NCP.ActiveCardP ID)))
	      then (NCP.ActivateCards ID))
          (NCP.ChangeLoc ID Loc)
          (TEDIT.INSERT (NC.FetchSubstance ID)
          (NC.MarkCardDirty ID)
          (if (NOT WasActiveP)
	      then (NCP.DeactivateCards ID))
          (RETURN ID))))

  (LAMBDA (ID Loc)                                           (* rht: "29-Oct-84 02:01")

          (* * Changes the location within ID's textstream to the new loc Loc. Loc can be the litatoms START or END, a number,
	  or nil. The latter indicates to use the current cursor position. Note that we don't mark card as dirty just because 
	  its selection changed.)

    (PROG (Stream (Pointer (QUOTE RIGHT)))
          (if (AND (NCP.ValidID ID)
		   (EQ (NCP.CardTypeSubstance (NCP.CardType ID))
		       (QUOTE TEXT)))
	      then (if (NOT (NCP.ActiveCardP ID))
		       then (NCP.ActivateCards ID))
		   (SETQ Stream (NC.FetchSubstance ID))
		   (if (NULL Loc)
		       then (RETURN ID))
		   (if (EQ Loc (QUOTE START))
		       then (SETQ Loc 0))
		   (if (EQ Loc (QUOTE END))
		       then (SETQ Loc (fetch (TEXTOBJ TEXTLEN) of (TEXTOBJ Stream))))
		   (if (ZEROP Loc)
		       then (SETQ Pointer (QUOTE LEFT)))
		   (TEDIT.SETSEL Stream Loc 0 Pointer)
		   (RETURN ID)
	    else (NCP.ReportError ID " not an existing card or non-TEXT substance type.")
		 (RETURN NIL)))))

  (LAMBDA (IDs)                                              (* rht: "16-Nov-84 12:09")

          (* * Delete the given cards and boxes. Or just one, if IDs is atomic.)

    (SETQ IDs (for ID in (MKLIST IDs) unless (if (NOT (NCP.ValidID ID))
						 then (NCP.ReportError ID 
							       " is not an existing card or box.")
		 collect ID))
    (AND IDs (NC.DeleteNoteCards IDs T))))

  (LAMBDA (ID)                                               (* rht: "25-Oct-84 16:29")

          (* * Return T if ID is a Filebox.)

    (EQ (NCP.CardType ID)
	(QUOTE FileBox))))

  (LAMBDA NIL                                                (* rht: "17-Oct-84 11:28")

          (* * Return a list of IDs of all cards and boxes.)

    (for ID# from 1 to (NCP.MaxIDNum) bind ID when (NCP.ValidID (SETQ ID (NC.IDFromNumber ID#)))
       collect ID)))

  (LAMBDA NIL                                                (* rht: "25-Oct-84 16:29")

          (* * Return a list of all existing fileboxes.)

    (for ID# from 1 to (NCP.MaxIDNum) bind ID when (NCP.ValidID (SETQ ID (NC.IDFromNumber ID#)))
       when (EQ (NCP.CardType ID)
		(QUOTE FileBox))
       collect ID)))

  (LAMBDA (CardFn)                                           (* rht: "29-Oct-84 02:08")

          (* * Map down all notecards (including fileboxes) in the current notefile, performing CardFn to each.)

    (for ID# from 1 to (NCP.MaxIDNum) bind ID when (NCP.ValidID (SETQ ID (NC.IDFromNumber ID#)))
       do (APPLY* CardFn ID))))

  (LAMBDA (BoxFn)                                            (* rht: "29-Oct-84 02:09")

          (* * Map down all fileboxes in the current notefile, performing BoxFn to each.)

    (for ID# from 1 to (NCP.MaxIDNum) bind ID when (AND (NCP.ValidID (SETQ ID (NC.IDFromNumber ID#)))
							(NCP.FileBoxP ID))
       do (APPLY* BoxFn ID))))

  (LAMBDA NIL                                                (* rht: "19-Sep-84 22:09")

          (* * Return the top level contents file box.)


  (LAMBDA NIL                                                (* rht: "19-Sep-84 22:10")

          (* * Return the orphans file box.)


  (LAMBDA NIL                                                (* rht: "19-Sep-84 22:11")

          (* * Return the to-be-filed file box.)

(* * Creating and accessing links)


  (LAMBDA (Label FromID ToID FromLoc DisplayMode)            (* rht: "30-Nov-84 17:25")

          (* * Create a link from within the text of the FromID card to the ToID card.)

    (PROG (WasActive)
          (if (EQ Label NC.FiledCardLinkLabel)
	      then (if (AND (NOT (NCP.FileBoxP ToID))
			    (NCP.FileBoxP FromID))
		       then (NCP.ChangeLoc FromID FromLoc)
			    (RETURN (CAR (NCP.FileCards ToID FromID)))
		     else (NCP.ReportError "FiledCard link must be from a box to a card."
					   (CHARACTER 13)
					   "No link created.")
			  (RETURN NIL)))
          (if (EQ Label NC.SubBoxLinkLabel)
	      then (if (AND (NCP.FileBoxP ToID)
			    (NCP.FileBoxP FromID))
		       then (NCP.ChangeLoc FromID FromLoc)
			    (RETURN (CAR (NCP.FileCards ToID FromID)))
		     else (NCP.ReportError "SubBox link must be from a box to a box." (CHARACTER
					   "No link created.")
			  (RETURN NIL)))
          (if (NOT (FMEMB Label (NCP.GetLinkLabels)))
	      then (if (NC.YesP (NC.AskUser (CONCAT "That label hasn't been used in this NoteFile."
						    (CHARACTER 13)
						    "Want to create a new label: " Label "? ")
					    "--" NIL T))
		       then (NCP.CreateLinkLabel Label)
		     else (RETURN NIL)))
          (OR (SETQ WasActive (NCP.ActiveCardP FromID))
	      (NCP.ActivateCards FromID))
          (AND FromLoc (NCP.ChangeLoc FromID FromLoc))
          (RETURN (PROG1 (NC.InsertLinkInText (NC.FetchSubstance FromID)
					      Label ToID FromID DisplayMode)
			 (OR WasActive (NCP.DeactivateCards FromID)))))))

  (LAMBDA (Label FromID ToID)                                (* rht: " 3-Oct-84 11:28")

          (* * This builds a global link of type Label between FromID and ToID. Complains if link type is system-defined with 
	  restricted semantics. If Label is brand new, then asks if user wants to create a new label by that name.)

    (PROG ((LinkLabels (NCP.GetUserLinkLabels))
	   (DatabaseStream PSA.Database))
	    ((OR (EQ Label NC.SourceLinkLabel)
		 (FMEMB Label LinkLabels)))
	    ((FMEMB (U-CASE Label)
	      (NCP.ReportError "Can't make a global-to-global link of type " Label ".")
	      (RETURN NIL))
	    ((NC.YesP (NC.AskUser (CONCAT "That label hasn't been used in this NoteFile."
					  (CHARACTER 13)
					  "Want to create a new label: " Label "? ")
				  "--" NIL T))
	      (NCP.CreateLinkLabel Label))
	    (T (RETURN NIL)))

          (* * Label type is okay so create the link.)

          (RETURN (NC.MakeGlobalLink NIL Label ToID FromID)))))

  (LAMBDA (Label FromID ToID ToLoc)                          (* rht: " 6-Sep-84 15:01")

          (* * Builds a link from the FromID card as a whole to within the text of the ToID card.)

    (NCP.ReportError "Sorry, can't make global to local links yet.")))

  (LAMBDA (Label FromID ToID FromLoc ToLoc)                  (* rht: " 6-Sep-84 15:02")

          (* * Builds a link from within the text of the FromID card to within the text of the ToID card.)

    (NCP.ReportError "Sorry, can't make local to local links yet.")))

  (LAMBDA (Link)                                             (* rht: " 8-Oct-84 10:42")

          (* * Return a list structure which describes Link. It consists of (label <fromdesc> <todesc>) where <fromdesc> and 
	  <todesc> describe the anchoring of the link at each end. They each have the form: (<anchormode> <ID> <loc>))

    (if (NCP.ValidLink Link)
	then (LIST (fetch (NOTECARDLINK LINKLABEL) of Link)
		   (NCP.LinkAnchorDesc Link NIL)
		   (NCP.LinkAnchorDesc Link T))
      else (NCP.ReportError "No such link: " Link))))

  (LAMBDA Args                                               (* rht: "16-Oct-84 11:25")

          (* * Takes either 1 or 2 args. The first is a link, the second an optional new link display mode.
	  Return old display mode in any case; change mode if the second arg is present.)

    (PROG (Link NewMode WasActive SourceID)
          (if (AND (NEQ Args 1)
		   (NEQ Args 2))
	      then (NCP.ReportError "Improper number of args to NCP.LinkDisplayMode.")
		   (RETURN NIL))
          (if (NCP.ValidLink (SETQ Link (ARG Args 1)))
				  (if (EQ Args 2)
				      then (SETQ NewMode (ARG Args 2))
					   (if (NOT (FMEMB NewMode NCP.LinkDisplayModes))
					       then (NCP.ReportError NewMode 
		  " is invalid link display mode.  Should be one of Icon, Title, Label, or Both.")
					     else (OR (SETQ WasActive (NCP.ActiveCardP
							  (SETQ SourceID (fetch (NOTECARDLINK 
									    of Link))))
						      (NCP.ActivateCards SourceID))
						  (NC.ChangeLinkDisplayMode Link NIL NewMode)
						  (OR WasActive (NCP.DeactivateCards SourceID))))))
	    else (NCP.ReportError Link " is not a valid link.")
		 (RETURN NIL)))))

  (LAMBDA Args                                               (* rht: " 1-Nov-84 15:23")

          (* * Takes either 1 or 2 args. The first is a link, the second an optional new label. Return old label in any case;
	  change label if the second arg is present.)

    (PROG (Link NewLabel)
          (if (AND (NEQ Args 1)
		   (NEQ Args 2))
	      then (NCP.ReportError "Improper number of args to NCP.LinkLabel.")
		   (RETURN NIL))
          (if (NCP.ValidLink (SETQ Link (ARG Args 1)))
				  (if (EQ Args 2)
				      then (COND
					     ((FMEMB (SETQ NewLabel (ARG Args 2))
							 "Can't change label to a system label: "
					     ((OR (FMEMB NewLabel (NCP.GetLinkLabels))
						  (AND (NC.YesP (NC.AskUser (CONCAT 
						  "That label hasn't been used in this NoteFile."
										    (CHARACTER 13)
								   "Want to create a new label: "
										    NewLabel "? ")
									    "--" NIL T))
						       (NCP.CreateLinkLabel NewLabel)))
					       (NC.RelabelLink Link NIL NewLabel T))))))
	    else (NCP.ReportError Link " is not a valid link.")
		 (RETURN NIL)))))

  (LAMBDA (Link)                                             (* rht: " 1-Nov-84 12:40")

          (* * Return the SOURCEID of Link.)

    (if (NCP.ValidLink Link)
	then (fetch (NOTECARDLINK SOURCEID) of Link)
      else (NCP.ReportError Link " not an existing link."))))

  (LAMBDA (Link)                                             (* rht: " 1-Nov-84 12:40")

          (* * Return the DESTINATIONID of Link.)

    (if (NCP.ValidLink Link)
      else (NCP.ReportError Link " not an existing link."))))

  (LAMBDA (Links)                                            (* rht: " 1-Nov-84 12:37")

          (* * Delete each link in Links. If Links is one link, then just delete that one.)

    (for Link in (if (type? NOTECARDLINK Links)
		     then (LIST Links)
		   else Links)
       unless (if (NOT (NCP.ValidLink Link))
		  then (NCP.ReportError "No such link: " Link)
       do (NC.DelReferencesToCard (fetch (NOTECARDLINK SOURCEID) of Link)
				  Link PSA.Database)
	  (NC.DelFromLink Link PSA.Database)
	  (NC.DelToLink Link PSA.Database)
	  (replace (NOTECARDLINK LINKID) of Link with -1))))

  (LAMBDA (Link)                                             (* rht: " 1-Nov-84 12:29")

          (* * True if Link is an extant link in current database.)

    (AND (type? NOTECARDLINK Link)
	 (NEQ (fetch (NOTECARDLINK LINKID) of Link)

  (LAMBDA NIL                                                (* rht: "17-Oct-84 16:10")

          (* * Return a list of all links in the current database.)

    (for ID# from 1 to (NCP.MaxIDNum) join (NC.RetrieveToLinks (NC.IDFromNumber ID#)

  (LAMBDA (LinkFn)                                           (* rht: "29-Oct-84 15:52")

          (* * Map down all links in the current notefile, performing LinkFn to each.)

    (for ID# from 1 to (NCP.MaxIDNum) bind ID when (NCP.ValidID (SETQ ID (NC.IDFromNumber ID#)))
       do (for Link in (NC.RetrieveToLinks ID PSA.Database) do (APPLY* LinkFn Link)))))
(* * Creating and accessing link labels.)


  (LAMBDA (Label)                                            (* rht: "29-Oct-84 15:48")

          (* * Create a new link label unless already defined.)

    (if (FMEMB Label (NCP.GetLinkLabels))
	then (NCP.ReportError "Link label already defined: " Label ".")
      else (NC.PutLinkLabels PSA.Database (CONS Label (NCP.GetUserLinkLabels)))

  (LAMBDA (Label)                                            (* rht: "29-Oct-84 15:48")

          (* * Checks for any instance of Label in the current database. If can't find any then delete the link label, 
	  otherwise error out.)

      ((NOT (FMEMB Label (NCP.GetLinkLabels)))
	(NCP.ReportError "No such link label: " Label ".")
      ((FMEMB Label NC.SystemLinkLabels)
	(NCP.ReportError "Can't delete system link label: " Label ".")
      ((for Link in (NCP.AllLinks) thereis (EQ Label (fetch LINKLABEL of Link)))
	(NCP.ReportError "Label currently in use: " Label ". Can't delete.")
      (T (NC.PutLinkLabels PSA.Database (REMOVE Label (NCP.GetUserLinkLabels)))

  (LAMBDA (OldLabel NewLabel)                                (* rht: "29-Oct-84 15:49")

          (* * Renames all instances of links with OldLabel to be NewLabel. And deletes the old label OldLabel.
	  If NewLabel doesn't exist, create it.)

    (DECLARE (SPECVARS OldLabel NewLabel))
    (PROG ((Labels (NCP.GetLinkLabels)))
          (RETURN (COND
		    ((NOT (FMEMB OldLabel Labels))
		      (NCP.ReportError "No such link label: " OldLabel ".")
		    ((FMEMB OldLabel NC.SystemLinkLabels)
		      (NCP.ReportError "Can't rename system link label: " OldLabel ".")
		    ((FMEMB NewLabel NC.SystemLinkLabels)
		      (NCP.ReportError "Can't rename with a system link label: " NewLabel ".")
		    (T (if (NOT (FMEMB NewLabel Labels))
			   then (NCP.CreateLinkLabel NewLabel))
                                                             (* Map down all links, relabeling as appropriate.)
		       (NCP.MapLinks (FUNCTION (LAMBDA (Link)
					 (if (EQ OldLabel (fetch (NOTECARDLINK LINKLABEL)
							     of Link))
					     then (NCP.LinkLabel Link NewLabel)))))
		       (NC.PutLinkLabels PSA.Database (REMOVE OldLabel (NCP.GetUserLinkLabels)))

  (LAMBDA NIL                                                (* rht: "24-Oct-84 23:57")

          (* * Return all link labels including system ones.)

    (NC.RetrieveLinkLabels PSA.Database T)))

  (LAMBDA NIL                                                (* rht: "24-Oct-84 23:56")

          (* * Return all reverse link labels including system ones.)

    (for Lab in (NC.RetrieveLinkLabels PSA.Database T) collect (PACK* (QUOTE ←)

  (LAMBDA NIL                                                (* rht: " 6-Sep-84 15:25")

          (* * Return list of only the user defined link labels appearing in the current notefile.)

    (NC.RetrieveLinkLabels PSA.Database NIL)))

  (LAMBDA (Label)                                            (* rht: " 1-Oct-84 14:57")

          (* * True if Label is a currently defined user or system link label.)

    (FMEMB Label (NCP.GetLinkLabels))))
(* * Miscellaneous)


  (LAMBDA NIL                                                (* rht: "25-Oct-84 16:15")

          (* * Return list of all extant notecard types.)


  (LAMBDA Args                                               (* rht: "25-Oct-84 16:31")

          (* * Return a list of all IDs which contain each string of Args within their titles.)

    (for ID in (NCP.AllCards) bind Title when (PROGN (SETQ Title (NCP.CardTitle ID))
						     (for i from 1 to Args
							always (STRPOS (ARG Args i)
       collect ID)))

  (LAMBDA Args                                               (* rht: "30-Oct-84 14:39")

          (* * Return a list of all IDs which contain each property or property pair appearing in Args.
	  For each atomic element in Args, there must be a property by that name with non-nil value. For each pair 
	  (list of length 2) in Args, there must be a property and value matching that pair.)

    (for ID in (NCP.AllCards) bind PropList when (PROGN (SETQ PropList (NCP.CardPropList ID))
							(for i from 1 to Args
							   always (if (ATOM (SETQ Prop
									      (ARG Args i)))
								      then (LISTGET PropList Prop)
								     (AND (LISTP Prop)
									  (EQ (LENGTH Prop)
								       (EQ (LISTGET PropList
										    (CAR Prop))
									   (CADR Prop)))))
       collect ID)))

  (LAMBDA (WindowOrx y)                                      (* rht: "26-Nov-84 13:03")

          (* * Return the ID of the card at a position determined as follows: If WindowOrx is a position, then use that, if 
	  WindowOrx and y are numbers then use (WindowOrx,y), else use cursor position.)

    (NC.IDFromWindow (OR (WINDOWP WindowOrx)
			 (WHICHW WindowOrx y)))))

  (LAMBDA (Win)                                              (* rht: "31-Oct-84 03:31")

          (* * Return the ID of the card corresponding to Win, if Win is a notecard window.)

    (NC.IDFromWindow Win)))

  (LAMBDA (ID)                                               (* rht: "19-Oct-84 15:56")

          (* * Returns T if card corresponding to ID is currently on the screen, i.e. has an active window.)

    (AND (NCP.ValidID ID)
	 (NC.FetchWindow ID))))

  (LAMBDA NIL                                                (* rht: "28-Oct-84 23:42")

          (* * Return a list of cards selected. A menu pops up near the prompt window with "DONE" and "CANCEL" buttons.
	  User selects by clicking in card's title bar.)

    (NC.SelectNoteCards NIL NIL NC.SelectingCardsMenu)))

  (LAMBDA (NewProps)                                         (* rht: "28-Oct-84 22:17")

          (* * Returns the old value of the MakeDocument default parameters. If NewProps is non-nil then it should be a prop 
	  list which will be used to change some or all of the current MakeDocument parameters. Only those props whose names 
	  are valid MakeDocument parameters and whose values are permissible values for that name are used.)

    (PROG ((OldParams (COPY (GETPROPLIST (QUOTE NC.MakeDocParameters)))))
          (if NewProps
	      then (for Params on NewProps by (CDDR NewProps) bind Param NewValue LegalValues
		      do (SETQ Param (CAR Params))
			   ((NULL (SETQ LegalValues (CDR (FASSOC Param NC.MakeDocParameters))))
			     (NCP.ReportError Param " not a document parameter name."))
			   ((OR (AND (FMEMB (SETQ NewValue (CADR Params))
				     (NEQ NewValue (QUOTE Select)))
				(AND (LISTP NewValue)
				     (FMEMB (QUOTE Select)
				     (SETQ NewValue (for Label in NewValue
						       unless (if (NOT (NCP.ValidLinkLabel Label))
								  then (NCP.ReportError Label 
							  " is not a valid link label.  Ignored.")
						       collect Label))))
			     (PUTPROP (QUOTE NC.MakeDocParameters)
				      Param NewValue))
			   (T (NCP.ReportError NewValue " is not a permissible value for " Param "."))
          (RETURN OldParams))))

  (LAMBDA (NewParams)                                        (* rht: "28-Oct-84 22:15")

          (* * Returns the old value of the Notecards parameters. If NewParams is non-nil then it should be a prop list which 
	  will be used to change some or all of the current Notecards parameters. Only those props whose names are valid 
	  Notecards parameters and whose values are permissible values for that name are used. On NC.NoteCardsParameters's 
	  prop list under the parameter name is a list of one or two items. The first is the name of the global var.
	  The second if present, is a function of no args which returns a list of legal values for that parameter.
	  We only do type checking if that function is present.)

    (PROG (OldParams)
          (SETQ OldParams (for Param in NC.NoteCardsParameters
			     join (LIST Param (EVAL (CAR (GETPROP (QUOTE NC.NoteCardsParameters)
          (if NewParams
	      then (for Params on NewParams by (CDDR NewParams) bind Param NewValue LegalValuesFn 
								     LegalValues PropVal
		      do (if (FMEMB (SETQ Param (CAR Params))
			     then (SETQ NewValue (CADR Params))
				  (SETQ PropVal (GETPROP (QUOTE NC.NoteCardsParameters)
				  (SETQ LegalValues (AND (SETQ LegalValuesFn (CADR PropVal))
							 (APPLY* LegalValuesFn)))
				  (if (OR (NULL LegalValues)
					  (FMEMB NewValue LegalValues))
				      then (SET (CAR PropVal)
				    else (NCP.ReportError NewValue " is not a permissible value for " 
							  Param "."))
			   else (NCP.ReportError Param " not a Notecards parameter name."))))
          (RETURN OldParams))))

  (LAMBDA Args                                               (* rht: "27-Nov-84 17:57")

          (* * Expects args of form (<window> <clearFirstFlg> <arg1> <arg2> ...) and prints the <arg>s to <window>'s prompt 
	  window or to the lisp prompt window if <window> is nil. Will clear first if second arg is non-nil.)

    (APPLY (QUOTE NC.PrintMsg)
	   (for i from 1 to Args collect (ARG Args i)))))

  (LAMBDA (Window ClosePromptWinFlg)                         (* rht: "27-Nov-84 17:53")

          (* * Clears the prompt window for Window. Will close if ClosePromptWinFlg is non-nil.)

    (NC.ClearMsg Window ClosePromptWinFlg)))

  (LAMBDA (Msg Prompt FirstTry ClearFirstFlg MainWindow DontCloseAtEndFlg DontClearAtEndFlg)
                                                             (* rht: "27-Nov-84 20:36")

          (* * Asks a question in the prompt window. Just calls the NC.AskUser function.)

    (NC.AskUser Msg Prompt FirstTry ClearFirstFlg MainWindow DontCloseAtEndFlg DontClearAtEndFlg)))
(* * Handy internal functions)


  (LAMBDA Args                                               (* rht: "28-Oct-84 18:17")

          (* * Print out the various elements of Args to the terminal.)

    (PRIN1 "*** " T)
    (for i from 1 to Args do (PRIN1 (ARG Args i)
    (TERPRI T)))

  (LAMBDA Args                                               (* rht: " 2-Oct-84 12:33")

          (* * Print out the various elements of Args to the terminal.)

    (for i from 1 to Args do (PRIN1 (ARG Args i)
    (TERPRI T)))

  (LAMBDA (ID)                                               (* rht: " 1-Dec-84 15:30")

          (* * Is ID a currently extant card or box?)

    (NC.ValidID ID)))

  (LAMBDA (Link ToFlg)                                       (* rht: "29-Oct-84 02:27")

          (* * Return a description of the anchoring of Link at one of its endpoints. The description has the form 
	  (<anchormode> <ID> <loc>) If ToFlg is non-nil, then look at the "To" end of the link, otherwise, its "From" end.)

    (PROG (ID WasActiveP (LinkID (fetch (NOTECARDLINK LINKID) of Link)))
          (SETQ ID (if ToFlg
		       then (fetch (NOTECARDLINK DESTINATIONID) of Link)
		     else (fetch (NOTECARDLINK SOURCEID) of Link)))
          (RETURN (if (OR (NC.GlobalLinkP Link)
		      then (LIST (QUOTE GLOBAL)
				 ID NIL)
		    else (if (NOT (SETQ WasActiveP (NCP.ActiveCardP ID)))
			     then (NCP.ActivateCards ID))
			 (for Obj in (CAR (NC.CollectReferences ID NIL PSA.Database NIL T))
			    when (EQUAL LinkID (fetch (NOTECARDLINK LINKID) of (CAR Obj)))
			    do (if (NOT WasActiveP)
				   then (NCP.DeactivateCards ID))
					     (CDR Obj)))))))))

  (LAMBDA NIL                                                (* rht: "13-Oct-84 15:50")

          (* * Return the ID # of the highest existing card in current notefile.)

    (SUB1 (SUBATOM (NC.GetNewID PSA.Database T)

  (LAMBDA (TypeName)                                         (* rht: "26-Oct-84 17:40")

          (* * Return the record corresponding to this type name.)

    (for Type in NC.CardTypes when (EQ TypeName (fetch (NoteCardType TypeName) of Type))
       do (RETURN Type))))

  (LAMBDA (SubstanceName)                                    (* rht: "26-Oct-84 17:43")

          (* * Return the record corresponding to this substance name.)

    (for SubstanceRec in NC.SubstanceTypes when (EQ SubstanceName (fetch (SubstanceType SubstanceName)
								     of SubstanceRec))
       do (RETURN SubstanceRec))))

  (LAMBDA (Window NewMenuItems)                              (* rht: " 3-Jan-85 00:12")

          (* * Add the given menu items to the left button menu of Window.)

    (PROG ((MenuItems (fetch (MENU ITEMS) of (WINDOWPROP Window (QUOTE NoteCardsLeftButtonMenu)))))
          (replace (MENU ITEMS) of (WINDOWPROP Window (QUOTE NoteCardsLeftButtonMenu))
	     with (APPEND MenuItems NewMenuItems)))))
(* * Global variables.)

(RPAQQ NCP.LinkDisplayModes (Icon Title Label Both))

(RPAQQ NCP.TypeFnsAssocLst ((MakeCardFn . NC.MakeCardFn)
			    (EditCardFn . NC.EditFn)
			    (QuitCardFn . NC.QuitCardFn)
			    (GetCardFn . NC.GetSubstanceFn)
			    (PutCardFn . NC.PutSubstanceFn)
			    (CopyCardFn . NC.SubstanceCopyFn)
			    (MarkCardDirtyFn . NC.MarkCardDirtyFn)
			    (CardDirtyPFn . NC.SubstanceDirtyPFn)
			    (CollectLinksInCardFn . NC.CollectReferencesFn)
			    (DeleteLinksInCardFn . NC.DelReferencesFn)
			    (UpdateLinkIconsInCardFn . NC.UpdateLinkIconsFn)))

(RPAQQ NCP.NoteCardTypeFnsFieldNames (MakeCardFn EditCardFn QuitCardFn GetCardFn PutCardFn CopyCardFn 
						 MarkCardDirtyFn CardDirtyPFn CollectLinksInCardFn 
						 DeleteLinksInCardFn UpdateLinkIconsInCardFn))

(RPAQQ NCP.SubstanceTypeFnsFieldNames (UpdateLinkIconsInSubstanceFn DeleteLinksInSubstanceFn 
								    CopySubstanceFn PutSubstanceFn 
								    GetSubstanceFn QuitSubstanceFn 
								    EditSubstanceFn CreateSubstanceFn)

(GLOBALVARS NCP.LinkDisplayModes NCP.TypeFnsAssocLst NCP.SubstanceTypeFnsFieldNames 



(ADDTOVAR LAMA NCP.ReportWarning NCP.ReportError NCP.PrintMsg NCP.PropSearch NCP.TitleSearch 
				 NCP.LinkLabel NCP.LinkDisplayMode NCP.CardProp NCP.CardTitle)
(PUTPROPS NCPROGINT COPYRIGHT ("Xerox Corporation" 1984 1985))
  (FILEMAP (NIL (4428 13618 (NCP.CreateNoteFile 4438 . 4971) (NCP.OpenNoteFile 4973 . 5419) (
NCP.CloseNoteFile 5421 . 5863) (NCP.RepairNoteFile 5865 . 6272) (NCP.CompactNoteFile 6274 . 6684) (
NCP.DeleteNoteFile 6686 . 7093) (NCP.FloppyRestoreNoteFile 7095 . 7534) (NCP.FloppyBackupNoteFile 7536
 . 7975) (NCP.CurrentNoteFileStream 7977 . 8216) (NCP.CurrentNoteFile 8218 . 8470) (
NCP.CheckInNoteFile 8472 . 11039) (NCP.CheckOutNoteFile 11041 . 13151) (NCP.LockFileName 13153 . 13616
)) (13685 20465 (NCP.CardTypes 13695 . 13901) (NCP.SubstanceTypes 13903 . 14210) (NCP.CreateCardType 
14212 . 15075) (NCP.CreateSubstanceType 15077 . 15921) (NCP.CardTypeSuper 15923 . 16311) (
NCP.CardTypeSubstance 16313 . 16708) (NCP.CardTypeLinkDisplayMode 16710 . 17121) (NCP.CardTypeFn 17123
 . 17694) (NCP.CardTypeInheritedFn 17696 . 18306) (NCP.SubstanceTypeFn 18308 . 18785) (
NCP.ValidCardType 18787 . 19060) (NCP.ValidSubstanceType 19062 . 19360) (NCP.ValidCardTypeFn 19362 . 
19665) (NCP.ValidSubstanceTypeFn 19667 . 19992) (NCP.CardTypeFns 19994 . 20224) (NCP.SubstanceTypeFns 
20226 . 20463)) (20511 27544 (NCP.CreateCard 20521 . 22455) (NCP.CreateTextCard 22457 . 22797) (
NCP.CreateFileBox 22799 . 23339) (NCP.CreateBrowserCard 23341 . 24588) (NCP.CreateSketchCard 24590 . 
24894) (NCP.CreateGraphCard 24896 . 25193) (NCP.MakeDocument 25195 . 26395) (NCP.MakeLinkIndex 26397
 . 27542)) (27583 47536 (NCP.BringUpCard 27593 . 28137) (NCP.CardType 28139 . 28392) (NCP.ValidCard 
28394 . 28646) (NCP.ActiveCardP 28648 . 28869) (NCP.ActivateCards 28871 . 29390) (NCP.DeactivateCards 
29392 . 30139) (NCP.CardTitle 30141 . 30995) (NCP.FileCards 30997 . 31957) (NCP.UnfileCards 31959 . 
34152) (NCP.CardParents 34154 . 34633) (NCP.FileBoxChildren 34635 . 35122) (NCP.GetLinks 35124 . 37814
) (NCP.CardPropList 37816 . 38030) (NCP.CardProp 38032 . 39272) (NCP.CardAddProp 39274 . 40211) (
NCP.CardDelProp 40213 . 41307) (NCP.CardSubstance 41309 . 41845) (NCP.CardRegion 41847 . 42377) (
NCP.CardAddText 42379 . 43384) (NCP.ChangeLoc 43386 . 44676) (NCP.DeleteCards 44678 . 45159) (
NCP.FileBoxP 45161 . 45380) (NCP.AllCards 45382 . 45717) (NCP.AllBoxes 45719 . 46119) (NCP.MapCards 
46121 . 46523) (NCP.MapBoxes 46525 . 46942) (NCP.GetContentsFileBox 46944 . 47142) (
NCP.GetOrphansFileBox 47144 . 47332) (NCP.GetToBeFiledFileBox 47334 . 47534)) (47578 57090 (
NCP.LocalGlobalLink 47588 . 49412) (NCP.GlobalGlobalLink 49414 . 50540) (NCP.GlobalLocalLink 50542 . 
50839) (NCP.LocalLocalLink 50841 . 51144) (NCP.LinkDesc 51146 . 51749) (NCP.LinkDisplayMode 51751 . 
53173) (NCP.LinkLabel 53175 . 54602) (NCP.GetLinkSource 54604 . 54935) (NCP.GetLinkDestination 54937
 . 55283) (NCP.DeleteLinks 55285 . 56007) (NCP.ValidLink 56009 . 56308) (NCP.AllLinks 56310 . 56638) (
NCP.MapLinks 56640 . 57088)) (57139 60866 (NCP.CreateLinkLabel 57149 . 57582) (NCP.DeleteLinkLabel 
57584 . 58403) (NCP.RenameLinkLabel 58405 . 59774) (NCP.GetLinkLabels 59776 . 60008) (
NCP.GetReverseLinkLabels 60010 . 60334) (NCP.GetUserLinkLabels 60336 . 60612) (NCP.ValidLinkLabel 
60614 . 60864)) (60893 68624 (NCP.GetCardTypes 60903 . 61112) (NCP.TitleSearch 61114 . 61587) (
NCP.PropSearch 61589 . 62594) (NCP.WhichCard 62596 . 63014) (NCP.CardFromWindow 63016 . 63263) (
NCP.CardWindow 63265 . 63555) (NCP.SelectCards 63557 . 63911) (NCP.DocumentParameters 63913 . 65580) (
NCP.NoteCardsParameters 65582 . 67494) (NCP.PrintMsg 67496 . 67954) (NCP.ClearMsg 67956 . 68218) (
NCP.AskUser 68220 . 68622)) (68662 72237 (NCP.ReportError 68672 . 68994) (NCP.ReportWarning 68996 . 
69295) (NCP.ValidID 69297 . 69492) (NCP.LinkAnchorDesc 69494 . 70733) (NCP.MaxIDNum 70735 . 71004) (
NCP.GetTypeRecord 71006 . 71342) (NCP.GetSubstanceRecord 71344 . 71743) (NCP.AddTitleBarMenuItems 
71745 . 72235)))))