* NOTECD-AX WRITING1 * * Experiment X511 / August 22, 1984 / E: LM, SC / S324 * * Filed on {PHYLUM}DATA>X511-PROTOCOL-TRANSCRIPT * * August 25, 1984 * * Files used in experiment: * * Starting file- {PHYLUM}DATA>X511A-NATO-MISSILES.NOTEFILE;35 * * Ending file- {PHYLUM}DATA>X511B-NATO-MISSILES.NOTEFILE;36 * * # refers to the fact that a card or box title is given on that line. * If a card is referred to ambiguously, scan upwards in protocol for the #. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [SETS UP TOOLS NEEDED FOR WORK: TOPIC BROWSER AND CONTENTS BOX ARE FOR RETRIEVING NOTES AND FILEBOXES; THE OUTLINE IS THE ACTUAL DOCUMENT THE SUBJECT IS BUILDING FROM NOTES] 33:15# 13252 Sets up screen with ##Contents## box, ##Outline##/document card, and shrunken ##Topic Browser##. [BEGINNING OF FIRST "EXPANDING AN OUTLINE SECTION" CYCLE: OPENS NOTES TO VIEW, EXPAND, AND ORGANIZE THEM IN THE OUTLINE. (1)FINDS PLACE, (2) CHECKS CONTENTS OF ALL NOTES IN THAT SECTION, (3)READS ONE NOTE CAREFULLY AND WRITES IT INTO THE DOCUMENT] 34:00 80609 Begins looking for place to start working in Outline. 34:11 93300 Finds place with unexpanded notes. Opens all 6 of the notes in that section of the outline. [BEGINNING OF FIRST "ADDING A NOTE" CYCLE: INVOLVES (1)FOREGROUNDING AND READING THE CARD, (2)TYPING THE INFORMATION INTO THE OUTLINE, AND PERHAPS (3)ACCESSING RELATED INFORMATION, (4)ACCESSING UNRELATED INFORMATION, (5)COPYING A QUOTE FROM THE NOTE INTO THE OUTLINE, (6)"ADDING A FOOTNOTE", AND/OR (7)FORMATTING THE OUTLINE OR NOTES.] 34:42 127979 Places cursor in outline to prepare to type in text and begins to study open notes. The first card, ##Precis of European Objections to New Missiles## is foregrounded, scrolled. [ACCESSING RELATED INFORMATION: CHECKING THE LIST OF POINTERS TO AND FROM THAT CARD] 35:17 157933 The pointer listing for that note is accessed. Note is scrolled. [35:34] [Time clock reset to 0] 00:03 176152 Set cursor in outline in preparation for typing. 00:09 Starts typing. [ACCESSING RELATED INFORMATION: CHECKING INFORMATION (THE SOURCE) THAT IS RELATED TO WHAT IS BEING TYPED IN] 02:32 331119 Accesses Source for that first card, ##Pierre, 'Long Range Theatre'##. 02:41 348433 Types in author name, closes source card. [END OF ACCESSING RELATED INFORMATION] 02:53 349395 Scrolls first card. 02:56 353361 Resumes typing. 03:40 395705 Scrolls. 03:50 401172 Resumes typing [new paragraph]. 06:04 541507 Scrolls once. Pauses. 06:16 544233 Resumes typing. 07:13 609503 Scrolls once, resumes typing. 08:39 Scrolls once, pauses. 08:51 695691 Resumes typing. 10:04 781237 Scrolls twice, pauses. 10:09 783560 Resumes typing. 11:08 846060 Scrolls once, pauses. 11:19 848081 Resumes typing. ["ADDING A FOOTNOTE": FORMATS AND ADDS A FOOTNOTE TO THE TEXT JUST TYPED IN. THE FOOTNOTE IS SIMPLY A POINTER TO THE CARD WHICH CONTAINS THE INFORMATION THAT WAS ADDED TO THE DOCUMENT.] 13:06 976947 Finishes typing that paragraph. Pauses. Adds horizontal spaces. Scrolls it to reveal pointers below. 13:23 986535 Positions cursor. Moves first #Precis...# pointer to the end of the paragraph. 13:28 Changes pointer display from the title of the card to its 'pointer label' . 13:33 Changes the pointer label from to . [this takes 4 sec.] Adds horizontal space. [THE FOLLOWING ACTIONS SIGNAL THE END OF WORKING WITH THAT NOTE. THE SUBJECT CLEARS SCREEN OF NO LONGER NEEDED MATERIAL.] 13:45 1003437 Closes pointer listing for first card. 13:47 Closes first card. [THIS IS THE END OF THE FIRST "ADDING A NOTE" CYCLE.] [BEGINNING OF SECOND "ADDING A NOTE" CYCLE] 13:56 1007484 Resumes typing. [S must be reading the foregrounded card ##New Missile Attract USSR Attack##.] 16:35 Pauses. ["ADDING A FOOTNOTE"] 16:38 1176525 Sets cursor. Scrolls to reveal pointers below. Moves the pointer #New Missiles Attract...# 1180356 to the end of the text just typed in. Changes pointer display to label . 16:50 1188426 Much fast scrolling [to reset editor]. 17:05 1202664 Selects "reset editor" from menu. 17:16 Closes that card. [THIS IS THE END OF THE SECOND "ADDING A NOTE" CYCLE.] [THIS IS THE BEGINNING OF THE THIRD "ADDING A NOTE" CYCLE] 17:31 1215817 Resumes typing on new paragraph. 18:16 Foregrounds the second card, # ##Kelley Sees Europe in the Middle## 18:24 1275348 Begins typing. 19:33 Pauses, examines the card. 19:59 Returns to outline. Places cursor [unnecessary, cursor already in position]. Pauses. 20:24 Begins typing. 21:22 Pauses and reads outline. 21:45 Resumes typing. ["ADDING A FOOTNOTE"] 23:01 Places cursor in text. Moves the second pointer #Kelley Sees...# into the text. 23:14 1571410 Changes display from title to pointer label [already set at ]. 23:23 Closes that card. [THIS IS THE END OF THE THIRD "ADDING A NOTE" CYCLE.] [THIS IS THE BEGINNING OF THE FOURTH "ADDING A NOTE" CYCLE] 23:26 1581933 Foreground the fourth card ##German Criticism of US Nuclear Doctrine##. Pauses. 23:35 1591925 Scrolls outline several times. 23:48 1603918 Positions cursor in outline. Pauses. 24:05 1631746 Starts to type but deletes it and scrolls again. Pauses. 24:31 Corrects error in card. Pauses. [ACCESSES RELATED INFORMATION] 24:43 1663094 Opens a new card from the pointer that is in the card #German Criticism...#, ##TNF Deployment and the German Question##. Reads that card. 24:59 Closes that card. [DONE ACCESSING RELATED INFORMATION] [INTERUPTION OF FOURTH "ADDING A NOTE" CYCLE] [BEGINNING OF FIFTH "ADDING A NOTE" CYCLE] 25:04 1679028 Foreground the card ##Missiles in BRD A Violation of Constitution##. 25:11 Positions cursor in outline and starts typing. 26:44 1782489 Scrolls card. Pauses. Scrolls card. 27:06 Resumes typing in outline. 28:20 Scrolls card. Pauses. Scrolls card. 28:52 Resumes typing in outline. [COPIES QUOTE, FORMATS, AND "ADDING A FOOTNOTE] 29:11 Copies quote from card into outline. [9 sec] 29:20 Unselects moved text in outline. Pauses [10 sec]. 29:30 1951187 Reselects moved text and changes the font to match outline text. 29:40 1960779 Repositions cursor in outline. Scorlls to reveal pointers below. 29:47 Moves #Missiles in BRD...# pointer to cursor position in outline and changes display to pointer label. 30:00 Closes third card. [END OF FIFTH "ADDING A NOTE" CYCLE] [BEGINNING OF SIXTH "ADDING A NOTE" CYCLE.] 30:03 1979167 Foregrounds final [bottom] card, # ##Fear That Military Logic Dominates Decision-Making##. Reads card, scrolls card. [ACCESSING RELATED INFORMATION (WHICH IS ALREADY ON THE SCREEN). INTERWEAVING OF PREVIOUSLY SYSPENDED FOURTH "ADDING A NOTE" CYCLE] 30:22 1998797 Selects pointer in that card. [The pointer points to the other card on the screen] Other card is foregrounded, #German Criticism...#. 30:26 Reforegrounds #Fear That Military...# card. 30:28 Repositions cursor in outline. Starts typing. [COPIES QUOTE, FORMATS, AND "ADDING A FOOTNOTE"] 31:31 2068136 Scrolls #Fear That Military...# card. 2070612 Copies quote from card to outline. 31:47 Reselects copied text in outline and changes font. 31:55 2091536 Unselects text in outline. 31:57 Scrolls outline. 32:08 2105894 Positions cursor and moves #Fear That Military...# pointer to end of quote. Changes display of pointer from title to pointer label. 32:20 2116303 Selects restart editor. 32:22 2118205 Pauses. 32:33 Closes #Fear That Military...# card. [END OF SIXTH "ADDING A NOTE" CYCLE] [RESUMING FOURTH "ADDING A NOTE" CYCLE] 32:38 3221520 Positions cursor and start typing. 33:45 2215202 Moves #German Criticism...# pointer to end of text. Changes pointer display. Restarts editor. 34:00 Positions cursor in outline. Deletes extra lines. 34:04 2225994 Closes #German Criticism...# card. [END OF FOURTH "ADDING A NOTE" CYCLE] [BEGINNING OF SECOND "EXPANDING AN OUTLINE SECTION" CYCLE] ["LAYING OUT ALL THE INFORMATION'] 34:09 Opens next available pointers in outline, 2230166 ##New NATO Independence##, and 2234608 ##Lack of Public Support for NATO Nukes##. 34:19 Repositions cursor in outline. Starts typing. [ANALYSIS INCOMPLETE....SORRY. THERE ARE ABOUT 15 MORE MINS. OF TAPE] GACHA YGACHA GACHA GACHA HGACHA HHGACHA HnGACHA HGACHA HGACHA HGACHA HGACHA HGACHA HBGACHA HhGACHA HGACHA HGACHA HGACHA HGACHA HRGACHA HGACHA HGACHA HGACHA HVGACHA HGACHA HNGACHA H!GACHA H>GACHA HGACHA HGACHA HnGACHA HGACHA HTGACHA H8GACHA HGACHA H'GACHA HGACHA H!GACHA HGACHA HGACHA H-GACHA H#GACHA HGACHA H+GACHA HGACHA HGACHA H$GACHA HGACHA H#GACHA HGACHA HGACHA HGACHA HGACHA HrGACHA H\GACHA H]GACHA HkGACHA HGACHA HzGACHA HGACHA H5GACHA HGACHA HGACHA H6GACHA HGACHA HGACHA HGACHA HGACHA HGACHA H,GACHA HGACHA HmGACHA HGACHA HGACHA HGACHA HGACHA HjGACHA H\GACHA H5GACHA H0GACHA HGACHA HGACHA H7GACHA HGACHA HGACHA HGACHA HGACHA H;GACHA HGACHA H/GACHA H$GACHA H(GACHA HGACHA H"GACHA H\GACHA HGACHA H!GACHA HGACHA HGACHA HGACHA HGACHA HXGACHA HWGACHA HGACHA HGACHA H6GACHA HGACHA HGACHA HGACHA H<GACHA HGACHA H)GACHA H7GACHA H-GACHA H3GACHA HGGACHA H'GACHA HGACHA HGACHA HGACHA H\GACHA H/GACHA HGACHA HGACHA HGACHA H%GACHA HGACHA H.GACHA HGACHA HGACHA HGACHA HGACHA HGACHA H+GACHA HGACHA H"GACHA H3GACHA H6GACHA H2GACHA H"GACHA H+GACHA H"GACHA HGACHA H0GACHA HGACHA H4GACHA H9GACHA HOGACHA HOGACHA HnGACHA HGACHA HGACHA H%GACHA HGACHA HGACHA HGACHA HGACHA HGACHA H,GACHA HGACHA H/GACHA HUGACHA HGACHA HGACHA HGACHA HGACHA H3GACHA H5GACHA HGACHA H1GACHA HGACHA H5GACHA H,GACHA H:GACHA H)GACHA HGACHA HGACHA H&GACHA HGACHA H,GACHA HGACHA H%GACHA HGACHA HGACHA HGACHA HGACHA HGACHA H(GACHA HGACHA H1GACHA HlGACHA H9GACHA H1GACHA HGACHA H&GACHA HGACHA HGACHA HGACHA HGACHA HGACHA HGACHA H;GACHA HGACHA H#GACHA HGACHA H1GACHA H(GACHA H4GACHA H5GACHA HGACHA HHGACHA HHGACHA HGGACHA HHGACHA HHGACHA HHGACHA HHGACHA HHGACHA HHGACHA dz