(FILECREATED " 1-Oct-85 16:59:07" {QV}<NOTECARDS>DATA>NCDATA.;15 104272 

      changes to:  (VARS NCDATACOMS X514B-Footnotes)
		   (FNS NCDATA.GetParentsOfCardInList)

      previous date: "10-Sep-85 18:00:32" {QV}<NOTECARDS>DATA>NCDATA.;14)

(* Copyright (c) 1985 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.)


(RPAQQ NCDATACOMS ((* * Functions for putting data about several notefiles into a text file.)
	(FNS NCDATA.BuildRawDataFile NCDATA.FileboxesInSourceStructure NCDATA.GetAllSubBoxes 
	     NCDATA.GetAllSubBoxesNonUnique NCDATA.GetBoxId NCDATA.GetIdFromTitle 
	     NCDATA.GetParentsOfCardInList NCDATA.GetSourcesOfFootnotes NCDATA.RunNumberFive 
	     NCDATA.RunNumberFour NCDATA.RunNumberThree NCDATA.RunNumberTwo 
	     NCDATA.SortFootnotesBySources NCDATA.SubBoxIDsOfBox Source-Links-Lessp)
	(* * Special purpose functions for use in collecting data from a notefile.)
	(FNS NCDATA.CheckForOpenNoteFile)
	(* * Functions for extracting data about types of items in a notefile.)
	(FNS NCDATA.GetCardTypesData NCDATA.GetLinkTypesData)
	(* * Functions for judging similarities between two items in notefile.)
	(FNS NCDATA.ListSeparation)
	(* * Functions for extracting data about a particular filebox.)
	(FNS NCDATA.NumChildrenOfBox NCDATA.ListFiledCardsinBox NCDATA.ListSubBoxesOfBox 
	     NCDATA.LinksXperChildren NCDATA.GetLinksXperChild NCDATA.PrintListOfChildrenAndLinks)
	(* * Functions for extracting data about a particular card.)
	(FNS NCDATA.LinksFromCard NCDATA.GetSourcesAndBoxesOfFootnotes NCDATA.GetBoxesOfFootnotes 
	(* * Place to store result of collecting the children of a filebox and their sub-links -- 
	   output from NCDATA.GetLinksXperChild, set by NCDATA.LinksXperChildren.)
	(GLOBALVARS NCDATA.ListOfChildrenAndLinks NCDATA.ListOfLinksFromCard)
	(* * Test fn)
	(FNS FUZ NCDATA.RunNumberOne NCDATA.RunNumberSix)
	(* * stand-alone report generator)
	(FNS NCDATA.SourcesInFileboxStructure)
	(VARS 514Footnotes NCDATA.514FootnotesSortedBySources X514B-F X514B-Footnotes X508B-F X513A-F 
	      X508-L X514-L)))
(* * Functions for putting data about several notefiles into a text file.)


  [LAMBDA (FileOrStream NoteFiles Functions)                 (* MLM " 4-Sep-85 08:20")

          (* * Builds a file of raw data for analysis. The data are extracted from each of the NoteFiles with the Functions.)

    (LET ((DataFile (if (NOT (OPENP FileOrStream))
					 (QUOTE OLD/NEW))
		      else FileOrStream)))
      (if DataFile
	  then (for file inside NoteFiles
		  do (NCP.OpenNoteFile file T T)
		     (printout DataFile "(* * NoteFile:  " file ")" T)
		     (printout DataFile "(")
		     (for function in Functions do (if (EQ (CAR function)
							   (QUOTE !))
                                                             (* "!" is a special flag -
							     function will do its own writing, value will be 
							    (SETQ function (CADR function))
							    (printout DataFile T "Running " #
								      (PRINT function)
								      " on "
                                                             (* run the special fn -
							     convention is for last 2 args to be output stream and 
							     "don't close flg")
							    (APPLY (CAR function)
								   (APPEND (CDR function)
									   (LIST DataFile T)))
						     else (printout DataFile T "((* * Output from " #
								    (PRINT function)
								    " on " # (PRINT (DATE)
								    ")" T)
							  (PRINT (APPLY (CAR function)
									(CDR function))
							  (printout DataFile ")" T)
							  (TERPRI DataFile)))
      (CLOSEF? DataFile])

  [LAMBDA (OutputFile Don'tClose)                            (* MLM " 4-Sep-85 08:23")
    (LET [(AllTheSources (bind Sources for Link in (NCP.GetLinks NIL NIL (QUOTE Source))
			    do (SETQ Sources (MERGEINSERT (NCP.GetLinkDestination Link)
							  Sources T))
			    finally (RETURN Sources)))
       (OutputStream (OR (STREAMP OutputFile)
      (bind BoxHashTable AllBoxes for Source in AllTheSources
	 do (SETQ BoxHashTable (HASHARRAY 16))
	    (printout OutputStream "Source: " Source "(" (NCP.CardTitle Source)
		      ")" T)
	    (SETQ AllBoxes NIL)
	    [LET* [(CardLinks (NCP.GetLinks NIL Source (QUOTE Source)))
	       (Cards (for CardLink in CardLinks collect (NCP.GetLinkSource CardLink]
	      (for Card in Cards
		 do (LET [(Boxes (for BoxLink in (NCP.GetLinks NIL Card (QUOTE FiledCard))
				    collect (LET ((Box (NCP.GetLinkSource BoxLink)))
					      (PUTHASH Box (ADD1 (OR (GETHASH Box BoxHashTable)
					      (SETQ AllBoxes (MERGEINSERT Box AllBoxes T))
		      (printout OutputStream "Card " Card "(" (NCP.CardTitle Card)
				")" " boxes are: " Boxes T)))
	      (for Box in AllBoxes do (LET ((#Notes (GETHASH Box BoxHashTable)))
					(printout OutputStream "Box " Box "(" (NCP.CardTitle Box)
						  ")" ": " #Notes " note" (if (IGREATERP #Notes 1)
									      then "s"
									    else "")
	    (TERPRI OutputStream))
      (if (NOT Don'tClose)
	  then (CLOSEF OutputStream])

  [LAMBDA (FromBox)                                          (* MLM " 2-Sep-85 17:19")
    (LET ((UnsortedBoxes (NCDATA.GetAllSubBoxesNonUnique FromBox NIL)))
      (bind UniqueList for Box in UnsortedBoxes do (SETQ UniqueList (MERGEINSERT Box UniqueList T))
	 finally (RETURN UniqueList])

  [LAMBDA (FromBox BoxesSeen)                                (* MLM " 2-Sep-85 17:17")
    (LET* ((ImmedSubBoxes (NCDATA.SubBoxIDsOfBox FromBox))
       (BoxesNotSeenBefore (LDIFFERENCE ImmedSubBoxes BoxesSeen))
       (NewBoxesSeen (APPEND BoxesNotSeenBefore BoxesSeen)))
      (if BoxesNotSeenBefore
	  then [for Box in BoxesNotSeenBefore do (SETQ NewBoxesSeen (APPEND NewBoxesSeen
NCDATA.GetAllSubBoxesNonUnique Box NewBoxesSeen]
	else NIL])

  [LAMBDA (BoxIDorTitle)                                     (* MLM " 1-Sep-85 17:00")
    (if (NCP.ValidCard BoxIDorTitle)
	then BoxIDorTitle
      else (CAR (NCP.TitleSearch BoxIDorTitle])

  [LAMBDA (BoxIDorTitle)                                     (* MLM " 1-Sep-85 17:00")
    (if (NCP.ValidCard BoxIDorTitle)
	then BoxIDorTitle
      else (CAR (NCP.TitleSearch BoxIDorTitle])

  [LAMBDA (ListOfCardIds&Titles FileName)                    (* MLM " 1-Oct-85 16:57")
    (if (NCDATA.CheckForOpenNoteFile FileName)
	then (for Card in ListOfCardIds&Titles collect (LIST (CAR Card)
							     (if (NCP.ValidCard (CAR Card))
								 then (LIST "Card's Parents"
									      (CAR Card)))
							       else "Not a valid card"])

  [LAMBDA (FileName)                                         (* MLM " 2-Sep-85 15:53")
    (if (NCDATA.CheckForOpenNoteFile FileName)
	then (LET ((BoxID (NCDATA.GetBoxId "OUTLINE")))
	       (if (NCP.ValidCard BoxID)
		   then [LIST BoxID (NCP.CardTitle BoxID)
			      (for link in (NCP.GetLinks BoxID NIL NIL)
				 collect (LET ((card (NCP.GetLinkDestination link)))
					   (LIST card (NCP.CardTitle card)
						 (NCP.LinkLabel link)
						 [for link in (NCP.GetLinks card NIL (QUOTE Source))
						    collect (LET ((source (NCP.GetLinkDestination
							      (LIST source (NCP.CardTitle source)
								    (NCP.LinkLabel link]
						 (for link in (NCP.GetLinks NIL card (QUOTE FiledCard)
						    collect (LET ((box (NCP.GetLinkSource link)))
							      (LIST box (NCP.CardTitle box)
								    (NCP.LinkLabel link]
		 else (NCP.PrintMsg NIL T 
			   "Call to NCDATA.GetSourcesOfFootnotes - OUTLINE is not a valid card. ")
		      (QUOTE ERROR])

  [LAMBDA NIL                                                (* MLM " 7-Sep-85 13:09")
    [NCDATA.BuildRawDataFile (QUOTE DATAFILE-5)
			     (QUOTE ((!(NCDATA.SourcesInFileboxStructure "Topics"]

  [LAMBDA NIL                                                (* MLM " 7-Sep-85 13:05")
    [NCDATA.BuildRawDataFile (QUOTE DATAFILE-4)
			     (QUOTE ((NCDATA.GetCardTypesData)
				      (NCDATA.NumChildrenOfBox "Bibliography")
				      (NCDATA.ListSubBoxesOfBox "CONTENTS")
				      (NCDATA.LinksFromCard "OUTLINE")

  [LAMBDA NIL                                                (* MLM " 4-Sep-85 09:18")
    [NCDATA.BuildRawDataFile (QUOTE DATAFILE-3)
			     (QUOTE ((NCDATA.LinksFromCard "OUTLINE")
				      (!(NCDATA.SourcesInFileboxStructure "Topics"]

  [LAMBDA NIL                                                (* MLM " 3-Sep-85 12:01")
			     (QUOTE ((NCDATA.GetCardTypesData)
				      (NCDATA.ListSubBoxesOfBox "Index")
				      (NCDATA.NumChildrenOfBox "Bibliography")
				      (NCDATA.ListFiledCardsinBox "Bibliography")
				      (NCDATA.LinksXperChildren "Bibliography" NIL (QUOTE Source)
				      (NCDATA.LinksFromCard "OUTLINE")
				      (!(NCDATA.SourcesInFileboxStructure "Topics"]

  [LAMBDA (ListOfFootnotesWithSources)                       (* MLM " 4-Sep-85 18:34")
    (SORT (COPY 514Footnotes)
	  (FUNCTION Source-Links-Lessp])

  [LAMBDA (BoxIDorTitle FileName)                            (* MLM " 2-Sep-85 16:16")

          (* * Given a FileBox title or ID, collects and lists the ID of each FileBox linked with a SubBox from link.)

    (if (NCDATA.CheckForOpenNoteFile FileName)
	then (LET ((BoxID (NCDATA.GetIdFromTitle BoxIDorTitle)))
	       (if (NCP.FileBoxP BoxID)
		   then (for Link in (NCP.GetLinks BoxID NIL (QUOTE SubBox)) collect (
NCP.GetLinkDestination Link))
		 else (NCP.PrintMsg NIL T 
				    "Arg to NCDATA.SubBoxIDsOfBox not filebox or filebox title: "
		      (QUOTE ERROR])

  [LAMBDA (X Y)                                              (* MLM " 4-Sep-85 18:28")
	       (CAAAR (CDDDR Y])
(* * Special purpose functions for use in collecting data from a notefile.)


  [LAMBDA (FileName)                                         (* rht: " 7-Aug-85 15:55")

          (* * Return T if either there's an open notefile or we successfully open FileName.)

    (if (NOT (NCP.CurrentNoteFile))
	then (if (INFILEP FileName)
		 then (NCP.OpenNoteFile FileName)
	       else (NCP.PrintMsg NIL T "Can't open file: " FileName)))
(* * Functions for extracting data about types of items in a notefile.)


  [LAMBDA (FileName)                                         (* MLM " 1-Sep-85 17:23")

          (* * Return a list of lists. Each sublist is a card type followed by # of cards of that type.)

    (PROG (TypesSeen)
          (if (NCDATA.CheckForOpenNoteFile FileName)
	      then (for Card in (NCP.AllCards) bind Type NumSeen
		      do (SETQ Type (NCP.CardType Card))
			 (PUTPROP Type (QUOTE NumberSeenSoFar)
				  (if (SETQ NumSeen (GETPROP Type (QUOTE NumberSeenSoFar)))
				      then (ADD1 NumSeen)
				    else (SETQ TypesSeen (CONS Type TypesSeen))
		   (RETURN (for Type in TypesSeen collect (PROG1 (LIST Type (GETPROP Type
								 (REMPROP Type (QUOTE NumberSeenSoFar]

  [LAMBDA (FileName)                                         (* rht: " 7-Aug-85 15:59")

          (* * Return a list of lists. Each sublist is a link type followed by # of cards of that type.)

    (LET (TypesSeen)
      (if (NCDATA.CheckForOpenNoteFile FileName)
	  then (for Link in (NCP.AllLinks) bind LinkType NumSeen
		  do (SETQ LinkType (NCP.LinkLabel Link))
		     (PUTPROP LinkType (QUOTE NumberSeenSoFar)
			      (if (SETQ NumSeen (GETPROP LinkType (QUOTE NumberSeenSoFar)))
				  then (ADD1 NumSeen)
				else (SETQ TypesSeen (CONS LinkType TypesSeen))
	       (for LinkType in TypesSeen collect (PROG1 (LIST LinkType (GETPROP LinkType
							 (REMPROP LinkType (QUOTE NumberSeenSoFar])
(* * Functions for judging similarities between two items in notefile.)


  [LAMBDA (List Elt1 Elt2)                                   (* rht: " 7-Aug-85 17:06")

          (* * Return the distance between Elt1 and Elt2 in List assuming both appear in some order.)

    (for Elt in List as i from 1 bind FirstPos SawElt1FirstFlg
       do (if (OR (EQ Elt Elt1)
		  (EQ Elt Elt2))
	      then (if FirstPos
		       then (if (OR (AND SawElt1FirstFlg (EQ Elt Elt2))
				    (AND (NOT SawElt1FirstFlg)
					 (EQ Elt Elt1)))
				then (RETURN (DIFFERENCE i FirstPos)))
		     else (if (EQ Elt Elt1)
			      then (SETQ SawElt1FirstFlg T))
			  (SETQ FirstPos i])
(* * Functions for extracting data about a particular filebox.)


  [LAMBDA (BoxIDorTitle FileName)                            (* MLM " 1-Sep-85 17:52")

          (* * Return number of children of given box.)

    (if (NCDATA.CheckForOpenNoteFile FileName)
	then (LET [(BoxID (if (NCP.ValidCard BoxIDorTitle)
			      then BoxIDorTitle
			    else (CAR (NCP.TitleSearch BoxIDorTitle]
	       (if (NCP.FileBoxP BoxID)
		   then (LENGTH (NCP.FileBoxChildren BoxID))
		 else (NCP.PrintMsg NIL T 
				  "Arg to NCDATA.NumChildrenOfBox not filebox or filebox title: "
		      (QUOTE ERROR])

  [LAMBDA (BoxIDorTitle FileName)                            (* MLM " 1-Sep-85 17:53")

          (* * Given a FileBox title or ID, collects and lists the ID of each card linked with a FiledCard from link.)

    (if (NCDATA.CheckForOpenNoteFile FileName)
	then (LET [(BoxID (if (NCP.ValidCard BoxIDorTitle)
			      then BoxIDorTitle
			    else (CAR (NCP.TitleSearch BoxIDorTitle]
	       (if (NCP.FileBoxP BoxID)
		   then [for Link in (NCP.GetLinks BoxID NIL (QUOTE FiledCard))
			   collect (LET ((card (NCP.GetLinkDestination Link)))
				     (LIST card (NCP.CardTitle card]
		 else (NCP.PrintMsg NIL T 
				  "Arg to NCDATA.NumChildrenOfBox not filebox or filebox title: "
		      (QUOTE ERROR])

  [LAMBDA (BoxIDorTitle FileName)                            (* MLM " 1-Sep-85 17:51")

          (* * Given a FileBox title or ID, collects and lists the ID of each FileBox linked with a SubBox from link.)

    (if (NCDATA.CheckForOpenNoteFile FileName)
	then (LET [(BoxID (if (NCP.ValidCard BoxIDorTitle)
			      then BoxIDorTitle
			    else (CAR (NCP.TitleSearch BoxIDorTitle]
	       (if (NCP.FileBoxP BoxID)
		   then [for Link in (NCP.GetLinks BoxID NIL (QUOTE SubBox))
			   collect (LET ((card (NCP.GetLinkDestination Link)))
				     (LIST card (NCP.CardTitle card]
		 else (NCP.PrintMsg NIL T 
				 "Arg to NCDATA.ListSubBoxesOfBox not filebox or filebox title: "
		      (QUOTE ERROR])

  [LAMBDA (BoxIDorTitle FileName LinkType BackLinkFlg)       (* MLM "31-Aug-85 15:14")

          (* * Returns avg number of sub-links of type X from children of given box. Intended to be used to test the avg 
	  number of notes written for each source card in K.A.'s Bibliography filebox. Calls the function 
	  NCDATA.GetLinksXperChild and sets the variable NCDATA.ListOfChildrenAndLinks to its output.)

    (LET NIL
      (SETQ NCDATA.ListOfChildrenAndLinks (NCDATA.GetLinksXperChild BoxIDorTitle FileName LinkType 
      (FQUOTIENT [for child in NCDATA.ListOfChildrenAndLinks sum (LENGTH (CAR (LAST child]
		 (LENGTH NCDATA.ListOfChildrenAndLinks])

  [LAMBDA (BoxIDorTitle FileName LinkType BackLinkFlg)       (* MLM " 2-Sep-85 15:45")

          (* * Return links of a given LinkType from the children of a given box.)

    (if (NCDATA.CheckForOpenNoteFile FileName)
	then (LET ((BoxID (NCDATA.GetIdFromTitle BoxIDorTitle)))
	       (if (NCP.FileBoxP BoxID)
		   then [for child in (NCP.FileBoxChildren BoxID)
			   collect (LIST child (NCP.CardTitle child)
					 (if BackLinkFlg
					     then [for link in (NCP.GetLinks NIL child LinkType)
						     collect (LET ((card (NCP.GetLinkSource link)))
							       (LIST card (NCP.CardTitle card]
					   else (for link in (NCP.GetLinks child NIL LinkType)
						   collect (LET ((card (NCP.GetLinkDestination link)))
							     (LIST card (NCP.CardTitle card]
		 else (NCP.PrintMsg NIL T 
				 "Arg to NCDATA.GetLinksXperChild not filebox or filebox title: "
		      (QUOTE ERROR])

  [LAMBDA NIL                                                (* MLM " 1-Sep-85 19:36")
(* * Functions for extracting data about a particular card.)


  [LAMBDA (BoxIDorTitle FileName LinkType BackLinkFlg)       (* MLM "10-Sep-85 16:29")

          (* * Return links of a given LinkType for a given card.)

    (if (NCDATA.CheckForOpenNoteFile FileName)
	then (LET ((BoxID (NCDATA.GetIdFromTitle BoxIDorTitle)))
	       (if (NCP.ValidCard BoxID)
		   then [LIST BoxID (NCP.CardTitle BoxID)
			      (SETQ NCDATA.ListOfLinksFromCard
				(if BackLinkFlg
				    then [for link in (NCP.GetLinks NIL BoxID LinkType)
					    collect (LET ((card (NCP.GetLinkSource link)))
						      (LIST card (NCP.CardTitle card)
							    (NCP.LinkLabel link]
				  else (for link in (NCP.GetLinks BoxID NIL LinkType)
					  collect (LET ((card (NCP.GetLinkDestination link)))
						    (LIST card (NCP.CardTitle card)
							  (NCP.LinkLabel link]
		 else (NCP.PrintMsg NIL T "Arg to NCDATA.LinksFromCard not a valid card: " 
		      (QUOTE ERROR])

  [LAMBDA (FileName)                                         (* MLM " 2-Sep-85 15:45")
    (if (NCDATA.CheckForOpenNoteFile FileName)
	then (LET ((BoxID (NCDATA.GetIdFromTitle "OUTLINE")))
	       (if (NCP.ValidCard BoxID)
		   then [LIST BoxID (NCP.CardTitle BoxID)
			      (for link in (NCP.GetLinks BoxID NIL NIL)
				 collect (LET ((card (NCP.GetLinkDestination link)))
					   (LIST card (NCP.CardTitle card)
						 (NCP.LinkLabel link)
						 [for link in (NCP.GetLinks card NIL (QUOTE Source))
						    collect (LET ((source (NCP.GetLinkDestination
							      (LIST source (NCP.CardTitle source)
								    (NCP.LinkLabel link]
						 (for link in (NCP.GetLinks NIL card (QUOTE FiledCard)
						    collect (LET ((box (NCP.GetLinkSource link)))
							      (LIST box (NCP.CardTitle box)
								    (NCP.LinkLabel link]
		 else (NCP.PrintMsg NIL T "Call to NCDATA.GetSourcesOfFootnotes -" OUTLINE 
				    " not a valid card. ")
		      (QUOTE ERROR])


  [LAMBDA (listA listB)                                      (* MLM "10-Sep-85 16:44")
    (LET* ((A (for card in listA collect (CAR card)))
       (B (for card in listB collect (CAR card)))
       (UniqueA (INTERSECTION A A))
       (UniqueB (INTERSECTION B B)))
      (LIST (LIST "UniqueA minus UniqueB" (LDIFFERENCE UniqueA UniqueB))

	    (LIST "UniqueB minus UniqueA" (LDIFFERENCE UniqueB UniqueA])
(* * Place to store result of collecting the children of a filebox and their sub-links -- 
output from NCDATA.GetLinksXperChild, set by NCDATA.LinksXperChildren.)


(GLOBALVARS NCDATA.ListOfChildrenAndLinks NCDATA.ListOfLinksFromCard)
(* * Test fn)


  [LAMBDA (NOTEFILE)                                         (* MLM "10-Sep-85 17:57")
    (NCDATA.BuildRawDataFile (QUOTE TEST1.DATA)
			     (QUOTE ((NCDATA.LinksFromCard "OUTLINE"])

  [LAMBDA NIL                                                (* MLM " 2-Sep-85 20:12")
			     (QUOTE ((NCDATA.GetCardTypesData)
				      (NCDATA.ListSubBoxesOfBox "Index")
				      (NCDATA.NumChildrenOfBox "Bibliography")
				      (NCDATA.ListFiledCardsinBox "Bibliography")
				      (NCDATA.LinksXperChildren "Bibliography" NIL (QUOTE Source)
				      (NCDATA.LinksFromCard "OUTLINE")
				      (!(NCDATA.SourcesInFileboxStructure "Topics"]

  [LAMBDA NIL                                                (* MLM "10-Sep-85 17:57")
    [NCDATA.BuildRawDataFile (QUOTE DATAFILE-6)
			     (QUOTE ({QV}<notecards>data>X507B-X508A-2I-NATO-MISSILES.NOTEFILE 
			     (QUOTE ((NCDATA.LinksFromCard "OUTLINE"]
(* * stand-alone report generator)


  [LAMBDA (FileBox OutputFile Don'tClose)                    (* MLM " 7-Sep-85 12:50")
    (LET [(SubBoxes (NCDATA.GetAllSubBoxes FileBox))
       (OutputStream (OPENSTREAM OutputFile (QUOTE OUTPUT]
      (bind AllSources AllSubBoxes for Box in SubBoxes
	 do (printout OutputStream "Box " Box " (" (NCP.CardTitle Box)
		      ") : # SubBoxes = "
		      [LENGTH (SETQ AllSubBoxes (NCP.GetLinks Box NIL (QUOTE SubBox]
		      " # FiledCards = "
		      (LENGTH (NCP.GetLinks Box NIL (QUOTE FiledCard)))
	    (if AllSubBoxes
		then (printout OutputFile "SubBoxes:" T))
	    (for SubBoxLink in AllSubBoxes do (LET ((Destination (NCP.GetLinkDestination SubBoxLink)))
						(printout OutputFile "   Box " Destination "("
							  (NCP.CardTitle Destination)
							  ")" T)))
	    (SETQ AllSources NIL)
	    [LET* ((CardLinks (NCP.GetLinks Box NIL (QUOTE FiledCard)))
	       (SourceHashTable (HASHARRAY 16)))
	      (for CardLink in CardLinks do (LET [(Sources (for SourceLink
							      in (NCP.GetLinks (NCP.GetLinkDestination
									       (QUOTE Source))
							      collect (NCP.GetLinkDestination 
					      (for Source in Sources
						 do (SETQ AllSources (MERGEINSERT Source AllSources T)
						    (PUTHASH Source (ADD1 (OR (GETHASH Source 
					      (printout OutputStream "Card " (NCP.GetLinkDestination
							(NCP.CardTitle (NCP.GetLinkDestination 
							")" " sources are: " Sources T)))
	      (for Source in AllSources do (LET ((#Notes (GETHASH Source SourceHashTable)))
					     (printout OutputStream "Source " Source "("
						       (NCP.CardTitle Source)
						       ")" ": " #Notes " note"
						       (if (IGREATERP #Notes 1)
							   then "s"
							 else "")
	    (TERPRI OutputStream))
      (if (NOT Don'tClose)
	  then (CLOSEF OutputStream])

(RPAQQ 514Footnotes [(NC00539 "Deployment Based on European Insecurity" footnote ((NC00538 
						   "Bertram, %"Implications of Theater Nuclear%""
			      ((NC00511 "Perception of Need for Modernization" FiledCard)))
		     (NC00074 "German Interest in Nuclear Modernization" footnote ((NC00040 
								 "Smith, %"Missile Deployments%""
			      ((NC00511 "Perception of Need for Modernization" FiledCard)))
		     (NC00533 "Historical Importance of European Perception" footnote
			      ((NC00532 "Lewis, %"Intermediate Range Weapons%"" Source))
			      ((NC00427 "Origins of NATO Doctrine" FiledCard)))
		     (NC00534 "Late 70's European Concern With US" footnote ((NC00532 
							  "Lewis, %"Intermediate Range Weapons%""
			      ((NC00511 "Perception of Need for Modernization" FiledCard)))
		     (NC00564 "New TNF Coupling Value" footnote ((NC00550 
							      "Bundy, et al, %"Nuclear Weapons%""
			      ((NC00511 "Perception of Need for Modernization" FiledCard)))
		     (NC00075 "Schmidt's View of TNF Modernization" footnote ((NC00040 
								 "Smith, %"Missile Deployments%""
			      ((NC00511 "Perception of Need for Modernization" FiledCard)))
		     (NC00076 "Schmidt's View of SS20 Role" footnote ((NC00040 
								 "Smith, %"Missile Deployments%""
			      ((NC00511 "Perception of Need for Modernization" FiledCard)))
		     (NC00075 "Schmidt's View of TNF Modernization" footnote ((NC00040 
								 "Smith, %"Missile Deployments%""
			      ((NC00511 "Perception of Need for Modernization" FiledCard)))
		     (NC00117 "1978 HLG Decision to Increase TNF Capabilities" footnote
			      ((NC00040 "Smith, %"Missile Deployments%"" Source))
			      ((NC00510 "HLG and TNF Modernization Plan" FiledCard)))
		     (NC00073 "Shift to Nuclear Focus in Modernization Plans" footnote
			      ((NC00040 "Smith, %"Missile Deployments%"" Source))
			      ((NC00510 "HLG and TNF Modernization Plan" FiledCard)))
		     (NC00522 "Luns on Origins of Modernization" footnote ((NC00512 
							       "%"NATO: Reshaping the Alliance%""
			      ((NC00498 "NATO TNF Modernization Plan" FiledCard)))
		     (NC00072 "Deployment Based partly on Need for Modernization" footnote
			      ((NC00040 "Smith, %"Missile Deployments%"" Source))
			      ((NC00498 "NATO TNF Modernization Plan" FiledCard)))
		     (NC00093 "US Pressured Europe to Adopt GLCM" footnote ((NC00040 
								 "Smith, %"Missile Deployments%""
			      ((NC00509 "Decision to Adopt GLCM and Pershing II" FiledCard)))
		     (NC00094 "US Unclear on Cruise Role" footnote ((NC00040 
								 "Smith, %"Missile Deployments%""
			      ((NC00509 "Decision to Adopt GLCM and Pershing II" FiledCard)
			       (NC00259 "Cruise Missiles" FiledCard)))
		     (NC00095 "Euro. Enthusiasm for Cruise" footnote ((NC00040 
								 "Smith, %"Missile Deployments%""
			      ((NC00509 "Decision to Adopt GLCM and Pershing II" FiledCard)
			       (NC00259 "Cruise Missiles" FiledCard)))
		     (NC00092 "German & UK Interest in Cruise" footnote ((NC00040 
								 "Smith, %"Missile Deployments%""
			      ((NC00509 "Decision to Adopt GLCM and Pershing II" FiledCard)
			       (NC00259 "Cruise Missiles" FiledCard)))
		     (NC00095 "Euro. Enthusiasm for Cruise" footnote ((NC00040 
								 "Smith, %"Missile Deployments%""
			      ((NC00509 "Decision to Adopt GLCM and Pershing II" FiledCard)
			       (NC00259 "Cruise Missiles" FiledCard)))
		     (NC00501 "SS20 Provides Excuse for New Missiles" footnote ((NC00357 
									   "Cockburn, The Threat"
			      ((NC00509 "Decision to Adopt GLCM and Pershing II" FiledCard)))
		     (NC00070 "US & Soviet TNF's (table)" footnote ((NC00062 
							   "Treverton, Nuclear Weapons in Europe"
			      ((NC00310 "Characteristics of TNF Missiles" FiledCard)))
		     (NC00066 "Pershing II Speed" footnote ((NC00063 "Turner, Arms Race" Source))
			      ((NC00021 "Pershing II characteristics" FiledCard)))
		     (NC00067 "Tomahawk Characteristics" footnote ((NC00063 "Turner, Arms Race" 
			      ((NC00259 "Cruise Missiles" FiledCard)
			       (NC00022 "GLCM characteristics" FiledCard)))
		     (NC00099 "Origins of Pershing II" footnote ((NC00057 "Paine, %"Pershing II%"" 
			      ((NC00021 "Pershing II characteristics" FiledCard)))
		     (NC00097 "Attraction Of Pershing II" footnote ((NC00040 
								 "Smith, %"Missile Deployments%""
			      ((NC00509 "Decision to Adopt GLCM and Pershing II" FiledCard)))
		     (NC00100 "Range Increases on Pershing" footnote ((NC00057 
									 "Paine, %"Pershing II%""
			      ((NC00021 "Pershing II characteristics" FiledCard)))
		     (NC00100 "Range Increases on Pershing" footnote ((NC00057 
									 "Paine, %"Pershing II%""
			      ((NC00021 "Pershing II characteristics" FiledCard)))
		     (NC00096 "Pershing II an Afterthought" footnote ((NC00040 
								 "Smith, %"Missile Deployments%""
			      ((NC00509 "Decision to Adopt GLCM and Pershing II" FiledCard)))
		     (NC00610 "%"NATO Communique, Dec. 12, 1979%"" footnote NIL ((NC00301 
		     (NC00610 "%"NATO Communique, Dec. 12, 1979%"" footnote NIL ((NC00301 
		     (NC00610 "%"NATO Communique, Dec. 12, 1979%"" footnote NIL ((NC00301 
		     (NC00610 "%"NATO Communique, Dec. 12, 1979%"" footnote NIL ((NC00301 
		     (NC00540 "Unique Elements of 1979 Decision" footnote ((NC00538 
						   "Bertram, %"Implications of Theater Nuclear%""
			      ((NC00498 "NATO TNF Modernization Plan" FiledCard)))
		     (NC00587 "Importance of December 1979 Decision" footnote ((NC00547 
						   "Bertram, %"Implications of Theater Nuclear%""
			      ((NC00498 "NATO TNF Modernization Plan" FiledCard)))
		     (NC00162 "Krefeld Petition" footnote ((NC00033 "Paine, %"Roundup%"" Source))
			      ((NC00155 "Federal Republic of Germany" FiledCard)))
		     (NC00159 "1982 BRD Poll" footnote ((NC00045 
							  "Blacker and Duffy, International Arms"
			      ((NC00155 "Federal Republic of Germany" FiledCard)))
		     (NC00484 "Scale of German Opposition" footnote ((NC00472 
							   "Feazel, %"Europeans Remain Divided%""
			      ((NC00155 "Federal Republic of Germany" FiledCard)))
		     (NC00160 "October 1983 Demonstrations" footnote ((NC00044 
								  "Barnet, %"Atlantic Alliance%""
			      ((NC00154 "Reaction to Deployment Decision in NATO Countries" FiledCard)
		     (NC00284 "Neu-Ulm Protests" footnote ((NC00247 
							  "Smith, %"Deployments Shake Politics%""
			      ((NC00155 "Federal Republic of Germany" FiledCard)))
		     (NC00484 "Scale of German Opposition" footnote ((NC00472 
							   "Feazel, %"Europeans Remain Divided%""
			      ((NC00155 "Federal Republic of Germany" FiledCard)))
		     (NC00580 "Characterization of Peace Movement" footnote ((NC00548 
							  "Hoffman, %"NATO and Nuclear Weapons%""
			      ((NC00154 "Reaction to Deployment Decision in NATO Countries" FiledCard)
		     (NC00582 "Characterization of German Movement" footnote ((NC00548 
							  "Hoffman, %"NATO and Nuclear Weapons%""
			      ((NC00155 "Federal Republic of Germany" FiledCard)))
		     (NC00542 "Five Reasons for Lack of Public Support" footnote ((NC00538 
						   "Bertram, %"Implications of Theater Nuclear%""
			      ((NC00154 "Reaction to Deployment Decision in NATO Countries" FiledCard)
		     (NC00441 "Luns on Peace Movement" footnote ((NC00440 "%"Washington Roundup%"" 
			      ((NC00155 "Federal Republic of Germany" FiledCard)))
		     (NC00439 "Kelly Defends Peace Movement" footnote ((NC00050 
								    "Kelly, Um Hoffnung Kaempfen"
			      ((NC00155 "Federal Republic of Germany" FiledCard)))
		     (NC00604 "Precis of European Objections to New Missiles" footnote
			      ((NC00594 "Pierre, %"Long-Range-Theater%"" Source))
			      ((NC00154 "Reaction to Deployment Decision in NATO Countries" FiledCard)
		     (NC00291 "New Missiles Attract USSR Attack" footnote NIL ((NC00422 
										   "Source Check"
			       (NC00154 "Reaction to Deployment Decision in NATO Countries" FiledCard)
			       (NC00104 "Soviet TNF Doctrine" FiledCard)))
		     (NC00442 "Kelly Sees Europe in the Middle" footnote ((NC00050 
								    "Kelly, Um Hoffnung Kaempfen"
			      ((NC00155 "Federal Republic of Germany" FiledCard)))
		     (NC00163 "Missiles in BRD A Violation of Constitution" footnote NIL
			      ((NC00155 "Federal Republic of Germany" FiledCard)))
		     (NC00166 "Fear that Military Logic Dominates Decision-Making" footnote
			      ((NC00058 "Raddatz, %"Verfassungsschuetzer%"" Source))
			      ((NC00155 "Federal Republic of Germany" FiledCard)))
		     (NC00165 "German Criticism of US Nuclear Doctrine" footnote ((NC00058 
							      "Raddatz, %"Verfassungsschuetzer%""
			      ((NC00155 "Federal Republic of Germany" FiledCard)))
		     (NC00483 "Belgian Coaltion Problems" footnote ((NC00472 
							   "Feazel, %"Europeans Remain Divided%""
			      ((NC00478 "Belgium" FiledCard)))
		     (NC00293 "Danish Government Opposition" footnote ((NC00292 
									  "%"Danish Government%""
			      ((NC00477 "Denmark" FiledCard)))
		     (NC00471 "Danish Opposition Impact" footnote ((NC00469 
								   "%"Europeans Set Deployment%""
			      ((NC00477 "Denmark" FiledCard)))
		     (NC00158 "Opposition in BRD Leads to Deployments Elsewhere" footnote
			      ((NC00040 "Smith, %"Missile Deployments%"" Source))
			      ((NC00155 "Federal Republic of Germany" FiledCard)
			       (NC00154 "Reaction to Deployment Decision in NATO Countries" FiledCard)
		     (NC00161 "US-European Relations Soured" footnote ((NC00044 
								  "Barnet, %"Atlantic Alliance%""
			      ((NC00154 "Reaction to Deployment Decision in NATO Countries" FiledCard)
		     (NC00285 "New NATO Independence" footnote ((NC00247 
							  "Smith, %"Deployments Shake Politics%""
			      ((NC00154 "Reaction to Deployment Decision in NATO Countries" FiledCard)
		     (NC00285 "New NATO Independence" footnote ((NC00247 
							  "Smith, %"Deployments Shake Politics%""
			      ((NC00154 "Reaction to Deployment Decision in NATO Countries" FiledCard)
		     (NC00369 "Lack of Public Support  for NATO Nukes" footnote ((NC00299 
								 "Smith, %"Allure of High-Tech%""
			      ((NC00408 "Criticisms of NATO Doctrine" FiledCard)
			       (NC00154 "Reaction to Deployment Decision in NATO Countries" FiledCard)
		     (NC00456 "Steam is Gone From Anti-Nuke Movement" footnote ((NC00453 
							     "Feazel, %"Europeans Reject Delay%""
			      ((NC00154 "Reaction to Deployment Decision in NATO Countries" FiledCard)
		     (NC00524 "Luns: New Missiles Make Europe Safer" footnote ((NC00512 
							       "%"NATO: Reshaping the Alliance%""
			      ((NC00531 "Official NATO View of Deployments" FiledCard)))
		     (NC00520 "Luns: Peace is Now Closer" footnote ((NC00512 
							       "%"NATO: Reshaping the Alliance%""
			      ((NC00531 "Official NATO View of Deployments" FiledCard)))
		     (NC00520 "Luns: Peace is Now Closer" footnote ((NC00512 
							       "%"NATO: Reshaping the Alliance%""
			      ((NC00531 "Official NATO View of Deployments" FiledCard)))
		     (NC00525 "US Ambassador Sees NATO Cohesion" footnote ((NC00512 
							       "%"NATO: Reshaping the Alliance%""
			      ((NC00531 "Official NATO View of Deployments" FiledCard)))
		     (NC00304 "Deployment seen as necessary to negotiation" footnote
			      ((NC00302 "Newsweek, 17 December 1979" Source))
			      ((NC00498 "NATO TNF Modernization Plan" FiledCard)))
		     (NC00516 "Rogers:  Deployments Aid Negotiation" footnote ((NC00512 
							       "%"NATO: Reshaping the Alliance%""
			      ((NC00495 "Arms Control:  Proposals and Negotiations" FiledCard)))
		     (NC00035 "Provisions of Brezhnev Initiative" footnote ((NC00033 
									     "Paine, %"Roundup%""
			      ((NC00221 "Brezhnev, Leonid" FiledCard)
			       (NC00204 "Soviet Initiatives" FiledCard)))
		     (NC00305 "Carter Reaction to Brezhnev Initiative" footnote ((NC00303 
								      "Newsweek, 22 October 1979"
			      ((NC00205 "NATO Responses to Soviet Initiatives" FiledCard)))
		     (NC00305 "Carter Reaction to Brezhnev Initiative" footnote ((NC00303 
								      "Newsweek, 22 October 1979"
			      ((NC00205 "NATO Responses to Soviet Initiatives" FiledCard)))
		     (NC00038 "NATO Political Reasons for Rejection of Brezhnev Initiative" footnote
			      ((NC00033 "Paine, %"Roundup%"" Source))
			      ((NC00205 "NATO Responses to Soviet Initiatives" FiledCard)))
		     (NC00308 "Schmidt's Reaction to Brezhnev Proposal" footnote ((NC00303 
								      "Newsweek, 22 October 1979"
			      ((NC00205 "NATO Responses to Soviet Initiatives" FiledCard)))
		     (NC00307 "Left-wing German Reaction to Brezhnev Initiative" footnote
			      ((NC00303 "Newsweek, 22 October 1979" Source))
			      ((NC00205 "NATO Responses to Soviet Initiatives" FiledCard)))
		     (NC00140 "Reagan Admin. View of INF Talks" footnote ((NC00053 
								"Lunn, %"Nuclear Modernization%""
			      ((NC00125 "Geneva INF Talks" FiledCard)))
		     (NC00129 "Lack of NATO Enthusiasm in INF Talks" footnote ((NC00060 
								       "Smith, %"Missile Talks%""
			      ((NC00125 "Geneva INF Talks" FiledCard)))
		     (NC00129 "Lack of NATO Enthusiasm in INF Talks" footnote ((NC00060 
								       "Smith, %"Missile Talks%""
			      ((NC00125 "Geneva INF Talks" FiledCard)))
		     (NC00133 "US Opening Position" footnote ((NC00060 "Smith, %"Missile Talks%"" 
			      ((NC00125 "Geneva INF Talks" FiledCard)))
		     (NC00134 "Soviet Opening Position" footnote ((NC00060 "Smith, %"Missile Talks%"" 
			      ((NC00125 "Geneva INF Talks" FiledCard)))
		     (NC00136 "Movement in Talks" footnote ((NC00060 "Smith, %"Missile Talks%"" 
			      ((NC00125 "Geneva INF Talks" FiledCard)))
		     (NC00136 "Movement in Talks" footnote ((NC00060 "Smith, %"Missile Talks%"" 
			      ((NC00125 "Geneva INF Talks" FiledCard)))
		     (NC00493 "Allies Urged US to Soften Zero Option" footnote ((NC00492 
								   "%"Belgians, Dutch May Slip%""
			      ((NC00125 "Geneva INF Talks" FiledCard)))
		     (NC00466 "Germans Call for Revival of Walk in Woods" footnote ((NC00465 
								  "%"Europeans Back Pershing 2%""
			      ((NC00125 "Geneva INF Talks" FiledCard)))
		     (NC00152 "Soviets Walk Out of INF Talks" footnote ((NC00060 
								       "Smith, %"Missile Talks%""
			      ((NC00125 "Geneva INF Talks" FiledCard)))
		     (NC00139 "Talks Presently Stalled" footnote ((NC00060 "Smith, %"Missile Talks%"" 
			      ((NC00125 "Geneva INF Talks" FiledCard)))
		     (NC00190 "Conventional Defense Practical" footnote ((NC00033 
									     "Paine, %"Roundup%""
			      ((NC00404 "NATO Conventional Forces" FiledCard)))
		     (NC00188 "Soviet Conventional Superiority Denied" footnote ((NC00055 
						  "Otis and Browder, %"Enormous Responsibility%""
			      ((NC00404 "NATO Conventional Forces" FiledCard)))
		     (NC00374 "Neglect of Conventional Readiness" footnote ((NC00299 
								 "Smith, %"Allure of High-Tech%""
			      ((NC00404 "NATO Conventional Forces" FiledCard)))
		     (NC00409 "Raise Nuclear Threshold" footnote ((NC00406 
							      "ESECS, Strengthening Conventional"
			      ((NC00405 "ESECS Plan for Conventional Strengthening" FiledCard)))
		     (NC00339 "Bradley on Nuclear Dilemma " footnote ((NC00298 
								   "Bracken, Command and Control"
			      ((NC00408 "Criticisms of NATO Doctrine" FiledCard)))
		     (NC00342 "Estimates of German Casualities" footnote ((NC00298 
								   "Bracken, Command and Control"
			      ((NC00408 "Criticisms of NATO Doctrine" FiledCard])

(RPAQQ NCDATA.514FootnotesSortedBySources [(NC00162 "Krefeld Petition" footnote ((NC00033 
									     "Paine, %"Roundup%""
						    ((NC00155 "Federal Republic of Germany" FiledCard)
					   (NC00035 "Provisions of Brezhnev Initiative" footnote
						    ((NC00033 "Paine, %"Roundup%"" Source))
						    ((NC00221 "Brezhnev, Leonid" FiledCard)
						     (NC00204 "Soviet Initiatives" FiledCard)))
				    "NATO Political Reasons for Rejection of Brezhnev Initiative"
						    ((NC00033 "Paine, %"Roundup%"" Source))
						    ((NC00205 "NATO Responses to Soviet Initiatives" 
					   (NC00190 "Conventional Defense Practical" footnote
						    ((NC00033 "Paine, %"Roundup%"" Source))
						    ((NC00404 "NATO Conventional Forces" FiledCard)))
					   (NC00074 "German Interest in Nuclear Modernization" 
						    footnote ((NC00040 
								 "Smith, %"Missile Deployments%""
						    ((NC00511 "Perception of Need for Modernization" 
					   (NC00075 "Schmidt's View of TNF Modernization" footnote
						    ((NC00040 "Smith, %"Missile Deployments%"" Source)
						    ((NC00511 "Perception of Need for Modernization" 
					   (NC00076 "Schmidt's View of SS20 Role" footnote
						    ((NC00040 "Smith, %"Missile Deployments%"" Source)
						    ((NC00511 "Perception of Need for Modernization" 
					   (NC00075 "Schmidt's View of TNF Modernization" footnote
						    ((NC00040 "Smith, %"Missile Deployments%"" Source)
						    ((NC00511 "Perception of Need for Modernization" 
					   (NC00117 "1978 HLG Decision to Increase TNF Capabilities" 
						    footnote ((NC00040 
								 "Smith, %"Missile Deployments%""
						    ((NC00510 "HLG and TNF Modernization Plan" 
					   (NC00073 "Shift to Nuclear Focus in Modernization Plans" 
						    footnote ((NC00040 
								 "Smith, %"Missile Deployments%""
						    ((NC00510 "HLG and TNF Modernization Plan" 
					      "Deployment Based partly on Need for Modernization"
						    ((NC00040 "Smith, %"Missile Deployments%"" Source)
						    ((NC00498 "NATO TNF Modernization Plan" FiledCard)
					   (NC00093 "US Pressured Europe to Adopt GLCM" footnote
						    ((NC00040 "Smith, %"Missile Deployments%"" Source)
							 "Decision to Adopt GLCM and Pershing II"
					   (NC00094 "US Unclear on Cruise Role" footnote
						    ((NC00040 "Smith, %"Missile Deployments%"" Source)
							 "Decision to Adopt GLCM and Pershing II"
						     (NC00259 "Cruise Missiles" FiledCard)))
					   (NC00095 "Euro. Enthusiasm for Cruise" footnote
						    ((NC00040 "Smith, %"Missile Deployments%"" Source)
							 "Decision to Adopt GLCM and Pershing II"
						     (NC00259 "Cruise Missiles" FiledCard)))
					   (NC00092 "German & UK Interest in Cruise" footnote
						    ((NC00040 "Smith, %"Missile Deployments%"" Source)
							 "Decision to Adopt GLCM and Pershing II"
						     (NC00259 "Cruise Missiles" FiledCard)))
					   (NC00095 "Euro. Enthusiasm for Cruise" footnote
						    ((NC00040 "Smith, %"Missile Deployments%"" Source)
							 "Decision to Adopt GLCM and Pershing II"
						     (NC00259 "Cruise Missiles" FiledCard)))
					   (NC00097 "Attraction Of Pershing II" footnote
						    ((NC00040 "Smith, %"Missile Deployments%"" Source)
							 "Decision to Adopt GLCM and Pershing II"
					   (NC00096 "Pershing II an Afterthought" footnote
						    ((NC00040 "Smith, %"Missile Deployments%"" Source)
							 "Decision to Adopt GLCM and Pershing II"
					       "Opposition in BRD Leads to Deployments Elsewhere"
						    ((NC00040 "Smith, %"Missile Deployments%"" Source)
						    ((NC00155 "Federal Republic of Germany" FiledCard)
					      "Reaction to Deployment Decision in NATO Countries"
					   (NC00160 "October 1983 Demonstrations" footnote
						    ((NC00044 "Barnet, %"Atlantic Alliance%"" Source))
					      "Reaction to Deployment Decision in NATO Countries"
					   (NC00161 "US-European Relations Soured" footnote
						    ((NC00044 "Barnet, %"Atlantic Alliance%"" Source))
					      "Reaction to Deployment Decision in NATO Countries"
					   (NC00159 "1982 BRD Poll" footnote ((NC00045 
							  "Blacker and Duffy, International Arms"
						    ((NC00155 "Federal Republic of Germany" FiledCard)
					   (NC00439 "Kelly Defends Peace Movement" footnote
						    ((NC00050 "Kelly, Um Hoffnung Kaempfen" Source))
						    ((NC00155 "Federal Republic of Germany" FiledCard)
					   (NC00442 "Kelly Sees Europe in the Middle" footnote
						    ((NC00050 "Kelly, Um Hoffnung Kaempfen" Source))
						    ((NC00155 "Federal Republic of Germany" FiledCard)
					   (NC00140 "Reagan Admin. View of INF Talks" footnote
						    ((NC00053 "Lunn, %"Nuclear Modernization%"" 
						    ((NC00125 "Geneva INF Talks" FiledCard)))
					   (NC00188 "Soviet Conventional Superiority Denied" footnote
						  "Otis and Browder, %"Enormous Responsibility%""
						    ((NC00404 "NATO Conventional Forces" FiledCard)))
					   (NC00099 "Origins of Pershing II" footnote
						    ((NC00057 "Paine, %"Pershing II%"" Source))
						    ((NC00021 "Pershing II characteristics" FiledCard)
					   (NC00100 "Range Increases on Pershing" footnote
						    ((NC00057 "Paine, %"Pershing II%"" Source))
						    ((NC00021 "Pershing II characteristics" FiledCard)
					   (NC00100 "Range Increases on Pershing" footnote
						    ((NC00057 "Paine, %"Pershing II%"" Source))
						    ((NC00021 "Pershing II characteristics" FiledCard)
					     "Fear that Military Logic Dominates Decision-Making"
						    ((NC00058 "Raddatz, %"Verfassungsschuetzer%"" 
						    ((NC00155 "Federal Republic of Germany" FiledCard)
					   (NC00165 "German Criticism of US Nuclear Doctrine" 
						    footnote ((NC00058 
							      "Raddatz, %"Verfassungsschuetzer%""
						    ((NC00155 "Federal Republic of Germany" FiledCard)
					   (NC00129 "Lack of NATO Enthusiasm in INF Talks" footnote
						    ((NC00060 "Smith, %"Missile Talks%"" Source))
						    ((NC00125 "Geneva INF Talks" FiledCard)))
					   (NC00129 "Lack of NATO Enthusiasm in INF Talks" footnote
						    ((NC00060 "Smith, %"Missile Talks%"" Source))
						    ((NC00125 "Geneva INF Talks" FiledCard)))
					   (NC00133 "US Opening Position" footnote ((NC00060 
								       "Smith, %"Missile Talks%""
						    ((NC00125 "Geneva INF Talks" FiledCard)))
					   (NC00134 "Soviet Opening Position" footnote
						    ((NC00060 "Smith, %"Missile Talks%"" Source))
						    ((NC00125 "Geneva INF Talks" FiledCard)))
					   (NC00136 "Movement in Talks" footnote ((NC00060 
								       "Smith, %"Missile Talks%""
						    ((NC00125 "Geneva INF Talks" FiledCard)))
					   (NC00136 "Movement in Talks" footnote ((NC00060 
								       "Smith, %"Missile Talks%""
						    ((NC00125 "Geneva INF Talks" FiledCard)))
					   (NC00152 "Soviets Walk Out of INF Talks" footnote
						    ((NC00060 "Smith, %"Missile Talks%"" Source))
						    ((NC00125 "Geneva INF Talks" FiledCard)))
					   (NC00139 "Talks Presently Stalled" footnote
						    ((NC00060 "Smith, %"Missile Talks%"" Source))
						    ((NC00125 "Geneva INF Talks" FiledCard)))
					   (NC00070 "US & Soviet TNF's (table)" footnote
						    ((NC00062 "Treverton, Nuclear Weapons in Europe" 
						    ((NC00310 "Characteristics of TNF Missiles" 
					   (NC00066 "Pershing II Speed" footnote ((NC00063 
									      "Turner, Arms Race"
						    ((NC00021 "Pershing II characteristics" FiledCard)
					   (NC00067 "Tomahawk Characteristics" footnote
						    ((NC00063 "Turner, Arms Race" Source))
						    ((NC00259 "Cruise Missiles" FiledCard)
						     (NC00022 "GLCM characteristics" FiledCard)))
					   (NC00284 "Neu-Ulm Protests" footnote ((NC00247 
							  "Smith, %"Deployments Shake Politics%""
						    ((NC00155 "Federal Republic of Germany" FiledCard)
					   (NC00285 "New NATO Independence" footnote
						    ((NC00247 "Smith, %"Deployments Shake Politics%"" 
					      "Reaction to Deployment Decision in NATO Countries"
					   (NC00285 "New NATO Independence" footnote
						    ((NC00247 "Smith, %"Deployments Shake Politics%"" 
					      "Reaction to Deployment Decision in NATO Countries"
					   (NC00293 "Danish Government Opposition" footnote
						    ((NC00292 "%"Danish Government%"" Source))
						    ((NC00477 "Denmark" FiledCard)))
					   (NC00339 "Bradley on Nuclear Dilemma " footnote
						    ((NC00298 "Bracken, Command and Control" Source))
						    ((NC00408 "Criticisms of NATO Doctrine" FiledCard)
					   (NC00342 "Estimates of German Casualities" footnote
						    ((NC00298 "Bracken, Command and Control" Source))
						    ((NC00408 "Criticisms of NATO Doctrine" FiledCard)
					   (NC00369 "Lack of Public Support  for NATO Nukes" footnote
						    ((NC00299 "Smith, %"Allure of High-Tech%"" Source)
						    ((NC00408 "Criticisms of NATO Doctrine" FiledCard)
					      "Reaction to Deployment Decision in NATO Countries"
					   (NC00374 "Neglect of Conventional Readiness" footnote
						    ((NC00299 "Smith, %"Allure of High-Tech%"" Source)
						    ((NC00404 "NATO Conventional Forces" FiledCard)))
					   (NC00304 "Deployment seen as necessary to negotiation" 
						    footnote ((NC00302 "Newsweek, 17 December 1979" 
						    ((NC00498 "NATO TNF Modernization Plan" FiledCard)
					   (NC00305 "Carter Reaction to Brezhnev Initiative" footnote
						    ((NC00303 "Newsweek, 22 October 1979" Source))
						    ((NC00205 "NATO Responses to Soviet Initiatives" 
					   (NC00305 "Carter Reaction to Brezhnev Initiative" footnote
						    ((NC00303 "Newsweek, 22 October 1979" Source))
						    ((NC00205 "NATO Responses to Soviet Initiatives" 
					   (NC00308 "Schmidt's Reaction to Brezhnev Proposal" 
						    footnote ((NC00303 "Newsweek, 22 October 1979" 
						    ((NC00205 "NATO Responses to Soviet Initiatives" 
					       "Left-wing German Reaction to Brezhnev Initiative"
						    ((NC00303 "Newsweek, 22 October 1979" Source))
						    ((NC00205 "NATO Responses to Soviet Initiatives" 
					   (NC00501 "SS20 Provides Excuse for New Missiles" footnote
						    ((NC00357 "Cockburn, The Threat" Source))
							 "Decision to Adopt GLCM and Pershing II"
					   (NC00409 "Raise Nuclear Threshold" footnote
						    ((NC00406 "ESECS, Strengthening Conventional" 
						      "ESECS Plan for Conventional Strengthening"
					   (NC00441 "Luns on Peace Movement" footnote
						    ((NC00440 "%"Washington Roundup%"" Source))
						    ((NC00155 "Federal Republic of Germany" FiledCard)
					   (NC00456 "Steam is Gone From Anti-Nuke Movement" footnote
						    ((NC00453 "Feazel, %"Europeans Reject Delay%"" 
					      "Reaction to Deployment Decision in NATO Countries"
					   (NC00466 "Germans Call for Revival of Walk in Woods" 
						    footnote ((NC00465 
								  "%"Europeans Back Pershing 2%""
						    ((NC00125 "Geneva INF Talks" FiledCard)))
					   (NC00471 "Danish Opposition Impact" footnote
						    ((NC00469 "%"Europeans Set Deployment%"" Source))
						    ((NC00477 "Denmark" FiledCard)))
					   (NC00484 "Scale of German Opposition" footnote
						    ((NC00472 "Feazel, %"Europeans Remain Divided%"" 
						    ((NC00155 "Federal Republic of Germany" FiledCard)
					   (NC00484 "Scale of German Opposition" footnote
						    ((NC00472 "Feazel, %"Europeans Remain Divided%"" 
						    ((NC00155 "Federal Republic of Germany" FiledCard)
					   (NC00483 "Belgian Coaltion Problems" footnote
						    ((NC00472 "Feazel, %"Europeans Remain Divided%"" 
						    ((NC00478 "Belgium" FiledCard)))
					   (NC00493 "Allies Urged US to Soften Zero Option" footnote
						    ((NC00492 "%"Belgians, Dutch May Slip%"" Source))
						    ((NC00125 "Geneva INF Talks" FiledCard)))
					   (NC00522 "Luns on Origins of Modernization" footnote
						    ((NC00512 "%"NATO: Reshaping the Alliance%"" 
						    ((NC00498 "NATO TNF Modernization Plan" FiledCard)
					   (NC00524 "Luns: New Missiles Make Europe Safer" footnote
						    ((NC00512 "%"NATO: Reshaping the Alliance%"" 
						    ((NC00531 "Official NATO View of Deployments" 
					   (NC00520 "Luns: Peace is Now Closer" footnote
						    ((NC00512 "%"NATO: Reshaping the Alliance%"" 
						    ((NC00531 "Official NATO View of Deployments" 
					   (NC00520 "Luns: Peace is Now Closer" footnote
						    ((NC00512 "%"NATO: Reshaping the Alliance%"" 
						    ((NC00531 "Official NATO View of Deployments" 
					   (NC00525 "US Ambassador Sees NATO Cohesion" footnote
						    ((NC00512 "%"NATO: Reshaping the Alliance%"" 
						    ((NC00531 "Official NATO View of Deployments" 
					   (NC00516 "Rogers:  Deployments Aid Negotiation" footnote
						    ((NC00512 "%"NATO: Reshaping the Alliance%"" 
						      "Arms Control:  Proposals and Negotiations"
					   (NC00533 "Historical Importance of European Perception" 
						    footnote ((NC00532 
							  "Lewis, %"Intermediate Range Weapons%""
						    ((NC00427 "Origins of NATO Doctrine" FiledCard)))
					   (NC00534 "Late 70's European Concern With US" footnote
						    ((NC00532 "Lewis, %"Intermediate Range Weapons%"" 
						    ((NC00511 "Perception of Need for Modernization" 
					   (NC00539 "Deployment Based on European Insecurity" 
						    footnote ((NC00538 
						   "Bertram, %"Implications of Theater Nuclear%""
						    ((NC00511 "Perception of Need for Modernization" 
					   (NC00540 "Unique Elements of 1979 Decision" footnote
						   "Bertram, %"Implications of Theater Nuclear%""
						    ((NC00498 "NATO TNF Modernization Plan" FiledCard)
					   (NC00542 "Five Reasons for Lack of Public Support" 
						    footnote ((NC00538 
						   "Bertram, %"Implications of Theater Nuclear%""
					      "Reaction to Deployment Decision in NATO Countries"
					   (NC00587 "Importance of December 1979 Decision" footnote
						   "Bertram, %"Implications of Theater Nuclear%""
						    ((NC00498 "NATO TNF Modernization Plan" FiledCard)
					   (NC00580 "Characterization of Peace Movement" footnote
						    ((NC00548 "Hoffman, %"NATO and Nuclear Weapons%"" 
					      "Reaction to Deployment Decision in NATO Countries"
					   (NC00582 "Characterization of German Movement" footnote
						    ((NC00548 "Hoffman, %"NATO and Nuclear Weapons%"" 
						    ((NC00155 "Federal Republic of Germany" FiledCard)
					   (NC00564 "New TNF Coupling Value" footnote
						    ((NC00550 "Bundy, et al, %"Nuclear Weapons%"" 
						    ((NC00511 "Perception of Need for Modernization" 
					   (NC00604 "Precis of European Objections to New Missiles" 
						    footnote ((NC00594 
								 "Pierre, %"Long-Range-Theater%""
					      "Reaction to Deployment Decision in NATO Countries"
					   (NC00610 "%"NATO Communique, Dec. 12, 1979%"" footnote NIL
						    ((NC00301 "Bibliography" FiledCard)))
					   (NC00610 "%"NATO Communique, Dec. 12, 1979%"" footnote NIL
						    ((NC00301 "Bibliography" FiledCard)))
					   (NC00610 "%"NATO Communique, Dec. 12, 1979%"" footnote NIL
						    ((NC00301 "Bibliography" FiledCard)))
					   (NC00610 "%"NATO Communique, Dec. 12, 1979%"" footnote NIL
						    ((NC00301 "Bibliography" FiledCard)))
					   (NC00291 "New Missiles Attract USSR Attack" footnote NIL
						    ((NC00422 "Source Check" FiledCard)
					      "Reaction to Deployment Decision in NATO Countries"
						     (NC00104 "Soviet TNF Doctrine" FiledCard)))
					   (NC00163 "Missiles in BRD A Violation of Constitution" 
						    footnote NIL ((NC00155 
								    "Federal Republic of Germany"

(RPAQQ X514B-F ((NC00539 Deployment Based on European Insecurity footnote)
		(NC00074 German Interest in Nuclear Modernization footnote)
		(NC00533 Historical Importance of European Perception footnote)
		(NC00534 Late 70's European Concern With US footnote)
		(NC00564 New TNF Coupling Value footnote)
		(NC00075 Schmidt's View of TNF Modernization footnote)
		(NC00076 Schmidt's View of SS20 Role footnote)
		(NC00075 Schmidt's View of TNF Modernization footnote)
		(NC00117 1978 HLG Decision to Increase TNF Capabilities footnote)
		(NC00073 Shift to Nuclear Focus in Modernization Plans footnote)
		(NC00522 Luns on Origins of Modernization footnote)
		(NC00072 Deployment Based partly on Need for Modernization footnote)
		(NC00093 US Pressured Europe to Adopt GLCM footnote)
		(NC00094 US Unclear on Cruise Role footnote)
		(NC00095 Euro. Enthusiasm for Cruise footnote)
		(NC00092 German & UK Interest in Cruise footnote)
		(NC00095 Euro. Enthusiasm for Cruise footnote)
		(NC00501 SS20 Provides Excuse for New Missiles footnote)
		(NC00070 US & Soviet TNF's (table)
		(NC00066 Pershing II Speed footnote)
		(NC00067 Tomahawk Characteristics footnote)
		(NC00099 Origins of Pershing II footnote)
		(NC00097 Attraction Of Pershing II footnote)
		(NC00100 Range Increases on Pershing footnote)
		(NC00100 Range Increases on Pershing footnote)
		(NC00096 Pershing II an Afterthought footnote)
		(NC00610 "NATO Communique, Dec. 12, 1979" footnote)
		(NC00610 "NATO Communique, Dec. 12, 1979" footnote)
		(NC00610 "NATO Communique, Dec. 12, 1979" footnote)
		(NC00610 "NATO Communique, Dec. 12, 1979" footnote)
		(NC00540 Unique Elements of 1979 Decision footnote)
		(NC00587 Importance of December 1979 Decision footnote)
		(NC00162 Krefeld Petition footnote)
		(NC00159 1982 BRD Poll footnote)
		(NC00484 Scale of German Opposition footnote)
		(NC00160 October 1983 Demonstrations footnote)
		(NC00284 Neu-Ulm Protests footnote)
		(NC00484 Scale of German Opposition footnote)
		(NC00580 Characterization of Peace Movement footnote)
		(NC00582 Characterization of German Movement footnote)
		(NC00542 Five Reasons for Lack of Public Support footnote)
		(NC00441 Luns on Peace Movement footnote)
		(NC00439 Kelly Defends Peace Movement footnote)
		(NC00604 Precis of European Objections to New Missiles footnote)
		(NC00291 New Missiles Attract USSR Attack footnote)
		(NC00442 Kelly Sees Europe in the Middle footnote)
		(NC00163 Missiles in BRD A Violation of Constitution footnote)
		(NC00166 Fear that Military Logic Dominates Decision-Making footnote)
		(NC00165 German Criticism of US Nuclear Doctrine footnote)
		(NC00483 Belgian Coaltion Problems footnote)
		(NC00293 Danish Government Opposition footnote)
		(NC00471 Danish Opposition Impact footnote)
		(NC00158 Opposition in BRD Leads to Deployments Elsewhere footnote)
		(NC00161 US-European Relations Soured footnote)
		(NC00285 New NATO Independence footnote)
		(NC00285 New NATO Independence footnote)
		(NC00369 Lack of Public Support for NATO Nukes footnote)
		(NC00456 Steam is Gone From Anti-Nuke Movement footnote)
		(NC00524 Luns: New Missiles Make Europe Safer footnote)
		(NC00520 Luns: Peace is Now Closer footnote)
		(NC00520 Luns: Peace is Now Closer footnote)
		(NC00525 US Ambassador Sees NATO Cohesion footnote)
		(NC00304 Deployment seen as necessary to negotiation footnote)
		(NC00516 Rogers: Deployments Aid Negotiation footnote)
		(NC00035 Provisions of Brezhnev Initiative footnote)
		(NC00305 Carter Reaction to Brezhnev Initiative footnote)
		(NC00305 Carter Reaction to Brezhnev Initiative footnote)
		(NC00038 NATO Political Reasons for Rejection of Brezhnev Initiative footnote)
		(NC00308 Schmidt's Reaction to Brezhnev Proposal footnote)
		(NC00307 Left-wing German Reaction to Brezhnev Initiative footnote)
		(NC00140 Reagan Admin. View of INF Talks footnote)
		(NC00129 Lack of NATO Enthusiasm in INF Talks footnote)
		(NC00129 Lack of NATO Enthusiasm in INF Talks footnote)
		(NC00133 US Opening Position footnote)
		(NC00134 Soviet Opening Position footnote)
		(NC00136 Movement in Talks footnote)
		(NC00136 Movement in Talks footnote)
		(NC00493 Allies Urged US to Soften Zero Option footnote)
		(NC00466 Germans Call for Revival of Walk in Woods footnote)
		(NC00152 Soviets Walk Out of INF Talks footnote)
		(NC00139 Talks Presently Stalled footnote)
		(NC00190 Conventional Defense Practical footnote)
		(NC00188 Soviet Conventional Superiority Denied footnote)
		(NC00374 Neglect of Conventional Readiness footnote)
		(NC00409 Raise Nuclear Threshold footnote)
		(NC00339 Bradley on Nuclear Dilemma footnote)
		(NC00342 Estimates of German Casualities footnote)))

(RPAQQ X514B-Footnotes ((NC00539 Deployment Based on European Insecurity footnote)
			(NC00074 German Interest in Nuclear Modernization footnote)
			(NC00533 Historical Importance of European Perception footnote)
			(NC00534 Late 70's European Concern With US footnote)
			(NC00564 New TNF Coupling Value footnote)
			(NC00075 Schmidt's View of TNF Modernization footnote)
			(NC00076 Schmidt's View of SS20 Role footnote)
			(NC00075 Schmidt's View of TNF Modernization footnote)
			(NC00117 1978 HLG Decision to Increase TNF Capabilities footnote)
			(NC00073 Shift to Nuclear Focus in Modernization Plans footnote)
			(NC00522 Luns on Origins of Modernization footnote)
			(NC00072 Deployment Based partly on Need for Modernization footnote)
			(NC00093 US Pressured Europe to Adopt GLCM footnote)
			(NC00094 US Unclear on Cruise Role footnote)
			(NC00095 Euro. Enthusiasm for Cruise footnote)
			(NC00092 German & UK Interest in Cruise footnote)
			(NC00095 Euro. Enthusiasm for Cruise footnote)
			(NC00501 SS20 Provides Excuse for New Missiles footnote)
			(NC00070 US & Soviet TNF's (table)
			(NC00066 Pershing II Speed footnote)
			(NC00067 Tomahawk Characteristics footnote)
			(NC00099 Origins of Pershing II footnote)
			(NC00097 Attraction Of Pershing II footnote)
			(NC00100 Range Increases on Pershing footnote)
			(NC00100 Range Increases on Pershing footnote)
			(NC00096 Pershing II an Afterthought footnote)
			(NC00610 "NATO Communique, Dec. 12, 1979" footnote)
			(NC00610 "NATO Communique, Dec. 12, 1979" footnote)
			(NC00610 "NATO Communique, Dec. 12, 1979" footnote)
			(NC00610 "NATO Communique, Dec. 12, 1979" footnote)
			(NC00540 Unique Elements of 1979 Decision footnote)
			(NC00587 Importance of December 1979 Decision footnote)
			(NC00162 Krefeld Petition footnote)
			(NC00159 1982 BRD Poll footnote)
			(NC00484 Scale of German Opposition footnote)
			(NC00160 October 1983 Demonstrations footnote)
			(NC00284 Neu-Ulm Protests footnote)
			(NC00484 Scale of German Opposition footnote)
			(NC00580 Characterization of Peace Movement footnote)
			(NC00582 Characterization of German Movement footnote)
			(NC00542 Five Reasons for Lack of Public Support footnote)
			(NC00441 Luns on Peace Movement footnote)
			(NC00439 Kelly Defends Peace Movement footnote)
			(NC00604 Precis of European Objections to New Missiles footnote)
			(NC00291 New Missiles Attract USSR Attack footnote)
			(NC00442 Kelly Sees Europe in the Middle footnote)
			(NC00163 Missiles in BRD A Violation of Constitution footnote)
			(NC00166 Fear that Military Logic Dominates Decision-Making footnote)
			(NC00165 German Criticism of US Nuclear Doctrine footnote)
			(NC00483 Belgian Coaltion Problems footnote)
			(NC00293 Danish Government Opposition footnote)
			(NC00471 Danish Opposition Impact footnote)
			(NC00158 Opposition in BRD Leads to Deployments Elsewhere footnote)
			(NC00161 US-European Relations Soured footnote)
			(NC00285 New NATO Independence footnote)
			(NC00285 New NATO Independence footnote)
			(NC00369 Lack of Public Support for NATO Nukes footnote)
			(NC00456 Steam is Gone From Anti-Nuke Movement footnote)
			(NC00524 Luns: New Missiles Make Europe Safer footnote)
			(NC00520 Luns: Peace is Now Closer footnote)
			(NC00520 Luns: Peace is Now Closer footnote)
			(NC00525 US Ambassador Sees NATO Cohesion footnote)
			(NC00304 Deployment seen as necessary to negotiation footnote)
			(NC00516 Rogers: Deployments Aid Negotiation footnote)
			(NC00035 Provisions of Brezhnev Initiative footnote)
			(NC00305 Carter Reaction to Brezhnev Initiative footnote)
			(NC00305 Carter Reaction to Brezhnev Initiative footnote)
			(NC00038 NATO Political Reasons for Rejection of Brezhnev Initiative footnote)
			(NC00308 Schmidt's Reaction to Brezhnev Proposal footnote)
			(NC00307 Left-wing German Reaction to Brezhnev Initiative footnote)
			(NC00140 Reagan Admin. View of INF Talks footnote)
			(NC00129 Lack of NATO Enthusiasm in INF Talks footnote)
			(NC00129 Lack of NATO Enthusiasm in INF Talks footnote)
			(NC00133 US Opening Position footnote)
			(NC00134 Soviet Opening Position footnote)
			(NC00136 Movement in Talks footnote)
			(NC00136 Movement in Talks footnote)
			(NC00493 Allies Urged US to Soften Zero Option footnote)
			(NC00466 Germans Call for Revival of Walk in Woods footnote)
			(NC00152 Soviets Walk Out of INF Talks footnote)
			(NC00139 Talks Presently Stalled footnote)
			(NC00190 Conventional Defense Practical footnote)
			(NC00188 Soviet Conventional Superiority Denied footnote)
			(NC00374 Neglect of Conventional Readiness footnote)
			(NC00409 Raise Nuclear Threshold footnote)
			(NC00339 Bradley on Nuclear Dilemma footnote)
			(NC00342 Estimates of German Casualities footnote)))

(RPAQQ X508B-F ((NC00075 Schmidt's View of TNF Modernization Support)
		(NC00074 German Interest in Nuclear Modernization Support)
		(NC00534 Late 70's European Concern With US Support)
		(NC00539 Deployment Based on European Insecurity Support)
		(NC00564 New TNF Coupling Value Support)
		(NC00533 Historical Importance of European Perception Support)
		(NC00117 1978 HLG Decision to Increase TNF Capabilities Support)
		(NC00073 Shift to Nuclear Focus in Modernization Plans Support)
		(NC00092 German & UK Interest in Cruise Support)
		(NC00501 SS20 Provides Excuse for New Missiles Support)
		(NC00095 Euro. Enthusiasm for Cruise Comment)
		(NC00093 US Pressured Europe to Adopt GLCM Comment)
		(NC00094 US Unclear on Cruise Role Support)
		(NC00169 NATO Triad Support)
		(NC00333 NATO First Use Doctrine Support)
		(NC00167 More Bang For the Buck Support)
		(NC00168 USSR Counters US TNF's in 1960's Comment)
		(NC00383 Basis of First Use Choice Support)
		(NC00572 Dulles on More Bang for the Buck Support)
		(NC00381 Flaw in NATO Doctrine Support)
		(NC00375 German Support for Deterrence Comment)
		(NC00340 Europeans Interested in Deterrence Support)
		(NC00113 Capabilities of New Missiles Support)
		(NC00066 Pershing II Speed Support)
		(NC00098 Accuracy of Pershing II Support)
		(NC00290 GLCM Poses Large Threat to USSR Support)
		(NC00067 Tomahawk Characteristics Comment)
		(NC00099 Origins of Pershing II Support)
		(NC00100 Range Increases on Pershing Support)
		(NC00499 SS20 vs Predecessors Support)
		(NC00082 SS20 As Routine Modernization Comment)
		(NC00081 Origins of SS20 Support)
		(NC00500 SS20 as SS16 Stepchild Support)
		(NC00079 SS20 Characteristics Support)
		(NC00084 SS20 Weaknesses Support)
		(NC00506 Erroneous SS20 Accuracy Claim Comment)))

(RPAQQ X513A-F ((NC00539 "Deployment Based on European Insecurity" footnote)
		(NC00074 "German Interest in Nuclear Modernization" footnote)
		(NC00533 "Historical Importance of European Perception" footnote)
		(NC00534 "Late 70's European Concern With US" footnote)
		(NC00564 "New TNF Coupling Value" footnote)
		(NC00075 "Schmidt's View of TNF Modernization" footnote)
		(NC00076 "Schmidt's View of SS20 Role" footnote)
		(NC00075 "Schmidt's View of TNF Modernization" footnote)
		(NC00117 "1978 HLG Decision to Increase TNF Capabilities" footnote)
		(NC00073 "Shift to Nuclear Focus in Modernization Plans" footnote)
		(NC00522 "Luns on Origins of Modernization" footnote)
		(NC00072 "Deployment Based partly on Need for Modernization" footnote)
		(NC00093 "US Pressured Europe to Adopt GLCM" footnote)
		(NC00094 "US Unclear on Cruise Role" footnote)
		(NC00095 "Euro. Enthusiasm for Cruise" footnote)
		(NC00092 "German & UK Interest in Cruise" footnote)
		(NC00095 "Euro. Enthusiasm for Cruise" footnote)
		(NC00501 "SS20 Provides Excuse for New Missiles" footnote)
		(NC00070 "US & Soviet TNF's (table)" footnote)
		(NC00066 "Pershing II Speed" footnote)
		(NC00067 "Tomahawk Characteristics" footnote)
		(NC00099 "Origins of Pershing II" footnote)
		(NC00097 "Attraction Of Pershing II" footnote)
		(NC00100 "Range Increases on Pershing" footnote)
		(NC00100 "Range Increases on Pershing" footnote)
		(NC00096 "Pershing II an Afterthought" footnote)
		(NC00610 "%"NATO Communique, Dec. 12, 1979%"" footnote)
		(NC00610 "%"NATO Communique, Dec. 12, 1979%"" footnote)
		(NC00610 "%"NATO Communique, Dec. 12, 1979%"" footnote)
		(NC00610 "%"NATO Communique, Dec. 12, 1979%"" footnote)
		(NC00540 "Unique Elements of 1979 Decision" footnote)
		(NC00587 "Importance of December 1979 Decision" footnote)
		(NC00162 "Krefeld Petition" footnote)
		(NC00159 "1982 BRD Poll" footnote)
		(NC00484 "Scale of German Opposition" footnote)
		(NC00160 "October 1983 Demonstrations" footnote)
		(NC00284 "Neu-Ulm Protests" footnote)
		(NC00484 "Scale of German Opposition" footnote)
		(NC00580 "Characterization of Peace Movement" footnote)
		(NC00582 "Characterization of German Movement" footnote)
		(NC00542 "Five Reasons for Lack of Public Support" footnote)
		(NC00441 "Luns on Peace Movement" footnote)
		(NC00439 "Kelly Defends Peace Movement" footnote)
		(NC00604 "Precis of European Objections to New Missiles" footnote)
		(NC00291 "New Missiles Attract USSR Attack" footnote)
		(NC00442 "Kelly Sees Europe in the Middle" footnote)
		(NC00163 "Missiles in BRD A Violation of Constitution" footnote)
		(NC00166 "Fear that Military Logic Dominates Decision-Making" footnote)
		(NC00165 "German Criticism of US Nuclear Doctrine" footnote)
		(NC00483 "Belgian Coaltion Problems" footnote)
		(NC00293 "Danish Government Opposition" footnote)
		(NC00471 "Danish Opposition Impact" footnote)
		(NC00158 "Opposition in BRD Leads to Deployments Elsewhere" footnote)
		(NC00285 "New NATO Independence" footnote)
		(NC00369 "Lack of Public Support  for NATO Nukes" footnote)
		(NC00456 "Steam is Gone From Anti-Nuke Movement" footnote)
		(NC00520 "Luns: Peace is Now Closer" footnote)
		(NC00524 "Luns: New Missiles Make Europe Safer" footnote)
		(NC00525 "US Ambassador Sees NATO Cohesion" footnote)
		(NC00516 "Rogers:  Deployments Aid Negotiation" footnote)
		(NC00304 "Deployment seen as necessary to negotiation" footnote)
		(NC00129 "Lack of NATO Enthusiasm in INF Talks" footnote)
		(NC00128 "INF Talks Begin" footnote)
		(NC00130 "NATO-Created Obstacles to INF Agreement" footnote)
		(NC00133 "US Opening Position" footnote)
		(NC00134 "Soviet Opening Position" footnote)
		(NC00139 "Talks Presently Stalled" See)
		(NC00136 "Movement in Talks" footnote)
		(NC00140 "Reagan Admin. View of INF Talks" footnote)
		(NC00493 "Allies Urged US to Soften Zero Option" footnote)
		(NC00466 "Germans Call for Revival of Walk in Woods" footnote)))

(RPAQQ X508-L [(NC00075 Schmidt's View of TNF Modernization Support ((NC00040 Smith, 
									    "Missile Deployments"
			((NC00511 Perception of Need for Modernization FiledCard)))
	       (NC00074 German Interest in Nuclear Modernization Support ((NC00040 Smith, 
									    "Missile Deployments"
			((NC00511 Perception of Need for Modernization FiledCard)))
	       (NC00534 Late 70's European Concern With US Support ((NC00532 Lewis, 
								     "Intermediate Range Weapons"
			((NC00511 Perception of Need for Modernization FiledCard)))
	       (NC00539 Deployment Based on European Insecurity Support ((NC00538 Bertram, 
								"Implications of Theater Nuclear"
			((NC00511 Perception of Need for Modernization FiledCard)))
	       (NC00564 New TNF Coupling Value Support ((NC00550 Bundy, et al, "Nuclear Weapons" 
			((NC00511 Perception of Need for Modernization FiledCard)))
	       (NC00533 Historical Importance of European Perception Support ((NC00532 Lewis, 
								     "Intermediate Range Weapons"
			((NC00427 Origins of NATO Doctrine FiledCard)))
	       (NC00117 1978 HLG Decision to Increase TNF Capabilities Support
			((NC00040 Smith, "Missile Deployments" Source))
			((NC00510 HLG and TNF Modernization Plan FiledCard)
			 (NC00261 High Level Group (HLG)
	       (NC00073 Shift to Nuclear Focus in Modernization Plans Support ((NC00040 Smith, 
									    "Missile Deployments"
			((NC00510 HLG and TNF Modernization Plan FiledCard)
			 (NC00261 High Level Group (HLG)
	       (NC00092 German & UK Interest in Cruise Support ((NC00040 Smith, "Missile Deployments" 
			((NC00509 Decision to Adopt GLCM and Pershing II FiledCard)
			 (NC00259 Cruise Missiles FiledCard)))
	       (NC00501 SS20 Provides Excuse for New Missiles Support ((NC00357 Cockburn, The Threat 
			((NC00509 Decision to Adopt GLCM and Pershing II FiledCard)))
	       (NC00095 Euro. Enthusiasm for Cruise Comment ((NC00040 Smith, "Missile Deployments" 
			((NC00509 Decision to Adopt GLCM and Pershing II FiledCard)
			 (NC00259 Cruise Missiles FiledCard)))
	       (NC00093 US Pressured Europe to Adopt GLCM Comment ((NC00040 Smith, 
									    "Missile Deployments"
			((NC00509 Decision to Adopt GLCM and Pershing II FiledCard)))
	       (NC00094 US Unclear on Cruise Role Support ((NC00040 Smith, "Missile Deployments" 
			((NC00509 Decision to Adopt GLCM and Pershing II FiledCard)
			 (NC00259 Cruise Missiles FiledCard)))
	       (NC00169 NATO Triad Support ((NC00045 Blacker and Duffy, International Arms Source))
			((NC00260 Flexible Response FiledCard)
			 (NC00103 NATO TNF Doctrine FiledCard)))
	       (NC00333 NATO First Use Doctrine Support ((NC00298 Bracken, Command and Control Source)
			((NC00103 NATO TNF Doctrine FiledCard)))
	       (NC00167 More Bang For the Buck Support ((NC00045 Blacker and Duffy, International 
								 Arms Source))
			((NC00427 Origins of NATO Doctrine FiledCard)))
	       (NC00168 USSR Counters US TNF's in 1960's Comment
			((NC00045 Blacker and Duffy, International Arms Source))
			((NC00427 Origins of NATO Doctrine FiledCard)))
	       (NC00383 Basis of First Use Choice Support ((NC00354 Gottfried, et al, "No First Use" 
			((NC00427 Origins of NATO Doctrine FiledCard)))
	       (NC00572 Dulles on More Bang for the Buck Support ((NC00549 McNamara, 
								       "Military Role of Nuclear"
			((NC00427 Origins of NATO Doctrine FiledCard)))
	       (NC00381 Flaw in NATO Doctrine Support ((NC00354 Gottfried, et al, "No First Use" 
			((NC00103 NATO TNF Doctrine FiledCard)))
	       (NC00375 German Support for Deterrence Comment ((NC00299 Smith, "Allure of High-Tech" 
			((NC00103 NATO TNF Doctrine FiledCard)))
	       (NC00340 Europeans Interested in Deterrence Support ((NC00298 Bracken, Command and 
									     Control Source))
			((NC00103 NATO TNF Doctrine FiledCard)))
	       (NC00113 Capabilities of New Missiles Support ((NC00040 Smith, "Missile Deployments" 
			((NC00311 US TNF Missiles FiledCard)))
	       (NC00066 Pershing II Speed Support ((NC00063 Turner, Arms Race Source))
			((NC00021 Pershing II characteristics FiledCard)))
	       (NC00098 Accuracy of Pershing II Support ((NC00057 Paine, "Pershing II" Source))
			((NC00021 Pershing II characteristics FiledCard)))
	       (NC00290 GLCM Poses Large Threat to USSR Support ((NC00247 Smith, 
								     "Deployments Shake Politics"
			((NC00104 Soviet TNF Doctrine FiledCard)
			 (NC00022 GLCM characteristics FiledCard)))
	       (NC00067 Tomahawk Characteristics Comment ((NC00063 Turner, Arms Race Source))
			((NC00259 Cruise Missiles FiledCard)
			 (NC00022 GLCM characteristics FiledCard)))
	       (NC00099 Origins of Pershing II Support ((NC00057 Paine, "Pershing II" Source))
			((NC00021 Pershing II characteristics FiledCard)))
	       (NC00100 Range Increases on Pershing Support ((NC00057 Paine, "Pershing II" Source))
			((NC00021 Pershing II characteristics FiledCard)))
	       (NC00499 SS20 vs Predecessors Support ((NC00357 Cockburn, The Threat Source))
			((NC00079 SS20 Characteristics FiledCard)))
	       (NC00082 SS20 As Routine Modernization Comment ((NC00040 Smith, "Missile Deployments" 
			((NC00079 SS20 Characteristics FiledCard)))
	       (NC00081 Origins of SS20 Support ((NC00040 Smith, "Missile Deployments" Source))
			((NC00079 SS20 Characteristics FiledCard)))
	       (NC00500 SS20 as SS16 Stepchild Support ((NC00357 Cockburn, The Threat Source))
			((NC00079 SS20 Characteristics FiledCard)))
	       (NC00079 SS20 Characteristics Support NIL NIL)
	       (NC00084 SS20 Weaknesses Support ((NC00033 Paine, "Roundup" Source))
			((NC00079 SS20 Characteristics FiledCard)))
	       (NC00506 Erroneous SS20 Accuracy Claim Comment ((NC00357 Cockburn, The Threat Source))
			((NC00079 SS20 Characteristics FiledCard])

(RPAQQ X514-L [(NC00539 Deployment Based on European Insecurity footnote ((NC00538 Bertram, 
								"Implications of Theater Nuclear"
			((NC00511 Perception of Need for Modernization FiledCard)))
	       (NC00074 German Interest in Nuclear Modernization footnote ((NC00040 Smith, 
									    "Missile Deployments"
			((NC00511 Perception of Need for Modernization FiledCard)))
	       (NC00533 Historical Importance of European Perception footnote ((NC00532 Lewis, 
								     "Intermediate Range Weapons"
			((NC00427 Origins of NATO Doctrine FiledCard)))
	       (NC00534 Late 70's European Concern With US footnote ((NC00532 Lewis, 
								     "Intermediate Range Weapons"
			((NC00511 Perception of Need for Modernization FiledCard)))
	       (NC00564 New TNF Coupling Value footnote ((NC00550 Bundy, et al, "Nuclear Weapons" 
			((NC00511 Perception of Need for Modernization FiledCard)))
	       (NC00075 Schmidt's View of TNF Modernization footnote ((NC00040 Smith, 
									    "Missile Deployments"
			((NC00511 Perception of Need for Modernization FiledCard)))
	       (NC00076 Schmidt's View of SS20 Role footnote ((NC00040 Smith, "Missile Deployments" 
			((NC00511 Perception of Need for Modernization FiledCard)))
	       (NC00075 Schmidt's View of TNF Modernization footnote ((NC00040 Smith, 
									    "Missile Deployments"
			((NC00511 Perception of Need for Modernization FiledCard)))
	       (NC00117 1978 HLG Decision to Increase TNF Capabilities footnote
			((NC00040 Smith, "Missile Deployments" Source))
			((NC00510 HLG and TNF Modernization Plan FiledCard)))
	       (NC00073 Shift to Nuclear Focus in Modernization Plans footnote
			((NC00040 Smith, "Missile Deployments" Source))
			((NC00510 HLG and TNF Modernization Plan FiledCard)))
	       (NC00522 Luns on Origins of Modernization footnote ((NC00512 
								   "NATO: Reshaping the Alliance"
			((NC00498 NATO TNF Modernization Plan FiledCard)))
	       (NC00072 Deployment Based partly on Need for Modernization footnote
			((NC00040 Smith, "Missile Deployments" Source))
			((NC00498 NATO TNF Modernization Plan FiledCard)))
	       (NC00093 US Pressured Europe to Adopt GLCM footnote ((NC00040 Smith, 
									    "Missile Deployments"
			((NC00509 Decision to Adopt GLCM and Pershing II FiledCard)))
	       (NC00094 US Unclear on Cruise Role footnote ((NC00040 Smith, "Missile Deployments" 
			((NC00509 Decision to Adopt GLCM and Pershing II FiledCard)
			 (NC00259 Cruise Missiles FiledCard)))
	       (NC00095 Euro. Enthusiasm for Cruise footnote ((NC00040 Smith, "Missile Deployments" 
			((NC00509 Decision to Adopt GLCM and Pershing II FiledCard)
			 (NC00259 Cruise Missiles FiledCard)))
	       (NC00092 German & UK Interest in Cruise footnote ((NC00040 Smith, 
									  "Missile Deployments"
			((NC00509 Decision to Adopt GLCM and Pershing II FiledCard)
			 (NC00259 Cruise Missiles FiledCard)))
	       (NC00095 Euro. Enthusiasm for Cruise footnote ((NC00040 Smith, "Missile Deployments" 
			((NC00509 Decision to Adopt GLCM and Pershing II FiledCard)
			 (NC00259 Cruise Missiles FiledCard)))
	       (NC00501 SS20 Provides Excuse for New Missiles footnote ((NC00357 Cockburn, The Threat 
			((NC00509 Decision to Adopt GLCM and Pershing II FiledCard)))
	       (NC00070 US & Soviet TNF's (table)
			((NC00062 Treverton, Nuclear Weapons in Europe Source))
			((NC00310 Characteristics of TNF Missiles FiledCard)))
	       (NC00066 Pershing II Speed footnote ((NC00063 Turner, Arms Race Source))
			((NC00021 Pershing II characteristics FiledCard)))
	       (NC00067 Tomahawk Characteristics footnote ((NC00063 Turner, Arms Race Source))
			((NC00259 Cruise Missiles FiledCard)
			 (NC00022 GLCM characteristics FiledCard)))
	       (NC00099 Origins of Pershing II footnote ((NC00057 Paine, "Pershing II" Source))
			((NC00021 Pershing II characteristics FiledCard)))
	       (NC00097 Attraction Of Pershing II footnote ((NC00040 Smith, "Missile Deployments" 
			((NC00509 Decision to Adopt GLCM and Pershing II FiledCard)))
	       (NC00100 Range Increases on Pershing footnote ((NC00057 Paine, "Pershing II" Source))
			((NC00021 Pershing II characteristics FiledCard)))
	       (NC00100 Range Increases on Pershing footnote ((NC00057 Paine, "Pershing II" Source))
			((NC00021 Pershing II characteristics FiledCard)))
	       (NC00096 Pershing II an Afterthought footnote ((NC00040 Smith, "Missile Deployments" 
			((NC00509 Decision to Adopt GLCM and Pershing II FiledCard)))
	       (NC00610 "NATO Communique, Dec. 12, 1979" footnote NIL ((NC00301 Bibliography 
	       (NC00610 "NATO Communique, Dec. 12, 1979" footnote NIL ((NC00301 Bibliography 
	       (NC00610 "NATO Communique, Dec. 12, 1979" footnote NIL ((NC00301 Bibliography 
	       (NC00610 "NATO Communique, Dec. 12, 1979" footnote NIL ((NC00301 Bibliography 
	       (NC00540 Unique Elements of 1979 Decision footnote ((NC00538 Bertram, 
								"Implications of Theater Nuclear"
			((NC00498 NATO TNF Modernization Plan FiledCard)))
	       (NC00587 Importance of December 1979 Decision footnote ((NC00547 Bertram, 
								"Implications of Theater Nuclear"
			((NC00498 NATO TNF Modernization Plan FiledCard)))
	       (NC00162 Krefeld Petition footnote ((NC00033 Paine, "Roundup" Source))
			((NC00155 Federal Republic of Germany FiledCard)))
	       (NC00159 1982 BRD Poll footnote ((NC00045 Blacker and Duffy, International Arms Source)
			((NC00155 Federal Republic of Germany FiledCard)))
	       (NC00484 Scale of German Opposition footnote ((NC00472 Feazel, 
								      "Europeans Remain Divided"
			((NC00155 Federal Republic of Germany FiledCard)))
	       (NC00160 October 1983 Demonstrations footnote ((NC00044 Barnet, "Atlantic Alliance" 
			((NC00154 Reaction to Deployment Decision in NATO Countries FiledCard)))
	       (NC00284 Neu-Ulm Protests footnote ((NC00247 Smith, "Deployments Shake Politics" 
			((NC00155 Federal Republic of Germany FiledCard)))
	       (NC00484 Scale of German Opposition footnote ((NC00472 Feazel, 
								      "Europeans Remain Divided"
			((NC00155 Federal Republic of Germany FiledCard)))
	       (NC00580 Characterization of Peace Movement footnote ((NC00548 Hoffman, 
								       "NATO and Nuclear Weapons"
			((NC00154 Reaction to Deployment Decision in NATO Countries FiledCard)))
	       (NC00582 Characterization of German Movement footnote ((NC00548 Hoffman, 
								       "NATO and Nuclear Weapons"
			((NC00155 Federal Republic of Germany FiledCard)))
	       (NC00542 Five Reasons for Lack of Public Support footnote ((NC00538 Bertram, 
								"Implications of Theater Nuclear"
			((NC00154 Reaction to Deployment Decision in NATO Countries FiledCard)))
	       (NC00441 Luns on Peace Movement footnote ((NC00440 "Washington Roundup" Source))
			((NC00155 Federal Republic of Germany FiledCard)))
	       (NC00439 Kelly Defends Peace Movement footnote ((NC00050 Kelly, Um Hoffnung Kaempfen 
			((NC00155 Federal Republic of Germany FiledCard)))
	       (NC00604 Precis of European Objections to New Missiles footnote
			((NC00594 Pierre, "Long-Range-Theater" Source))
			((NC00154 Reaction to Deployment Decision in NATO Countries FiledCard)))
	       (NC00291 New Missiles Attract USSR Attack footnote NIL
			((NC00422 Source Check FiledCard)
			 (NC00154 Reaction to Deployment Decision in NATO Countries FiledCard)
			 (NC00104 Soviet TNF Doctrine FiledCard)))
	       (NC00442 Kelly Sees Europe in the Middle footnote ((NC00050 Kelly, Um Hoffnung 
									   Kaempfen Source))
			((NC00155 Federal Republic of Germany FiledCard)))
	       (NC00163 Missiles in BRD A Violation of Constitution footnote NIL
			((NC00155 Federal Republic of Germany FiledCard)))
	       (NC00166 Fear that Military Logic Dominates Decision-Making footnote
			((NC00058 Raddatz, "Verfassungsschuetzer" Source))
			((NC00155 Federal Republic of Germany FiledCard)))
	       (NC00165 German Criticism of US Nuclear Doctrine footnote ((NC00058 Raddatz, 
			((NC00155 Federal Republic of Germany FiledCard)))
	       (NC00483 Belgian Coaltion Problems footnote ((NC00472 Feazel, 
								     "Europeans Remain Divided"
			((NC00478 Belgium FiledCard)))
	       (NC00293 Danish Government Opposition footnote ((NC00292 "Danish Government" Source))
			((NC00477 Denmark FiledCard)))
	       (NC00471 Danish Opposition Impact footnote ((NC00469 "Europeans Set Deployment" Source)
			((NC00477 Denmark FiledCard)))
	       (NC00158 Opposition in BRD Leads to Deployments Elsewhere footnote
			((NC00040 Smith, "Missile Deployments" Source))
			((NC00155 Federal Republic of Germany FiledCard)
			 (NC00154 Reaction to Deployment Decision in NATO Countries FiledCard)))
	       (NC00161 US-European Relations Soured footnote ((NC00044 Barnet, "Atlantic Alliance" 
			((NC00154 Reaction to Deployment Decision in NATO Countries FiledCard)))
	       (NC00285 New NATO Independence footnote ((NC00247 Smith, "Deployments Shake Politics" 
			((NC00154 Reaction to Deployment Decision in NATO Countries FiledCard)))
	       (NC00285 New NATO Independence footnote ((NC00247 Smith, "Deployments Shake Politics" 
			((NC00154 Reaction to Deployment Decision in NATO Countries FiledCard)))
	       (NC00369 Lack of Public Support for NATO Nukes footnote ((NC00299 Smith, 
									    "Allure of High-Tech"
			((NC00408 Criticisms of NATO Doctrine FiledCard)
			 (NC00154 Reaction to Deployment Decision in NATO Countries FiledCard)))
	       (NC00456 Steam is Gone From Anti-Nuke Movement footnote ((NC00453 Feazel, 
									 "Europeans Reject Delay"
			((NC00154 Reaction to Deployment Decision in NATO Countries FiledCard)))
	       (NC00524 Luns: New Missiles Make Europe Safer footnote ((NC00512 
								   "NATO: Reshaping the Alliance"
			((NC00531 Official NATO View of Deployments FiledCard)))
	       (NC00520 Luns: Peace is Now Closer footnote ((NC00512 "NATO: Reshaping the Alliance" 
			((NC00531 Official NATO View of Deployments FiledCard)))
	       (NC00520 Luns: Peace is Now Closer footnote ((NC00512 "NATO: Reshaping the Alliance" 
			((NC00531 Official NATO View of Deployments FiledCard)))
	       (NC00525 US Ambassador Sees NATO Cohesion footnote ((NC00512 
								   "NATO: Reshaping the Alliance"
			((NC00531 Official NATO View of Deployments FiledCard)))
	       (NC00304 Deployment seen as necessary to negotiation footnote
			((NC00302 Newsweek, 17 December 1979 Source))
			((NC00498 NATO TNF Modernization Plan FiledCard)))
	       (NC00516 Rogers: Deployments Aid Negotiation footnote ((NC00512 
								   "NATO: Reshaping the Alliance"
			((NC00495 Arms Control: Proposals and Negotiations FiledCard)))
	       (NC00035 Provisions of Brezhnev Initiative footnote ((NC00033 Paine, "Roundup" Source))
			((NC00221 Brezhnev, Leonid FiledCard)
			 (NC00204 Soviet Initiatives FiledCard)))
	       (NC00305 Carter Reaction to Brezhnev Initiative footnote
			((NC00303 Newsweek, 22 October 1979 Source))
			((NC00205 NATO Responses to Soviet Initiatives FiledCard)))
	       (NC00305 Carter Reaction to Brezhnev Initiative footnote
			((NC00303 Newsweek, 22 October 1979 Source))
			((NC00205 NATO Responses to Soviet Initiatives FiledCard)))
	       (NC00038 NATO Political Reasons for Rejection of Brezhnev Initiative footnote
			((NC00033 Paine, "Roundup" Source))
			((NC00205 NATO Responses to Soviet Initiatives FiledCard)))
	       (NC00308 Schmidt's Reaction to Brezhnev Proposal footnote
			((NC00303 Newsweek, 22 October 1979 Source))
			((NC00205 NATO Responses to Soviet Initiatives FiledCard)))
	       (NC00307 Left-wing German Reaction to Brezhnev Initiative footnote
			((NC00303 Newsweek, 22 October 1979 Source))
			((NC00205 NATO Responses to Soviet Initiatives FiledCard)))
	       (NC00140 Reagan Admin. View of INF Talks footnote ((NC00053 Lunn, 
									  "Nuclear Modernization"
			((NC00125 Geneva INF Talks FiledCard)))
	       (NC00129 Lack of NATO Enthusiasm in INF Talks footnote ((NC00060 Smith, 
										"Missile Talks"
			((NC00125 Geneva INF Talks FiledCard)))
	       (NC00129 Lack of NATO Enthusiasm in INF Talks footnote ((NC00060 Smith, 
										"Missile Talks"
			((NC00125 Geneva INF Talks FiledCard)))
	       (NC00133 US Opening Position footnote ((NC00060 Smith, "Missile Talks" Source))
			((NC00125 Geneva INF Talks FiledCard)))
	       (NC00134 Soviet Opening Position footnote ((NC00060 Smith, "Missile Talks" Source))
			((NC00125 Geneva INF Talks FiledCard)))
	       (NC00136 Movement in Talks footnote ((NC00060 Smith, "Missile Talks" Source))
			((NC00125 Geneva INF Talks FiledCard)))
	       (NC00136 Movement in Talks footnote ((NC00060 Smith, "Missile Talks" Source))
			((NC00125 Geneva INF Talks FiledCard)))
	       (NC00493 Allies Urged US to Soften Zero Option footnote ((NC00492 
								       "Belgians, Dutch May Slip"
			((NC00125 Geneva INF Talks FiledCard)))
	       (NC00466 Germans Call for Revival of Walk in Woods footnote ((NC00465 
								      "Europeans Back Pershing 2"
			((NC00125 Geneva INF Talks FiledCard)))
	       (NC00152 Soviets Walk Out of INF Talks footnote ((NC00060 Smith, "Missile Talks" 
			((NC00125 Geneva INF Talks FiledCard)))
	       (NC00139 Talks Presently Stalled footnote ((NC00060 Smith, "Missile Talks" Source))
			((NC00125 Geneva INF Talks FiledCard)))
	       (NC00190 Conventional Defense Practical footnote ((NC00033 Paine, "Roundup" Source))
			((NC00404 NATO Conventional Forces FiledCard)))
	       (NC00188 Soviet Conventional Superiority Denied footnote
			((NC00055 Otis and Browder, "Enormous Responsibility" Source))
			((NC00404 NATO Conventional Forces FiledCard)))
	       (NC00374 Neglect of Conventional Readiness footnote ((NC00299 Smith, 
									    "Allure of High-Tech"
			((NC00404 NATO Conventional Forces FiledCard)))
	       (NC00409 Raise Nuclear Threshold footnote ((NC00406 ESECS, Strengthening Conventional 
			((NC00405 ESECS Plan for Conventional Strengthening FiledCard)))
	       (NC00339 Bradley on Nuclear Dilemma footnote ((NC00298 Bracken, Command and Control 
			((NC00408 Criticisms of NATO Doctrine FiledCard)))
	       (NC00342 Estimates of German Casualities footnote ((NC00298 Bracken, Command and 
									   Control Source))
			((NC00408 Criticisms of NATO Doctrine FiledCard])
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