(* * NoteFile: {DSK}<LISPFILES>X514B-2I-NATO-MISSILES.NOTEFILE) ( ((* * Output from (NCDATA.LinksFromCard "OUTLINE") on " 4-Sep-85 08:43:38" ) (NC00579 "OUTLINE" ((NC00539 "Deployment Based on European Insecurity" footnote) (NC00074 "German Interest in Nuclear Modernization" footnote) (NC00533 "Historical Importance of European Perception" footnote) (NC00534 "Late 70's European Concern With US" footnote) (NC00564 "New TNF Coupling Value" footnote) (NC00075 "Schmidt's View of TNF Modernization" footnote) (NC00076 "Schmidt's View of SS20 Role" footnote) (NC00075 "Schmidt's View of TNF Modernization" footnote) (NC00117 "1978 HLG Decision to Increase TNF Capabilities" footnote) (NC00073 "Shift to Nuclear Focus in Modernization Plans" footnote) (NC00522 "Luns on Origins of Modernization" footnote) (NC00072 "Deployment Based partly on Need for Modernization" footnote) (NC00093 "US Pressured Europe to Adopt GLCM" footnote) (NC00094 "US Unclear on Cruise Role" footnote) (NC00095 "Euro. Enthusiasm for Cruise" footnote) (NC00092 "German & UK Interest in Cruise" footnote) (NC00095 "Euro. Enthusiasm for Cruise" footnote) (NC00501 "SS20 Provides Excuse for New Missiles" footnote) ( NC00070 "US & Soviet TNF's (table)" footnote) (NC00066 "Pershing II Speed" footnote) (NC00067 "Tomahawk Characteristics" footnote) (NC00099 "Origins of Pershing II" footnote) (NC00097 "Attraction Of Pershing II" footnote) (NC00100 "Range Increases on Pershing" footnote) (NC00100 "Range Increases on Pershing" footnote) (NC00096 "Pershing II an Afterthought" footnote) (NC00610 "%"NATO Communique, Dec. 12, 1979%"" footnote) (NC00610 "%"NATO Communique, Dec. 12, 1979%"" footnote) (NC00610 "%"NATO Communique, Dec. 12, 1979%"" footnote) (NC00610 "%"NATO Communique, Dec. 12, 1979%"" footnote) (NC00540 "Unique Elements of 1979 Decision" footnote) (NC00587 "Importance of December 1979 Decision" footnote) (NC00162 "Krefeld Petition" footnote) (NC00159 "1982 BRD Poll" footnote) (NC00484 "Scale of German Opposition" footnote) (NC00160 "October 1983 Demonstrations" footnote) (NC00284 "Neu-Ulm Protests" footnote) (NC00484 "Scale of German Opposition" footnote) (NC00580 "Characterization of Peace Movement" footnote) ( NC00582 "Characterization of German Movement" footnote) (NC00542 "Five Reasons for Lack of Public Support" footnote) (NC00441 "Luns on Peace Movement" footnote) ( NC00439 "Kelly Defends Peace Movement" footnote) (NC00604 "Precis of European Objections to New Missiles" footnote) (NC00291 "New Missiles Attract USSR Attack" footnote) (NC00442 "Kelly Sees Europe in the Middle" footnote) (NC00163 "Missiles in BRD A Violation of Constitution" footnote) (NC00166 "Fear that Military Logic Dominates Decision-Making" footnote) (NC00165 "German Criticism of US Nuclear Doctrine" footnote) (NC00483 "Belgian Coaltion Problems" footnote) ( NC00293 "Danish Government Opposition" footnote) (NC00471 "Danish Opposition Impact" footnote) ( NC00158 "Opposition in BRD Leads to Deployments Elsewhere" footnote) (NC00161 "US-European Relations Soured" footnote) (NC00285 "New NATO Independence" footnote) (NC00285 "New NATO Independence" footnote) (NC00369 "Lack of Public Support for NATO Nukes" footnote) (NC00456 "Steam is Gone From Anti-Nuke Movement" footnote) (NC00524 "Luns: New Missiles Make Europe Safer" footnote) (NC00520 "Luns: Peace is Now Closer" footnote) (NC00520 "Luns: Peace is Now Closer" footnote ) (NC00525 "US Ambassador Sees NATO Cohesion" footnote) (NC00304 "Deployment seen as necessary to negotiation" footnote) (NC00516 "Rogers: Deployments Aid Negotiation" footnote) (NC00035 "Provisions of Brezhnev Initiative" footnote ) (NC00305 "Carter Reaction to Brezhnev Initiative" footnote) (NC00305 "Carter Reaction to Brezhnev Initiative" footnote) (NC00038 "NATO Political Reasons for Rejection of Brezhnev Initiative" footnote) (NC00308 "Schmidt's Reaction to Brezhnev Proposal" footnote) (NC00307 "Left-wing German Reaction to Brezhnev Initiative" footnote) (NC00140 "Reagan Admin. View of INF Talks" footnote) (NC00129 "Lack of NATO Enthusiasm in INF Talks" footnote) (NC00129 "Lack of NATO Enthusiasm in INF Talks" footnote) (NC00133 "US Opening Position" footnote) ( NC00134 "Soviet Opening Position" footnote) (NC00136 "Movement in Talks" footnote) (NC00136 "Movement in Talks" footnote) (NC00493 "Allies Urged US to Soften Zero Option" footnote) (NC00466 "Germans Call for Revival of Walk in Woods" footnote) (NC00152 "Soviets Walk Out of INF Talks" footnote) (NC00139 "Talks Presently Stalled" footnote) (NC00190 "Conventional Defense Practical" footnote) (NC00188 "Soviet Conventional Superiority Denied" footnote) (NC00374 "Neglect of Conventional Readiness" footnote) (NC00409 "Raise Nuclear Threshold" footnote) (NC00339 "Bradley on Nuclear Dilemma " footnote) (NC00342 "Estimates of German Casualities" footnote))) ) ((* * Output from (NCDATA.GetSourcesOfFootnotes) on " 4-Sep-85 08:44:19" ) (NC00579 "OUTLINE" ((NC00539 "Deployment Based on European Insecurity" footnote ((NC00538 "Bertram, %"Implications of Theater Nuclear%"" Source)) ((NC00511 "Perception of Need for Modernization" FiledCard))) (NC00074 "German Interest in Nuclear Modernization" footnote ((NC00040 "Smith, %"Missile Deployments%"" Source) ) ((NC00511 "Perception of Need for Modernization" FiledCard))) (NC00533 "Historical Importance of European Perception" footnote ((NC00532 "Lewis, %"Intermediate Range Weapons%"" Source)) ((NC00427 "Origins of NATO Doctrine" FiledCard))) ( NC00534 "Late 70's European Concern With US" footnote ((NC00532 "Lewis, %"Intermediate Range Weapons%"" Source)) ((NC00511 "Perception of Need for Modernization" FiledCard))) (NC00564 "New TNF Coupling Value" footnote ((NC00550 "Bundy, et al, %"Nuclear Weapons%"" Source)) ((NC00511 "Perception of Need for Modernization" FiledCard))) (NC00075 "Schmidt's View of TNF Modernization" footnote ((NC00040 "Smith, %"Missile Deployments%"" Source)) ((NC00511 "Perception of Need for Modernization" FiledCard))) (NC00076 "Schmidt's View of SS20 Role" footnote (( NC00040 "Smith, %"Missile Deployments%"" Source)) ((NC00511 "Perception of Need for Modernization" FiledCard))) (NC00075 "Schmidt's View of TNF Modernization" footnote ((NC00040 "Smith, %"Missile Deployments%"" Source)) ((NC00511 "Perception of Need for Modernization" FiledCard)) ) (NC00117 "1978 HLG Decision to Increase TNF Capabilities" footnote ((NC00040 "Smith, %"Missile Deployments%"" Source)) ((NC00510 "HLG and TNF Modernization Plan" FiledCard))) ( NC00073 "Shift to Nuclear Focus in Modernization Plans" footnote ((NC00040 "Smith, %"Missile Deployments%"" Source)) ((NC00510 "HLG and TNF Modernization Plan" FiledCard))) ( NC00522 "Luns on Origins of Modernization" footnote ((NC00512 "%"NATO: Reshaping the Alliance%"" Source)) ((NC00498 "NATO TNF Modernization Plan" FiledCard))) (NC00072 "Deployment Based partly on Need for Modernization" footnote ((NC00040 "Smith, %"Missile Deployments%"" Source)) ((NC00498 "NATO TNF Modernization Plan" FiledCard))) (NC00093 "US Pressured Europe to Adopt GLCM" footnote ((NC00040 "Smith, %"Missile Deployments%"" Source)) (( NC00509 "Decision to Adopt GLCM and Pershing II" FiledCard))) (NC00094 "US Unclear on Cruise Role" footnote ((NC00040 "Smith, %"Missile Deployments%"" Source)) ((NC00509 "Decision to Adopt GLCM and Pershing II" FiledCard) (NC00259 "Cruise Missiles" FiledCard))) (NC00095 "Euro. Enthusiasm for Cruise" footnote ((NC00040 "Smith, %"Missile Deployments%"" Source)) ((NC00509 "Decision to Adopt GLCM and Pershing II" FiledCard) (NC00259 "Cruise Missiles" FiledCard))) (NC00092 "German & UK Interest in Cruise" footnote ((NC00040 "Smith, %"Missile Deployments%"" Source)) (( NC00509 "Decision to Adopt GLCM and Pershing II" FiledCard) (NC00259 "Cruise Missiles" FiledCard))) ( NC00095 "Euro. Enthusiasm for Cruise" footnote ((NC00040 "Smith, %"Missile Deployments%"" Source)) (( NC00509 "Decision to Adopt GLCM and Pershing II" FiledCard) (NC00259 "Cruise Missiles" FiledCard))) ( NC00501 "SS20 Provides Excuse for New Missiles" footnote ((NC00357 "Cockburn, The Threat" Source)) (( NC00509 "Decision to Adopt GLCM and Pershing II" FiledCard))) (NC00070 "US & Soviet TNF's (table)" footnote ((NC00062 "Treverton, Nuclear Weapons in Europe" Source)) ((NC00310 "Characteristics of TNF Missiles" FiledCard))) (NC00066 "Pershing II Speed" footnote ((NC00063 "Turner, Arms Race" Source)) ((NC00021 "Pershing II characteristics" FiledCard))) (NC00067 "Tomahawk Characteristics" footnote ((NC00063 "Turner, Arms Race" Source)) ((NC00259 "Cruise Missiles" FiledCard) (NC00022 "GLCM characteristics" FiledCard))) (NC00099 "Origins of Pershing II" footnote (( NC00057 "Paine, %"Pershing II%"" Source)) ((NC00021 "Pershing II characteristics" FiledCard))) ( NC00097 "Attraction Of Pershing II" footnote ((NC00040 "Smith, %"Missile Deployments%"" Source)) (( NC00509 "Decision to Adopt GLCM and Pershing II" FiledCard))) (NC00100 "Range Increases on Pershing" footnote ((NC00057 "Paine, %"Pershing II%"" Source)) ((NC00021 "Pershing II characteristics" FiledCard ))) (NC00100 "Range Increases on Pershing" footnote ((NC00057 "Paine, %"Pershing II%"" Source)) (( NC00021 "Pershing II characteristics" FiledCard))) (NC00096 "Pershing II an Afterthought" footnote (( NC00040 "Smith, %"Missile Deployments%"" Source)) ((NC00509 "Decision to Adopt GLCM and Pershing II" FiledCard))) (NC00610 "%"NATO Communique, Dec. 12, 1979%"" footnote NIL ((NC00301 "Bibliography" FiledCard))) (NC00610 "%"NATO Communique, Dec. 12, 1979%"" footnote NIL ((NC00301 "Bibliography" FiledCard))) (NC00610 "%"NATO Communique, Dec. 12, 1979%"" footnote NIL ((NC00301 "Bibliography" FiledCard))) (NC00610 "%"NATO Communique, Dec. 12, 1979%"" footnote NIL ((NC00301 "Bibliography" FiledCard))) (NC00540 "Unique Elements of 1979 Decision" footnote ((NC00538 "Bertram, %"Implications of Theater Nuclear%"" Source)) ((NC00498 "NATO TNF Modernization Plan" FiledCard))) (NC00587 "Importance of December 1979 Decision" footnote ((NC00547 "Bertram, %"Implications of Theater Nuclear%"" Source)) ((NC00498 "NATO TNF Modernization Plan" FiledCard))) (NC00162 "Krefeld Petition" footnote ((NC00033 "Paine, %"Roundup%"" Source)) ((NC00155 "Federal Republic of Germany" FiledCard))) (NC00159 "1982 BRD Poll" footnote ((NC00045 "Blacker and Duffy, International Arms" Source)) ((NC00155 "Federal Republic of Germany" FiledCard))) (NC00484 "Scale of German Opposition" footnote ((NC00472 "Feazel, %"Europeans Remain Divided%"" Source )) ((NC00155 "Federal Republic of Germany" FiledCard))) (NC00160 "October 1983 Demonstrations" footnote ((NC00044 "Barnet, %"Atlantic Alliance%"" Source)) ((NC00154 "Reaction to Deployment Decision in NATO Countries" FiledCard))) (NC00284 "Neu-Ulm Protests" footnote ((NC00247 "Smith, %"Deployments Shake Politics%"" Source)) ((NC00155 "Federal Republic of Germany" FiledCard))) (NC00484 "Scale of German Opposition" footnote ((NC00472 "Feazel, %"Europeans Remain Divided%"" Source)) ((NC00155 "Federal Republic of Germany" FiledCard))) ( NC00580 "Characterization of Peace Movement" footnote ((NC00548 "Hoffman, %"NATO and Nuclear Weapons%"" Source)) ((NC00154 "Reaction to Deployment Decision in NATO Countries" FiledCard))) (NC00582 "Characterization of German Movement" footnote ((NC00548 "Hoffman, %"NATO and Nuclear Weapons%"" Source)) ((NC00155 "Federal Republic of Germany" FiledCard))) (NC00542 "Five Reasons for Lack of Public Support" footnote ((NC00538 "Bertram, %"Implications of Theater Nuclear%"" Source)) ((NC00154 "Reaction to Deployment Decision in NATO Countries" FiledCard))) (NC00441 "Luns on Peace Movement" footnote ((NC00440 "%"Washington Roundup%"" Source)) ((NC00155 "Federal Republic of Germany" FiledCard ))) (NC00439 "Kelly Defends Peace Movement" footnote ((NC00050 "Kelly, Um Hoffnung Kaempfen" Source)) ((NC00155 "Federal Republic of Germany" FiledCard))) (NC00604 "Precis of European Objections to New Missiles" footnote ((NC00594 "Pierre, %"Long-Range-Theater%"" Source)) ((NC00154 "Reaction to Deployment Decision in NATO Countries" FiledCard))) (NC00291 "New Missiles Attract USSR Attack" footnote NIL ((NC00422 "Source Check" FiledCard) (NC00154 "Reaction to Deployment Decision in NATO Countries" FiledCard) (NC00104 "Soviet TNF Doctrine" FiledCard))) (NC00442 "Kelly Sees Europe in the Middle" footnote ((NC00050 "Kelly, Um Hoffnung Kaempfen" Source)) ((NC00155 "Federal Republic of Germany" FiledCard))) (NC00163 "Missiles in BRD A Violation of Constitution" footnote NIL ((NC00155 "Federal Republic of Germany" FiledCard))) (NC00166 "Fear that Military Logic Dominates Decision-Making" footnote ((NC00058 "Raddatz, %"Verfassungsschuetzer%"" Source)) ((NC00155 "Federal Republic of Germany" FiledCard))) ( NC00165 "German Criticism of US Nuclear Doctrine" footnote ((NC00058 "Raddatz, %"Verfassungsschuetzer%"" Source)) ((NC00155 "Federal Republic of Germany" FiledCard))) (NC00483 "Belgian Coaltion Problems" footnote ((NC00472 "Feazel, %"Europeans Remain Divided%"" Source)) ((NC00478 "Belgium" FiledCard))) ( NC00293 "Danish Government Opposition" footnote ((NC00292 "%"Danish Government%"" Source)) ((NC00477 "Denmark" FiledCard))) (NC00471 "Danish Opposition Impact" footnote ((NC00469 "%"Europeans Set Deployment%"" Source)) ((NC00477 "Denmark" FiledCard))) (NC00158 "Opposition in BRD Leads to Deployments Elsewhere" footnote ((NC00040 "Smith, %"Missile Deployments%"" Source)) ((NC00155 "Federal Republic of Germany" FiledCard) (NC00154 "Reaction to Deployment Decision in NATO Countries" FiledCard))) (NC00161 "US-European Relations Soured" footnote ((NC00044 "Barnet, %"Atlantic Alliance%"" Source)) ((NC00154 "Reaction to Deployment Decision in NATO Countries" FiledCard))) (NC00285 "New NATO Independence" footnote ((NC00247 "Smith, %"Deployments Shake Politics%"" Source)) ((NC00154 "Reaction to Deployment Decision in NATO Countries" FiledCard))) (NC00285 "New NATO Independence" footnote ((NC00247 "Smith, %"Deployments Shake Politics%"" Source)) ((NC00154 "Reaction to Deployment Decision in NATO Countries" FiledCard))) (NC00369 "Lack of Public Support for NATO Nukes" footnote ((NC00299 "Smith, %"Allure of High-Tech%"" Source)) ((NC00408 "Criticisms of NATO Doctrine" FiledCard) (NC00154 "Reaction to Deployment Decision in NATO Countries" FiledCard))) (NC00456 "Steam is Gone From Anti-Nuke Movement" footnote ((NC00453 "Feazel, %"Europeans Reject Delay%"" Source )) ((NC00154 "Reaction to Deployment Decision in NATO Countries" FiledCard))) (NC00524 "Luns: New Missiles Make Europe Safer" footnote ((NC00512 "%"NATO: Reshaping the Alliance%"" Source)) ((NC00531 "Official NATO View of Deployments" FiledCard))) (NC00520 "Luns: Peace is Now Closer" footnote ((NC00512 "%"NATO: Reshaping the Alliance%"" Source)) ((NC00531 "Official NATO View of Deployments" FiledCard))) (NC00520 "Luns: Peace is Now Closer" footnote (( NC00512 "%"NATO: Reshaping the Alliance%"" Source)) ((NC00531 "Official NATO View of Deployments" FiledCard))) (NC00525 "US Ambassador Sees NATO Cohesion" footnote ((NC00512 "%"NATO: Reshaping the Alliance%"" Source)) ((NC00531 "Official NATO View of Deployments" FiledCard))) (NC00304 "Deployment seen as necessary to negotiation" footnote ((NC00302 "Newsweek, 17 December 1979" Source)) ((NC00498 "NATO TNF Modernization Plan" FiledCard))) (NC00516 "Rogers: Deployments Aid Negotiation" footnote ((NC00512 "%"NATO: Reshaping the Alliance%"" Source)) ((NC00495 "Arms Control: Proposals and Negotiations" FiledCard))) (NC00035 "Provisions of Brezhnev Initiative" footnote ((NC00033 "Paine, %"Roundup%"" Source)) ((NC00221 "Brezhnev, Leonid" FiledCard) (NC00204 "Soviet Initiatives" FiledCard))) (NC00305 "Carter Reaction to Brezhnev Initiative" footnote ((NC00303 "Newsweek, 22 October 1979" Source)) (( NC00205 "NATO Responses to Soviet Initiatives" FiledCard))) (NC00305 "Carter Reaction to Brezhnev Initiative" footnote ((NC00303 "Newsweek, 22 October 1979" Source)) (( NC00205 "NATO Responses to Soviet Initiatives" FiledCard))) (NC00038 "NATO Political Reasons for Rejection of Brezhnev Initiative" footnote ((NC00033 "Paine, %"Roundup%"" Source)) ((NC00205 "NATO Responses to Soviet Initiatives" FiledCard))) (NC00308 "Schmidt's Reaction to Brezhnev Proposal" footnote ((NC00303 "Newsweek, 22 October 1979" Source)) (( NC00205 "NATO Responses to Soviet Initiatives" FiledCard))) (NC00307 "Left-wing German Reaction to Brezhnev Initiative" footnote ((NC00303 "Newsweek, 22 October 1979" Source)) ((NC00205 "NATO Responses to Soviet Initiatives" FiledCard))) (NC00140 "Reagan Admin. View of INF Talks" footnote ((NC00053 "Lunn, %"Nuclear Modernization%"" Source)) (( NC00125 "Geneva INF Talks" FiledCard))) (NC00129 "Lack of NATO Enthusiasm in INF Talks" footnote (( NC00060 "Smith, %"Missile Talks%"" Source)) ((NC00125 "Geneva INF Talks" FiledCard))) (NC00129 "Lack of NATO Enthusiasm in INF Talks" footnote ((NC00060 "Smith, %"Missile Talks%"" Source)) (( NC00125 "Geneva INF Talks" FiledCard))) (NC00133 "US Opening Position" footnote ((NC00060 "Smith, %"Missile Talks%"" Source)) ((NC00125 "Geneva INF Talks" FiledCard))) (NC00134 "Soviet Opening Position" footnote ((NC00060 "Smith, %"Missile Talks%"" Source)) ((NC00125 "Geneva INF Talks" FiledCard))) (NC00136 "Movement in Talks" footnote ((NC00060 "Smith, %"Missile Talks%"" Source)) ((NC00125 "Geneva INF Talks" FiledCard))) (NC00136 "Movement in Talks" footnote ((NC00060 "Smith, %"Missile Talks%"" Source)) ((NC00125 "Geneva INF Talks" FiledCard))) (NC00493 "Allies Urged US to Soften Zero Option" footnote ((NC00492 "%"Belgians, Dutch May Slip%"" Source)) ((NC00125 "Geneva INF Talks" FiledCard))) (NC00466 "Germans Call for Revival of Walk in Woods" footnote ((NC00465 "%"Europeans Back Pershing 2%"" Source) ) ((NC00125 "Geneva INF Talks" FiledCard))) (NC00152 "Soviets Walk Out of INF Talks" footnote (( NC00060 "Smith, %"Missile Talks%"" Source)) ((NC00125 "Geneva INF Talks" FiledCard))) (NC00139 "Talks Presently Stalled" footnote ((NC00060 "Smith, %"Missile Talks%"" Source)) ((NC00125 "Geneva INF Talks" FiledCard))) (NC00190 "Conventional Defense Practical" footnote ((NC00033 "Paine, %"Roundup%"" Source)) ((NC00404 "NATO Conventional Forces" FiledCard))) (NC00188 "Soviet Conventional Superiority Denied" footnote ((NC00055 "Otis and Browder, %"Enormous Responsibility%"" Source)) ((NC00404 "NATO Conventional Forces" FiledCard))) (NC00374 "Neglect of Conventional Readiness" footnote ((NC00299 "Smith, %"Allure of High-Tech%"" Source)) ((NC00404 "NATO Conventional Forces" FiledCard))) (NC00409 "Raise Nuclear Threshold" footnote ((NC00406 "ESECS, Strengthening Conventional" Source)) ((NC00405 "ESECS Plan for Conventional Strengthening" FiledCard))) (NC00339 "Bradley on Nuclear Dilemma " footnote ((NC00298 "Bracken, Command and Control" Source)) ((NC00408 "Criticisms of NATO Doctrine" FiledCard))) (NC00342 "Estimates of German Casualities" footnote ((NC00298 "Bracken, Command and Control" Source)) ((NC00408 "Criticisms of NATO Doctrine" FiledCard))))) ) Running (NCDATA.FileboxesInSourceStructure) on 4-Sep-85 08:58:13 Source: NC00031(Blacker and Hussain) Card NC00191(Diasagreement on Forward-Based Systems) boxes are: (NC00125) Card NC00034(October 1979 Brezhnev Initiative) boxes are: (NC00221 NC00204) Box NC00125(Geneva INF Talks): 1 note Box NC00204(Soviet Initiatives): 1 note Box NC00221(Brezhnev, Leonid): 1 note Source: NC00033(Paine, "Roundup") Card NC00193(Haig's View of Missile Numbers) boxes are: (NC00311) Card NC00190(Conventional Defense Practical) boxes are: (NC00404) Card NC00189(Missile Gap Questioned) boxes are: (NC00408 NC00260) Card NC00162(Krefeld Petition) boxes are: (NC00155) Card NC00150(Brezhnev Moratorium Proposal of Feb. 1981) boxes are: (NC00221 NC00204) Card NC00084(SS20 Weaknesses) boxes are: (NC00079) Card NC00038(NATO Political Reasons for Rejection of Brezhnev Initiative) boxes are: (NC00205) Card NC00037(NATO Opposition to Brezhnev Initiative) boxes are: (NC00205) Card NC00035(Provisions of Brezhnev Initiative) boxes are: (NC00221 NC00204) Box NC00079(SS20 Characteristics): 1 note Box NC00155(Federal Republic of Germany): 1 note Box NC00204(Soviet Initiatives): 2 notes Box NC00205(NATO Responses to Soviet Initiatives): 2 notes Box NC00221(Brezhnev, Leonid): 2 notes Box NC00260(Flexible Response): 1 note Box NC00311(US TNF Missiles): 1 note Box NC00404(NATO Conventional Forces): 1 note Box NC00408(Criticisms of NATO Doctrine): 1 note Source: NC00040(Smith, "Missile Deployments") Card NC00281(Soviet First Strike Claim) boxes are: (NC00104) Card NC00158(Opposition in BRD Leads to Deployments Elsewhere) boxes are: (NC00155 NC00154) Card NC00121(Oct. 1979 Ratification by NATO) boxes are: (NC00300) Card NC00120(Decision On Numbers of Missiles) boxes are: (NC00509) Card NC00119(Carter Admin. Apprehensive About HLG Decision) boxes are: (NC00510) Card NC00118(Sea Basing Proposal) boxes are: (NC00510) Card NC00117(1978 HLG Decision to Increase TNF Capabilities) boxes are: (NC00510) Card NC00116(Government Portrayals of Deployment Decision) boxes are: (NC00300) Card NC00115(Paradoxical Impact of Deployment) boxes are: (NC00300) Card NC00114(Missile Numbers) boxes are: (NC00311) Card NC00113(Capabilities of New Missiles) boxes are: (NC00311) Card NC00107(NATO Decision Not So Simple As Often Portrayed) boxes are: (NC00498) Card NC00097(Attraction Of Pershing II) boxes are: (NC00509) Card NC00096(Pershing II an Afterthought) boxes are: (NC00509) Card NC00095(Euro. Enthusiasm for Cruise) boxes are: (NC00509 NC00259) Card NC00094(US Unclear on Cruise Role) boxes are: (NC00509 NC00259) Card NC00093(US Pressured Europe to Adopt GLCM) boxes are: (NC00509) Card NC00092(German & UK Interest in Cruise) boxes are: (NC00509 NC00259) Card NC00083(Origins of SS20's Long Range) boxes are: (NC00079) Card NC00082(SS20 As Routine Modernization) boxes are: (NC00079) Card NC00081(Origins of SS20) boxes are: (NC00079) Card NC00080(SS20 Compared to Predecessors) boxes are: (NC00079) Card NC00078(Schmidt IISS Speech) boxes are: (NC00511) Card NC00077(Carter Admin Tries to Downplay SS20) boxes are: (NC00511) Card NC00076(Schmidt's View of SS20 Role) boxes are: (NC00511) Card NC00075(Schmidt's View of TNF Modernization) boxes are: (NC00511) Card NC00074(German Interest in Nuclear Modernization) boxes are: (NC00511) Card NC00073(Shift to Nuclear Focus in Modernization Plans) boxes are: (NC00510) Card NC00072(Deployment Based partly on Need for Modernization) boxes are: (NC00498) Box NC00079(SS20 Characteristics): 4 notes Box NC00104(Soviet TNF Doctrine): 1 note Box NC00154(Reaction to Deployment Decision in NATO Countries): 1 note Box NC00155(Federal Republic of Germany): 1 note Box NC00259(Cruise Missiles): 3 notes Box NC00300(Topics): 3 notes Box NC00311(US TNF Missiles): 2 notes Box NC00498(NATO TNF Modernization Plan): 2 notes Box NC00509(Decision to Adopt GLCM and Pershing II): 7 notes Box NC00510(HLG and TNF Modernization Plan): 4 notes Box NC00511(Perception of Need for Modernization): 5 notes Source: NC00041(Barnaby, "Europe Aroused") Card NC00149(Reagan Announces Zero Option) boxes are: (NC00125) Box NC00125(Geneva INF Talks): 1 note Source: NC00044(Barnet, "Atlantic Alliance") Card NC00192(US Expenditures on European Defense) boxes are: (NC00402) Card NC00161(US-European Relations Soured) boxes are: (NC00154) Card NC00160(October 1983 Demonstrations) boxes are: (NC00154) Box NC00154(Reaction to Deployment Decision in NATO Countries): 2 notes Box NC00402(US Role in NATO): 1 note Source: NC00045(Blacker and Duffy, International Arms) Card NC00196(Detente Still Popular in Europe) boxes are: (NC00154) Card NC00194(NATO and Warsaw Pact Expenditures) boxes are: (NC00300) Card NC00169(NATO Triad) boxes are: (NC00260 NC00103) Card NC00168(USSR Counters US TNF's in 1960's) boxes are: (NC00427) Card NC00167(More Bang For the Buck) boxes are: (NC00427) Card NC00159(1982 BRD Poll) boxes are: (NC00155) Card NC00156(Reagan Presidency Intensifies Opposition) boxes are: (NC00154) Card NC00153(US Controls New Missiles) boxes are: (NC00311) Card NC00128(INF Talks Begin) boxes are: (NC00125) Card NC00127(Two-Track Decision) boxes are: (NC00125) Box NC00103(NATO TNF Doctrine): 1 note Box NC00125(Geneva INF Talks): 2 notes Box NC00154(Reaction to Deployment Decision in NATO Countries): 2 notes Box NC00155(Federal Republic of Germany): 1 note Box NC00260(Flexible Response): 1 note Box NC00300(Topics): 1 note Box NC00311(US TNF Missiles): 1 note Box NC00427(Origins of NATO Doctrine): 2 notes Source: NC00050(Kelly, Um Hoffnung Kaempfen) Card NC00442(Kelly Sees Europe in the Middle) boxes are: (NC00155) Card NC00439(Kelly Defends Peace Movement) boxes are: (NC00155) Card NC00438(Petra Kelly on Nuclear Logic and Militarism) boxes are: (NC00155) Box NC00155(Federal Republic of Germany): 3 notes Source: NC00053(Lunn, "Nuclear Modernization") Card NC00151(November 1981 Brezhnev Proposal) boxes are: (NC00221 NC00204) Card NC00148(NATO Rejection of 1981 Brezhnev Proposal) boxes are: NIL Card NC00143(November 1981 Brezhnev Proposal) boxes are: NIL Card NC00142(February 1981 Brezhnev Proposal) boxes are: (NC00221 NC00204) Card NC00141(Criticisms of US INF Position) boxes are: (NC00125) Card NC00140(Reagan Admin. View of INF Talks) boxes are: (NC00125) Box NC00125(Geneva INF Talks): 2 notes Box NC00204(Soviet Initiatives): 2 notes Box NC00221(Brezhnev, Leonid): 2 notes Source: NC00055(Otis and Browder, "Enormous Responsibility") Card NC00188(Soviet Conventional Superiority Denied) boxes are: (NC00404) Card NC00187(Warsaw Pact Advantage) boxes are: (NC00103) Box NC00103(NATO TNF Doctrine): 1 note Box NC00404(NATO Conventional Forces): 1 note Source: NC00057(Paine, "Pershing II") Card NC00100(Range Increases on Pershing) boxes are: (NC00021) Card NC00099(Origins of Pershing II) boxes are: (NC00021) Card NC00098(Accuracy of Pershing II) boxes are: (NC00021) Box NC00021(Pershing II characteristics): 3 notes Source: NC00058(Raddatz, "Verfassungsschuetzer") Card NC00166(Fear that Military Logic Dominates Decision-Making) boxes are: (NC00155) Card NC00165(German Criticism of US Nuclear Doctrine) boxes are: (NC00155) Card NC00164(TNF Deployments and the German Question) boxes are: (NC00155) Box NC00155(Federal Republic of Germany): 3 notes Source: NC00059(Sharp, "Nuclear Weapons") Card NC00195(NATO Nuclear Structure) boxes are: (NC00403) Card NC00186(Origins of Current NATO Crisis) boxes are: (NC00511 NC00154) Card NC00184(Traditional BRD Nuclear Policy) boxes are: (NC00427 NC00155 NC00103) Box NC00103(NATO TNF Doctrine): 1 note Box NC00154(Reaction to Deployment Decision in NATO Countries): 1 note Box NC00155(Federal Republic of Germany): 1 note Box NC00403(NATO Nuclear Structure): 1 note Box NC00427(Origins of NATO Doctrine): 1 note Box NC00511(Perception of Need for Modernization): 1 note Source: NC00060(Smith, "Missile Talks") Card NC00152(Soviets Walk Out of INF Talks) boxes are: (NC00125) Card NC00139(Talks Presently Stalled) boxes are: (NC00125) Card NC00138(Talks Fall Apart) boxes are: (NC00125) Card NC00137(December 1982 Andropov Proposal) boxes are: (NC00220 NC00204) Card NC00136(Movement in Talks) boxes are: (NC00125) Card NC00135(INF Talks Bog Down) boxes are: NIL Card NC00134(Soviet Opening Position) boxes are: (NC00125) Card NC00133(US Opening Position) boxes are: (NC00125) Card NC00131(Nitze Leads US INF Team) boxes are: (NC00125) Card NC00130(NATO-Created Obstacles to INF Agreement) boxes are: (NC00125) Card NC00129(Lack of NATO Enthusiasm in INF Talks) boxes are: (NC00125) Card NC00122("Grey-Area" Weapons) boxes are: NIL Box NC00125(Geneva INF Talks): 9 notes Box NC00204(Soviet Initiatives): 1 note Box NC00220(Andropov, Yuri): 1 note Source: NC00062(Treverton, Nuclear Weapons in Europe) Card NC00232(Soviet Targetting of Western Europe) boxes are: (NC00555) Card NC00171(Cruise Guidance System) boxes are: (NC00259 NC00022) Card NC00170(Cruise Missile Numbers and Locations) boxes are: (NC00259 NC00022) Card NC00124("Grey-Area" Weapons) boxes are: (NC00313) Card NC00112(Soviet View of New NATO Missiles) boxes are: (NC00104) Card NC00111(Exclusion of Sea-Based Systems) boxes are: (NC00510) Card NC00110(Numbers of NATO Nuclear Warheads) boxes are: (NC00408) Card NC00109(Problem With NATO TNF) boxes are: (NC00403) Card NC00106(NATO Options Limited By Soviet TNF) boxes are: (NC00103) Card NC00105(Unclear Role of NATO TNF) boxes are: (NC00403) Card NC00089(British and French Nuclear Forces) boxes are: (NC00088) Card NC00086(Soviet TNF Doctrine) boxes are: (NC00104) Card NC00085(Soviet View of SS20) boxes are: (NC00079) Card NC00070(US & Soviet TNF's (table)) boxes are: (NC00310) Box NC00022(GLCM characteristics): 2 notes Box NC00079(SS20 Characteristics): 1 note Box NC00088(Third-Country Nuclear Forces): 1 note Box NC00103(NATO TNF Doctrine): 1 note Box NC00104(Soviet TNF Doctrine): 2 notes Box NC00259(Cruise Missiles): 2 notes Box NC00310(Characteristics of TNF Missiles): 1 note Box NC00313(Soviet TNF Missiles): 1 note Box NC00403(NATO Nuclear Structure): 2 notes Box NC00408(Criticisms of NATO Doctrine): 1 note Box NC00510(HLG and TNF Modernization Plan): 1 note Box NC00555(Origins of Soviet Doctrine): 1 note Source: NC00063(Turner, Arms Race) Card NC00183(Flexible Response Worries) boxes are: (NC00408 NC00260) Card NC00182(US Strategic Nuclear Doctrine) boxes are: (NC00402 NC00260) Card NC00067(Tomahawk Characteristics) boxes are: (NC00259 NC00022) Card NC00066(Pershing II Speed) boxes are: (NC00021) Card NC00065(Guidance of Pershing II) boxes are: (NC00021) Box NC00021(Pershing II characteristics): 2 notes Box NC00022(GLCM characteristics): 1 note Box NC00259(Cruise Missiles): 1 note Box NC00260(Flexible Response): 2 notes Box NC00402(US Role in NATO): 1 note Box NC00408(Criticisms of NATO Doctrine): 1 note Source: NC00070(US & Soviet TNF's (table)) Card NC00283(Map: Missile Ranges) boxes are: (NC00310) Box NC00310(Characteristics of TNF Missiles): 1 note Source: NC00212("Missiles Delivered") Card NC00214(GLCM Basing in Sicily) boxes are: (NC00259 NC00022) Box NC00022(GLCM characteristics): 1 note Box NC00259(Cruise Missiles): 1 note Source: NC00214(GLCM Basing in Sicily) Card NC00277(Missile Range Map) boxes are: NIL Source: NC00215("Shadow of the SS 20") Card NC00218(SS20 Basing) boxes are: (NC00079) Card NC00217(GLCM Basing in UK) boxes are: (NC00259 NC00022) Card NC00216(Pershing 2 Basing in BRD) boxes are: (NC00021) Box NC00021(Pershing II characteristics): 1 note Box NC00022(GLCM characteristics): 1 note Box NC00079(SS20 Characteristics): 1 note Box NC00259(Cruise Missiles): 1 note Source: NC00216(Pershing 2 Basing in BRD) Card NC00277(Missile Range Map) boxes are: NIL Source: NC00217(GLCM Basing in UK) Card NC00277(Missile Range Map) boxes are: NIL Source: NC00218(SS20 Basing) Card NC00277(Missile Range Map) boxes are: NIL Source: NC00247(Smith, "Deployments Shake Politics") Card NC00290(GLCM Poses Large Threat to USSR) boxes are: (NC00104 NC00022) Card NC00289(Soviet Claim is "Logical") boxes are: (NC00104 NC00021) Card NC00288(First-Strike Claim Criticized) boxes are: (NC00104 NC00103 NC00021) Card NC00287(USSR Pershing Range Claim) boxes are: (NC00104 NC00021) Card NC00287(USSR Pershing Range Claim) boxes are: (NC00104 NC00021) Card NC00286(Pershing Capabilities) boxes are: (NC00021) Card NC00285(New NATO Independence) boxes are: (NC00154) Card NC00284(Neu-Ulm Protests) boxes are: (NC00155) Card NC00216(Pershing 2 Basing in BRD) boxes are: (NC00021) Box NC00021(Pershing II characteristics): 6 notes Box NC00022(GLCM characteristics): 1 note Box NC00103(NATO TNF Doctrine): 1 note Box NC00104(Soviet TNF Doctrine): 5 notes Box NC00154(Reaction to Deployment Decision in NATO Countries): 1 note Box NC00155(Federal Republic of Germany): 1 note Source: NC00292("Danish Government") Card NC00293(Danish Government Opposition) boxes are: (NC00477) Box NC00477(Denmark): 1 note Source: NC00295("US Begins Deployment") Card NC00296(Italian Deployment Vote) boxes are: (NC00475) Box NC00475(Italy): 1 note Source: NC00298(Bracken, Command and Control) Card NC00344(3 Factors Make NATO Threat Credible) boxes are: (NC00103) Card NC00343(Fit Between Deterrence and TNF Structure) boxes are: (NC00403) Card NC00342(Estimates of German Casualities) boxes are: (NC00408) Card NC00340(Europeans Interested in Deterrence) boxes are: (NC00103) Card NC00339(Bradley on Nuclear Dilemma ) boxes are: (NC00408) Card NC00338(Consequences of Complex Nuclear Structure) boxes are: (NC00403) Card NC00337(Complex Nato Nuclear Structure) boxes are: (NC00403) Card NC00336(Nuclear Decisions Are Very Complex) boxes are: (NC00103) Card NC00335(Problems Caused by Poseidon) boxes are: (NC00408) Card NC00334(Geographic Assymetry) boxes are: (NC00408) Card NC00333(NATO First Use Doctrine) boxes are: (NC00103) Box NC00103(NATO TNF Doctrine): 4 notes Box NC00403(NATO Nuclear Structure): 3 notes Box NC00408(Criticisms of NATO Doctrine): 4 notes Source: NC00299(Smith, "Allure of High-Tech") Card NC00377(High-Tech Problems) boxes are: (NC00408) Card NC00376(German Criticisms of Deterrence) boxes are: (NC00408) Card NC00375(German Support for Deterrence) boxes are: (NC00103) Card NC00374(Neglect of Conventional Readiness) boxes are: (NC00404) Card NC00373(Posen and Van Evera, "Defense Policy and Reagan") boxes are: (NC00360) Card NC00372(Mearsheimer, "Why the Soviets Can't Win") boxes are: (NC00360) Card NC00371(Conventional Strength Ratios) boxes are: (NC00404) Card NC00370(Gen. Rogers on Need for Conventional Strengthening) boxes are: (NC00404) Card NC00369(Lack of Public Support for NATO Nukes) boxes are: (NC00408 NC00154) Box NC00103(NATO TNF Doctrine): 1 note Box NC00154(Reaction to Deployment Decision in NATO Countries): 1 note Box NC00360(References to Check): 2 notes Box NC00404(NATO Conventional Forces): 3 notes Box NC00408(Criticisms of NATO Doctrine): 3 notes Source: NC00302(Newsweek, 17 December 1979) Card NC00304(Deployment seen as necessary to negotiation) boxes are: (NC00498) Box NC00498(NATO TNF Modernization Plan): 1 note Source: NC00303(Newsweek, 22 October 1979) Card NC00308(Schmidt's Reaction to Brezhnev Proposal) boxes are: (NC00205) Card NC00307(Left-wing German Reaction to Brezhnev Initiative) boxes are: (NC00205) Card NC00306(Carter Administration Reaction to Brezhnev Initiative) boxes are: (NC00205) Card NC00305(Carter Reaction to Brezhnev Initiative) boxes are: (NC00205) Box NC00205(NATO Responses to Soviet Initiatives): 4 notes Source: NC00351("Soviets Deploy New SS-20 Battery") Card NC00378(Operational SS-20's) boxes are: (NC00079) Box NC00079(SS20 Characteristics): 1 note Source: NC00352("Dutch Delay Cruise Decision") Card NC00379(Dutch Delay Cruise Decision) boxes are: (NC00476) Box NC00476(The Netherlands): 1 note Source: NC00354(Gottfried, et al, "No First Use") Card NC00388(Proposals for NATO Restructure) boxes are: (NC00385) Card NC00387(Cost of No First Use Restructuring) boxes are: (NC00385) Card NC00384(No First Use would Require Changes) boxes are: (NC00385) Card NC00383(Basis of First Use Choice) boxes are: (NC00427) Card NC00382(Carver Remarks) boxes are: (NC00408) Card NC00381(Flaw in NATO Doctrine) boxes are: (NC00103) Card NC00380(Bundy, et al) boxes are: (NC00360) Box NC00103(NATO TNF Doctrine): 1 note Box NC00360(References to Check): 1 note Box NC00385(No First Use Proposal): 3 notes Box NC00408(Criticisms of NATO Doctrine): 1 note Box NC00427(Origins of NATO Doctrine): 1 note Source: NC00356(Blechmann and Moore, "Nuclear Free Zone") Card NC00398(ICDSI Reccomendations) boxes are: (NC00389) Card NC00397(Weaknesses of Rapacki-type NFZ Plans ) boxes are: (NC00389) Card NC00396(Nukes Add Credibility to US Presence in Europe) boxes are: (NC00389) Card NC00395(Basic Western Objections to NFZ) boxes are: (NC00389) Card NC00394(US Criteria for NFZ Acceptance) boxes are: (NC00389) Card NC00393(Post-Rapacki Initiatives) boxes are: (NC00389) Card NC00392(Rapacki Plan, 1957) boxes are: (NC00389) Card NC00391(Proposal for a European NFZ) boxes are: (NC00389) Card NC00390(Independent Commission, "Common Security") boxes are: (NC00360) Box NC00360(References to Check): 1 note Box NC00389(Nuclear Free Zone Proposal): 8 notes Source: NC00357(Cockburn, The Threat) Card NC00508(Threat Inflation) boxes are: (NC00408) Card NC00507(Haig on No First Use) boxes are: (NC00559) Card NC00506(Erroneous SS20 Accuracy Claim) boxes are: (NC00079) Card NC00505(Why Soviet Short Range Threat Was Downplayed) boxes are: (NC00408) Card NC00502(Issue of Real Usefulness has been Lost) boxes are: (NC00408) Card NC00501(SS20 Provides Excuse for New Missiles) boxes are: (NC00509) Card NC00500(SS20 as SS16 Stepchild) boxes are: (NC00079) Card NC00499(SS20 vs Predecessors) boxes are: (NC00079) Box NC00079(SS20 Characteristics): 3 notes Box NC00408(Criticisms of NATO Doctrine): 3 notes Box NC00509(Decision to Adopt GLCM and Pershing II): 1 note Box NC00559(Criticisms of No First Use): 1 note Source: NC00358(Scheer, With Enough Shovels) Card NC00366(Kennan, "On Nuclear War↑) boxes are: (NC00360) Card NC00365(Nitze, "Strategy in the 1980's") boxes are: (NC00360) Card NC00364(Nitze's Views on Negotiation and Strategic Balance) boxes are: (NC00125) Card NC00363(Cox, "US Misperceiving Soviet Strength") boxes are: (NC00360) Card NC00362(Cox, CIA's Tragic Error) boxes are: (NC00360) Card NC00361(Smith, "Upheaval in Strategic Thought") boxes are: (NC00301) Box NC00125(Geneva INF Talks): 1 note Box NC00301(Bibliography): 1 note Box NC00360(References to Check): 4 notes Source: NC00399("Martin Marietta") Card NC00400(Martin Marietta Contract for P2) boxes are: (NC00021) Box NC00021(Pershing II characteristics): 1 note Source: NC00406(ESECS, Strengthening Conventional) Card NC00420(Cost of ESECS Plan) boxes are: (NC00405) Card NC00419(Paths to Improving NATO Forces) boxes are: (NC00405) Card NC00418(Five Missions for NATO Forces) boxes are: (NC00405 NC00404) Card NC00417(Soviet Conventional Weaknesses) boxes are: (NC00405 NC00104) Card NC00416(Soviet Conventional Strategy Against NATO) boxes are: (NC00405 NC00104) Card NC00415(Nuclear War Not Inevitable to Soviets) boxes are: (NC00405 NC00104) Card NC00414(WP Military Posture ) boxes are: (NC00405) Card NC00412(Pact Seen as Conventionally Superior) boxes are: (NC00405) Card NC00411(Seek Arms Control and Reduce Tension) boxes are: (NC00405) Card NC00410(Maintain Forward Defense Strategy) boxes are: (NC00405) Card NC00409(Raise Nuclear Threshold) boxes are: (NC00405) Card NC00407(Deterrence and Reassurance Threatened) boxes are: (NC00408 NC00405) Box NC00104(Soviet TNF Doctrine): 3 notes Box NC00404(NATO Conventional Forces): 1 note Box NC00405(ESECS Plan for Conventional Strengthening): 12 notes Box NC00408(Criticisms of NATO Doctrine): 1 note Source: NC00412(Pact Seen as Conventionally Superior) Card NC00413(Is Pact Superior) boxes are: (NC00405) Box NC00405(ESECS Plan for Conventional Strengthening): 1 note Source: NC00428(Mako, US Ground Forces) Card NC00430(US Should Stress Air and Naval Forces) boxes are: (NC00404 NC00103) Card NC00429(Ground Balance Affords Some Confidence) boxes are: (NC00404) Box NC00103(NATO TNF Doctrine): 1 note Box NC00404(NATO Conventional Forces): 2 notes Source: NC00431("Army Weaponry") Card NC00437(P2 Ground Support) boxes are: (NC00021) Card NC00436(P2 Conventional Warhead Scrapped) boxes are: (NC00021) Card NC00435(Pershing Statistics) boxes are: (NC00021) Card NC00434(Pershing Development Program) boxes are: (NC00021) Card NC00433(Large P2 Numbers Alarms BRD Gov't) boxes are: (NC00155 NC00021) Card NC00432(P2 Numbers and Cost) boxes are: (NC00021) Box NC00021(Pershing II characteristics): 6 notes Box NC00155(Federal Republic of Germany): 1 note Source: NC00440("Washington Roundup") Card NC00441(Luns on Peace Movement) boxes are: (NC00155) Box NC00155(Federal Republic of Germany): 1 note Source: NC00444("Dutch Cabinet Puts Off Decision") Card NC00450(Belgian Commitment to Cruise) boxes are: (NC00478) Card NC00448(Dutch Cabinet Delays Deployment) boxes are: (NC00476) Box NC00476(The Netherlands): 1 note Box NC00478(Belgium): 1 note Source: NC00445(Tagliabue, "Dutch Parliament") Card NC00449(Dutch Parliament Approves Delay) boxes are: (NC00476) Box NC00476(The Netherlands): 1 note Source: NC00446("Dutch to Delay NATO Missiles") Card NC00449(Dutch Parliament Approves Delay) boxes are: (NC00476) Box NC00476(The Netherlands): 1 note Source: NC00447("Dutch Parliament Approves") Card NC00449(Dutch Parliament Approves Delay) boxes are: (NC00476) Box NC00476(The Netherlands): 1 note Source: NC00452("Army Studies Pershing Test") Card NC00451(Pershing Test Failure) boxes are: (NC00021) Box NC00021(Pershing II characteristics): 1 note Source: NC00453(Feazel, "Europeans Reject Delay") Card NC00457(Reduction of Short-Range Arsenal) boxes are: (NC00154) Card NC00456(Steam is Gone From Anti-Nuke Movement) boxes are: (NC00154) Card NC00455(No Soviet Incentive to Negotiate Now) boxes are: (NC00125) Card NC00454(North Atlantic Assembly Vote) boxes are: (NC00154) Box NC00125(Geneva INF Talks): 1 note Box NC00154(Reaction to Deployment Decision in NATO Countries): 3 notes Source: NC00460("Nato Eyes Conventional Weapons") Card NC00462(Luns on No First Use) boxes are: (NC00559) Box NC00559(Criticisms of No First Use): 1 note Source: NC00463("Soviet Deployment of IRBMs") Card NC00464(Soviet IRBM Force) boxes are: (NC00313) Box NC00313(Soviet TNF Missiles): 1 note Source: NC00465("Europeans Back Pershing 2") Card NC00466(Germans Call for Revival of Walk in Woods) boxes are: (NC00125) Box NC00125(Geneva INF Talks): 1 note Source: NC00467("Cruise Missile Upkeep") Card NC00468(GLCM Basing Costs) boxes are: (NC00022) Box NC00022(GLCM characteristics): 1 note Source: NC00469("Europeans Set Deployment") Card NC00471(Danish Opposition Impact) boxes are: (NC00477) Card NC00470(Schedule for Deployments) boxes are: (NC00498) Box NC00477(Denmark): 1 note Box NC00498(NATO TNF Modernization Plan): 1 note Source: NC00472(Feazel, "Europeans Remain Divided") Card NC00485(German Defense Minister on NFZ) boxes are: (NC00389) Card NC00484(Scale of German Opposition) boxes are: (NC00155) Card NC00483(Belgian Coaltion Problems) boxes are: (NC00478) Card NC00482(Greek Opposition) boxes are: (NC00481) Card NC00480(Norway Nearly Refuses Funding) boxes are: (NC00479) Card NC00473(Dutch Bishops Oppose Deployment) boxes are: (NC00476) Box NC00155(Federal Republic of Germany): 1 note Box NC00389(Nuclear Free Zone Proposal): 1 note Box NC00476(The Netherlands): 1 note Box NC00478(Belgium): 1 note Box NC00479(Norway): 1 note Box NC00481(Greece): 1 note Source: NC00486("Missile Deployments Use Preexisting") Card NC00488(GLCM Ground Support) boxes are: (NC00022) Box NC00022(GLCM characteristics): 1 note Source: NC00489(Brown, "Defense Minister Predicts") Card NC00491(GLCM Needed to Encourage Talks) boxes are: (NC00125) Card NC00490(Heseltine on INF Negotiations) boxes are: (NC00125) Box NC00125(Geneva INF Talks): 2 notes Source: NC00492("Belgians, Dutch May Slip") Card NC00493(Allies Urged US to Soften Zero Option) boxes are: (NC00125) Box NC00125(Geneva INF Talks): 1 note Source: NC00503("French Missile Force") Card NC00504(French S-3 IRBM) boxes are: (NC00088) Box NC00088(Third-Country Nuclear Forces): 1 note Source: NC00512("NATO: Reshaping the Alliance") Card NC00527(French View of NATO TNF) boxes are: (NC00530) Card NC00526(Need for Conventional Upgrade) boxes are: (NC00404) Card NC00525(US Ambassador Sees NATO Cohesion) boxes are: (NC00531) Card NC00524(Luns: New Missiles Make Europe Safer) boxes are: (NC00531) Card NC00523(Luns on Soviet INF Pullout) boxes are: (NC00125) Card NC00522(Luns on Origins of Modernization) boxes are: (NC00498) Card NC00520(Luns: Peace is Now Closer) boxes are: (NC00531) Card NC00519(Operational SS20s: May 1984) boxes are: (NC00079) Card NC00518(Rogers Support for Boss/Axe) boxes are: (NC00021) Card NC00517(Rogers on No First Use) boxes are: (NC00559) Card NC00516(Rogers: Deployments Aid Negotiation) boxes are: (NC00495) Card NC00515("Creeping Hegemony") boxes are: (NC00531) Card NC00514(Rogers: Main Threat is Coercion) boxes are: (NC00531) Card NC00514(Rogers: Main Threat is Coercion) boxes are: (NC00531) Card NC00513(Rogers on Conventional Funding Needs) boxes are: (NC00404) Box NC00021(Pershing II characteristics): 1 note Box NC00079(SS20 Characteristics): 1 note Box NC00125(Geneva INF Talks): 1 note Box NC00404(NATO Conventional Forces): 2 notes Box NC00495(Arms Control: Proposals and Negotiations): 1 note Box NC00498(NATO TNF Modernization Plan): 1 note Box NC00530(France): 1 note Box NC00531(Official NATO View of Deployments): 6 notes Box NC00559(Criticisms of No First Use): 1 note Source: NC00532(Lewis, "Intermediate Range Weapons") Card NC00537(Us vs USSR Points of View ) boxes are: (NC00347) Card NC00536(Problem of SS-20 Mobility) boxes are: (NC00311) Card NC00535(Military Efficacy Forgotten) boxes are: (NC00408) Card NC00534(Late 70's European Concern With US) boxes are: (NC00511) Card NC00533(Historical Importance of European Perception) boxes are: (NC00427) Box NC00311(US TNF Missiles): 1 note Box NC00347(TNF Doctrine): 1 note Box NC00408(Criticisms of NATO Doctrine): 1 note Box NC00427(Origins of NATO Doctrine): 1 note Box NC00511(Perception of Need for Modernization): 1 note Source: NC00538(Bertram, "Implications of Theater Nuclear") Card NC00542(Five Reasons for Lack of Public Support) boxes are: (NC00154) Card NC00541(Multilateral Decision; Bilateral Negotiations) boxes are: (NC00495) Card NC00540(Unique Elements of 1979 Decision) boxes are: (NC00498) Card NC00539(Deployment Based on European Insecurity) boxes are: (NC00511) Box NC00154(Reaction to Deployment Decision in NATO Countries): 1 note Box NC00495(Arms Control: Proposals and Negotiations): 1 note Box NC00498(NATO TNF Modernization Plan): 1 note Box NC00511(Perception of Need for Modernization): 1 note Source: NC00546(Holloway, "INF Policy of Soviet Union") Card NC00556(Background to Soviet Focus on Medium-Range Systems) boxes are: (NC00555) Box NC00555(Origins of Soviet Doctrine): 1 note Source: NC00547(Bertram, "Implications of Theater Nuclear") Card NC00589(Problematical Involvement of Non-Nuclear States) boxes are: (NC00498) Card NC00588(Military Advantages of New Missiles) boxes are: (NC00498) Card NC00587(Importance of December 1979 Decision) boxes are: (NC00498) Box NC00498(NATO TNF Modernization Plan): 3 notes Source: NC00548(Hoffman, "NATO and Nuclear Weapons") Card NC00585(Lessons for the US) boxes are: (NC00154) Card NC00584(Short Term Context of Decision) boxes are: (NC00511) Card NC00583(US/European Divergences) boxes are: (NC00154) Card NC00582(Characterization of German Movement) boxes are: (NC00155) Card NC00580(Characterization of Peace Movement) boxes are: (NC00154) Box NC00154(Reaction to Deployment Decision in NATO Countries): 3 notes Box NC00155(Federal Republic of Germany): 1 note Box NC00511(Perception of Need for Modernization): 1 note Source: NC00549(McNamara, "Military Role of Nuclear") Card NC00577(New Missiles Are Unusable) boxes are: (NC00408) Card NC00576(Flexible Response Not Credible) boxes are: (NC00408) Card NC00575(Changes in Soviet View on Nuclear Inevitability) boxes are: (NC00104) Card NC00573(Montgomery on Use of Nuclear Weapons) boxes are: (NC00427) Card NC00572(Dulles on More Bang for the Buck) boxes are: (NC00427) Card NC00571(Kissinger on Use Nuclear Assurances) boxes are: (NC00408) Card NC00570(Carver On Use of Nuclear Weapons) boxes are: (NC00408) Box NC00104(Soviet TNF Doctrine): 1 note Box NC00408(Criticisms of NATO Doctrine): 4 notes Box NC00427(Origins of NATO Doctrine): 2 notes Source: NC00550(Bundy, et al, "Nuclear Weapons") Card NC00564(New TNF Coupling Value) boxes are: (NC00511) Card NC00563(US Would Keep 2nd Strike Forces) boxes are: (NC00385) Card NC00562(Conventional Strengthening Required) boxes are: (NC00385) Card NC00561(BRD Would Require Nuclear Guarantee) boxes are: (NC00385) Card NC00560(Unique Position of BRD) boxes are: (NC00511) Card NC00558(Rationale for No First Use) boxes are: (NC00385) Box NC00385(No First Use Proposal): 4 notes Box NC00511(Perception of Need for Modernization): 2 notes Source: NC00551(Kaiser, et al, "Nuclear Weapons and Preservation") Card NC00567(No First Use Endangers Unity) boxes are: (NC00559) Card NC00566(Risk of Escalation is Smaller than Thought) boxes are: (NC00559) Card NC00565(No First Use is Decoupling and Dangerous) boxes are: (NC00559) Box NC00559(Criticisms of No First Use): 3 notes Source: NC00594(Pierre, "Long-Range-Theater") Card NC00605(Rejection of Sea Basing) boxes are: (NC00509) Card NC00604(Precis of European Objections to New Missiles) boxes are: (NC00154) Card NC00603(SALT context of Double Track Decision) boxes are: (NC00510) Card NC00602(Carter Admin Shift on TNF) boxes are: (NC00510) Box NC00154(Reaction to Deployment Decision in NATO Countries): 1 note Box NC00509(Decision to Adopt GLCM and Pershing II): 1 note Box NC00510(HLG and TNF Modernization Plan): 2 notes Running (NCDATA.SourcesInFileboxStructure "Topics") on 4-Sep-85 09:03:48 Box NC00021 (Pershing II characteristics) : # SubBoxes = 0 # FiledCards = 19 Card NC00065(Guidance of Pershing II) sources are: (NC00063) Card NC00066(Pershing II Speed) sources are: (NC00063) Card NC00098(Accuracy of Pershing II) sources are: (NC00057) Card NC00099(Origins of Pershing II) sources are: (NC00057) Card NC00100(Range Increases on Pershing) sources are: (NC00057) Card NC00216(Pershing 2 Basing in BRD) sources are: (NC00247 NC00215) Card NC00286(Pershing Capabilities) sources are: (NC00247) Card NC00287(USSR Pershing Range Claim) sources are: (NC00247 NC00247) Card NC00288(First-Strike Claim Criticized) sources are: (NC00247) Card NC00289(Soviet Claim is "Logical") sources are: (NC00247) Card NC00400(Martin Marietta Contract for P2) sources are: (NC00399) Card NC00436(P2 Conventional Warhead Scrapped) sources are: (NC00431) Card NC00434(Pershing Development Program) sources are: (NC00431) Card NC00432(P2 Numbers and Cost) sources are: (NC00431) Card NC00435(Pershing Statistics) sources are: (NC00431) Card NC00437(P2 Ground Support) sources are: (NC00431) Card NC00518(Rogers Support for Boss/Axe) sources are: (NC00512) Card NC00433(Large P2 Numbers Alarms BRD Gov't) sources are: (NC00431) Card NC00451(Pershing Test Failure) sources are: (NC00452) Source NC00057(Paine, "Pershing II"): 3 notes Source NC00063(Turner, Arms Race): 2 notes Source NC00215("Shadow of the SS 20"): 1 note Source NC00247(Smith, "Deployments Shake Politics"): 6 notes Source NC00399("Martin Marietta"): 1 note Source NC00431("Army Weaponry"): 6 notes Source NC00452("Army Studies Pershing Test"): 1 note Source NC00512("NATO: Reshaping the Alliance"): 1 note Box NC00022 (GLCM characteristics) : # SubBoxes = 0 # FiledCards = 8 Card NC00067(Tomahawk Characteristics) sources are: (NC00063) Card NC00171(Cruise Guidance System) sources are: (NC00062) Card NC00170(Cruise Missile Numbers and Locations) sources are: (NC00062) Card NC00214(GLCM Basing in Sicily) sources are: (NC00212) Card NC00217(GLCM Basing in UK) sources are: (NC00215) Card NC00290(GLCM Poses Large Threat to USSR) sources are: (NC00247) Card NC00468(GLCM Basing Costs) sources are: (NC00467) Card NC00488(GLCM Ground Support) sources are: (NC00486) Source NC00062(Treverton, Nuclear Weapons in Europe): 2 notes Source NC00063(Turner, Arms Race): 1 note Source NC00212("Missiles Delivered"): 1 note Source NC00215("Shadow of the SS 20"): 1 note Source NC00247(Smith, "Deployments Shake Politics"): 1 note Source NC00467("Cruise Missile Upkeep"): 1 note Source NC00486("Missile Deployments Use Preexisting"): 1 note Box NC00079 (SS20 Characteristics) : # SubBoxes = 0 # FiledCards = 12 Card NC00080(SS20 Compared to Predecessors) sources are: (NC00040) Card NC00081(Origins of SS20) sources are: (NC00040) Card NC00082(SS20 As Routine Modernization) sources are: (NC00040) Card NC00083(Origins of SS20's Long Range) sources are: (NC00040) Card NC00084(SS20 Weaknesses) sources are: (NC00033) Card NC00085(Soviet View of SS20) sources are: (NC00062) Card NC00218(SS20 Basing) sources are: (NC00215) Card NC00378(Operational SS-20's) sources are: (NC00351) Card NC00519(Operational SS20s: May 1984) sources are: (NC00512) Card NC00499(SS20 vs Predecessors) sources are: (NC00357) Card NC00500(SS20 as SS16 Stepchild) sources are: (NC00357) Card NC00506(Erroneous SS20 Accuracy Claim) sources are: (NC00357) Source NC00033(Paine, "Roundup"): 1 note Source NC00040(Smith, "Missile Deployments"): 4 notes Source NC00062(Treverton, Nuclear Weapons in Europe): 1 note Source NC00215("Shadow of the SS 20"): 1 note Source NC00351("Soviets Deploy New SS-20 Battery"): 1 note Source NC00357(Cockburn, The Threat): 3 notes Source NC00512("NATO: Reshaping the Alliance"): 1 note Box NC00088 (Third-Country Nuclear Forces) : # SubBoxes = 0 # FiledCards = 2 Card NC00089(British and French Nuclear Forces) sources are: (NC00062) Card NC00504(French S-3 IRBM) sources are: (NC00503) Source NC00062(Treverton, Nuclear Weapons in Europe): 1 note Source NC00503("French Missile Force"): 1 note Box NC00103 (NATO TNF Doctrine) : # SubBoxes = 5 # FiledCards = 12 Card NC00106(NATO Options Limited By Soviet TNF) sources are: (NC00062) Card NC00169(NATO Triad) sources are: (NC00045) Card NC00184(Traditional BRD Nuclear Policy) sources are: (NC00059) Card NC00187(Warsaw Pact Advantage) sources are: (NC00055) Card NC00288(First-Strike Claim Criticized) sources are: (NC00247) Card NC00333(NATO First Use Doctrine) sources are: (NC00298) Card NC00336(Nuclear Decisions Are Very Complex) sources are: (NC00298) Card NC00340(Europeans Interested in Deterrence) sources are: (NC00298) Card NC00344(3 Factors Make NATO Threat Credible) sources are: (NC00298) Card NC00381(Flaw in NATO Doctrine) sources are: (NC00354) Card NC00375(German Support for Deterrence) sources are: (NC00299) Card NC00430(US Should Stress Air and Naval Forces) sources are: (NC00428) Source NC00045(Blacker and Duffy, International Arms): 1 note Source NC00055(Otis and Browder, "Enormous Responsibility"): 1 note Source NC00059(Sharp, "Nuclear Weapons"): 1 note Source NC00062(Treverton, Nuclear Weapons in Europe): 1 note Source NC00247(Smith, "Deployments Shake Politics"): 1 note Source NC00298(Bracken, Command and Control): 4 notes Source NC00299(Smith, "Allure of High-Tech"): 1 note Source NC00354(Gottfried, et al, "No First Use"): 1 note Source NC00428(Mako, US Ground Forces): 1 note Box NC00104 (Soviet TNF Doctrine) : # SubBoxes = 1 # FiledCards = 12 Card NC00086(Soviet TNF Doctrine) sources are: (NC00062) Card NC00112(Soviet View of New NATO Missiles) sources are: (NC00062) Card NC00281(Soviet First Strike Claim) sources are: (NC00040) Card NC00287(USSR Pershing Range Claim) sources are: (NC00247 NC00247) Card NC00288(First-Strike Claim Criticized) sources are: (NC00247) Card NC00289(Soviet Claim is "Logical") sources are: (NC00247) Card NC00290(GLCM Poses Large Threat to USSR) sources are: (NC00247) Card NC00291(New Missiles Attract USSR Attack) sources are: NIL Card NC00415(Nuclear War Not Inevitable to Soviets) sources are: (NC00406) Card NC00416(Soviet Conventional Strategy Against NATO) sources are: (NC00406) Card NC00417(Soviet Conventional Weaknesses) sources are: (NC00406) Card NC00575(Changes in Soviet View on Nuclear Inevitability) sources are: (NC00549) Source NC00040(Smith, "Missile Deployments"): 1 note Source NC00062(Treverton, Nuclear Weapons in Europe): 2 notes Source NC00247(Smith, "Deployments Shake Politics"): 5 notes Source NC00406(ESECS, Strengthening Conventional): 3 notes Source NC00549(McNamara, "Military Role of Nuclear"): 1 note Box NC00125 (Geneva INF Talks) : # SubBoxes = 0 # FiledCards = 22 Card NC00127(Two-Track Decision) sources are: (NC00045) Card NC00128(INF Talks Begin) sources are: (NC00045) Card NC00129(Lack of NATO Enthusiasm in INF Talks) sources are: (NC00060) Card NC00130(NATO-Created Obstacles to INF Agreement) sources are: (NC00060) Card NC00131(Nitze Leads US INF Team) sources are: (NC00060) Card NC00133(US Opening Position) sources are: (NC00060) Card NC00134(Soviet Opening Position) sources are: (NC00060) Card NC00136(Movement in Talks) sources are: (NC00060) Card NC00138(Talks Fall Apart) sources are: (NC00060) Card NC00139(Talks Presently Stalled) sources are: (NC00060) Card NC00140(Reagan Admin. View of INF Talks) sources are: (NC00053) Card NC00141(Criticisms of US INF Position) sources are: (NC00053) Card NC00149(Reagan Announces Zero Option) sources are: (NC00041) Card NC00152(Soviets Walk Out of INF Talks) sources are: (NC00060) Card NC00191(Diasagreement on Forward-Based Systems) sources are: (NC00031) Card NC00364(Nitze's Views on Negotiation and Strategic Balance) sources are: (NC00358) Card NC00455(No Soviet Incentive to Negotiate Now) sources are: (NC00453) Card NC00466(Germans Call for Revival of Walk in Woods) sources are: (NC00465) Card NC00490(Heseltine on INF Negotiations) sources are: (NC00489) Card NC00491(GLCM Needed to Encourage Talks) sources are: (NC00489) Card NC00493(Allies Urged US to Soften Zero Option) sources are: (NC00492) Card NC00523(Luns on Soviet INF Pullout) sources are: (NC00512) Source NC00031(Blacker and Hussain): 1 note Source NC00041(Barnaby, "Europe Aroused"): 1 note Source NC00045(Blacker and Duffy, International Arms): 2 notes Source NC00053(Lunn, "Nuclear Modernization"): 2 notes Source NC00060(Smith, "Missile Talks"): 9 notes Source NC00358(Scheer, With Enough Shovels): 1 note Source NC00453(Feazel, "Europeans Reject Delay"): 1 note Source NC00465("Europeans Back Pershing 2"): 1 note Source NC00489(Brown, "Defense Minister Predicts"): 2 notes Source NC00492("Belgians, Dutch May Slip"): 1 note Source NC00512("NATO: Reshaping the Alliance"): 1 note Box NC00154 (Reaction to Deployment Decision in NATO Countries) : # SubBoxes = 8 # FiledCards = 17 Card NC00156(Reagan Presidency Intensifies Opposition) sources are: (NC00045) Card NC00158(Opposition in BRD Leads to Deployments Elsewhere) sources are: (NC00040) Card NC00160(October 1983 Demonstrations) sources are: (NC00044) Card NC00161(US-European Relations Soured) sources are: (NC00044) Card NC00186(Origins of Current NATO Crisis) sources are: (NC00059) Card NC00196(Detente Still Popular in Europe) sources are: (NC00045) Card NC00285(New NATO Independence) sources are: (NC00247) Card NC00291(New Missiles Attract USSR Attack) sources are: NIL Card NC00369(Lack of Public Support for NATO Nukes) sources are: (NC00299) Card NC00454(North Atlantic Assembly Vote) sources are: (NC00453) Card NC00456(Steam is Gone From Anti-Nuke Movement) sources are: (NC00453) Card NC00457(Reduction of Short-Range Arsenal) sources are: (NC00453) Card NC00542(Five Reasons for Lack of Public Support) sources are: (NC00538) Card NC00580(Characterization of Peace Movement) sources are: (NC00548) Card NC00583(US/European Divergences) sources are: (NC00548) Card NC00585(Lessons for the US) sources are: (NC00548) Card NC00604(Precis of European Objections to New Missiles) sources are: (NC00594) Source NC00040(Smith, "Missile Deployments"): 1 note Source NC00044(Barnet, "Atlantic Alliance"): 2 notes Source NC00045(Blacker and Duffy, International Arms): 2 notes Source NC00059(Sharp, "Nuclear Weapons"): 1 note Source NC00247(Smith, "Deployments Shake Politics"): 1 note Source NC00299(Smith, "Allure of High-Tech"): 1 note Source NC00453(Feazel, "Europeans Reject Delay"): 3 notes Source NC00538(Bertram, "Implications of Theater Nuclear"): 1 note Source NC00548(Hoffman, "NATO and Nuclear Weapons"): 3 notes Source NC00594(Pierre, "Long-Range-Theater"): 1 note Box NC00155 (Federal Republic of Germany) : # SubBoxes = 0 # FiledCards = 16 Card NC00158(Opposition in BRD Leads to Deployments Elsewhere) sources are: (NC00040) Card NC00159(1982 BRD Poll) sources are: (NC00045) Card NC00162(Krefeld Petition) sources are: (NC00033) Card NC00163(Missiles in BRD A Violation of Constitution) sources are: NIL Card NC00164(TNF Deployments and the German Question) sources are: (NC00058) Card NC00165(German Criticism of US Nuclear Doctrine) sources are: (NC00058) Card NC00166(Fear that Military Logic Dominates Decision-Making) sources are: (NC00058) Card NC00184(Traditional BRD Nuclear Policy) sources are: (NC00059) Card NC00284(Neu-Ulm Protests) sources are: (NC00247) Card NC00433(Large P2 Numbers Alarms BRD Gov't) sources are: (NC00431) Card NC00438(Petra Kelly on Nuclear Logic and Militarism) sources are: (NC00050) Card NC00439(Kelly Defends Peace Movement) sources are: (NC00050) Card NC00441(Luns on Peace Movement) sources are: (NC00440) Card NC00442(Kelly Sees Europe in the Middle) sources are: (NC00050) Card NC00484(Scale of German Opposition) sources are: (NC00472) Card NC00582(Characterization of German Movement) sources are: (NC00548) Source NC00033(Paine, "Roundup"): 1 note Source NC00040(Smith, "Missile Deployments"): 1 note Source NC00045(Blacker and Duffy, International Arms): 1 note Source NC00050(Kelly, Um Hoffnung Kaempfen): 3 notes Source NC00058(Raddatz, "Verfassungsschuetzer"): 3 notes Source NC00059(Sharp, "Nuclear Weapons"): 1 note Source NC00247(Smith, "Deployments Shake Politics"): 1 note Source NC00431("Army Weaponry"): 1 note Source NC00440("Washington Roundup"): 1 note Source NC00472(Feazel, "Europeans Remain Divided"): 1 note Source NC00548(Hoffman, "NATO and Nuclear Weapons"): 1 note Box NC00204 (Soviet Initiatives) : # SubBoxes = 1 # FiledCards = 6 Card NC00034(October 1979 Brezhnev Initiative) sources are: (NC00031) Card NC00035(Provisions of Brezhnev Initiative) sources are: (NC00033) Card NC00137(December 1982 Andropov Proposal) sources are: (NC00060) Card NC00142(February 1981 Brezhnev Proposal) sources are: (NC00053) Card NC00151(November 1981 Brezhnev Proposal) sources are: (NC00053) Card NC00150(Brezhnev Moratorium Proposal of Feb. 1981) sources are: (NC00033) Source NC00031(Blacker and Hussain): 1 note Source NC00033(Paine, "Roundup"): 2 notes Source NC00053(Lunn, "Nuclear Modernization"): 2 notes Source NC00060(Smith, "Missile Talks"): 1 note Box NC00205 (NATO Responses to Soviet Initiatives) : # SubBoxes = 0 # FiledCards = 6 Card NC00305(Carter Reaction to Brezhnev Initiative) sources are: (NC00303) Card NC00306(Carter Administration Reaction to Brezhnev Initiative) sources are: (NC00303) Card NC00307(Left-wing German Reaction to Brezhnev Initiative) sources are: (NC00303) Card NC00308(Schmidt's Reaction to Brezhnev Proposal) sources are: (NC00303) Card NC00037(NATO Opposition to Brezhnev Initiative) sources are: (NC00033) Card NC00038(NATO Political Reasons for Rejection of Brezhnev Initiative) sources are: (NC00033) Source NC00033(Paine, "Roundup"): 2 notes Source NC00303(Newsweek, 22 October 1979): 4 notes Box NC00310 (Characteristics of TNF Missiles) : # SubBoxes = 3 # FiledCards = 2 Card NC00070(US & Soviet TNF's (table)) sources are: (NC00062) Card NC00283(Map: Missile Ranges) sources are: (NC00070) Source NC00062(Treverton, Nuclear Weapons in Europe): 1 note Source NC00070(US & Soviet TNF's (table)): 1 note Box NC00311 (US TNF Missiles) : # SubBoxes = 2 # FiledCards = 5 Card NC00113(Capabilities of New Missiles) sources are: (NC00040) Card NC00153(US Controls New Missiles) sources are: (NC00045) Card NC00114(Missile Numbers) sources are: (NC00040) Card NC00193(Haig's View of Missile Numbers) sources are: (NC00033) Card NC00536(Problem of SS-20 Mobility) sources are: (NC00532) Source NC00033(Paine, "Roundup"): 1 note Source NC00040(Smith, "Missile Deployments"): 2 notes Source NC00045(Blacker and Duffy, International Arms): 1 note Source NC00532(Lewis, "Intermediate Range Weapons"): 1 note Box NC00313 (Soviet TNF Missiles) : # SubBoxes = 1 # FiledCards = 2 Card NC00124("Grey-Area" Weapons) sources are: (NC00062) Card NC00464(Soviet IRBM Force) sources are: (NC00463) Source NC00062(Treverton, Nuclear Weapons in Europe): 1 note Source NC00463("Soviet Deployment of IRBMs"): 1 note Box NC00347 (TNF Doctrine) : # SubBoxes = 3 # FiledCards = 1 Card NC00537(Us vs USSR Points of View ) sources are: (NC00532) Source NC00532(Lewis, "Intermediate Range Weapons"): 1 note Box NC00385 (No First Use Proposal) : # SubBoxes = 1 # FiledCards = 7 Card NC00384(No First Use would Require Changes) sources are: (NC00354) Card NC00387(Cost of No First Use Restructuring) sources are: (NC00354) Card NC00388(Proposals for NATO Restructure) sources are: (NC00354) Card NC00558(Rationale for No First Use) sources are: (NC00550) Card NC00561(BRD Would Require Nuclear Guarantee) sources are: (NC00550) Card NC00562(Conventional Strengthening Required) sources are: (NC00550) Card NC00563(US Would Keep 2nd Strike Forces) sources are: (NC00550) Source NC00354(Gottfried, et al, "No First Use"): 3 notes Source NC00550(Bundy, et al, "Nuclear Weapons"): 4 notes Box NC00389 (Nuclear Free Zone Proposal) : # SubBoxes = 0 # FiledCards = 9 Card NC00391(Proposal for a European NFZ) sources are: (NC00356) Card NC00392(Rapacki Plan, 1957) sources are: (NC00356) Card NC00393(Post-Rapacki Initiatives) sources are: (NC00356) Card NC00394(US Criteria for NFZ Acceptance) sources are: (NC00356) Card NC00395(Basic Western Objections to NFZ) sources are: (NC00356) Card NC00396(Nukes Add Credibility to US Presence in Europe) sources are: (NC00356) Card NC00397(Weaknesses of Rapacki-type NFZ Plans ) sources are: (NC00356) Card NC00398(ICDSI Reccomendations) sources are: (NC00356) Card NC00485(German Defense Minister on NFZ) sources are: (NC00472) Source NC00356(Blechmann and Moore, "Nuclear Free Zone"): 8 notes Source NC00472(Feazel, "Europeans Remain Divided"): 1 note Box NC00402 (US Role in NATO) : # SubBoxes = 0 # FiledCards = 2 Card NC00182(US Strategic Nuclear Doctrine) sources are: (NC00063) Card NC00192(US Expenditures on European Defense) sources are: (NC00044) Source NC00044(Barnet, "Atlantic Alliance"): 1 note Source NC00063(Turner, Arms Race): 1 note Box NC00403 (NATO Nuclear Structure) : # SubBoxes = 0 # FiledCards = 6 Card NC00337(Complex Nato Nuclear Structure) sources are: (NC00298) Card NC00338(Consequences of Complex Nuclear Structure) sources are: (NC00298) Card NC00343(Fit Between Deterrence and TNF Structure) sources are: (NC00298) Card NC00195(NATO Nuclear Structure) sources are: (NC00059) Card NC00109(Problem With NATO TNF) sources are: (NC00062) Card NC00105(Unclear Role of NATO TNF) sources are: (NC00062) Source NC00059(Sharp, "Nuclear Weapons"): 1 note Source NC00062(Treverton, Nuclear Weapons in Europe): 2 notes Source NC00298(Bracken, Command and Control): 3 notes Box NC00404 (NATO Conventional Forces) : # SubBoxes = 1 # FiledCards = 12 Card NC00188(Soviet Conventional Superiority Denied) sources are: (NC00055) Card NC00190(Conventional Defense Practical) sources are: (NC00033) Card NC00371(Conventional Strength Ratios) sources are: (NC00299) Card NC00374(Neglect of Conventional Readiness) sources are: (NC00299) Card NC00370(Gen. Rogers on Need for Conventional Strengthening) sources are: (NC00299) Card NC00332(Nukes Cause No Military Reorganization) sources are: NIL Card NC00418(Five Missions for NATO Forces) sources are: (NC00406) Card NC00429(Ground Balance Affords Some Confidence) sources are: (NC00428) Card NC00430(US Should Stress Air and Naval Forces) sources are: (NC00428) Card NC00461(NATO Conventional Upgrading) sources are: NIL Card NC00513(Rogers on Conventional Funding Needs) sources are: (NC00512) Card NC00526(Need for Conventional Upgrade) sources are: (NC00512) Source NC00033(Paine, "Roundup"): 1 note Source NC00055(Otis and Browder, "Enormous Responsibility"): 1 note Source NC00299(Smith, "Allure of High-Tech"): 3 notes Source NC00406(ESECS, Strengthening Conventional): 1 note Source NC00428(Mako, US Ground Forces): 2 notes Source NC00512("NATO: Reshaping the Alliance"): 2 notes Box NC00405 (ESECS Plan for Conventional Strengthening) : # SubBoxes = 0 # FiledCards = 13 Card NC00407(Deterrence and Reassurance Threatened) sources are: (NC00406) Card NC00409(Raise Nuclear Threshold) sources are: (NC00406) Card NC00410(Maintain Forward Defense Strategy) sources are: (NC00406) Card NC00411(Seek Arms Control and Reduce Tension) sources are: (NC00406) Card NC00412(Pact Seen as Conventionally Superior) sources are: (NC00406) Card NC00413(Is Pact Superior) sources are: (NC00412) Card NC00414(WP Military Posture ) sources are: (NC00406) Card NC00415(Nuclear War Not Inevitable to Soviets) sources are: (NC00406) Card NC00416(Soviet Conventional Strategy Against NATO) sources are: (NC00406) Card NC00417(Soviet Conventional Weaknesses) sources are: (NC00406) Card NC00418(Five Missions for NATO Forces) sources are: (NC00406) Card NC00419(Paths to Improving NATO Forces) sources are: (NC00406) Card NC00420(Cost of ESECS Plan) sources are: (NC00406) Source NC00406(ESECS, Strengthening Conventional): 12 notes Source NC00412(Pact Seen as Conventionally Superior): 1 note Box NC00408 (Criticisms of NATO Doctrine) : # SubBoxes = 0 # FiledCards = 20 Card NC00189(Missile Gap Questioned) sources are: (NC00033) Card NC00335(Problems Caused by Poseidon) sources are: (NC00298) Card NC00339(Bradley on Nuclear Dilemma ) sources are: (NC00298) Card NC00334(Geographic Assymetry) sources are: (NC00298) Card NC00183(Flexible Response Worries) sources are: (NC00063) Card NC00377(High-Tech Problems) sources are: (NC00299) Card NC00369(Lack of Public Support for NATO Nukes) sources are: (NC00299) Card NC00382(Carver Remarks) sources are: (NC00354) Card NC00376(German Criticisms of Deterrence) sources are: (NC00299) Card NC00110(Numbers of NATO Nuclear Warheads) sources are: (NC00062) Card NC00407(Deterrence and Reassurance Threatened) sources are: (NC00406) Card NC00508(Threat Inflation) sources are: (NC00357) Card NC00502(Issue of Real Usefulness has been Lost) sources are: (NC00357) Card NC00505(Why Soviet Short Range Threat Was Downplayed) sources are: (NC00357) Card NC00535(Military Efficacy Forgotten) sources are: (NC00532) Card NC00577(New Missiles Are Unusable) sources are: (NC00549) Card NC00576(Flexible Response Not Credible) sources are: (NC00549) Card NC00570(Carver On Use of Nuclear Weapons) sources are: (NC00549) Card NC00571(Kissinger on Use Nuclear Assurances) sources are: (NC00549) Card NC00342(Estimates of German Casualities) sources are: (NC00298) Source NC00033(Paine, "Roundup"): 1 note Source NC00062(Treverton, Nuclear Weapons in Europe): 1 note Source NC00063(Turner, Arms Race): 1 note Source NC00298(Bracken, Command and Control): 4 notes Source NC00299(Smith, "Allure of High-Tech"): 3 notes Source NC00354(Gottfried, et al, "No First Use"): 1 note Source NC00357(Cockburn, The Threat): 3 notes Source NC00406(ESECS, Strengthening Conventional): 1 note Source NC00532(Lewis, "Intermediate Range Weapons"): 1 note Source NC00549(McNamara, "Military Role of Nuclear"): 4 notes Box NC00427 (Origins of NATO Doctrine) : # SubBoxes = 0 # FiledCards = 7 Card NC00167(More Bang For the Buck) sources are: (NC00045) Card NC00168(USSR Counters US TNF's in 1960's) sources are: (NC00045) Card NC00184(Traditional BRD Nuclear Policy) sources are: (NC00059) Card NC00383(Basis of First Use Choice) sources are: (NC00354) Card NC00533(Historical Importance of European Perception) sources are: (NC00532) Card NC00572(Dulles on More Bang for the Buck) sources are: (NC00549) Card NC00573(Montgomery on Use of Nuclear Weapons) sources are: (NC00549) Source NC00045(Blacker and Duffy, International Arms): 2 notes Source NC00059(Sharp, "Nuclear Weapons"): 1 note Source NC00354(Gottfried, et al, "No First Use"): 1 note Source NC00532(Lewis, "Intermediate Range Weapons"): 1 note Source NC00549(McNamara, "Military Role of Nuclear"): 2 notes Box NC00475 (Italy) : # SubBoxes = 0 # FiledCards = 1 Card NC00296(Italian Deployment Vote) sources are: (NC00295) Source NC00295("US Begins Deployment"): 1 note Box NC00476 (The Netherlands) : # SubBoxes = 0 # FiledCards = 4 Card NC00379(Dutch Delay Cruise Decision) sources are: (NC00352) Card NC00449(Dutch Parliament Approves Delay) sources are: (NC00445 NC00446 NC00447) Card NC00448(Dutch Cabinet Delays Deployment) sources are: (NC00444) Card NC00473(Dutch Bishops Oppose Deployment) sources are: (NC00472) Source NC00352("Dutch Delay Cruise Decision"): 1 note Source NC00444("Dutch Cabinet Puts Off Decision"): 1 note Source NC00445(Tagliabue, "Dutch Parliament"): 1 note Source NC00446("Dutch to Delay NATO Missiles"): 1 note Source NC00447("Dutch Parliament Approves"): 1 note Source NC00472(Feazel, "Europeans Remain Divided"): 1 note Box NC00477 (Denmark) : # SubBoxes = 0 # FiledCards = 2 Card NC00293(Danish Government Opposition) sources are: (NC00292) Card NC00471(Danish Opposition Impact) sources are: (NC00469) Source NC00292("Danish Government"): 1 note Source NC00469("Europeans Set Deployment"): 1 note Box NC00478 (Belgium) : # SubBoxes = 0 # FiledCards = 2 Card NC00450(Belgian Commitment to Cruise) sources are: (NC00444) Card NC00483(Belgian Coaltion Problems) sources are: (NC00472) Source NC00444("Dutch Cabinet Puts Off Decision"): 1 note Source NC00472(Feazel, "Europeans Remain Divided"): 1 note Box NC00479 (Norway) : # SubBoxes = 0 # FiledCards = 1 Card NC00480(Norway Nearly Refuses Funding) sources are: (NC00472) Source NC00472(Feazel, "Europeans Remain Divided"): 1 note Box NC00481 (Greece) : # SubBoxes = 0 # FiledCards = 1 Card NC00482(Greek Opposition) sources are: (NC00472) Source NC00472(Feazel, "Europeans Remain Divided"): 1 note Box NC00495 (Arms Control: Proposals and Negotiations) : # SubBoxes = 2 # FiledCards = 2 Card NC00516(Rogers: Deployments Aid Negotiation) sources are: (NC00512) Card NC00541(Multilateral Decision; Bilateral Negotiations) sources are: (NC00538) Source NC00512("NATO: Reshaping the Alliance"): 1 note Source NC00538(Bertram, "Implications of Theater Nuclear"): 1 note Box NC00498 (NATO TNF Modernization Plan) : # SubBoxes = 4 # FiledCards = 9 Card NC00107(NATO Decision Not So Simple As Often Portrayed) sources are: (NC00040) Card NC00072(Deployment Based partly on Need for Modernization) sources are: (NC00040) Card NC00304(Deployment seen as necessary to negotiation) sources are: (NC00302) Card NC00470(Schedule for Deployments) sources are: (NC00469) Card NC00522(Luns on Origins of Modernization) sources are: (NC00512) Card NC00540(Unique Elements of 1979 Decision) sources are: (NC00538) Card NC00587(Importance of December 1979 Decision) sources are: (NC00547) Card NC00589(Problematical Involvement of Non-Nuclear States) sources are: (NC00547) Card NC00588(Military Advantages of New Missiles) sources are: (NC00547) Source NC00040(Smith, "Missile Deployments"): 2 notes Source NC00302(Newsweek, 17 December 1979): 1 note Source NC00469("Europeans Set Deployment"): 1 note Source NC00512("NATO: Reshaping the Alliance"): 1 note Source NC00538(Bertram, "Implications of Theater Nuclear"): 1 note Source NC00547(Bertram, "Implications of Theater Nuclear"): 3 notes Box NC00509 (Decision to Adopt GLCM and Pershing II) : # SubBoxes = 0 # FiledCards = 9 Card NC00092(German & UK Interest in Cruise) sources are: (NC00040) Card NC00093(US Pressured Europe to Adopt GLCM) sources are: (NC00040) Card NC00094(US Unclear on Cruise Role) sources are: (NC00040) Card NC00095(Euro. Enthusiasm for Cruise) sources are: (NC00040) Card NC00501(SS20 Provides Excuse for New Missiles) sources are: (NC00357) Card NC00096(Pershing II an Afterthought) sources are: (NC00040) Card NC00097(Attraction Of Pershing II) sources are: (NC00040) Card NC00120(Decision On Numbers of Missiles) sources are: (NC00040) Card NC00605(Rejection of Sea Basing) sources are: (NC00594) Source NC00040(Smith, "Missile Deployments"): 7 notes Source NC00357(Cockburn, The Threat): 1 note Source NC00594(Pierre, "Long-Range-Theater"): 1 note Box NC00510 (HLG and TNF Modernization Plan) : # SubBoxes = 0 # FiledCards = 7 Card NC00117(1978 HLG Decision to Increase TNF Capabilities) sources are: (NC00040) Card NC00111(Exclusion of Sea-Based Systems) sources are: (NC00062) Card NC00118(Sea Basing Proposal) sources are: (NC00040) Card NC00073(Shift to Nuclear Focus in Modernization Plans) sources are: (NC00040) Card NC00119(Carter Admin. Apprehensive About HLG Decision) sources are: (NC00040) Card NC00602(Carter Admin Shift on TNF) sources are: (NC00594) Card NC00603(SALT context of Double Track Decision) sources are: (NC00594) Source NC00040(Smith, "Missile Deployments"): 4 notes Source NC00062(Treverton, Nuclear Weapons in Europe): 1 note Source NC00594(Pierre, "Long-Range-Theater"): 2 notes Box NC00511 (Perception of Need for Modernization) : # SubBoxes = 0 # FiledCards = 11 Card NC00074(German Interest in Nuclear Modernization) sources are: (NC00040) Card NC00078(Schmidt IISS Speech) sources are: (NC00040) Card NC00076(Schmidt's View of SS20 Role) sources are: (NC00040) Card NC00077(Carter Admin Tries to Downplay SS20) sources are: (NC00040) Card NC00075(Schmidt's View of TNF Modernization) sources are: (NC00040) Card NC00186(Origins of Current NATO Crisis) sources are: (NC00059) Card NC00534(Late 70's European Concern With US) sources are: (NC00532) Card NC00539(Deployment Based on European Insecurity) sources are: (NC00538) Card NC00564(New TNF Coupling Value) sources are: (NC00550) Card NC00560(Unique Position of BRD) sources are: (NC00550) Card NC00584(Short Term Context of Decision) sources are: (NC00548) Source NC00040(Smith, "Missile Deployments"): 5 notes Source NC00059(Sharp, "Nuclear Weapons"): 1 note Source NC00532(Lewis, "Intermediate Range Weapons"): 1 note Source NC00538(Bertram, "Implications of Theater Nuclear"): 1 note Source NC00548(Hoffman, "NATO and Nuclear Weapons"): 1 note Source NC00550(Bundy, et al, "Nuclear Weapons"): 2 notes Box NC00530 (France) : # SubBoxes = 0 # FiledCards = 1 Card NC00527(French View of NATO TNF) sources are: (NC00512) Source NC00512("NATO: Reshaping the Alliance"): 1 note Box NC00531 (Official NATO View of Deployments) : # SubBoxes = 0 # FiledCards = 6 Card NC00514(Rogers: Main Threat is Coercion) sources are: (NC00512 NC00512) Card NC00515("Creeping Hegemony") sources are: (NC00512) Card NC00520(Luns: Peace is Now Closer) sources are: (NC00512) Card NC00524(Luns: New Missiles Make Europe Safer) sources are: (NC00512) Card NC00525(US Ambassador Sees NATO Cohesion) sources are: (NC00512) Card NC00521(Comment: NATO Mistrust of The Public) sources are: NIL Source NC00512("NATO: Reshaping the Alliance"): 6 notes Box NC00555 (Origins of Soviet Doctrine) : # SubBoxes = 0 # FiledCards = 2 Card NC00232(Soviet Targetting of Western Europe) sources are: (NC00062) Card NC00556(Background to Soviet Focus on Medium-Range Systems) sources are: (NC00546) Source NC00062(Treverton, Nuclear Weapons in Europe): 1 note Source NC00546(Holloway, "INF Policy of Soviet Union"): 1 note Box NC00557 (Proposals for TNF Change) : # SubBoxes = 2 # FiledCards = 0 Box NC00559 (Criticisms of No First Use) : # SubBoxes = 0 # FiledCards = 6 Card NC00462(Luns on No First Use) sources are: (NC00460) Card NC00507(Haig on No First Use) sources are: (NC00357) Card NC00517(Rogers on No First Use) sources are: (NC00512) Card NC00567(No First Use Endangers Unity) sources are: (NC00551) Card NC00565(No First Use is Decoupling and Dangerous) sources are: (NC00551) Card NC00566(Risk of Escalation is Smaller than Thought) sources are: (NC00551) Source NC00357(Cockburn, The Threat): 1 note Source NC00460("Nato Eyes Conventional Weapons"): 1 note Source NC00512("NATO: Reshaping the Alliance"): 1 note Source NC00551(Kaiser, et al, "Nuclear Weapons and Preservation"): 3 notes