Numbered Features- 2/25/87 Category Page Count Card Features 2 3 Link Features 3 11 Cross-file Link Features 8 2 NoteFile Features 11 5 Interface Features 13 14 TypesMech Features 20 6 NCLocalDevice Features 23 1 Server Features 24 15 NCP (ProgInt) Features 30 10 I&R (Inspect&Repair) Features 35 1 System Features 36 9 Environmental Features 39 3 TEdit Features 42 5 FileBox Features 46 3 Browser Card Features 47 5 Document Card Features 50 3 Sketch Card Features 52 4 Search Card Features 54 5 Graph Card Features 56 2 IdeaSketch Card Features 57 2 TableTop Card Features 58 1 Library Features 60 3 Total 113 Card Features Halasz: Card - shrunken icons need NF indication. Date: 28 May 86 21:44 PDT From: Subject: NoteCards 1.3k: Icons for shrunk note cards need NF inidcation To: cc: Lisp System Date: 1-Apr-86 14:56:48 Machine: Dorado (Halasz) Shrunken note card icons need to have some info about the NF which the card is from. If you have several open NFs and a screen populated with shrunken NCs, it can be quite a job to figure out which cards belong to whioch NFs. -- Frank End of message 165.lm Lanning: Cards should have global link operations * I found that I was doing the following rather: going though a set of cards, assigning the Linktype for each link in the cards. This was really tedious. A possible way to make this easier (and address the previous two complaints): how about an item in the title menu called ForAllLinks (ugh - you can come up with a better name, no?). When you pick this item, you are then given a choice of what to do to each item: ChangeLinkType, DesignateFileboxes, whatever. It then walks through the card, acting as if you had picked that item for that Link. 237.lh Card cacheing should be re-implemented to allow for experimentation Link Features 435. Kelley: Links - need better back link display facility Date: 15 Feb 87 16:56 PST From: Subject: Re: Show Links window will not scroll horizontally In-reply-to:'s message of 13 Feb 87 16:14 PST To: cc:, I guess this should be part of a more general "need better back link display facility" request. -- kirk End of message Date: 13 Feb 87 14:59 PST From: Subject: Show Links window will not scroll horizontally To: NoteCardsSupport cc: The Show Links List of Links window should scroll horizontally (or will multi-line link icons automatically take care of this?) For one example, when I ask to Show Links here is a bitmap of all I can see: UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUAd㪪g!UUUUUUUUUgg!UUUUUUUUUgg$󪪪HI&GUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!ǀ!@! !1@A3DF A$ Cs9$     GA?U  $I@BAv  > Always, Intermittent, Once << Impact: >> Fatal, Serious, Moderate, Annoying, Minor << I just thought of a potential feature. Should there be some way to "register" link types as being system-maintained, and not available to the user? For example, the system prevents users from using filedcard or subbox links, but the programmer's interface should provide a method by which the programmer could create a link type similarly in accessible to the user. >>Dave End of message 233.lh Trigg: Link - "Hierarchical" type should serve as SubBox link function Depends on: 240.lh Kelley: Links should be implemented as real objects. 164. mm Lanning: Link creation should not force a type choice. * Like 165., but use LinkTypes instead of Fileboxes. Again, I think it unlikely that an author would know enough in the beginning to put in the "correct" link types. Cross-file Link Features 373. Kelley: Cross-file link is not updated when title changes Date: 8 Jan 87 23:50 PST From: Subject: NoteCards 1.3k: Cross-File-Link is not updated when title changed To: cc: NoteCards 1.3k System Date: 12-Dec-86 18:19:40 Lisp System Date: 11-May-86 15:19:08 Machine: Dandelion (222#72#) Microcode version: 26,32 Memory size: 15777 Frequency: Always Impact: Prohibits some important uses of cross-file links such as automatic status info / summary updates. When changing the title of a card, any cross-file link icons title text is not updated. This is understandable if the linking notefiles are not open, but even in that case, seems user should be told and asked if they want to open the notefile. -- kirk End of message At least update when the file is open. Doing it if the file is closed is a controversial request. 444. Miller: Cross-file links - how to handle in copy structure operation? Date: 24 Feb 87 06:36 PST From: Subject: NoteCards 1.3k: Structure copying doesn't work across files To: cc: NoteCards 1.3k System Date: 27-Jan-87 16:57:28 Lisp System Date: 27-Jan-87 17:55:26 Machine: Dorado (PASTEUR) Microcode version: 26,62 Memory size: 40000 Frequency: Always Impact: Annoying Cards are shared instead of copied. Also, the choices of link types to follow doesn't include the link types of all the relevent files. I realize this may be hard, so it should at least be possible to type these in or something. End of message Date: 24 Feb 87 10:37 PST From: Subject: Re: NoteCards 1.3k: Structure copying doesn't work across files In-reply-to:'s message of 24 Feb 87 06:36 PST To: cc: Mark, you confused us. Two things: what do you mean "cards are shared rather than copied"? Do you mean that cross file links are being created when you do copy structure? That would be most peculiar, but possible, I suppose. Second, I don't understand the comment "the choices of link types to follow doesn't include the link types of all the relevent files". What relevant files? The only relevant file regarding link types is the file from which the copy is taking place, right? - Randy End of message Date: 24 Feb 87 10:59 PST Sender: From: Mark S. Miller Subject: Re: NoteCards 1.3k: Structure copying doesn't work across files In-reply-to:'s message of 24 Feb 87 10:37 PST To: cc:, Mark, you confused us. Two things: what do you mean "cards are shared rather than copied"? Do you mean that cross file links are being created when you do copy structure? That would be most peculiar, but possible, I suppose. Let's say that in file X I have card A which links to card B in file Y. If I copy structure starting at A, I expect to get an A' which links to a B'. Instead I get an A' which links to the same old B. I don't know if new cross file links are being created or not, but copies of remote cards definitely do not seem to be getting created. I don't have any strong opinion about which notefile B' should be created in, but notefile X seems a better choice. Second, I don't understand the comment "the choices of link types to follow doesn't include the link types of all the relevent files". What relevant files? The only relevant file regarding link types is the file from which the copy is taking place, right? Wrong. Let's say that B further links to C, also in notefile Y, and that the link is of link-type "foo". Ideally, when I specify a structure starting at A I should be given a choice of selecting link-type "foo". This ideal seems impossible because it would require figuing out the transitive closure of all link types reachable from A. A reasonable compromise might be to show all link types of all currently open notefiles. This is unpleasant, as it makes things more unpredictable (e.g. what does it mean to select "ALL"). ----- MarkM End of message NoteFile Features ! 148.lm Kelley: NoteFile CopyCards should expand destination index if necessary 109. Halasz: NoteFile NC.CloseNoteFile should collapse checks for operations in progress and active cards. Date: 27 Jun 86 20:46 PDT From: Subject: NoteCards 1.3k: "Bug" for a later date. To: cc: CloseNoteFile could be sped up somewhat by collapsing the check for operations in progress and the check for active cards. They now separately pass through the hash array, a considerable expense for large files. -- Frank End of message 396. Kelley: NoteFile - Abort out of NC.GetSpecialCards in NC.OpenNoteFile does not close NoteFile stream Date: 16 Jan 87 16:13 PST From: Subject: NoteCards 1.3L: Abort out of NC.GetSpecialCards in NC.OpenNoteFile does not close NoteFile stream To: cc: NoteCards 1.3L System Date: 23-Dec-86 10:09:31 Lisp System Date: 7-Jan-87 03:56:58 Machine: Dandelion (222#146#) Microcode version: 0,231 Memory size: 15777 Frequency: Always Impact: I'm Opening a NoteFile using the session icon NoteFile Open. Abort out of NC.OpenNoteFile, at least from under NC.GetSpecialCards does not close the NoteFile stream. It also leaves the prompt window with the message that it is "Loading top level cards ... ". The same is true in Koto. -- kirk End of message Structure Features 348. Kelley: Structure Move now a misnomer? Date: 24 Dec 86 16:33 PST From: Subject: Move Structure semantics wrong To: NoteCardsSupport cc: With cross-file links, there is no longer a motivation to have Move Structure sever all outside links. When a user wishes to Copy a structure and then Delete the original, they should use the Copy and Delete commands seperately or a command with a name like "Extract". The verb Move should be reserved for the case where a structure continues to have external links after the move. -- kirk End of message (Pull across on move?: - throw away external links - create cross-file links Also have user asked: "I have links here - delete them or create cross-file links?") Halasz: Structure Delete needs lazy link icon deletion at bring up time for efficiency. Interface Features ! 249. Jordan: Interface of NC main menu is wrong Date: 29 Sep 86 17:12 PDT From: Subject: Interface comment on NC main menu To: notecardssupport, moran cc:, shrager,card So I think the 1.3 main menu in NoteCards, which toggles between menu items and a picture depending on whether the cursor is inside or out of it, is certainly novel and even cute, but is unfortunately the wrong thing to have as far as interface issues go. There are at least 2 reasons: 1. When I am working elsewhere on the screen and my cursor is not in the menu (99.99% of the time), I can't remember what the items are. I can no longer just glance at the menu to decide if I really want to go there: I must now go there first! Also, the menu items are a nice, well-structured 4-part categorization of NC ops that helps me organize the multitude of NC ops I must keep in my head; unfortunately you hide these items from me when I could most use them, i.e., when I am deciding what to do next. 2. Fitts Law says you definitely lose. To zero in on my target I must now do it in 2 steps: first move to the menu and then, when the items appear, move to the one I want. This is, again, because I can't remember what the items are, much less WHERE they are. Result: it takes me longer to get to the item I want, and it's now a 2-step process. In short, it requires either extra cognitive processing (remembering the items) or motor movement (uncovering the items) or both. I see this as a general interface issue about a menu design that hasn't been tried before. I find these reasons compelling enough to strongly suggest removing the toggle from the menu completely. It's cute, but I think it's not what you want. Dan End of message ! Briggs: Interface SelectCards typing at bombsight should blink TTY exit and entry fn must turn on and off line buffering (^T & ^NIL) 440. Kelley: Interface - problems creating card with blank title Date: 19 Feb 87 23:24 PST From: Subject: Really untitled card problems. To: NoteCardsSupport cc: It is not possible via the user interface to create cards with empty titles. A work around kludge is to create a title with a ^N in it, but seems like there should be some way to really specify no title. [ It is possible programatically to actually create a title with an empty string. This is the source of some bugs. The link image boxer does not work. The space for the link is there, but it does not have an empty box indicating it. This is a new bug maybe introduced by Peggy's new stuff. (Bug # 439.) ] The card part reader/writer is acting confused (breaking on read card part). Very probable empty title is the culprit. I think it is important that we allow cards with no titles. I wish for applications where each paragraph is a seperate card as in outline processors like Augment. It is undesirable for such cards to have titles. -- kirk End of message 433. Kelley: Interface - MenuLingersAfterNoteFileClose unsymmetrical Date: 11 Feb 87 14:21 PST From: Subject: MenuLingersAfterNoteFileClose unsemetrical To: NoteCardsSupport cc: This is from observing new users that have MenuLingersAfterNoteFileClose set to No. They expect right-button menu close to close the NoteFile just like closing card windows closes and saves cards. This causes NoteFile sharing problems because they think the NoteFile is closed yet other users still cannot access the NoteFile. -- kirk End of message 194.lm Newman: Interface to session icon should have NCP fn to allow adding menu items. Date: 12 Sep 86 11:17 PDT From: Newman.pasa Subject: Potential application-additions to the NoteCards main menu? To: cc: Newman.pasa Is it possible for an application (a library package in this case) to add a menu item to the NoteCards main menu. This is foy my typecreation by example code, and I'd like to add an item to the menu, though I'm not sure where. I don't see anything in the 1.3k ProgInt doc. Any suggestions?? >>Dave End of message 351. Trigg: Interface - Need a way to tell whether open notefile is a server notefile or not Date: 6 Jan 87 10:39 PST From: Subject: NoteCards 1.3k: Need a way to tell whether open notefile is a server notefile or not To: cc: NoteCards 1.3k System Date: 15-Dec-86 19:09:04 Lisp System Date: 11-May-86 15:19:08 Machine: Dorado (MONK) Microcode version: 26,32 Memory size: 40000 Perhaps some indication on the notefile's icon would be appropriate. - Randy End of message 370. Kelley: Interface - NoteFile open should warn of higher versions Date: 7 Jan 87 16:30 PST From: Subject: NoteCards 1.3k: Open should warn of higher versions To: cc: NoteCards 1.3k System Date: 12-Dec-86 18:19:40 Lisp System Date: 11-May-86 15:19:08 Machine: Dandelion (222#72#) Microcode version: 26,32 Memory size: 15777 Frequency: Always Impact: Serious If a higher version of a NoteFile exists, open should warn, ask for confirmation, and offer to open the higher version. This is a problem because Compact does not update the notefile icon to the new compacted version. Hmmm, so there are two problems here. -- kirk End of message Compact could create new notefile icon (closed) and have you place it. Also add flg to NCP.Compact . . . so don't have to get the icon. 368. Dixon: Interface - prettier icons for shrunken fileboxes and notecards needed Date: 7 Jan 87 12:44 PST From: Subject: icons To: NoteCardsSupport surely NoteCards could provide prettier icons for shrunken fileboxes and notecards than the default TEdit "book". .mike. End of message Date: 7 Jan 87 13:49 PST From: Subject: Re: icons In-reply-to:'s message of 7 Jan 87 12:44 PST To: cc: Got any designs for such a critter? We're short on creative icon designs in this group. (One problem is that it needs space in the middle to put the card title.) - Randy End of message Date: 7 Jan 87 15:01 PST From: Subject: Re: icons In-reply-to:'s message of 7 Jan 87 13:49 PST To: cc: Format: TEdit how about just something simple like Z<՛ckkk_k{gk{{{oݙq|G  2L1FJR JP:JPJ1:) for cards and something that looks like a filebox for fileboxes? or even just the standard link icons (i.e. labels attached to the side instead of inside) .mike. End of message Date: 7 Jan 87 15:31 PST From: Subject: Re: icons In-reply-to:'s message of 7 Jan 87 15:01 PST To: cc:, Both sound reasonable. I suppose we could take the first n characters of the card's title and attach the card type bitmap. It then winds up looking like a link which is kind of misleading. But we could shade it, I suppose, to take care of that. Or we could attach the bitmap on the right side instead of the left. Also, we should probably keep the region of the things fixed regardless of the length of the title. - Randy End of message Date: 7 Jan 87 21:57 PST From: Subject: Re: icons In-reply-to:'s message of 7 Jan 87 15:01 PST To: cc:, I recommend using the standard link icon as the shrunken form of cards with a width max cutoff. At the same time, (and for other reasons anyway) there should be a parameter to allow switching the meaning of the left and middle buttons in a real link icon. I have this problem frequently already. Also, as a side note, I believe actual links would eliminate most needs for shrunken cards if the card substances were more intelligently cached. Currently, taking a link and closing a card are many times slower than shrinking and expanding them. Too bad. I have taken to placing shrunken cards under the card that links to them. -- kirk End of message 379. Newman: Interface - Want bitmaps in card titles as well as title string 393. Shrager: Interface Menus should work consistently Date: 14 Jan 87 12:34 PST From: Subject: NoteCards 1.3L: Menus should work consistently. To: NoteCards 1.3L System Date: 7-Jan-87 16:08:51 Lisp System Date: 7-Jan-87 03:56:58 Machine: Dorado (Duane) Microcode version: 26,52 Memory size: 40000 Frequency: Always Impact: Annoying Either the main icon should be a middlebutton-and-release type, or the notefile control menus should be rollout the same way that the main one (and every other one) is. As is, the menu use is a little confusing. -- Jeff End of message (Turn menu into window with 2 selectable regions.) 421. All: Interface - Assign title should have "cancel" option 420. Newman: Interface - Mouse Cursor goes to HourGlass at a bad time Date: 30 Jan 87 11:23 PST From: Newman.pasa Subject: NoteCards 1.3k: Mouse Cursor goes to HourGlass at a bad time To: cc: Newman.pasa NoteCards 1.3k System Date: 14-Oct-86 12:32:25 Lisp System Date: 11-May-86 15:19:08 Machine: Dove (207#53#) Microcode version: 26,32 Memory size: 16400 Frequency: Once Impact: Minor Deleteing a structure causes the hourglass to appear and disappear rapidly a number of times. This seems to correspond to the message in the promptwindow talking about collecting write locks or something of that nature. In truth, this process does not monopolize the processor, so it does not need to show the hourglass, and it should not show it and remove it rapidly so many times in any case. >>Dave End of message 428. Burton: Interface - title should indicate "close or delete" in card selection Date: 7 Feb 87 12:44 PST From: Subject: NC suggestion: "close or delete" in card selection To: notecardsSupport cc: the title should indicate which of the operations is being done, in case the user selected the wrong one or got interrupted in the middle and forgot. Richard End of message 427. Cate: Interface - Tab messes up on the titles Date: 6 Feb 87 11:19 PST From: Subject: Tab messes up on the titles To: NotecardsSupport With a tab in the title of a notecard the characters overflow the box. O@@?D "@ @@Ë8ËK !.xqËÞ @&$MD $MLH>!1"Dĉ$I$H@' HHP !! D9" Ȑ@$d $HH0 !! D H"D@2$$HD$HLH0 #!"D$I$HC#:ÈK !4xuÉæ@@@@  D@ @@ @@@HyŘGZ\x@H$"&dH"jbD$@HI#DO BBD>@HI$E"DH BBDD@H$B"$D"BbDCLJHDB\4x@@@ @@@ @ ~@  @HA  <@K#A:BK8.yx"@LH$HA"FBMD̑1" M @E$~>BBH|!!H @E$ A BBH@! H "D@B$HA"FFHD!" H CB#PA::H8!  |@"@ B@ @xBYÇHK8<@ Bj$HMD"@ |BHH|"@ @BHH@"D@ @B$HDC@AÇGH8 Henry III ps could you please add me to Notecards^ TypesMech Features Trigg: TypesMech InsertLinkFns need re-vamping. Date: 21 Aug 86 17:49 PDT From: Subject: NoteCards 1.3k: Who uses card type's InsertLinkFn? To: cc: Format: TEdit Lisp System Date: 11-May-86 15:19:08 Machine: Dorado (MONK) Microcode version: 26,32 Memory size: 40000 Card types have an InsertLinkFn, but as far as I can tell, no one uses it. The left button title bar menu's InsertLink entry calls NC.AddLinkToCard, which currently dispatches on card types rather than calling the InsertLinkFn. I can see one reason for this. The InsertLinkFns for Text, Graph, and Sketch don't take similar arguments. D`@```` ax@b "D@Ab"Dņ"XqD Xʼn,c D&I"d "(@ "dAFJ2b' x"D >@>@ADL"b""@$D  @ @ADJ"b!"@!$ d "(H"@IDI"a@ Xq D0@1DH"`@`0@ ``b# 8c$@ @c$@,8qc$AOXh b2D(B"d b"00CDbd@"(B DbdB"D$$B"D@b#"8q"8AC Dh@````cx  |@` "D @ @@`A"Dņ"Xq$8,8qc$@ `B D&I"d (DA 2D(x ` x"D 0|A "00@ `"@$D (@A "(@ a"@!$ d $DI "D$$@ a@ Xq "80 "8q"@@`@@`0@``b# 8 c$@  c$@,8qc$C,b2D(„D2b"00#"bd@"("bdB"D$$DD"#"8q"8#"```ab b!"ab'b"b!a"```` `<pO|  ` "B" @ ` "B,8`"%,,xĈa "$2D"@2H2 #%c <B"|""F "&a B "@"$"A "%`  2D"$"H $"$` pB,8"G "$H` `  ``b# 8c$@ c$@,8qc$Ëb2D( Lb"00rȑbd@"(HbdB"D$$Lb#"8q"8````ap  @b "   @b!"!aË 8 "xGb" !$L @B #$ȑa ! B "$H`""!D @B P"$Hb!"!$H  B$P"$ȊaqÈ>B"P"#G ````@`g `x3 "`l  `0 3"al |x>l1?<`Xh*8@a v͛ ;x1g? 6`dE*2$@a fq 3p1 ? ͛7@*%@a f 3x1  ͛7"@%@a f͛l3l1g ͻ3"@E 2"`gfx3fy @h€``@``b  pb" $@@ b"XĈ,8%8Gxpb"d#%2D@DA$H  b"@"&"|G@A  b"@"%"@$H"@A  b"@"$2D$H"DI$ c@"$O,8G80!````` "-12!"DD&H18cDq刀0000081 @H1 ŏXBI<81 &DdC# D0 DB @0 "DB$J@1 $DB$ID08D# 80000 0C30<0q"0C`00"0`>!LJ*8@X0;fنfaB"*2$@d03833*%@D0v`3 ͛3B%@D0vc3f́͛ffٳ""H2"D0C33GX`@`@``@`g `x0p@ @< `l  `000@ "al |x>l17ǟ>@,8b Dʼn"8pÇa v͛ ;x1`ݻ$2ɒ"DFJ"D!a fq 3p1ٳ@ <"TDLtemp) would be the right thing, and I want to check before I tell them. >>Dave End of message Date: 2 Oct 86 21:55 PDT From: Subject: Re: Expanding Notefile indexes In-reply-to: Newman.pasa's message of 2 Oct 86 17:55 PDT To: Newman.pasa cc: I can't tell you for sure whether your scheme will work because I'm stuck in 1.3k nowadays. My recommendation would be to make a small test notefile and try calling NC.ExpandIndexInPlace on it. Make sure it still functions when that's done. Good luck. - Randy End of message Date: 3 Oct 86 10:08 PDT From: Newman.pasa Subject: Re: Expanding Notefile indexes In-reply-to:'s message of 2 Oct 86 21:55 PDT To: cc: Newman.pasa, I tested it, and the following seems to work: (NC.ExpandIndexInPlace (NCP.CurrentNoteFileStream ) N (OPENSTREAM '{nodircore} 'BOTH 'NEW] Where N is the size that you want the index to grow to. >>Dave End of message Note: Should use NC.ExpandIndexInPlace to make room in index "on the fly." Would require checkpointing, expanding the index, and rereading the index to update core index. It should check with user for approval first. Also, does structure copy work if index is too small to copy entire structure? Jordan: NCP.Version3Card needed to map UIDs Date: 11 Sep 86 14:20 PDT From: Subject: NoteCards 1.3k: Wanted: NCP.Converter Fns To: cc:,bagley Format: TEdit Lisp System Date: 11-May-86 15:19:08 Machine: Dorado (Ventana) Microcode version: 26,40 Memory size: 40000 In converting my own card types (e.g. my Hash Card), I have come across the need to have the 1.2 ID --> 1.3 UID mapping that the NC converter obviously uses. I claim there should be a hook into this mapping so that I could use it also: after all, everything I did in my 1.2 card type was legal, so I should have the means to convert it. So I want the following fcn: (NCP.Version3Card Version2CardID) which will give me some 1.3 {CardObject}. Daniel PIrish: NCP.SelectNoteFiles needed PIrish: NCP.CardUserPropList needed Date: 2 Jul 86 11:49 PDT From: Subject: 1.2k: Suggestion for a new prog. int. function To: cc: 1.2k System Date: 19-Feb-86 12:37:45 Lisp System Date: 30-May-86 11:49:05 Machine: Dove (204#125#) Microcode version: 26,32 Memory size: 13400 Frequency: N.A. Impact: Would be very handy I could use a new programmer's interface function: NCP.CardUserPropList (or some such name) that would return only the items on the prop list of a card that the user has added with NCP.CardAddProp. Is this feasible? Peggy End of message Date: 2 Jul 86 14:30 PDT From: Subject: Re: 1.2k: Suggestion for a new prog. int. function In-reply-to:'s message of 2 Jul 86 13:39 PDT To: cc:, Sounds reasonable. Kirk, could you file a request for NCP.CardUserPropList or some such which is like NCP.CardPropList except doesn't return system props? Thanks. - Randy End of message Bagley: NCP should allow flashing the link icon Date: 6 Dec 85 13:40 PST From: Subject: NoteCards 1.2i: flashing the link icon To: NoteCards 1.2i System Date: 3-Dec-85 15:12:25 Lisp System Date: 19-Jun-85 10:24:28 It would be nice to have a programmer interface function to invert (also flash) the icon, given the link. Trigg: NCP Need way to specify sketch location to NCP.LocalGlobalLInk, NCP.ChangeLoc, etc. There seems to be no way to use NCP.LocalGlobalLink to insert a link in the substance of a Sketch card to point to a Text card. NCP.LocalGlobalLink seems to want the arg to be a position in a text card (message says that my source card is "not an existing card or non-TEXT substance). What I would like to do is to (create POSITION...) or in some way specify the object position in my sketch card for the anchor. Tad: NCP.ReplaceLinkIcon needed. 366. Dixon: NCP - Need a way to set the region of a card Date: 6 Jan 87 22:33 PST From: Subject: setting card regions To: NoteCardsSupport is there any way to programmatically set the region of a card? (i.e. set what NCP.CardRegion returns)? seems like there ought to be, but it isn't in the obvious place (a second arg to NCP.CardRegion). .mike. End of message 369. Dixon: NCP - should be able to provide textstream when creating new text card Date: 7 Jan 87 13:13 PST From: Subject: building text cards To: NoteCardsSupport is there a way to build a new text card by specifying the textstream it should be based on? i'm creating a lot of text cards and then calling NCP.CardSubstance to point them at my textstreams, but it's pretty slow and i think that's partly because it creates all these textstreams which i then immediately throw out and replace with my own.... .mike. End of message Date: 7 Jan 87 13:55 PST From: Subject: Re: building text cards In-reply-to:'s message of 7 Jan 87 13:13 PST To: cc: I'm afraid that's the only way now. In the future we ought to provide a "InitialSubstance" argument to NCP.CreateCard. (Sounds like a feature request, Peggy?) - Randy End of message I&R (Inspect&Repair) Features 316. Newman: I&R from FileBrowser gives incorrect error Date: 20 Nov 86 18:47 PST From: Newman.pasa Subject: NoteCards 1.3k: Inspect and Repair from the FileBrowser gives incorrect error? To: cc: Newman.pasa NoteCards 1.3k System Date: 14-Oct-86 12:32:25 Lisp System Date: 11-May-86 15:19:08 Machine: Dove (207#53#) Microcode version: 26,32 Memory size: 16400 Frequency: Twice Impact: Moderate I tried to inspect and repair version three of a notefile of which I already had version 4 open. I got a break window saying that the file was not a notefile. It IS a notefilem because I can open it if version 4 is not open. I suspect the error should have been the "can't open because already a notefile open with the same UID" error, and it should have been an error message rather than a break window. This may be an instance of the bug that Frank reported on 26 Sep 86 19:05 PDT in a message titled: NoteCards 1.3k: Inspect&Repair does not work from FileBrowser in 1.3K>next >>Dave End of message System Features 441. Kelley: System - need TeleRaid save of Notecards Date: 20 Feb 87 17:05 PST From: Subject: TeleRaid save of Notecards To: NoteCardsSupport cc: There needs to be a teleraid command for NoteCards that would allow copying across dirty cached cards in the patient machine to the doctor machine a la VSAVEWORK. -- kirk End of message Ken: System: Add Ken's patch from Mar 18. {rosebowl}lisp>kefpatch0001 as library package. Kirk: System: Convert NCKEYS Kirk: System: Add exports module for compiling notecards code. System: Make sure 1.3k>library> packages have a *.ted document if available. System: Information for potential users of NoteCards should mention the requirements 1. 3.5 meg of virtual memory 2. good NoteFile backup facilities (e.g. networked file server). System add unnumbered ARs to Numbered Needs (old 1.3 wish list & requested features) 270. Newman: System should not try to load Postreleasepatches if not available Date: 31 Oct 86 16:40 PST From: Newman.pasa Subject: NoteCards 1.3k: GREET breaks when POSTRELEASEPATCHES not avilable To: cc: Newman.pasa NoteCards 1.3k System Date: 14-Oct-86 12:32:25 Lisp System Date: 11-May-86 15:19:08 Machine: Dandelion (207#276#) Microcode version: 26,32 Memory size: 15777 Frequency: Alway Impact: Annoying Our users may not have access to POSTRELEASEPATCHES. As a matter of fact, unless we want to make a policy decision to send out POSTRELEASEPATCHES, they will never have access to it. So, my suggestion is that in NC.PostGreet or whatever the function is, you should first check to see if POSTRELEASEPATCHES is available, then you should load it if it is; if not, exit gracefully rather than breaking with a FILE NOT FOUND. >>Dave End of message 347. Kelley System .dcom references should be deleted Date: 22 Dec 86 16:42 PST From: Subject: .dcom references should be deleted To: NoteCardsSupport cc: Explicit references to DCOM extentions in NOTECARDSCOMS are causing NOTECARDS to break in Lyric. Please replace any explicit references to .dcom files in NOTECARDSCOMS with a files statement. For scalebitmap: (FILES (SYSLOAD FROM NOTECARDSDIRECTORIES) SCALEBITMAP) TABLEBROWSER and FILEBROWSER should not get loaded in Lyric so they just need a (EQ MAKESYSNAME 'KOTO) check in front of them. Thanks. -- kirk End of message 422. Bigham: System - POSTRELEASEPATCHES should use variable for location of patches Date: 2 Feb 87 16:46 EST From: TBigham.henr Subject: PostReleasePatches To: cc: TBigham.henr I just noticed that the file POSTRELEASEPATCHES not only mentions patch files to be loaded, but that it specifies exactly where to get them. It seems that it could work off of the notecards variable NOTECARDSNEXTDIRECTORY (or some such, I can't remember it right now). That way, the directories I've set up back here could easily be used and would be independent of QV. Does it sound feasible to work of the variable rather than mentioning qv? Tim Environmental Features 429. PIrish: Environmental - GRAPHER miscomputes label sizes of virtual nodes Date: 6 Feb 87 16:07 PST From: Subject: Lisp: GRAPHER miscomputes label sizes of virtual nodes To: cc:, Notecardssupport, PIrish Format: TEdit Lisp System Date: 11-May-86 15:19:08 Machine: Dorado (MONK) Microcode version: 26,32 Memory size: 40000 Frequency: Always Impact: Ugly display Under LAYOUTGRAPH, SET/LABEL/SIZE gets called for each node. But then, it is discovered that node A, say, needs a virtual node. Thus the original A and its new virtual cohort get borders (i.e. NODEBORDER fields are set to T by MARK/GRAPH/NODE). That's fine, except that SET/LABEL/SIZE is not called again to recompute the label size. So at the end of LAYOUTGRAPH, virtual nodes have the wrong label sizes. It turns out that SHOWGRAPH will call SET/LABEL/SIZE again for all nodes. However, this doesn't fix the problem because SET/LABEL/SIZE does nothing to NODEHEIGHT and NODEWIDTH if they already have non-nil values. A scuzzy rewrite of MARK/GRAPH/NODE to fix the above problem adds a call to SET/LABEL/SIZE with RESET/FLG set to T: UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU@?>|9Oj3?>|ϟO399 Ϙ'ꪪ|O3?>O93B<'<9d'UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU@|O3?>O0 G?<'$'UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU@|3?>O'O~~'~Oφ~gꪪ|3?>g3'O~<'~OpqO'OuUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU@UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU@ꪪꪪ```@@ `8x G>`$DPH a$DPH @|G$aD@C `@`@@ ````@0` P1c8Á8ab II$I$NI$ p`PA#I$rH< `@I$II$HI `1'R88sF H `0 ``@   `SX0 csg`thI$$ I$4`CHI'$ $'$r`DHI$$ $I$$`G\H0じ #`` ``@ ` H0,X0@`PII4i$I `p8$Hy `HH $I$A `Du$I8 `@``@??>`G<|DI*| Ȃ`1c`̀H"@"DT! @"DBH*DȂ`??>~<@"xD#|"xB"DG``@`<! @`!DB! $ "D ` "@$HH  @`ADB! $ "D< "@$HyH  `ADB '"x <9`<|'xG> @`  @` @` `G>pq8# x<CG`H H$`$H"D "آ$"`|pH H$<$H"D "آ%"`m60HxqȀ<`#3D!"$G`` ```cD<|"GxpBDq<|@`d"@H6( H"D!Ed"@@od"@H6(@H"D!Ed"@ `fT"xO*(H"x!ETLj"x `fTH"@J*D K"P!pH>TH"@ `fLH"@I*| Ȁ"H!ϐLH"@ `fLH"@BH*DȀ"D!ȐLH"@ `fD<|B"DGDpHDq<|@`@@`0`` @` qH8|ÏDq `H $@!d `> $@"!d`ٳ a  `"!  $@"@$"$L "A  $@"@("$L`<A  80Ǐv`<|$O@qH"8` ``````` Peggy & Randy End of message 123.hh Trigg: Sketch should allow moving link icon from text card Date: 30 Jul 86 13:40 PDT From: Subject: NoteCards 1.3k: Can't move link icon from text card to sketch card To: cc: Lisp System Date: 11-May-86 15:19:08 Machine: Dorado (MONK) Microcode version: 26,32 Memory size: 40000 Frequency: Always Impact: Moderate If you try to move a link icon from a text card to a sketch card using ctrl-shift select, then it goes inverse video but doesn't move. Then when you click in the text card, the WhenMovedFn and WhenDeletedFn's are called but the link icon doesn't get moved. (In fact, it is being "moved" within the text card, but not changing position.) - Randy End of message Date: 11 Aug 86 22:45 PDT From: Subject: Can't move text from TEdit to Sketch To: Burton, TEditSupport.PA cc:, Notecardssupport TEdit System Date: 3-Oct-85 17:52:44 Lisp System Date: 11-May-86 15:19:08 Machine: Dorado (MONK) Microcode version: 26,32 Memory size: 40000 Frequency: Always Impact: Moderate Am I supposed to be able to move text from a TEdit into a Sketch? Copy works fine, but when I try to move, it just hangs until I click back in the TEdit window (at which time the move happens there) - clicking in the Sketch window leaves it selected in TEdit, but otherwise hanging. - Randy End of message 125.hh Trigg: Sketch should allow moving links between sketch cards Richard may fix. Date: 28 Jul 86 20:24 PDT From: Subject: NoteCards 1.3k: Can't copy or move links between sketch cards To: cc: Lisp System Date: 11-May-86 15:19:08 Machine: Dorado (MONK) Microcode version: 26,32 Memory size: 40000 Frequency: Always Impact: Moderate When you try, it converts into an "external link icon". End of message TEdit Features ! 277. Kelley: Cards changed titles not always updated in link icons Date: 16 Oct 86 17:03 PDT From: Subject: NoteCards 1.3k: Changed titles not updated Date: 16 Oct 86 17:03 PDT From: Subject: NoteCards 1.3k: Changed titles not updated To: cc: Lisp System Date: 22-Aug-86 10:48:08 Machine: Dandelion (222#146#) Microcode version: 26,32 Memory size: 15777 Frequency: >> Always, Intermittent, Once << Impact: Annoying Link middle button menu item Change Card Title does not update title text in other links to the same card. To test, create two links (on different lines) from the same card1 to the same card2 and change the title of card2 using one of the links. -- kirk End of messageDate: 3 Nov 86 17:42 PST From: Subject: Re: [ NoteCards 1.3k: Changed titles not updated] In-reply-to:'s message of 1 Nov 86 14:45 PST To: cc:, This happens to me reliably in the latest Koto sysout. Be sure the other link has no other means of becoming updated (such as being the last object in the card). To test, create two links (on different lines) from the same card1 to the same card2 and change the title of card2 using one of the links. -- kirk End of message 28.u Newman.pasa: TextCard: Extra images of Links persist until card is redisplayed Date: 15 Jan 86 12:49 PST From: Subject: Re: [Newman.pasa: 1.2k: Extra images of Links persist until card is redisplayed] In-reply-to:'s message of 15 Jan 86 02:51 PST To: cc: For starters, I'd trace the IMAGEBOXFN for those image objects, to see what it's returning. If the numbers are reasonable, we should schedule a house call. --John gaska: TEdit should vertical scroll correctly via image object button fn Date: 19 Aug 86 08:17 PDT From: gaska.pasa Subject: 1.2k: Moving Windows w/ Link Icons To: cc: gaska.pasa Format: TEdit 1.2k System Date: 19-Feb-86 12:37:45 Lisp System Date: 22-Mar-86 17:07:07 Machine: Dove (207#33#) Microcode version: 26,32 Memory size: 16400 Frequency: Always Impact: Serious This may be a little difficult to explain, but here goes. Consider a user-defined notecard with a link icon in it. The editcard function for the other (linked) card causes the original card (with the icon) to move. The window with the icon then gets fouled up. The editor display is offset from the card and the windowing system thinks the card has been moved, but editor continues to display in the old region. Scrolling allows one to view this bizzare behavior. Perhaps pictures will clarify the situation.  Vp00r"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" r"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 00r"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" r"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 00r"<@r"?N?0N?0Nr"?Nrrs?r"?@~rs?0>O~rs?0~Orrs?r" 0 0 B0b0D A0 0 B $(D@ r"0 A (@@ r"0@`$@!@  0 @"@?@@ 0 B @"@@ @ r"0 C @"!@@A r"0|>pϝ 0 0r"0r"000r"0r"000r"0r"000r"0r"000r"0r"000r"0r"000r"0r"000r"0r"000r"0r"000r"0r"00 Bugging the ZIP icon causes the ZIP card to be opened (user placed) and the ZIP (cont.) card to be attached to the bottom of ZIP. The ZIP (cont.) card then appears as follows. `DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD ?9DDD9DDD99<?y99y9DDD?9DDD?9?9 ?3DDDDDD?DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD ` DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD However, doing a vertical scroll on ZIP (cont.) causes the following display. idDpDDDDDDDDa00DpDDDDDDDDdDpDDDDDDDDa00DpDDDDDDDDdDpDDDDDDDDa??DDDDDDDDDdDDDDDDDDDa<@?N?DN?DDDDDDDDdDNDDDDDDDDa?Nrrs??@~rs?D>O~rs?DDDDDDDDdD~~Orrs?DDDDDDDDa:>|? 3fdDp"!FB0 A!B" cfa0"!BB @@Bc|00A @@B`Dp @`@ |`dDp@P@H!`a0BBP@D 0bCA0 B" Dp>\>>9 dDp a00DpdDpa00DpdDpa00DpdDpa00DpdDpa00DpdDpa00DpdDpa00DpdDpa00DpdDpa00DpdDpa00DpdDpa00DpdDpa00DpdDp` It appears as though TEdit no longer knows where its window is located. If ZIP is opened from some other location (a filebox), everything works as expected. End of message Date: 19 Aug 86 11:42 PDT From: Subject: Re: 1.2k: Moving Windows w/ Link Icons In-reply-to: gaska.pasa's message of 19 Aug 86 08:17 PDT To: gaska.pasa cc: Yep, this is a problem with the way TEdit handles imageobject (of which NoteCards link icons are an example). When you button in an imageobject inside of a TEdit window, it changes the clipping region and offset to be the lower left corner of the imageobject's box. When the button fn completes, it restores the window's offset from wherever it cached the old value. This is all fine and good unless you move (or reshape or whatever) the window containing the imageobject from code under the button fn. In that case the window's display gets very confused as you discovered. (The EditFn of the linked card gets called under the button fn for the link icon.) Sorry, but as far as I know, there is no simple workaround for this. - Randy End of message Halasz: TEdit image object WHENMOVEDFN and WHENCOPIEDFN should be able to return DON'T Date: 4 Jun 86 11:10 PDT From: Subject: NoteCards 1.3k: For the TEdit request list ... To: cc: Lisp System Date: 1-Apr-86 14:56:48 Machine: Dorado (Halasz) Ability for the WHENMOVEDFN and WHENCOPIEDFN of an image object to abort a TEdit move (Copy) by returning DON'T. -- Frank End of message 399. Trigg: TEdit - TEDIT.OBJECT.CHANGED is a noop when called from an imageobj's ButtonEventInFn Date: 16 Jan 87 21:33 PST From: Subject: TEdit: TEDIT.OBJECT.CHANGED is a noop when called from an imageobj's ButtonEventInFn To: cc:, Notecardssupport, Lanning, WJohnson TEdit System Date: 3-Oct-85 17:52:44 Lisp System Date: 11-May-86 15:19:08 Machine: Dorado (MONK) Microcode version: 26,32 Memory size: 40000 Frequency: Always Impact: Annoying Put two imageobj's O1 and O2 in a Tedit stream. (Make sure neither is the last character of the stream.) Now break O2's ButtonEventInFn. From the break window, call TEDIT.OBJECT.CHANGED on O1. Nothing will happen to O1. (What does happen is that O2 vanishes momentarily.) [To Notecardssupport: the above explains Kirk's bug #277 on changed titles not always updated in link icons.] - Randy End of message FileBox Features 385. Newman: FileBox - Want subtypes of filebox 380. Newman: FileBox - Want automatic removal of cards from "to be filed" and "orphans" when cards are filed elsewhere 163. hh Lanning: FileBox - default should not be forced filing. * The insistance of Notecards that everthing be in a Filebox is annoying. Most of the time I don't care about Fileboxes. I think it unlikely that an author would come to a new Notefile knowing the final organization. Better would be to not worry if a card isn't in a Filebox (they end up in ToBeFiled anyway), but to provide some speedy way to walk through all the cards in ToBeFiled. Kelley: FileBoxes should be demoted to Library status Browser Card Features 383. Newman: Browser - Want faster browser operations for larger browsers 328. DMR: Browser - Link legend should allow placement on any side of browser, and be resizeable Date: 5 Dec 86 08:37 PST From: Subject: NoteCards 1.3k: Browsers Legend even weirder than I thougth To: NoteCards 1.3k System Date: 17-Nov-86 18:06:54 Lisp System Date: 18-Nov-86 10:17:59 Machine: Dorado (Russell) Microcode version: 26,24 Memory size: 40000 Frequency: Always Impact: Moderate If I have a large browser, and a legend attached, there's no way of moving the legend to a different edge (as I can do with the overview browser). Should be. Another asymmetry -- can't resize the links legend window (as I can the overview browser). -- DMR -- End of message 261. Newman: Browser Overview specs should be pre-settable, and have a looks memory Date: 21 Oct 86 14:24 PDT From: Newman.pasa Subject: NoteCards 1.3k: Browser OVerview needs global parameter in "session parameters" To: cc: Newman.pasa NoteCards 1.3k System Date: 15-Jul-86 12:56:24 Lisp System Date: 11-May-86 15:19:08 Machine: Dove (207#53#) Microcode version: 26,32 Memory size: 16400 Frequency: Always Impact: annoying The browser overview specs should be connected to a parameter that can be set by the user. One of our customers has complained that they cannot set up all browser overviews to appear as they would like without hand-specifying the browser overview specs for each window. Moreover, they suggest that each windw should remember what its browser overview window looks like rather than always using the default browser overview specs. >>Dave End of message 327. DMR: Browser - Links legend confused Date: 5 Dec 86 08:25 PST From: Subject: NoteCards 1.3k: Links legend confused To: Format: TEdit NoteCards 1.3k System Date: 17-Nov-86 18:06:54 Lisp System Date: 18-Nov-86 10:17:59 Machine: Dorado (Russell) Microcode version: 26,24 Memory size: 40000 Frequency: >> Always, Intermittent, Once << Impact: >> Fatal, Serious, Moderate, Annoying, Minor << Why this: V}q}Z}}ۣ"p(q(r  @"r@!B"q@!B(pG""(p @#"r !D"q(p(p"p"p(p@|>>(pA!D@! A"p@(@ "p(q@D@ (q@|@ "r !D@! C"r|>=(p(p"p"p(p >(q A"r  B"r B(r"  DD(r`  G"q C$"p='(p(p"p"p(pxA߁A?(qa Aa"rQ BQ"r(rIBI(rEGE"qC H"C"pxAH"A(p(p"p"p(p@xC(p@D#"pH"pHH(qHH(qH("rD""rxC(p(p"p"p(pxAϏ(qaA"rQ A"rO?0(rI (rE "qC"pxA(p(p"``??? (We'll all seen this before... it's just getting to be annoying...) -- A legend in their own time -- -- DMR -- End of message 408. Newman: Browser Card promptwindow odd when browser overview window is open Date: 22 Jan 87 11:27 PST From: Newman.pasa Subject: NoteCards 1.3k: browsercard promptwindow odd when browser overview window is open To: cc: Newman.pasa NoteCards 1.3k System Date: 14-Oct-86 12:32:25 Lisp System Date: 11-May-86 15:19:08 Machine: Dove (207#53#) Microcode version: 26,32 Memory size: 16400 Frequency: Always Impact: Minor When the browser overview window on a browser window is open, the promptwindow that is created is as long as the main browser window, yet its left edge is above the left edge of the browser overview window. There seem to be two more appropriate situations: either the promptwindow should be above the main window rather than the overview window, or it should be as long as the overview window and the main window together. >>Dave End of message Document Card Features 22. Newman.pasa: Document Card Edit Graph breaks Date: 19 Dec 85 11:16 PST From: Subject: 1.2k: EDITGRAPH To: cc: Format: TEdit 1.2k System Date: 4-Dec-85 12:15:55 Lisp System Date: 22-Nov-85 11:32:58 Machine: Dandelion (207#14#) Microcode version: 26,32 Memory size: 15777 Frequency: Once Impact: Serious After creating a document from the Table of Contents card, I tried to edit a graph in the card that was copied from a notecards in my notefile. Any editing operation caused the following error to occur: "NC.MarkCardDirtyFn break:1" "Unknown Note Card Type: NIL." the first time, I was trying to make the label of a node smaller. THe stack looked like this: ck83)J)B9.3)* )J3>Dave 159.lm Lanning: Document Cards should be re-computeable. 341. Bagley: Document Card should have option to allow document to go to TEdit window Date: 17 Dec 86 18:14 PST From: Subject: NoteCards 1.3k: sending documents to TEdit To: This is a problem that several people have mentioned to me. It seems that they make a large document (using Document card) and then print it out and delete the document card. This has the unfortunate side effect of making the notefile a whole lot bigger, even if they then delete the document card. A solution would be to blast the document into a TEdit window, where they could print it, save it, or whatever. This would of course lose link icons, but I think that is acceptable. --Steve End of message Sketch Card Features 431. Orr: Sketch Card Size Options Desired Date: 9 Feb 87 16:07 PST From: Subject: NoteCards 1.3k: More Sketch Size Options Desired To: cc: NoteCards 1.3k System Date: 27-Jan-87 16:57:28 Lisp System Date: 27-Jan-87 17:55:26 Machine: Dove (Cuchulain) Microcode version: 26,32 Memory size: 13400 Frequency: Always Impact: "Not a bug, it's a feature . . . " {I realize that what I'm asking contradicts the Notecard metaphor, which may say more about the metaphor than the reasonable quality [or lack thereof] of my suggestion.} One of the conveniences of Sketch is the ability to pull up a page-sized [more or less] piece of screen in either portrait or landscape format. This is particularly useful if you're doing illustrations that you want to print on a single page. SketchCard gives a 5-inch square, consonant with the card metaphor, but less useful for other purposes. Perhaps you might incorporate the Sketch option of rolling off to the side to have a repertoire of Page-sized Sketch, Landscape Sketch, and Sketch from a File [bugging Sketch directly would bring you the 5 by 5 card.] Demandingly yours, ~Julian~ P.S. Does FileCard work if you point it a Sketch file? Newman.pasa: Sketch card should not have wierd Y-coordinate Date: 5 Jun 86 09:37 PDT From: Newman.pasa Subject: 1.2k: Sketch problem reported by customer To: cc: Newman.pasa 1.2k System Date: 19-Feb-86 12:37:45 Lisp System Date: 7-Feb-86 11:43:05 Machine: Dandelion (207#225#) Microcode version: 26,32 Memory size: 15777 Frequency: Intermittent Impact: Serious The customer has a sketch card that is always brought up with a Y-coordinate of 5643. He created the sketch and changed the view before saving it, and then discovered his problem whn he tried to bring the sketch up again. He created several other sketch cards that do not show this behavior. He created a new sketch and copied the sketch elements of the bogus sketch into the new sketch. This new sketch with the same sketch elements as the bogus sketch exhibits the same behavior as the bogus sketch. Reshaping the sketch card did not help. >>Dave End of message 124.hl Trigg: Sketch should prevent/warn attempts to cause bug 123. 419. Trigg: Sketch needlessly saving substance after a Put Date: 29 Jan 87 18:45 PST From: Subject: NoteCards 1.3k: Sketch needlessly saving substance after a Put To: cc: NoteCards 1.3k System Date: 6-Jan-87 16:42:38 Lisp System Date: 11-May-86 15:19:08 Machine: Dorado (MONK) Microcode version: 26,32 Memory size: 40000 If you bring up a sketch card, do a Put, and close it, then its substance gets saved. This is needless waste since you made no changes. - Randy End of message Search Card Features 287. Kiparsky: Search card should have choice of case-sensitivity for search Return-Path: Received: from CSLI.STANFORD.EDU ([]) by Xerox.COM ; 06 NOV 86 11:30:29 PST Date: Thu, 6 Nov 86 11:27:17 PST From: Carol Kiparsky Subject: Wishes To: cc: carol@CSLI.STANFORD.EDU Wish for convenience feature: -ability to determine whether search should be case-sensitive -Carol 286. Kiparsky: Search card should be recomputable Return-Path: Received: from CSLI.STANFORD.EDU ([]) by Xerox.COM ; 06 NOV 86 11:30:29 PST Date: Thu, 6 Nov 86 11:27:17 PST From: Carol Kiparsky Subject: Wishes To: cc: carol@CSLI.STANFORD.EDU -enable the user to edit the search string, rather than get a new card and start over when a search fails. -Carol ------- End of message 285. Kiparsky: Search card requests Return-Path: Received: from CSLI.STANFORD.EDU ([]) by Xerox.COM ; 06 NOV 86 11:30:29 PST Date: Thu, 6 Nov 86 11:27:17 PST From: Carol Kiparsky Subject: Wishes To: cc: carol@CSLI.STANFORD.EDU Here are some wishes for convenience features that dont seem to be mentioned in the 1.3 manual. Re SEARCH cards: -wildcards. -It would also be very handy to be able to search for booleans of a set of input strings. -Carol ------- End of message Kelley: Search Card ^E to request for text leaves bogus card on screen Add ERRSET. Do it in MakeNoteCard. 152.lm Kelley: Search Card should have cancel button Graph Card Features 324. Hogg: Graph card should allow features provided by GRAPHER package Date: 3 Dec 86 11:30 PST From: Subject: NoteCards 1.3k: graph card features To: cc: Could the graph card editor be extended to allow more access to features provided by the GRAPHER package, e.g. 1. the "relayout graph" item in the title bar allowing the format to be specified (similar to the way the browser card does). Specifically, including the *GRAPH* format which eliminates any copies of nodes would be nice. 2. the graph editor allowing specification of link width & dashing (e.g. "LARGER" "smaller" items like those available in Sketch). Tad End of message Newman: Graph cards attach menu should be consistent with Sketch cards Date: 10 Sep 86 16:52 PDT From: Newman.pasa Subject: NoteCards 1.3k: Sketch and Graph should be consistent To: cc: Newman.pasa NoteCards 1.3k System Date: 15-Jul-86 12:56:24 Lisp System Date: 11-May-86 15:19:08 Machine: Dove (207#53#) Microcode version: 26,32 Memory size: 16400 Frequency: Always Impact: Minor Sketch automatically brings up its menu when a new sketch is created. Graph cards do not follow this convention. I think that the two should do the same thing. Come to think of it, Text cards should do the same thing too. >>Dave End of message IdeaSketch Card Features Burton: IdeaSketch: Test annotations on idea sketches {phylum}sketchncanno.dcom IdeaSketch: George trouble hardcopying (looking for font?) TableTop Card Features 430. Kelley: TableTop card suggestions Date: 9 Feb 87 11:27 PST From: Subject: Re: New NCTableTop library package In-reply-to:'s message of 6 Feb 87 18:23 PST To: cc: This is a good start on a needed capability. To make it more useful here is a wish list. 1. There should be a NoteFile Close option (pull across / parameter) that would automatically update a special "cross-session" table top card with all the currently open cards (for that NoteFile). Re-opening a notefile closed in this manner should automatically bring up the cross-session table top. For collaboration purposes, users will want the cross-session table top card invoked from a notefile keyed from their names. 2. Table top contents should be editable by inserting and deleting links into a TEdit version of the card. 3. Table top cards should be able to point to cards in other notefiles (Would this fall out of number 2?). 4. Table top cards should remember the shrunken state. -- kirk End of message Date: 9 Feb 87 12:10 PST From: Subject: Re: New NCTableTop library package In-reply-to:'s message of 9 Feb 87 11:27 PST To: cc:, Good points. I especially agree with the need to make a CloseNoteFileSavingTableTop pull across for CloseNoteFile. It turns out that this is easy now that notefiles can have OpenNoteFileFns. I didn't feel it was worth the work to implement a mechanism for users to make small modifications to table tops. It's simple enough to just recompute the thing. Also, my version doesn't incur the overhead of storing links. Tabletops that include cards in other notefiles: I agree in principle, but for the time being, I'll wait for a user who can show a need. Yes, definitely, it should remember shrunken state. - Randy End of message Library Features 382. Newman: Library - Want "PLOT" cards based on the PLOT package 381. Newman: Library - Want a paint card type Want an easier interface to "paint" mode. (e.g. a "paint" card type) Want to make cards of snapped images easily. (e.g. a "snap card") 372. Kelley: Library - Cluster card needs converting to 1.3k Date: 7 Jan 87 23:29 PST From: Subject: cluster card To: notecardssupport cc: What is the status of the cluster card? I have a good application but I dont see it in the 1.3k library. -- kirk End of message(LIST ((PAGE NIL (PAPERSIZE Letter FOLIOINFO (ARABIC) STARTINGPAGE# 1) (0 0 612 792) ((FOLIO NIL (PARALOOKS (QUAD CENTERED) CHARLOOKS (SUPERSCRIPT 0 INVISIBLE OFF SELECTPOINT OFF PROTECTED OFF SIZE 10 FAMILY TIMESROMAN OVERLINE OFF STRIKEOUT OFF UNDERLINE OFF EXPANSION REGULAR SLOPE REGULAR WEIGHT BOLD INVERTED OFF USERINFO NIL STYLE NIL) FORMATINFO (ARABIC)) (162 36 288 36) NIL) (TEXT NIL NIL (72 72 468 648) NIL))) (PAGE NIL (PAPERSIZE Letter FOLIOINFO (ARABIC)) (0 0 612 792) ((FOLIO NIL (PARALOOKS (QUAD CENTERED) CHARLOOKS (SUPERSCRIPT 0 INVISIBLE OFF SELECTPOINT OFF PROTECTED OFF SIZE 10 FAMILY TIMESROMAN OVERLINE OFF STRIKEOUT OFF UNDERLINE OFF EXPANSION REGULAR SLOPE REGULAR WEIGHT BOLD INVERTED OFF USERINFO NIL STYLE NIL) FORMATINFO (ARABIC)) (162 36 288 36) NIL) (TEXT NIL NIL (72 72 468 648) NIL))) (PAGE NIL (PAPERSIZE Letter FOLIOINFO (ARABIC)) (0 0 612 792) ((FOLIO NIL (PARALOOKS (QUAD CENTERED) CHARLOOKS (SUPERSCRIPT 0 INVISIBLE OFF SELECTPOINT OFF PROTECTED OFF SIZE 10 FAMILY TIMESROMAN OVERLINE OFF STRIKEOUT OFF UNDERLINE OFF EXPANSION REGULAR SLOPE REGULAR WEIGHT BOLD INVERTED OFF USERINFO NIL STYLE NIL) FORMATINFO (ARABIC)) (162 36 288 36) NIL) (TEXT NIL NIL (72 72 468 648) NIL))))) 100D100P)T.HH(((((.(( TIMESROMAN  TIMESROMAN  TIMESROMAN TIMESROMAN TIMESROMAN  TIMESROMAN  TIMESROMAN  TIMESROMAN #    7    G    %         8 *J  ;   < 7  #  `       8      " BMOBJ.GETFN3     m   ;    / %              ? 5    -    Y   Y    %       W    -     & >     -       + 6 A    /   B    / %               F 8        D ; =  ;     <    / %    , 8  p    M  ; > >   K    / %     k       b J   E    / %            I 8             ! 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