Numbered Bugs - 5/18/87 (# = New since last bug listing - 4/21/87) Card Bugs 400. PIrish: Card closing should do a FORCEOUTPUT Link Bugs #565. Gobbel: Links - Bad link icons should make themselves Deleted Date: 6 May 87 12:56 PDT From: Subject: NoteCards 1.3k: Bad link icons should make themselves Deleted To: cc: NoteCards 1.3k System Date: 24-Apr-87 15:07:40 Lisp System Date: 17-Apr-87 16:50:00 Machine: Dorado (Ventus) Microcode version: 26,62 Memory size: 40000 Frequency: Always Impact: Serious Link icons that have no corresponding real link (can happen as a result of one-way links to deleted cards) currently cause a break. Should make themselves into Deleted link icons. -Randy End of message 532. Newman: Links - Inserting Links into Cards not subtypes of Text, Graph, or Sketch is impossible Date: 11 Apr 87 23:06 PDT From: newman.pasa Subject: NoteCards 1.3k: Inserting Links into Cards not subtypes of Text, Graph, or Sketch is impossible. To: cc: newman.pasa NoteCards 1.3k System Date: 6-Apr-87 11:08:52 Lisp System Date: 11-May-86 15:19:08 Machine: Dove (207#53#) Microcode version: 0,0 Memory size: 16400 Frequency: ALways Impact: Serious I just created a new card type that does not inherit from any of Text, Graph, or Sketch, (would have been easier if typesmech doc was up to date) and I can't insert links because NC.AddLinkToCard dispatches on the card types that it knows about rather than using a more general facility. >>Dave PS Also, a related gnit is that the InsertLinkFn (which I guess is left over from push-insertions of Links?) is still around even though that functionality is all gone. End of message Cross-file Link Bugs #579. Kelley: Cross-file links - Need read-only cross-file links that remember their read-only status Date: 13 May 87 09:34 PDT From: Subject: NoteCards 1.3K: Need read-only cross-file links To: cc: NoteCards 1.3L System Date: 28-Apr-87 18:02:57 Lisp System Date: 27-Apr-87 17:21:59 Machine: Dandelion (222#72#) Microcode version: 0,231 Memory size: 15777 Frequency: Always Impact: Moderate This is the second of two requests from John Todd: Assume that a cross-NoteFile link from a card in a read/write NoteFile to a card in a read/only NoteFile has been successfully created and that the read/only NoteFile has been subsequently closed. If I button the link icon from the card in the source NoteFile and confirm that I want to open the destination NoteFile, that NoteFile will be opened read/write. I would like the cross-NoteFile link to know the status of its destination NoteFile (include source NoteFile info for generality too?) at the time of its creation, so that if a NoteFile must be opened in order for the link to be followed, it will be opened with the same read access it had when the link into it was created. End of message #578. Kelley: Cross-file Link to read-only file causes stack overflow Date: 13 May 87 09:23 PDT From: Subject: NoteCards 1.3K: Cross File Link to read-only file causes stack overflow To: cc: NoteCards 1.3L System Date: 28-Apr-87 18:02:57 Lisp System Date: 27-Apr-87 17:21:59 Machine: Dandelion (222#72#) Microcode version: 0,231 Memory size: 15777 Frequency: Always Impact: Serious This is from John Todd at Aesir and I found it easily reproduceable. If you try to create a link from a card in a read/write NoteFile to a card in a read/only NoteFile, you get a stack overflow every time. -- kirk End of message 374. Kelley: Cross-file links halt Browser card Date: 8 Jan 87 23:52 PST From: Subject: NoteCards 1.3k: Cross-file-links halt Browser card To: cc: NoteCards 1.3k System Date: 12-Dec-86 18:19:40 Lisp System Date: 11-May-86 15:19:08 Machine: Dandelion (222#72#) Microcode version: 26,32 Memory size: 15777 Frequency: >> Always, Intermittent, Once << Impact: >> Fatal, Serious, Moderate, Annoying, Minor << The Browser card graph terminates at cross-file-link cards even though it opens the linked NoteFile. It should continue graphing the structure. -- kirk End of message NoteFile Bugs #582. Trigg: NoteFile - Recipe for making orphan cards Date: 15 May 87 23:31 PDT From: Subject: NoteCards 1.3k: Recipe for making orphan cards To: NoteCardsSupport.PA cc: NoteCards 1.3k System Date: 24-Apr-87 15:07:40 Lisp System Date: 12-May-87 19:40:54 Machine: Dorado (MONK) Microcode version: 26,32 Memory size: 40000 Create a new card and don't file it anywhere. Do Checkpoint followed by Abort. Your card is now an orphan. This arises because of a decision we made a while ago that Checkpoint should never cause cards to be filed. (The thinking being that you'll be getting around to filing the card in your own good time, or at least you'll have to file it when closing the card.) I still like that decision (at least for 1.3k) and therefore am willing to live with this situation. Besides, for me at least, it never happens except when testing hacks on dummy notefiles. However, it should be documented. - Randy End of message #570. Marshall: NoteFile - weird index problem Date: 8 May 87 13:18 PDT From: Marshall.pasa Subject: NoteCards 1.3k: weird index problem... To: cc: Marshall.pasa, Newman.pasa NoteCards 1.3k System Date: 6-Apr-87 11:08:52 Lisp System Date: 11-May-86 15:19:08 Machine: Dove (207#52#) Microcode version: 0,0 Memory size: 16400 Frequency: >> Always, Intermittent, Once << Impact: >> Fatal, Serious, Moderate, Annoying, Minor << We've been training some new users, so I'm not sure about all of the circumstances surrounding this appearance of this bug, but the scenario went something like this: User asks for help. He has some kind of ID Mismatch problem. I suggest that he close the notefile and do an inspect and repair to restore his notefile to health. Right away, it's obvious something's amiss since the prompt window says "Processing number 1701 of 16711694", especially since it's quite a small notefile (maybe has 30 cards at most). Needless to say, the I&R process was not long for the world after that. Inspect & Repair hit the end of the NoteFile and broke (BIN16 broken). Has anyone else reported this problem, or was NoteCards just showing off for the new users? (I could have sworn I heard a snicker from the system gremlins...) If you'd like to take a look at the notefile, we've preserved it and can put it on the server. Cathy End of message Date: 8 May 87 15:06 PDT From: Subject: Re: NoteCards 1.3k: weird index problem... In-reply-to: Marshall.pasa's message of 8 May 87 13:18 PDT To: Marshall.pasa cc:, Newman.pasa Cathy, we have seen cases of people having the headers of their notefiles scrambled (yielding the "10 out of 1234556677" syndrome). As far as I know, we have no idea of what's causing it. Any thoughts? - Randy End of message Date: 8 May 87 15:27 PDT From: Marshall.pasa Subject: Re: NoteCards 1.3k: weird index problem... In-reply-to:'s message of 8 May 87 15:06 PDT To: cc: Marshall.pasa,, Newman.pasa There are several thoughts that come to mind in this case: (1) The problem is caused by something that a new user would do that we would find difficult to reconstruct, since new users are far more imaginative in the kinds of interaction they're willing to entertain. I don't remember anything going awry before the initial ID mismatch and this is the first time I've seen Inspect and Repair fall on its face in such a graceless manner. (2) Some kind of internal interaction caused by copying text from the PC Emulation window (PC emulation was running concurrently with NCs) into a card was at fault. I can try this out again, but it seems pretty remote. I wish I had been watching what this guy was doing more closely, but it seemed like he was doing okay and the system was behaving itself rather nicely... Carp Fishing in Pasadena, Cathy End of message #557. NoteFIle open gives amusing message if file is not really a notefile Date: 29 Apr 87 16:32 PDT Sender: Subject: NoteCards 1.3k: Open notefile gives amusing message if file is not really a notefile To: cc: From: NoteCards 1.3k System Date: 24-Apr-87 15:07:40 Lisp System Date: 24-Apr-87 15:55:50 Machine: Dove (Wesley) Microcode version: 0,126 Memory size: 12400 Frequency: Always Impact: Minor If you try to open a file that isn't a notefile (nobody's perfect) you are asked if you would like to convert the old format file to the new format. If you answer Yes, it breaks, of course. Couldn't NoteCards be a little smarter? -Peggy End of message Structure Bugs Interface Bugs #562. Trigg: Interface - Typing ctrl-E to SelectNoteCards gives weird behavior Date: 1 May 87 19:02 PDT From: Subject: NoteCards 1.3k: Typing ctrl-E to SelectNoteCards gives weird behavior To: cc: NoteCards 1.3k System Date: 24-Apr-87 15:07:40 Lisp System Date: 11-May-86 15:19:08 Machine: Dorado (MONK) Microcode version: 26,32 Memory size: 40000 Frequency: Always Impact: Annoying Typing ctrl-E to SelectNoteCards seems to kill something called "BinLoopProcess" so that you can no longer give the tty to the Select window. But the window hangs around and Cancel and Done still seem to work but who knows. ctrl-E should probably be equivalent to Cancel. - Randy End of message #541. Marshall: Interface - Deleted card feedback needed Date: 21 Apr 87 14:16 PDT From: Marshall.pasa Subject: NoteCards 1.3k: Deleted card feedback and associated bug To: cc: Marshall.pasa NoteCards 1.3k System Date: 6-Apr-87 11:08:52 Lisp System Date: 11-May-86 15:19:08 Machine: Dove (207#52#) Microcode version: 0,0 Memory size: 16400 Frequency: >> Always, Intermittent, Once << Impact: >> Fatal, Serious, Moderate, Annoying, Minor << Sometimes when I delete a card with lots of links in it, it takes quite some time and I begin to feel insecure about whether it's really being deleted. Perhaps the card's substance should get grayed out right after you confirm the deletion. [** FIXED: In fact, I just made the system break by doing a Delete Card from a card's title bar, confirming with a , then, before it went gray and was still loitering on the screen, doing a second Delete Card on the very same card and confirming it again. This only happens if the card has a fair number of links so that it doesn't disappear immediately.] Cathy End of message 481. Trigg: Interface - Extra nf icon when old version Date: 14 Mar 87 02:11 PST From: Subject: NoteCards 1.3k: Extra nf icon when old version To: cc: NoteCards 1.3k System Date: 27-Feb-87 16:10:21 Lisp System Date: 11-May-86 15:19:08 Machine: Dorado (MONK) Microcode version: 26,32 Memory size: 40000 Say you have notefile icons up for two closed notefiles: test1.notefile;1 and test1.notefile;2. Then if you try to open the former (using nc filebrowser or prog intface), it will make you a new icon rather than using the existing one. (Actually, it may be the latter - it seems to vary.) This is because only one version of any notefile is being stored in the main notefiles hash array. Thus NC.NoteFileFromFileName returns nil on earlier versions. - Randy End of message 462. Tang: Interface - Strange display of icons Date: 4 Mar 87 12:31 PST From: Subject: NoteCards 1.3k: Icon weirdness in fileboxes To: cc: Format: TEdit NoteCards 1.3k System Date: 27-Feb-87 14:13:55 Lisp System Date: 27-Feb-87 14:59:55 Machine: Dove (204#110#) Microcode version: 26,50 Memory size: 13400 Frequency: Intermittent Impact: Minor Don't have a good fix on this bug yet, but I've had it happen to me twice since the latest release. There seems to be an opportunity for causing icons in a filebox to display weirdly if you operate on some of the icons. For example, say you have icons of cards A, B, C, D, E, F, and G stored in one filebox. Once, I opened card B, changed it's title on the card, and watched as the title got changed in the filebox. While the other icons were adjusting to the new title (because it went beyond the filebox boundary and added a blank line in the filebox), one of the other icons changed. I think the icon for card E changed to appear (title) like the icon for card C. But, when you button the Eth icon, the length of the reverse video icon is the same as the length of icon E NOT icon C. This condition got fixed by scrolling it up and down out of the window TWICE. Another example, I move cards B and D to another filebox, so as their icons disappear from the filebox, other icons (say F and G) scroll into view of the window onto the filebox. However, one of them (say icon G) takes the appearance of one of the icons already in the filebox, say icon C. Trying to button on the Gth icon does not show any action at all. However, in just scrolling the window up a little bit, the Gth icon converts to be truly icon G again. As I say, I hadn't noticed these until after loading up the most recent sysout (with the multi-line icon features). This is not important to me, only curious. ~jt End of message Date: 10 Mar 87 15:37 PST From: Marshall.pasa Subject: NoteCards 1.3k: extra-wide link icon outlines weirdness To: cc: Marshall.pasa NoteCards 1.3k System Date: 9-Mar-87 14:24:24 Lisp System Date: 11-May-86 15:19:08 Machine: Dove (207#52#) Microcode version: 26,32 Memory size: 16400 Frequency: Always Impact: Minor Create a two-line link icon. Make the link icon border 5 pixels. Note that letters with long descenders (e.g. g, y, p etc.) show their descenders outside the outline of the link icon, and the second line of the title is mostly obscured. We like the features alot, but there is a bit of tuning that needs to be done. >>Dave and Cathy End of message Date: 11 Mar 87 15:55 PST From: Marshall.pasa Subject: Re: NoteCards 1.3k: extra-wide link icon outlines weirdness In-reply-to:'s message of 10 Mar 87 17:00 PST To: cc: Marshall.pasa, Newman.pasa, A (seemingly) related problem: links to these multi-line titles from sketch cards don't redisplay properly when one changes the LinkIconMaxWidthInPixels out from under them - their active area corresponds to their original pixel width, and does not reflect the new value. Cathy End of message Concurrency Bugs #583. Trigg: Concurrancy - Bug under NC.NoteFileCheckOpInProgress? Date: 16 May 87 01:26 PDT From: Subject: NoteCards 1.3k: Bug in concurrency code under NC.NoteFileCheckOpInProgress? To: NoteCardsSupport.PA cc: NoteCards 1.3k System Date: 24-Apr-87 15:07:40 Lisp System Date: 12-May-87 19:40:54 Machine: Dorado (MONK) Microcode version: 26,32 Memory size: 40000 [To see the bug, be sure that RHTPATCH262 is loaded - then try the following.] The scenario is that I'm doing a copy cards from notefile A to notefile B. B runs out of room, so my new code kicks in and tries to checkpoint B. The function NC.NoteFileCheckOpInProgress gripes because it claims I'm invoking a notefile op under a card op in notefile B. Could it be that the problem is that create card is being classified as a card op? If so, shouldn't that be changed to be a notefile op? Or is it something else? - Randy End of message Parameters Bugs 367. PIrish: Parameters - Inconsistent initializing of parameters from init file Date: 7 Jan 87 12:29 PST From: Subject: NoteCards 1.3k: Inconsistent initializing of parameters from init file To: cc: NoteCards 1.3k System Date: 6-Jan-87 16:42:38 Lisp System Date: 11-May-86 15:19:08 Machine: Dove (Leprechaun) Microcode version: 0,0 Memory size: 13400 Frequency: Once Impact: Minor I modified my initialization of NoteCards parameters in my init file, and then loaded a new sysout and loadup. Most of the parameters were set correctly, but two were not: MarkersInFileBoxes and DefaultLinkIconAttachBitmap. I had both initialized to No in my init file, and they ended up being Yes. I noticed when modifying these parameters that some were being set with T and NIL, and I changed them to Yes and No. Could this be related to the problem? -Peggy End of message Converter Bugs 528. Halvorsen: Converter fails on unknown image objects Date: 6 Apr 87 16:29 PDT From: Subject: NoteCards 1.3k: Notecards still doesn't load correctly on top of LFG; and conversion of files with unknown image objects To: NoteCards 1.3k System Date: 27-Feb-87 14:13:55 Lisp System Date: 27-Feb-87 14:59:55 Machine: Dorado (6#137#) Microcode version: 26,32 Memory size: 40000 Frequency: Always Impact: Serious I sent a description of this problem several months ago, and I thought I would remind you of the situation. Moreover, notefiles with uknown imageobjects do not convert properly. There is a message to the effect that there are unknown imageobject, which is fine, but in addition I break under NC.PutSubstance, or some such thing. --Kris End of message NCP (ProgInt) Bugs PIrish: NCP.LocalGlobalLink using wrong display mode default. I&R (Inspect&Repair) Bugs #575. Orr: I&R feedback should explain rebuilding links Date: 11 May 87 17:16 PDT From: Subject: NoteCards 1.3k: Inspect and Repair Interaction not obvious To: cc: NoteCards 1.3k System Date: 24-Apr-87 15:07:40 Lisp System Date: 28-Apr-87 18:08:02 Machine: Dove (Cuchulain) Microcode version: 26,50 Memory size: 16400 Frequency: Presumably always and intentional Impact: Confusing My Inspect & Repair Interaction Window said "Out of 304 cards: there are 304 active cards and 0 deleted cards. All non-deleted cards look okay." It then offered me my choice of Continue Repair, End Inspect & Repair, Abort, Recheck Bad Cards, and Inspect Cards. Given that it has just told me that all my non-deleted cards look OK, it is not obvious that the correct choice is to continue, rather than to end, although Randy G. assures me that it is. A few additional words would be helpful. ~Julian~ End of message Date: 11 May 87 17:41 PDT From: Subject: Re: NoteCards 1.3k: Inspect and Repair Interaction not obvious In-reply-to:'s message of 11 May 87 17:16 PDT To: cc: Right, that is confusing. I believe the Inspect&Repair docs do take some pains to explain what's happening. In a word, there are several reasons that you might be Inspect&Repairing your notefile. If you just got worried for some reason about some of your cards' health, then once it says your cards are okay, you should just hit EndRepair and get out. However, if you suspect that your links are screwed up (e.g. you have reason to believe there are "one-way" links), then you need to ContinueRepair. The first part of Inspect&Repair can't and doesn't check for link consistency. Does that make any sense? - Randy End of message Date: 11 May 87 18:58 PDT From: Subject: Re: NoteCards 1.3k: Inspect and Repair Interaction not obvious In-reply-to:'s message of 11 May 87 17:41 PDT To: cc:, Sure, makes perfect sense, except I was doing it because I'd been told it was a good idea, in view of the bug just fixed, and didn't think to read the documentation. A few more words to have available at the time you need them wouldn't hurt; there's lots of room in the window to say something like "If you suspect your links, continue. Otherwise, if cards are OK, you may end." ~J~ End of message System Bugs #569. Newman: System - NC.PostGreet improperly loaded wrong files into an older sysout? Date: 6 May 87 11:14 PDT From: Newman.pasa Subject: NoteCards 1.3k: NoteCards Patch filess loaded into invalid system To: cc: Newman.pasa, Marshall.pasa NoteCards 1.3k System Date: 6-Apr-87 11:08:52 Lisp System Date: 11-May-86 15:19:08 Machine: Dove (207#53#) Microcode version: 26,32 Memory size: 16400 Frequency: Always Impact: FATAL!!! If you are using an older system, as we are (because I have not had time to create a new system what with DANTE down and all), and you GREET, the new patch files are loaded which cause you to die majorly every time that you try to close a card (you get an ARG NOT MONITORLOCK error). Basically, the PATCHLOADER should be more careful about when it loads patches. >>Dave End of message Date: 11 May 87 11:23 PDT From: Subject: Re: NoteCards 1.3k: NoteCards Patch filess loaded into invalid system In-reply-to: Newman.pasa's message of 6 May 87 11:14 PDT To: Newman.pasa cc:, Marshall.pasa (Sorry about the slow response.) The purpose of PATCHLOADER is to allow brave souls in the latest NoteCards to load the very latest changes. If you do not plan to always be in the latest world, you should not have PATCHLOADER automatically loaded by your init file. -Peggy End of message Date: 11 May 87 11:30 PDT From: Newman.pasa Subject: Re: NoteCards 1.3k: NoteCards Patch filess loaded into invalid system In-reply-to:'s message of 11 May 87 11:23 PDT To: cc: Newman.pasa,, Marshall.pasa Hmmm, perhaps I am confused. My init file is not loading the PATCHLOADER. I was under the impression that NC.PostGreet loaded the PATCHLOADER. At any rate, I believe that the files which we reported as being improperly loaded into an older sysout were loaded under NC.PostGreet. >>Dave End of message #553. Trigg: System - problem with people using an old sysout and loading new (incompatible) files via the autoloader Date: 29 Apr 87 11:48 PDT From: Subject: NoteCards 1.3k: Autoloading new versions of files into old sysouts To: cc:, Tang NoteCards 1.3k System Date: 24-Apr-87 15:07:40 Lisp System Date: 11-May-86 15:19:08 Machine: Dorado (MONK) Microcode version: 26,32 Memory size: 40000 John just found this glitch in our integration system. He's still in an old sysout where he'd never run inspect&repair. Now it gets autoloaded, but since we've put out a new sysout, he gets the most recent version. This turns out to be problematic since the new inspect&repair calls an ncdatabase function that is undefined in his world. - Randy End of message 513. Trigg: System - Missing function NC.MakeCrossFileLinkIconStandIn Date: 27 Mar 87 17:58 PST From: Subject: NoteCards 1.3k: Missing function NC.MakeCrossFileLinkIconStandIn To: cc: Format: TEdit NoteCards 1.3k System Date: 18-Mar-87 11:49:26 Lisp System Date: 11-May-86 15:19:08 Machine: Dorado (MONK) Microcode version: 26,32 Memory size: 40000 zꪪDDDD??????qgy?Ã< ßgs JR9?9999998s JR9?y3Os<|y>O3|r\g?'O |>O? | RT?3 ?|>O8I|? JR៟2y?|>O3|Ig8rq 2|gϜ x )AT`)AX qX *C )B2 z1pqg JR JRr\g RT JRIg<|'>D"@C$ D"@C$ D& 8"xB>Dave End of message TEdit Bugs #580. Tang: TEdit - Link icons to cards with long titles sometimes disappear Date: 13 May 87 12:04 PDT From: Subject: NoteCards 1.3k: Link icons to cards with long titles sometimes disappear To: cc: NoteCards 1.3k System Date: 24-Apr-87 15:07:40 Lisp System Date: 28-Apr-87 18:08:02 Machine: Dove (204#110#) Microcode version: 26,50 Memory size: 13400 Frequency: Intermittent Impact: Moderate I haven't been able to reliably replicate this, but I can get it to occur occasionally. When linking from text card A to text card B and text card B's title is rather long, sometimes the link icon to B does not appear in A. It will appear if you shape A so that the entire title of the icon to B will fit, but will disappear again if you reshape A to be too small. I can't figure out why it only happens sometimes, I think it has something to do with where you place the caret in text card A before you insert the link. The first time I noticed it, the icon actually first appeared normally in A, then got messed up--the icon looked like it got cut off about 2/3rds the way down, and when I scrolled up and down (the usual fix for such appearance oddities), the icon simply disappeared altogether. Randy T suspects it's some TEdit image object display mess-up. ~jt End of message #572. Hogg: TEdit - mouse gets trapped under \TEDIT.BUTTONEVENTFN Date: 11 May 87 09:02 PDT From: Subject: NoteCards 1.3k: mouse gets trapped under \TEDIT.BUTTONEVENTFN To: cc: NoteCards 1.3k System Date: 2-May-87 18:06:53 Lisp System Date: 11-May-86 15:19:08 Machine: Dorado (Ventana) Microcode version: 26,32 Memory size: 40000 Frequency: Intermittent Impact: Annoying After I boot up lisp, if I immediately open some TEdit windows (e.g. some text cards), usually the mouse gets stuck in ADV-PROG in some advice to \TEDIT.BUTTONEVENTFN, namely \TEDIT.BUTTONEVENTFN-BEFORE-ADVICE. I'm forced to abort the mouse process & do a HARDRESET to fix this. [I assume this advice is part of your patches to Koto TEdit] Tad End of message Date: 11 May 87 12:44 PDT From: Subject: NoteCards 1.3k: TEDIT-PROCESSES is very long! To: cc: NoteCards 1.3k System Date: 2-May-87 18:06:53 Lisp System Date: 11-May-86 15:19:08 Machine: Dorado (Ventana) Microcode version: 26,32 Memory size: 40000 After booting up, opening a notefile & bringing up 2 text cards, the mouse gets stuck under the advice to \TEDIT.BUTTONEVENTFN. I looked at TEDIT-PROCESSES and found 140 entries (mostly processes but also including an entry for a mail message I was constructing: (##SEND## ("Deliver" (QUOTE ##SEND##) "Send the message in the edit window") {MENU}#61,1410 {STREAM}#50,166000 ("NoteCards 1.3k: mouse gets trapped under \TEDIT.BUTTONEVENTFN" NIL TEXT (Hogg . pa) (NoteCardsSupport . pa))) It seems like a lot of excess info is being kept across logouts here. End of message Browser Card Bugs #549. WIrish: Large browsers are too slow Date: 28 Apr 87 17:26 PDT From: Subject: NoteCards 1.3k: Large Browsers are abominably slow To: cc: NoteCards 1.3k System Date: 24-Apr-87 15:07:40 Lisp System Date: 24-Apr-87 15:55:50 Machine: Dove (Wesley) Microcode version: 0,126 Memory size: 12400 Frequency: Always Impact: Serious I have a browser card containing 600 nodes. Opening this card takes on the order of an hour. This is an unacceptable length of time which greatly inhibits my productivity. Also, moving around in this browser is extremely slow and cumbersome. Any speed improvements would be greatly appreciated. ~Wesley End of message Date: 28 Apr 87 17:42 PDT From: Subject: Re: NoteCards 1.3k: Large Browsers are abominably slow In-reply-to:'s message of 28 Apr 87 17:26 PDT To: cc: Thanks for the report. I know of one idea, "link-less browsers" that might help. Such browsers have no links, just little "pointer" imageobj's that act like links (when you button them). Because the destination cards don't have back links to the browser card, creating and deleting such browsers would be significantly faster. Unfortunately, there would be no effect on scrolling speed. - Randy End of message 530. Kelley: Browser card Move Region uses Sketch function GETWREGION Date: 8 Apr 87 10:15 PDT From: newman.pasa Subject: Re: NoteCards 1.3k: Browser Card Move Region GETWREGION undefined In-reply-to:'s message of 8 Apr 87 09:36 PDT To: cc: newman.pasa,, Kirk, From looking at the lists that you sent, I suspect that GETWREGION is in SKETCH or associated files. I have it because I always load all the files (so that we are not dependent on QV, and so that our customers don't have as much to fuss with), rather than letting lazy loading happen. Peggy has it because she happens to have used SKETCH. You don't have it because you haven't loaded SKETCH yet. After verifying, I see that you can do (LOADFNS 'GETWREGION 'SKETCH.DCOM 'SYSLOAD) to get the function. Should this be added to NCBROWSERCARD or NCUTILITIES? >>Dave End of message 525. Newman: Grapher - Browser gives ugly card creation message Date: 6 Apr 87 12:32 PDT From: newman.pasa Subject: NoteCards 1.3k: Browser card creation message To: cc: newman.pasa NoteCards 1.3k System Date: 27-Feb-87 14:13:55 Lisp System Date: 11-May-86 15:19:08 Machine: Dove (207#53#) Microcode version: 0,0 Memory size: 16400 Frequency: Once Impact: Minor Create a card using the browser card menu "Create Card and Node" item. Title the card, and then get a prompt that says something on the order of "Position Node {IMAGEOBJ}#74,36110". ICKKY-POO! >>Dave End of message 515. WJohnson: Browser won't print Date: 30 Mar 87 12:33 PST From: Subject: NoteCards 1.3k: browser won't print To: cc: NoteCards 1.3k System Date: 27-Feb-87 14:13:55 Lisp System Date: 27-Feb-87 14:59:55 Machine: Dandelion (204#50#) Microcode version: 26,50 Memory size: 13777 Frequency: Always Impact: Annoying Tim Bigham said he couldn't print a browser in a notefile that we work on. It "trashed the printer" according to him. I tried it and while formatting the browser it broke twice (on INTEGERLENGTH, with the argument x=65336). Reverting to INTERGERLENGTH and entering OK led to a successful continuation of formatting. After an hour of watching it chug, I left to get a drink (just a simple drink of water, ie, for a couple of minutes). Upon return I had no {lpt}file, no output, no breakwindows. Just the same old notefile. If any one of you has a chance, could you try to print the browser using a dorado? Its on {qv}1.0>notecards>knowledge-structure.notefile. I think the browser is card: KS-Browser, which currently resides in the ToBeFiled box. Switching it to the Browsers file box and compacting the resulting file would take at least an hour on my machine, so I'm leaving it there for now. (By the way, deleting a big browser from a notefile, while using a d-tiger, is the kind of time-hog that makes macho guys cry. Any hope that the process will speed up? I personally avoid using browsers now, the efficiency is so poor. With this collaborative notefile work among Tim and Pat and myself, I encourage them to not use them too [although they are quite useful for us] because of the time it takes to work with them.) Thanks... Walt End of message 475. Cole: Browser hardcopy problems Date: 31 Jul 86 11:39 PDT From: Subject: 1.2k: Collected Problems With Hardcopying Large Browsers To: Format: TEdit 1.2k System Date: 19-Feb-86 12:37:45 Lisp System Date: 30-May-86 11:49:05 Machine: Dandelion (204#103#) Microcode version: 26,32 Memory size: 13777 Frequency: always Impact: annoying I have been trying to get hardcopies of signifigantly large browsers (2 x 1 page size up to 5 x 3 page size) and have consequently collected a number of problems I have encountered: 1) LINK DASHING does not appear in the hardcopy. There is a related subproblem: the linktype dash index is never copied by the program. Until the preceding problem is fixed, this is a moot point -- however, afterwards it would be important. 2) OVERLAP on the hardcopy -- both sides of a final sheet overlap with some white space. If this is the theoretical image of the browser (dashed line indicating the page break for the hardcopy ):  `<p@ p  8 :p  `6X~*d( @*DH(  *DH 0*dHP 0*XP@@  @   @ @0,0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0  @    B" P "@P@ "8`CD@ D@"(<G""DD""DD@"(@<`CD@     what gets produced is more like this: Page #1 adds a bit from the top of the next page:  p   p   @0  88 0D$ Dq$8 0 S  %H  %L"@ K >    aaaaaaaa    and Page #2 adds bit from the bottom of the previous page: @@@@@@@@@@8x@@@@ aaaaaaaaa @t(@@  (l! "@ T" P@T#P@@"T"@`"T" @`T!"AA@ @@@@@ @@@@@ @@@D$88D$@ Dq$8@0 S >Dave End of message 112. Cole: Browser limit should be detected before Put time From: Subject: 1.2k: 455 Cards Breaks Browser To: cc: Format: TEdit 1.2k System Date: 19-Feb-86 12:37:45 Lisp System Date: 30-May-86 11:49:05 Machine: Dandelion (204#103#) Microcode version: 26,32 Memory size: 13777 Frequency: Once out of once tried Impact: Fatal I suspected there might be troubles with large enough browsers.... After running Inspect & Repair (which DID cure previous complaints, so obviously a link had to be re-written), I opened the now "ok" notefile. I selected no link dashing, no arrowheads, in global parameters; gave the root to the browser, asked for every linktype -> direction except browser contents, set the depth to infinity, orientation to horizontal, and let fly. Ten minutes later (with .87 of Data, .81 of Dsk space from VSTATS) I got a browser. The original overview window was about 1/5 black. The expanded overview window (70-80 percent of the screen, filling most of the middle) was still not large enough to have more than faint grey lines marking the cards over heavy black lines marking the links. The shape of the bulk of the notefile was revealed. That done, I opted to close the notefile. This is where the break developed -- closing the browser broke the system. Here is a copy of the break: Document Card Bugs 365. PIrish: Document Cards cannot follow cross-file links Date: 6 Jan 87 16:06 PST From: Subject: NoteCards 1.3k: Document Cards cannot follow cross-file links To: cc: NoteCards 1.3k System Date: 15-Dec-86 19:09:04 Lisp System Date: 11-May-86 15:19:08 Machine: Dandelion (DandeLisp) Microcode version: 26,32 Memory size: 13777 Frequency: Always Impact: Annoying Document Card cannot follow cross-file links because it does not know about that card type. It should probably be updated to know how to handle them. -Peggy End of message Sketch Card Bugs Ideasketch Card Bugs #548. Marshall: IdeaSketch is buggy when Autoloaded Date: 21 Apr 87 15:40 PDT From: Marshall.pasa Subject: NoteCards 1.3k: Autoloaded IdeaSketch is buggy To: cc: Marshall.pasa NoteCards 1.3k System Date: 6-Apr-87 11:08:52 Lisp System Date: 11-May-86 15:19:08 Machine: Dove (207#52#) Microcode version: 0,0 Memory size: 16400 Frequency: >> Always, Intermittent, Once << Impact: >> Fatal, Serious, Moderate, Annoying, Minor << I might not be sending this bug report to the right place, but here goes... First the context: IdeaSketch autoloaded when I accidentally tweaked it on the NewCards option. (Life is tough when you've just washed your hands and you can't do a thing with them.) then the bug report: IdeaSketch has four menu options (font LARGE, font small, BOLD, & line size) which all use SK.APPLY.MENU.COMMAND on SK.SEL.AND.MAKE. SK.SEL.AND.MAKE appears to be undefined. Is this because the version of IdeaSketch that was loaded via the NC library IdeaSketch card type is not compatible with the version of Sketch that NC currently uses? Cathy End of message Search Card Bugs Graph Card Bugs File Card Bugs TableTop Card Bugs Miscellaneous Bugs 377. Kelley: Miscellaneous - bad substance tale Date: 12 Jan 87 11:41 PST From: Subject: NoteCards 1.3L: bad substance tale. To: cc: NoteCards 1.3L System Date: 23-Dec-86 10:09:31 Lisp System Date: 7-Jan-87 03:56:58 Machine: Dandelion (222#146#) Microcode version: 0,231 Memory size: 15777 Frequency: >> Always, Intermittent, Once << Impact: >> Fatal, Serious, Moderate, Annoying, Minor << I'm doing a copy structure from one notefile to another. The Text card being copied is open on the screen, has a bunch of text and ended in four links to SEdit cards. The first of the four links was deleted right before the copy stucture by means of Delete Card with UseDeletedLinkIconIndicators nil. I suspect that is the culprit but this has worked in the past. NC.GetMainCardData is now reading a pointer for the length of the substance from the Text card stream that is inconsistent with the stream because when it calls NC.GetTextSubstance with that length, it COPYBYTES a slightly truncated substance into its temporary local corefile stream. This causes the subsequent opentextstream to break because reads an end of file trying to get charlooks.list. After closeing the NoteFile Inspect and Repair w/o substances reported no errors, but in rebuilding links I&R broke with the same problem. I uparrowed out, closed the NoteFile, and did an I&R with substances. It found the bad substance, I backed it and the associated props up to the previous good version and proceeded. During the links rebuilding phase, 5 cards needed to be filed in to-be-filed. While making Child link I was asked if I wanted to follow a cross-file link. I said yes. It opened the NoteFile, could not find the card (valid failure), closed the NoteFile without killing NC.CacheTypesAndTitles so NC.CacheTypesAndTitles process broke. At the same time I was asked if I wanted to try another file. I said no. NC.InsertLinkInText then as a result broke trying to NC.MakeLink with a NIL CardObject. I did a (RETFROM 'NC.InsertLinkInText) and successfully finished the I&R. Upon Opening the NoteFile, I can now not bring up the original card as it dies on the same error. Could the substance for this card somehow have a length pointer for the new substance but substance start pointer for the old substance? Another I&R with substances revealed that my switch to the old version did not take. Furthermore, the links in inspecting the substance of the old version came up as delete-me icons with an error message for each I could not read because of scrolling off the tty window. After backing up the version again and successfully completing I&R, upon re-opening the file, the substance still had the same problem. Thats enough for now... Summary of bugs: 1. Delete Card with UseDeletedLinkIconIndicators nil does not always update the stream correctly. 2. I&R / cross-file link close of file should first kill NC.CacheTypesAndTitles process. 3. NIL return to query for name of new NoteFile to try in bad cross-file link should behave as if No new notefile were requested to be tried. 4. Backing up a substance in I&R should work and/or fix up the substance length pointers to a consistent state. 5. Inspecting substance position region prompt message should not scroll the bad links message off the TTY window before the user can read them. -- kirk End of message ((((( TIMESROMAN CLASSIC  TIMESROMAN  TIMESROMAN  TIMESROMAN  TIMESROMAN  TIMESROMAN   + 1 DG/%dj/% e9/%3EQ/% /</%,8  68 /%m .0/%,8_ 4;% 46 4;zJ^/%NO /% 8B/%,8i68 /%" /' /%dA/%O E84BU /%O PP/%.9/%lD7 D /%- H5 I  H7  } WK/%OO9'!O84uL/%U EJ /% BMOBJ.GETFN3\ 55/%p10/%$ To`/%= LR /%bAG /%=7 /%F)=/%+A8 EK70?7/% "-/%2 $B%%1< BMOBJ.GETFN3&2  BMOBJ.GETFN3;H BMOBJ.GETFN3J^x2/% m; ' %%"C:G/%38/%,8Lm/-/%,8qE>cZq z