previous date%: "19-Jan-88 17:02:03" {QV}<NOTECARDS>1.3LNEXT>NCCONVERTVERSION2TO3.;3)

(* "
Copyright (c) 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988 by Xerox Corporation.  All rights reserved.



(* ;;; "The junk in here is for converting a 1.2 style file into 1.3 style.")

        (FNS NC.ConvertNoteFileVersion2To3 NC.BuildVersion2HashArray NC.GetAndPutVersion2Card 
             NC.ReadVersion2Title NC.ReadVersion2Links NC.ReadVersion2PropList 
             NC.ReadVersion2MainCardData NC.ReadVersion2LinkLabels NC.ConvertVersion2LinkIcon 
             NC.ReadVersion2CardPartHeader NC.Version3CardFromVersion2ID)
        (FNS NC.ConvertLinkFormat)

(* ;;; "Functions to convert version 2 browsers to version 3.0 This is just the MergeNoteFiles browser code modified.")

        (FNS NC.ConvertVersion2BrowserCard NC.ConvertVersion2GraphNodeID)

(* ;;; "Functions and vars basically stolen and renamed from the old 1.2 source.")

        (GLOBALVARS NC.Version2LinkLabelsIdentifier NC.Version2ItemIdentifier 
               NC.Version2LinksIdentifier NC.Version2PropsIdentifier NC.Version2TitlesIdentifier 
        (INITVARS (NC.Version2LinkLabelsIdentifier '%###LABELS###)
               (NC.Version2ItemIdentifier '%###ITEM###)
               (NC.Version2LinksIdentifier '%###LINKS###)
               (NC.Version2PropsIdentifier '%###PROPS###)
               (NC.Version2TitlesIdentifier '%###TITLES###)
               (NC.DateStringLength 18))
        (FNS NC.IndexInFileFromID NC.ReadVersion2Ptrs NC.ReadVersion2Region NC.ReadVersion2Identifier
        [DECLARE%: DONTEVAL@LOAD (P (NC.StoreAutoloadFnFile (FUNCTION NC.ScavengeDatabaseFile)

(* ;;; "The junk in here is for converting a 1.2 style file into 1.3 style.")


  (LAMBDA (StreamOrFileName InterestedWindow)                (* rht%: " 6-Nov-86 12:47")
          (* * Convert this notefile to version 3 outputting the version 3 notefile to 
          new version with same filename.)
          (* * fgh |12/17/85| fixed call to CreateDatabaseFile to lop the version off of 
          the file name.)
          (* * rht 12/18/85%: Now clears Version2HashArray in case uncollectable garbage 
          is left around.)
          (* * rht 5/7/86%: No longer just passes IndexSizeInEntries on to 
          NC.CreateDatabaseFile. Uses NextIndexNum and NC.DefaultIndexSizeInEntries to 
          compute a reasonable hasharray size (hopefully smaller than 10240, the largest 
          (* * rht 7/16/86%: Added InterestedWindow arg.)
          (* * rht 11/6/86%: Now autoload apply's NC.ScavengeDatabaseFile in case 
          NCREPAIR not loaded.)

    (DECLARE (GLOBALVARS NC.DefaultIndexSizeInEntries))
    (LET ((OperationMsg "Converting file to version 3.")
          CardTotal FileName FromStream FromNoteFile ToNoteFile Version2HashArray Version 
          NextIndexNum IndexSizeInEntries NextLinkNum CheckptPtr ToFileName)
         (if (STREAMP StreamOrFileName)
             then (SETQ FromStream StreamOrFileName)
                  (SETQ FileName (FULLNAME StreamOrFileName))
           else (SETQ FileName StreamOrFileName)
                (SETQ FromStream (OPENSTREAM FileName 'BOTH)))
         (SETFILEPTR FromStream 7)
         (if (EQ (SETQ Version (NC.ReadPtr FromStream 1))
             then                                            (* FromStream is indeed version 2.0)
                                                             (* Get all the header info off the 1.2 
                  (SETFILEPTR FromStream 0)
                  (SETQ NextIndexNum (NC.ReadPtr FromStream 2))
                  (SETQ CardTotal (SUB1 NextIndexNum))
                  (SETQ IndexSizeInEntries (NC.ReadPtr FromStream 2))
                  (SETQ NextLinkNum (NC.ReadPtr FromStream 3)) 
                                                             (* Skip version number.)
                  (NC.ReadPtr FromStream 1)
                  (SETQ CheckptPtr (NC.ReadPtr FromStream 3)) 
          (* * Create a dummy notefile object for the 1.2 source notefile.)

                  (SETQ FromNoteFile
                   (create NoteFile
                          UID ← (NC.MakeUID)
                          Stream ← FromStream
                          FullFileName ← (FULLNAME FileName)
                          NextIndexNum ← NextIndexNum
                          Version ← Version
                          NextLinkNum ← NextLinkNum
                          CheckptPtr ← CheckptPtr))
                  (SETQ ToNoteFile (NC.CreateDatabaseFile (PACKFILENAME 'VERSION NIL 'BODY FileName)
                                          (MAX NC.DefaultIndexSizeInEntries (TIMES 2 NextIndexNum))
                                          OperationMsg T NIL NIL InterestedWindow))
                  (SETQ ToFileName (fetch (NoteFile FullFileName) of ToNoteFile))
                  (if (AND (type? NoteFile ToNoteFile)
                           (NC.OpenDatabaseFile ToNoteFile NIL T T NIL NIL NIL NIL T NIL 
          (* * Fill in NewNoteFile's hash array with new UIDs.
          Return a hash array mapping version 2 style ID atoms to version 3 style Cards.)

                           (NC.PrintMsg InterestedWindow T "Reading index of version 2 notefile ...")
                           (SETQ Version2HashArray (NC.BuildVersion2HashArray FromNoteFile ToNoteFile 
          (* * For each card in the old notefile, fill in a version 3 card object for it 
          and put the filled in card down to NewNoteFile.)

                           (NC.PrintMsg InterestedWindow T OperationMsg (CHARACTER 13)
                                  "Processing card ID 1 out of " CardTotal)
                           (for IDNum from 1 to CardTotal eachtime (BLOCK)
                              do (if (ZEROP (REMAINDER IDNum 10))
                                     then (NC.PrintMsg InterestedWindow T OperationMsg (CHARACTER
                                                 "Processing card ID " IDNum " out of " CardTotal))
                                 (NC.GetAndPutVersion2Card FromStream (NC.IDFromNumber IDNum)
                                        Version2HashArray FromNoteFile ToNoteFile)) 
          (* Clear hash array to be sure uncollectable garbage isn't left around.)

                           (CLRHASH Version2HashArray)
                           (NC.CheckpointDatabase ToNoteFile T)
                           (NC.ForceDatabaseClose ToNoteFile)
                           (CLOSEF FromStream)               (* Rebuild To and From links.)
                           (NC.AutoloadApply* (FUNCTION NC.ScavengeDatabaseFile)
                                  ToNoteFile NIL NIL NIL InterestedWindow)
                           (NC.PrintMsg InterestedWindow T "Done.")
           else (NC.ReportError "NC.ConvertNoteFileVersion2To3" (CONCAT "Filename " FileName 
                                                                       " is version " Version 
                                                           ".  Can only convert version 2 notefiles."

  (LAMBDA (FromNoteFile ToNoteFile IndexSize)                (* rht%: "26-Nov-85 21:50")
          (* * Fill in ToNoteFile's hash array with new UIDs.
          Return a hash array mapping 1.2 style ID atoms to 1.3 style Cards.)

    (LET ((FromStream (fetch (NoteFile Stream) of FromNoteFile))
          (Version2HashArray (HASHARRAY IndexSize)))
          (* * First fill in the special cards.)

         (PUTHASH 'NC00001 (fetch (NoteFile TableOfContentsCard) of ToNoteFile)
         (PUTHASH 'NC00002 (fetch (NoteFile OrphansCard) of ToNoteFile)
         (PUTHASH 'NC00003 (fetch (NoteFile ToBeFiledCard) of ToNoteFile)
         (PUTHASH 'NC00004 (fetch (NoteFile LinkLabelsCard) of ToNoteFile)
          (* * Now fill in the rest of the entries with new card objects.)

         (for IDNum from 5 to IndexSize bind ID Card do (SETQ ID (NC.IDFromNumber IDNum))
                                                        (SETFILEPTR FromStream (NC.IndexInFileFromID
          (* * Only create card objects for those IDs that were active on the version 2 

                                                        (if (EQ (NC.ReadStatus FromStream)
                                                            then (SETQ Card (NC.GetNewCard ToNoteFile
                                                                 (PUTHASH ID Card Version2HashArray))

  (LAMBDA (Stream ID Version2HashArray FromNoteFile ToNoteFile)
                                                             (* rht%: " 6-Nov-86 11:54")
          (* * If ID has active status, then get its card parts off Stream and fill in 
          the info into the corresponding card object.
          Find this object using Version2HashArray.)
          (* * rht 12/18/85%: Now deactivates card after putting to file.)
          (* * fgh |5/20/86| Added extra Version2HashArray arg to call to 
          NC.ReadVersion2Links to support GlobalLinkConversion.
          Changed order in which Links and PropList are processed because global link 
          conversion might need to put a NoSource property on the prop list.)
          (* * rht 8/27/86%: Now sets status to ACTIVE before reading card parts so that 
          user code calling progintface functions will work okay, i.e.
          that card will be NC.ValidCardP.)
          (* * rht 11/6/86%: Now writes down link labels card to notefile.)

    (LET ((Pointers (NC.ReadVersion2Ptrs ID Stream))
         (SELECTQ (fetch (POINTERLIST STATUS) of Pointers)
             (ACTIVE                                         (* Recover card object from the hash 
                     (SETQ Card (GETHASH ID Version2HashArray))
          (* * Set status to be active.)

                     (NC.SetStatus Card 'ACTIVE)
          (* * Read main data and substance and fill in Card object.)

                     (SETFILEPTR Stream (fetch (POINTERLIST MAINPTR) of Pointers))
                     (NC.ReadVersion2MainCardData Stream ID Card Version2HashArray FromNoteFile 
          (* * Read title and fill in Card object.)

                     (SETFILEPTR Stream (fetch (POINTERLIST TITLEPTR) of Pointers))
                     (NC.ReadVersion2Title Stream ID Card)
          (* * Read prop list and fill in Card object.)

                     (SETFILEPTR Stream (fetch (POINTERLIST PROPSPTR) of Pointers))
                     (NC.ReadVersion2PropList Stream ID Card)
          (* * Read global links and fill in Card object.)

                     (SETFILEPTR Stream (fetch (POINTERLIST LINKSPTR) of Pointers))
                     (NC.ReadVersion2Links Stream ID Card Version2HashArray)
          (* * If card is a browser, then first convert to version 3 format.)

                     (if (NC.IsSubTypeOfP (NC.FetchType Card)
                         then (NC.ConvertVersion2BrowserCard Card Version2HashArray))
          (* * Write down the card parts to the ToNoteFile.)

                     (NC.PutMainCardData Card NIL T)
                     (NC.PutLinks Card T)
                     (NC.PutTitle Card T)
                     (NC.PutPropList Card T))
             (SPECIAL                                        (* Deal specially with link labels.)
                      (SETQ Card (NC.Version3CardFromVersion2ID ID Version2HashArray))
          (* Go get the link labels from version 2 stream and write down to version 3 

                      (SETFILEPTR Stream (fetch (POINTERLIST MAINPTR) of Pointers))
                      (NC.StoreLinkLabels ToNoteFile (NC.ReadVersion2LinkLabels Stream ID Card))
          (* * Write down the linklabels card to the ToNoteFile.)

                      (NC.PutMainCardData Card NIL T))
         (AND (NC.CardP Card)
              (NC.DeactivateCard Card T))

  (LAMBDA (Stream ID Card)                                   (* rht%: "24-Nov-85 23:24")
          (* * Stream should be positioned at the Title card part of ID.
          Get the title and fill in for Card.)

    (NC.SetTitleDate Card (NC.ReadVersion2CardPartHeader Stream ID NC.Version2TitlesIdentifier))
    (NC.SetTitle Card (READ Stream))))

  (LAMBDA (Stream ID Card Version2HashArray)                 (* fgh%: "21-May-86 00:08")
          (* * Stream should be positioned at the Links card part of ID.
          Get the global links and fill in for Card.
          Ignore the To and From links -
          scavenger will rebuild them.)
          (* * fgh |5/20/86| Added call to NC.ConvertLinkFormat to convert the format of 
          the global links from NOTECARDLINK records to Link datatypes.
          Also added Version2HashArray arg to support this.)

    (NC.SetLinksDate Card (NC.ReadVersion2CardPartHeader Stream ID NC.Version2LinksIdentifier))
          (* Skip the from and to links. The scavenger will rebuild them later.)

    (READ Stream)
    (READ Stream)
    (NC.SetGlobalLinks Card (NC.ConvertLinkFormat (READ Stream)

  (LAMBDA (Stream ID Card)                                   (* rht%: "24-Nov-85 23:23")
          (* * Stream should be positioned at the PropList card part of ID.
          Get the prop list and fill in for Card.)

    (NC.SetPropListDate Card (NC.ReadVersion2CardPartHeader Stream ID NC.Version2PropsIdentifier))
    (NC.SetPropList Card (READ Stream))))

  (LAMBDA (Stream ID Card Version2HashArray FromNoteFile ToNoteFile)
                                                             (* fgh%: "27-May-86 20:43")
          (* * Stream should be positioned at the main data card part of ID.
          Get the main data and fill in for Card.)
          (* * fgh |12/17/85| changed Apply of CollectReferencesFn to be done only if 
          there is a CollectReferencesFn for the card type)
          (* * rht 5/7/86%: Now only does the horrible kludge of smashing absolute 
          pointers in the 1.2 file if the TEdit is judged to be formatted.
          We check that by looking for the TEdit password at the end of the substance.)
          (* * fgh |5/27/86| Added INTERSECTION call during conversion of links due to 
          problems with browsers which have same link icon represented twice in the 

    (LET (CardType Region StartPtr EndPtr Length TEditBasedFlg StartFormatPtr CollectReferencesFn 
                FormattedTEditP LinkIcons)
         (NC.SetItemDate Card (NC.ReadVersion2CardPartHeader Stream ID NC.Version2ItemIdentifier))
          (* * Read card type and region)

         (NC.SetType Card (SETQ CardType (READ Stream)))
         (SETQ TEditBasedFlg (NC.TEditBasedP CardType))
         (READC Stream)
         (NC.SetRegion Card (NC.ReadVersion2Region Stream))
          (* * Read the substance pointers, compute the length, then call the substance 
          get fn)

         (SETQ StartPtr (NC.ReadPtr Stream 3))
         (SETQ EndPtr (NC.ReadPtr Stream 3))
         (SETQ Length (DIFFERENCE EndPtr StartPtr))
          (* * Figure out whether the substance is TEdit formatted.
          In that case we have to smush absolute pointers.)

         (SETQ FormattedTEditP (AND TEditBasedFlg (GREATERP Length 2)
                                    (SETFILEPTR Stream (DIFFERENCE EndPtr 2))
                                    (EQ (QUOTIENT (NC.ReadPtr Stream 2)
          (* * A horrible kludge%: Change the infamous file absolute pointer in the text 
          stream to be file relative for duration of the GetSubstance call.)

         (if FormattedTEditP
             then (SETFILEPTR Stream (DIFFERENCE EndPtr 8))
                  (SETQ StartFormatPtr (NC.ReadPtr Stream 4))
                  (SETFILEPTR Stream (DIFFERENCE EndPtr 8))
                  (NC.WritePtr Stream (DIFFERENCE StartFormatPtr StartPtr)
         (SETFILEPTR Stream StartPtr)
         (NC.SetSubstance Card (NC.ApplyFn GetFn Card Length Stream -1))
          (* * Now put back the infamous file absolute pointer.)

         (if FormattedTEditP
             then (SETFILEPTR Stream (DIFFERENCE EndPtr 8))
                  (NC.WritePtr Stream StartFormatPtr 4)
                  (SETFILEPTR Stream EndPtr))
          (* * Now convert each link in the embedded link icons in the substance.)

         (if (fetch (Card CollectLinksFn) of Card)
             then (for LinkIcon in (INTERSECTION (SETQ LinkIcons (CAR (NC.ApplyFn CollectLinksFn Card 
                                                                             NIL T)))
                                          LinkIcons) eachtime (BLOCK)
                     do (NC.ConvertVersion2LinkIcon LinkIcon Card Version2HashArray))))))

  (LAMBDA (Stream ID Card)                                   (* rht%: "24-Nov-85 23:21")
          (* * Stream should be positioned at the links labels.)

    (LET (CardType Region StartPtr EndPtr)
         (NC.SetItemDate Card (NC.ReadVersion2CardPartHeader Stream ID 
         (READ Stream))))

  (LAMBDA (LinkIcon SourceCard Version2HashArray)            (* rht%: "26-Nov-85 21:03")
          (* * Convert the link inside LinkIcon into a version 3 link.
          Use Version2HashArray to convert the Destination ID into a card object.)

    (LET ((Version2Link (fetch (IMAGEOBJ OBJECTDATUM) of LinkIcon)))
          (* Make sure that version 2 link is in TYPERECORD format.)

         (if (NEQ (CAR Version2Link)
             then (SETQ Version2Link (CONS 'NOTECARDLINK Version2Link)))
                                                             (* Create and plug in a new link.)
         (replace (IMAGEOBJ OBJECTDATUM) of LinkIcon with (create Link
                                                                 UID ← (NC.MakeUID)
                                                                 SourceCard ← SourceCard
                                                                 DestinationCard ←
                                                                  (fetch (NOTECARDLINK DESTINATIONID)
                                                                     of Version2Link)
                                                                 AnchorMode ← (fetch (NOTECARDLINK
                                                                                 of Version2Link)
                                                                 Label ← (fetch (NOTECARDLINK 
                                                                            of Version2Link)
                                                                 DisplayMode ← (fetch (NOTECARDLINK
                                                                                  of Version2Link)))
          (* Change display mode to record format if it's currently atomic.)

         (NC.CheckDisplayModeFormat Version2Link))))

  (LAMBDA (Stream ID Identifier)                             (* rht%: "24-Nov-85 23:52")
          (* * Read a card part header from a version 2 style notefile stream.)

    (LET (VersionNumber ActualID Date)
            ((NOT (SETQ VersionNumber (NC.ReadVersion2Identifier Stream Identifier)))
             (NC.ReportError "NC.ReadVersion2CardPartHeader" (CONCAT ID 
                                                                    " Error while reading NoteFile" 
                                                                    " -- incorrect identifier."))))
            ((GEQ VersionNumber 1)
             (SETQ Date (NC.ReadVersion2Date Stream))))
         (SETQ ActualID (READ Stream))
            ((NOT (EQ ActualID ID))
             (NC.ReportError "NC.ReadVersion2CardPartHeader" (CONCAT 
                                                     "ID mismatch while reading item.  Expected ID: " 
                                                                    ID "   Found ID: " ActualID))))

  (LAMBDA (ID Version2HashArray)                             (* rht%: "26-Nov-85 21:02")
          (* * Return the card object corresponding to given ID using given hash array.)

    (GETHASH ID Version2HashArray)))

  (LAMBDA (ListOfLinks Version2HashArray)                    (* fgh%: "25-May-86 18:08")
          (* * Convert links from NOTECARDLINK record to Link datatype.
          Note the conversion of NoSource from a dangling link to a property list item.)
          (* * fgh |5/21/86| First created.)

    (bind NewLink ConvertedLinks PropList Card for Link in ListOfLinks
       do (OR (EQ (CAR Link)
              (SETQ Link (CONS 'NOTECARDLINK Link)))
          (if (NEQ (fetch (NOTECARDLINK DESTINATIONID) of Link)
              then (SETQ NewLink (create Link
                                        UID ← (NC.MakeUID)
                                        SourceCard ← (GETHASH (fetch (NOTECARDLINK SOURCEID)
                                                                 of Link)
                                        DestinationCard ← (GETHASH (fetch (NOTECARDLINK DESTINATIONID
                                                                                 ) of Link)
                                        AnchorMode ← (fetch (NOTECARDLINK ANCHORMODE) of Link)
                                        Label ← (fetch (NOTECARDLINK LINKLABEL) of Link)
                                        DisplayMode ← (fetch (NOTECARDLINK DISPLAYMODE) of Link)))
                   (NC.CheckDisplayModeFormat NewLink)
                   (SETQ ConvertedLinks (CONS NewLink ConvertedLinks))
            elseif (SETQ Card (GETHASH (fetch (NOTECARDLINK SOURCEID) of Link)
          (* * This is the old form of NoSource. Convert to new form by putting on the 
          prop list.)

                   (SETQ PropList (NC.FetchPropList (SETQ Card (GETHASH (fetch (NOTECARDLINK SOURCEID
                                                                                      ) of Link)
                   (NC.SetPropList Card (if PropList
                                            then (LISTPUT PropList 'NoSource T)
                                          else (LIST 'NoSource T)))) finally (RETURN ConvertedLinks))

(* ;;; 
"Functions to convert version 2 browsers to version 3.0 This is just the MergeNoteFiles browser code modified."


  (LAMBDA (Card Version2HashArray)                           (* rht%: "13-May-87 23:40")
          (* * Fix the browser roots and graphnode IDs to be version 3 -
          this is just modified version of the code in NCMERGEFILES that processes 
          browser cards.)
          (* * rht 4/5/86%: Now removes NODEID and DESTNODEID fields from LinkParams of 
          TOLINKS of graphnodes. This effectively converts multiple links between pairs 
          of nodes into single links. Thus, users will have to ReconnectNodesInBrowser in 
          order to recover the multiple links they had in |1.2.|)
          (* * fgh |5/28/86| Changed the way the TONODES and FROMNODES lists are 
          converted. Now uses an ASSOC list to map from old to new NodeIds when 
          convreting the NODEID field. This is then used to convert each NodeID in the TO 
          and FTOM lists. This way virtual nodes we can be sure for virtual nodes that 
          all references are EQ not just EQUAL as required by grapher.)
          (* * rht 5/13/87%: Now puts the information regarding link dashing onto the 
          individual graph node id props. This gets saved when the browser is "put" to 
          the 1.3 notefile.)

    (DECLARE (GLOBALVARS NC.DashingStyles))                  (* Get various stuff off browser's 
                                                             prop list.)
     (MappingList LinksLegend)
     (NC.SetBrowserLinkLabels Card (CAR (NC.GetProp Card 'BrowserLinkLabels)))
     (NC.RemProp Card 'BrowserLinkLabels)
     (NC.SetBrowserLinksLegend Card (SETQ LinksLegend (CAR (NC.GetProp Card 'BrowserLinksLegend))))
     (NC.RemProp Card 'BrowserLinksLegend)
     (NC.SetBrowserDepth Card (NC.GetProp Card 'BrowserDepth))
     (NC.RemProp Card 'BrowserDepth)
     (NC.SetBrowserFormat Card (CAR (NC.GetProp Card 'BrowserFormat)))
     (NC.RemProp Card 'BrowserFormat)
     (NC.SetSpecialBrowserSpecs Card (CAR (NC.GetProp Card 'SpecialBrowserSpecs)))
     (NC.RemProp Card 'SpecialBrowserSpecs)                  (* Fix up browser roots)
     (NC.SetBrowserRoots Card (for BrowserRootID in (CAR (NC.GetProp Card 'BrowserRoots))
                                 collect (NC.Version3CardFromVersion2ID BrowserRootID 
                                                             (* Throw away old browser roots.)
     (NC.RemProp Card 'BrowserRoots)
          (* * Fix up graph nodeids and store a mapping between old and new IDs on 

     (bind OldNodeID NewNodeID for GraphNode in (fetch (GRAPH GRAPHNODES) of (NC.FetchSubstance
        do (replace (GRAPHNODE NODEID) of GraphNode with (SETQ NewNodeID (
                                                                          (SETQ OldNodeID
                                                                           (fetch (GRAPHNODE NODEID)
                                                                              of GraphNode))
                                                                          Card Version2HashArray)))
           (push MappingList (CONS OldNodeID NewNodeID)))
          (* * Fix up the TONODES and FROMNODES for each GRAPHNODE using the new IDs 
          created above and stored in MappingList.)

     (for GraphNode in (fetch (GRAPH GRAPHNODES) of (NC.FetchSubstance Card))
        do (LET ((GraphNodeID (NC.CoerceToGraphNodeID GraphNode)))
                (replace (GRAPHNODE TONODES) of GraphNode
                   with (for ToNode in (fetch (GRAPHNODE TONODES) of GraphNode)
                           collect (LET ((ToNodeDashingStyle (if (EQ (CAR ToNode)
                                                                 then (LISTGET ToNode 'DASHING)
                                                               else NIL))
                                        (SETQ ToNodeID (CDR (ASSOC (if (EQ (CAR ToNode)
                                                                       then (CADR ToNode)
                                                                     else ToNode)
                                        (NC.GraphNodeIDPutProp GraphNodeID ToNodeID
                                               (for DashingStyle in NC.DashingStyles as DashingPair
                                                  in LinksLegend when (EQUAL DashingStyle 
                                                  do (RETURN DashingPair)
                                                  finally (RETURN (CAR LinksLegend))))
                                        (if (EQ (CAR ToNode)
                                            then (RPLACA (CDR ToNode)
                                                 (AND (LISTGET ToNode 'NODEID)
                                                      (LISTPUT ToNode 'NODEID NIL))
                                                 (AND (LISTGET ToNode 'DESTNODEID)
                                                      (LISTPUT ToNode 'DESTNODEID NIL))
                                          else ToNodeID)))))
           (replace (GRAPHNODE FROMNODES) of GraphNode
              with (for NodeID in (fetch (GRAPHNODE FROMNODES) of GraphNode)
                      collect (COND
                                 ((EQ (CAR NodeID)
                                  (RPLACA (CDR NodeID)
                                         (CDR (ASSOC (CADR NodeID)
                                 (T (CDR (ASSOC NodeID MappingList))))))))))

  (LAMBDA (NodeID BrowserCard Version2HashArray)             (* rht%: "26-Nov-85 21:32")
          (* * Convert a graph node ID from version 2 to version 3.0 This is modification 
          of NCMERGEFILES code to convert graph node ids.)

    (if (LISTP NodeID)
        then (LIST (NC.GetBrowserNodeID BrowserCard (NC.Version3CardFromVersion2ID
                                                     (SUBATOM (CAR NodeID)
      else (NC.GetBrowserNodeID BrowserCard (NC.Version3CardFromVersion2ID (SUBATOM NodeID 8)

(* ;;; "Functions and vars basically stolen and renamed from the old 1.2 source.")


(GLOBALVARS NC.Version2LinkLabelsIdentifier NC.Version2ItemIdentifier NC.Version2LinksIdentifier 
       NC.Version2PropsIdentifier NC.Version2TitlesIdentifier NC.DateStringLength)

(RPAQ? NC.Version2LinkLabelsIdentifier '%###LABELS###)

(RPAQ? NC.Version2ItemIdentifier '%###ITEM###)

(RPAQ? NC.Version2LinksIdentifier '%###LINKS###)

(RPAQ? NC.Version2PropsIdentifier '%###PROPS###)

(RPAQ? NC.Version2TitlesIdentifier '%###TITLES###)

(RPAQ? NC.DateStringLength 18)

  (LAMBDA (ID)                                               (* rht%: "24-Nov-85 22:55")
          (* * Returns the ptr into the current notefile corresponding to the index entry 
          of ID.)
          (* * rht 11/24/85%: Took out NC.IDP test.)


  (LAMBDA (ID Stream)                                        (* rht%: "24-Nov-85 23:46")
          (* * Return a list of pointers from the index of card ID)
          (* * rht 11/24/85%: Stolen from old |1.2i| NC.GetPtrs function.
          Took out WITH.MONITOR call.)

    (LET (Index Ptr LinksPtr TitlePtr PropsPtr Status PtrList EofPtr)
         (SETQ Index (NC.IndexInFileFromID ID))
         (SETFILEPTR Stream Index)
         (SETQ Status (NC.ReadStatus Stream))
         (SETQ Ptr (NC.ReadPtr Stream 3))
         (SETQ LinksPtr (NC.ReadPtr Stream 3))
         (SETQ TitlePtr (NC.ReadPtr Stream 3))
         (SETQ PropsPtr (NC.ReadPtr Stream 3))
         (SETQ PtrList
          (create POINTERLIST
                 STATUS ← Status
                 MAINPTR ← Ptr
                 LINKSPTR ← LinksPtr
                 TITLEPTR ← TitlePtr
                 PROPSPTR ← PropsPtr
                 INDEXPTR ← Index))
         (SETQ EofPtr (GETEOFPTR Stream))
         (AND (EQ Status 'ACTIVE)
              (for Ptr in (CDR PtrList) when (OR (IGREATERP Ptr EofPtr)
                                                 (MINUSP Ptr)) do (replace (POINTERLIST STATUS)
                                                                     of PtrList with 'BADPOINTER)))

  (LAMBDA (Stream)                                           (* rht%: "24-Nov-85 20:52")
          (* * Get a region from Stream.)

    (CREATEREGION (NC.ReadPtr Stream 2)
           (NC.ReadPtr Stream 2)
           (NC.ReadPtr Stream 2)
           (NC.ReadPtr Stream 2))))

  (LAMBDA (Stream Identifier)                                (* rht%: "10-Dec-85 14:47")
          (* Return T if next item on databaseStream is the identifier specified by 
          (* * rht 2/4/85%: A horrible hack for the case of titles identifier.
          This is because a previous typo was causing NOBIND to get written for titles 
          (* * rht 7/9/85%: Now checks for new data format.
          This is indicated by identifiers with the last two %#'s clipped off.
          Then comes the one-byte version number of the data format.
          If identifier is not clipped then it's old style and there is no version 
          number. Return version number if there is one, 0 if old style, and NIL if can't 
          match identifier.)

    (LET ((ThingRead (READ Stream NC.OrigReadTable))
          (ClippedIdentifier (SUBATOM Identifier 1 -3)))
            ((OR (EQ ThingRead Identifier)
                 (AND (EQ Identifier NC.Version2TitlesIdentifier)
                      (EQ ThingRead 'NOBIND)))
            ((AND (EQ ThingRead ClippedIdentifier)
                  (NUMBERP (PROGN                            (* First char is separator.
                                                             Next is one-byte version number.)
                                  (READC Stream)
                                  (NC.GetPtr Stream 1)))))
            (T NIL)))))

  (LAMBDA (Stream)                                           (* rht%: "24-Nov-85 22:08")
          (* * Read a date string from Stream. All dates have the same length, so can use 
          that as a check. I'm allowing null date since we may be compacting an old style
          (non-dated) notefile. Thus we won't give it a misleadingly new date.)

    (LET ((Date (READ Stream)))
         (if (OR (NULL Date)
                 (EQ (NCHARS Date)
             then Date
           else (NC.ReportError "NC.ReadVersion2Date" (CONCAT Date " is not a proper date."))

(NC.StoreAutoloadFnFile (FUNCTION NC.ScavengeDatabaseFile)


                                                                   :BASE 10))
(PUTPROPS NCCONVERTVERSION2TO3 COPYRIGHT ("Xerox Corporation" 1985 1986 1987 1988))
  (FILEMAP (NIL (2265 23706 (NC.ConvertNoteFileVersion2To3 2275 . 8290) (NC.BuildVersion2HashArray 8292
 . 10241) (NC.GetAndPutVersion2Card 10243 . 14104) (NC.ReadVersion2Title 14106 . 14492) (
NC.ReadVersion2Links 14494 . 15415) (NC.ReadVersion2PropList 15417 . 15818) (
NC.ReadVersion2MainCardData 15820 . 19437) (NC.ReadVersion2LinkLabels 19439 . 19851) (
NC.ConvertVersion2LinkIcon 19853 . 22316) (NC.ReadVersion2CardPartHeader 22318 . 23441) (
NC.Version3CardFromVersion2ID 23443 . 23704)) (23707 26364 (NC.ConvertLinkFormat 23717 . 26362)) (
26495 34001 (NC.ConvertVersion2BrowserCard 26505 . 33206) (NC.ConvertVersion2GraphNodeID 33208 . 33999
)) (34624 38860 (NC.IndexInFileFromID 34634 . 34971) (NC.ReadVersion2Ptrs 34973 . 36336) (
NC.ReadVersion2Region 36338 . 36649) (NC.ReadVersion2Identifier 36651 . 38178) (NC.ReadVersion2Date 
38180 . 38858)))))