(FILECREATED "21-Jan-88 14:01:24" {QV}<NOTECARDS>1.3LNEXT>RGPATCH077.;1 3392   

      changes to%:  (VARS RGPATCH077COMS)
                    (FNS NC.CardTypeStubLoader))

(* "
Copyright (c) 1988 by Xerox Corporation.  All rights reserved.


          (* ;; "rg 1/21/88 removed call to NC.FixFileDates, took out special case for NS servers")

          (* ;; "changes to NCTYPESMECH")

                       (FNS NC.CardTypeStubLoader)))

(* ;; "rg 1/21/88 removed call to NC.FixFileDates, took out special case for NS servers")

(* ;; "changes to NCTYPESMECH")


  [LAMBDA (TypeName FileSuggestion)                   (* ; "Edited 21-Jan-88 13:59 by Randy.Gobbel")

(* ;;; "Load card type TypeName using FileSuggestion as the first place to look.  Otherwise look in the directories specified by NoteCardsDirectories.")

(* ;;; "fgh 2/3/86 First written.")

(* ;;; "kirk 6/20/86 Added NCP.Add...CardStub fn load and call")

(* ;;; "kirk 9/9/86 Changed the name of the FN to search for to NCAddStub...Card")

(* ;;; "kirk 9/21/86 added RESETLST")

(* ;;; "rg 10/21/86: Changed to use simpler scheme for finding files")

(* ;;; "rht&rg 11/7/86: Now passes (QUOTE VARS) arg to LOADFNS so that interesting vars like link icon bitmap will be loaded.  There ought to be a better way.")

(* ;;; "rg 5/18/87 checks, via disgusting kludge, to see if file can be opened random access, if not, loads whole file")

(* ;;; "rht 6/12/87: Changed call to OPENSTREAM to open for INPUT rather than BOTH.")

(* ;;; "rg 6/18/87 now checks for files on NS servers by looking for a colon in the file name")

(* ;;; "rg 6/19/87 check for AddTypeFn already defined before attempting to load it")

(* ;;; "rg&pmi 9/8/87: fixes stub loading for NS servers.")

(* ;;; "rg 1/21/88 removed special case for NS servers, call to NC.FixFileDates")

    (LET* ((FileName (NC.FindFile FileSuggestion TypeName T))
           (oldFILEDATES (GETPROP FileName 'FILEDATES))
          (if FileName
              then [RESETLST [RESETSAVE NIL `(COND
                                                (oldFILEDATES (PUTPROP ,(LIST 'QUOTE FileName)
                                                                     'FILEDATES oldFILEDATES))
                                                (T (REMPROP ,(LIST 'QUOTE FileName) 'FILEDATES]

(* ;;; "Load and eval the NC.Add...CardStub fn")

                          (SETQ AddTypeFn (PACK* 'NCAddStub. TypeName 'Card))
                          (OR (FNTYP AddTypeFn)
                              (LOADFNS AddTypeFn FileName NIL 'VARS]
                   (if (NOT (FNTYP AddTypeFn))
                       then (NC.ReportError "NC.CardTypeStubLoader" (CONCAT 
                                              "NoteCards: Can't find card type stub init procedure: " 
                                                                           AddTypeFn " in " FileName 

(* ;;; "this should call NC.AddCardTypeStub")

                   (APPLY AddTypeFn])
(PUTPROPS RGPATCH077 COPYRIGHT ("Xerox Corporation" 1988))
  (FILEMAP (NIL (759 3310 (NC.CardTypeStubLoader 769 . 3308)))))