(DEFINE-FILE-INFO PACKAGE "IL" READTABLE "INTERLISP" BASE 10) (FILECREATED " 1-Feb-88 18:35:18" {QV}<NOTECARDS>1.3LNEXT>PATCHLOADER.;22 2803 changes to%: (VARS PATCHLOADERCOMS) (FILES PMIPATCH080) previous date%: " 1-Feb-88 16:19:45" {QV}<NOTECARDS>1.3LNEXT>PATCHLOADER.;21) (* " Copyright (c) 1987, 1988 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. ") (PRETTYCOMPRINT PATCHLOADERCOMS) (RPAQQ PATCHLOADERCOMS ( (* ;;; "This file contains patch files to load on top of <notecards>1.3lnext>notecards.lcom in order to bring oneself up to date with the latest changes.") (FILES (FROM {QV}<NOTECARDS>1.3LNEXT>) (* ;; "rg 1/22/88 no sysloading if source access set") RGPATCH078 (* ;; "rht 1/22/88: Lots of miscellaneous fixes mostly uncovered by hacking on the guided tour library package.") RHTPATCH304 (* ;; "rht 1/22/88: Fixes problem with sketch cards in document cards. ") RHTPATCH306 (* ;; "rht 1/25/88: Fixes AskBrowserSpecs so that it will optionally omit link labels from stylesheet. Also fixes problem where browser specs of two browsers up simultaneously blow each other out of the water.") RHTPATCH307 (* ;; "pmi 1/26/88: Fixes cross-file links to have the arrow for their default attached bitmap.") PMIPATCH079 (* ;; "pmi 2/1/88: Fixes numerous small problems with the display of link icons and computation of their image boxes.") PMIPATCH080 (* ;; "rg 1/29/88: NAMED-RESETLST machinery rewritten to conform to Lyric versions of corresponding system functions") RGPATCH079) (PROP (FILETYPE MAKEFILE-ENVIRONMENT) PATCHLOADER))) (* ;;; "This file contains patch files to load on top of <notecards>1.3lnext>notecards.lcom in order to bring oneself up to date with the latest changes." ) (FILESLOAD (FROM {QV}<NOTECARDS>1.3LNEXT>) RGPATCH078 RHTPATCH304 RHTPATCH306 RHTPATCH307 PMIPATCH079 PMIPATCH080 RGPATCH079) (PUTPROPS PATCHLOADER FILETYPE :TCOMPL) (PUTPROPS PATCHLOADER MAKEFILE-ENVIRONMENT (:PACKAGE "IL" :READTABLE "INTERLISP" :BASE 10)) (PUTPROPS PATCHLOADER COPYRIGHT ("Xerox Corporation" 1987 1988)) (DECLARE%: DONTCOPY (FILEMAP (NIL))) STOP