(FILECREATED "31-Oct-87 19:41:34" {QV}<NOTECARDS>1.3KNEXT>RHTPATCH294.;1 7433   

      changes to:  (VARS RHTPATCH294COMS))

(* Copyright (c) 1987 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.)


(RPAQQ RHTPATCH294COMS ((* * Fixes bug reported by John Tang whereby half links were being created 
			     when moving filebox between notefiles. Actually, the real problem was 
			     that deleting a card left the links cached for any card pointing at it.)
			  (* * Change to NCCARDS)
			  (FNS NC.SeverExternalLinks)))
(* * Fixes bug reported by John Tang whereby half links were being created when moving filebox
 between notefiles. Actually, the real problem was that deleting a card left the links cached 
for any card pointing at it.)

(* * Change to NCCARDS)


  (LAMBDA (ListOfCards QuietFlg InterestedWindow)            (* rht: "31-Oct-87 19:32")

          (* * Delete all links in ListOfCards to or from cards not in ListOfCards. Furthermore, do it efficiently by caching
	  an external card only long enough to delete all the links between it and ListOfCards. Note that we depend on the 
	  fact that every card in ListOfCards has its AboutToBeDeletedFlg set.)

          (* * rht&pmi 5/29/87: Now passes non-nil LeaveCachedFlg to NC.RetrieveToLinks and NC.RetrieveFromLinks.
	  Not sure if this is really necessary.)

          (* * pmi 6/8/87: Added call to NC.GreyCard to grey cards being deleted before deleting all of their links.)

          (* * rht 10/31/87: Now uncaches links after call to NC.PutLinks on "external" source cards.)

    (LET (LinksToSever NumLinksToSever)
         (OR QuietFlg (NC.PrintMsg InterestedWindow T "Gathering external links of "
				       (LENGTH ListOfCards)
				       " cards."))
         (SETQ LinksToSever (NC.UnionListsOfLinks
	     (for Card in ListOfCards
		join                                       (* Grey the cards being deleted.)
		       (NC.GreyCard Card)
		       (for Link in (NC.RetrieveToLinks Card T)
			  unless (NC.UIDGetProp (fetch (Card UID) of (fetch (Link 
										of Link))
						    (QUOTE AboutToBeDeletedFlg))
			  collect Link))
	     (for Card in ListOfCards join (for Link in (NC.RetrieveFromLinks Card T)
						    unless (NC.UIDGetProp
							       (fetch (Card UID)
								  of (fetch (Link SourceCard)
									  of Link))
							       (QUOTE AboutToBeDeletedFlg))
						    collect Link))))

          (* * Now sort links so that links with same external anchor card are grouped together. Furthermore, the links 
	  having that anchor card has source card are grouped before the ones having that card as destination card.)

         (OR QuietFlg (NC.PrintMsg InterestedWindow T "Sorting " (SETQ NumLinksToSever
					 (LENGTH LinksToSever))
				       " links prior to severing."))
         (SORT LinksToSever (FUNCTION (LAMBDA (Link1 Link2)
		     (LET (DestCard1 DestCard2 ExtCard1 ExtCard2 Link1SourceIsExtFlg)
		          (SETQ ExtCard1 (if (NC.UIDGetProp (fetch (Card UID)
								     of (SETQ DestCard1
									    (fetch (Link 
									       of Link1)))
								  (QUOTE AboutToBeDeletedFlg))
					       then (SETQ Link1SourceIsExtFlg T)
						      (fetch (Link SourceCard) of Link1)
					     else DestCard1))
		          (SETQ ExtCard2 (if (NC.UIDGetProp (fetch (Card UID)
								     of (SETQ DestCard2
									    (fetch (Link 
									       of Link2)))
								  (QUOTE AboutToBeDeletedFlg))
					       then (fetch (Link SourceCard) of Link2)
					     else DestCard2))
		          (if (NC.SameCardP ExtCard1 ExtCard2)
			      then Link1SourceIsExtFlg
			    else (LESSP (fetch (Card IndexLoc) of ExtCard1)
					    (fetch (Card IndexLoc) of ExtCard2)))))))

          (* * Now walk down the list of links one by one activating the external anchor cards as needed.)

         (OR QuietFlg (NC.PrintMsg InterestedWindow T "Severing links: 1 out of " NumLinksToSever 
				       " ..."))
         (for Link in LinksToSever as i from 1 bind PreviousExtCard WasNotActiveFlg 
	    eachtime (BLOCK) when (NC.ValidLinkP Link)
	    do (OR QuietFlg (if (ZEROP (REMAINDER i 10))
				    then (NC.PrintMsg InterestedWindow T "Severing links: " i 
							  " out of "
							  NumLinksToSever " ...")))
		 (LET (ExtCard ExtCardIsSourceFlg)
		      (SETQ ExtCard (if (NC.UIDGetProp (fetch (Card UID)
								of (fetch (Link DestinationCard)
									of Link))
							     (QUOTE AboutToBeDeletedFlg))
					  then (SETQ ExtCardIsSourceFlg T)
						 (fetch (Link SourceCard) of Link)
					else (fetch (Link DestinationCard) of Link)))
		      (if (NOT (NC.SameCardP ExtCard PreviousExtCard))
			  then                             (* Write down changes to previous external card's 
				 (if WasNotActiveFlg
				     then (if PreviousExtCardIsSourceFlg
						then       (* Have to call NC.CardSaveFn first and then 
							     NC.QuitCard with Don'tSaveFlg to avoid 
							     insureProperFiling check.)
						       (NC.CardSaveFn PreviousExtCard T)
						       (NC.QuitCard PreviousExtCard NIL T NIL NIL 
								      NIL T)
					      else (NC.PutLinks PreviousExtCard)
						     (NC.UncacheLinks PreviousExtCard)))
                                                             (* If ExtCard not active, then cache.)
				 (if (SETQ WasNotActiveFlg (NOT (NC.ActiveCardP ExtCard)))
				     then (if ExtCardIsSourceFlg
						then       (* Cache whole card if it's the link's source.)
						       (NC.GetNoteCard ExtCard)
					      else         (* Else only need the links since we're deleting the 
							     from link.)
						     (NC.GetLinks ExtCard))))
                                                             (* Delete the appropriate half of the link.)
		      (if ExtCardIsSourceFlg
			  then (NC.DeleteToLink Link)
			else (NC.DeleteFromLink Link))
		      (replace (Link UID) of Link with -1)
		      (SETQ PreviousExtCard ExtCard)
		      (SETQ PreviousExtCardIsSourceFlg ExtCardIsSourceFlg))
	    finally (if (AND WasNotActiveFlg (NC.ValidCardP PreviousExtCard))
			  then (if PreviousExtCardIsSourceFlg
				     then                  (* Have to call NC.CardSaveFn first and then 
							     NC.QuitCard with Don'tSaveFlg to avoid 
							     insureProperFiling check.)
					    (NC.CardSaveFn PreviousExtCard T)
					    (NC.QuitCard PreviousExtCard NIL T NIL NIL NIL T)
				   else (NC.PutLinks PreviousExtCard)
					  (NC.UncacheLinks PreviousExtCard)))))))
(PUTPROPS RHTPATCH294 COPYRIGHT ("Xerox Corporation" 1987))
  (FILEMAP (NIL (818 7351 (NC.SeverExternalLinks 828 . 7349)))))