(FILECREATED "26-Oct-87 19:46:44" {QV}<NOTECARDS>1.3KNEXT>RHTPATCH292.;1 13523  

      changes to:  (VARS RHTPATCH292COMS)
		   (FNS NC.CachedAddToLink NC.MakeGlobalLink))

(* Copyright (c) 1987 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.)


(RPAQQ RHTPATCH292COMS ((* * Fix to bug 739: half-links created when making global links from 
			     browser. Changed the place that new link is added to global links list. 
			     Also fixed NC.GrowLinkLattice to leave links cached or uncached 
			     depending on how they were when we came in.)
			  (* * Change to NCBROWSERCARD)
			  (FNS NC.GrowLinkLattice)
			  (* * Changes to NCLINKS)
			  (FNS NC.CachedAddToLink NC.MakeGlobalLink)))
(* * Fix to bug 739: half-links created when making global links from browser. Changed the 
place that new link is added to global links list. Also fixed NC.GrowLinkLattice to leave links
 cached or uncached depending on how they were when we came in.)

(* * Change to NCBROWSERCARD)


  (LAMBDA (RootCardsList CurrentGraph ListOfLinkLabels GraphCard RemainingSearchDepth)
                                                             (* rht: "26-Oct-87 18:41")

          (* Grow a lattice by following the links from RootID card among ListOfLinkLabels. Lattice will be fed to 
	  LAYOUTGRAPH, so for each note card encountered by following the links just fill in the ID, LABEL and daughter IDs)

          (* * rht 8/3/84: Changed so as to also follow from links if they are present (prefixed by "←") on 

          (* * rht 10/4/84: Now stores the link label on the prop list of the NODEID of the graph under the property name of 
	  the destination ID. This is so that links can be drawn with dashing depending on the link's label.)

          (* * rht 3/8/85: Added RemainingSearchDepth arg to limit the lattice growth to given depth.)

          (* * rht 8/9/85: Changed so that backward links are no longer stored as a separate link type.
	  Rather they're told apart from forward links by being stored on the destination node's prop list.)

          (* * rht 4/4/85: Now first arg can be either a root Card or an existing graphnode. If the latter, then we're 
	  expanding an existing graph below that node. If the former than we're starting a new lattice.)

          (* * rht 10/17/85: Changed from a recursive depth-first algorithm to a loop-driven breadth-first alg.)

          (* * rht 11/17/85: Handles new card and notefile objects.)

          (* * rht 5/26/87: Now tries to follow cross-file links.)

          (* * rht 10/26/87: Now deactivates cards at the end that we had to NC.GetLinks for.)

    (LET (CardsAndDepthsQueue CardsNeedingDeactivation)      (* Make the queue contain pairs of root Card and depth
							     remaining to search.)
         (SETQ CardsAndDepthsQueue (for Card in RootCardsList collect (CONS Card 
                                                             (* Make it a TCONC list for fast appending to the 
         (SETQ CardsAndDepthsQueue (CONS CardsAndDepthsQueue (LAST CardsAndDepthsQueue)))

          (* * Do breadth-first search using the queue IDsAndDepthsQueue.)

         (for bind CardAndDepth Card RemainingSearchDepth ToLinks FromLinks DestinationIDs 
		       GraphNodeID GraphNode
	    eachtime (BLOCK)                             (* Grab and take apart 1st pair on queue.)
		       (SETQ CardAndDepth (CAAR CardsAndDepthsQueue))
		       (SETQ Card (CAR CardAndDepth))
		       (SETQ RemainingSearchDepth (CDR CardAndDepth)) 
                                                             (* Remove the front pair from the queue.)
		       (RPLACA CardsAndDepthsQueue (CDAR CardsAndDepthsQueue)) 
                                                             (* If that was the last pair, then start queue over 
		       (if (NULL (CAR CardsAndDepthsQueue))
			   then (SETQ CardsAndDepthsQueue NIL))
	    while Card unless (NC.SameCardP Card GraphCard)
	     (SETQ GraphNodeID (NC.GetBrowserNodeID GraphCard Card)) 
                                                             (* Go grab this ID's links.)
	     (if (NC.ActiveCardP Card)
		 then (SETQ ToLinks (NC.FetchToLinks Card))
			(SETQ FromLinks (NC.FetchFromLinks Card))
	       else (NC.GetLinks Card)
		      (SETQ ToLinks (NC.FetchToLinks Card))
		      (SETQ FromLinks (NC.FetchFromLinks Card))
		      (push CardsNeedingDeactivation Card))
	     (if (IGREATERP RemainingSearchDepth 0)
		 then                                      (* Crush the ID's proplist.)
		  (if (NOT (NC.GraphNodeIDGetProp GraphNodeID (QUOTE TouchedFlg)))
		      then (NC.SmashGraphNodeIDProps GraphNodeID)
			     (NC.GraphNodeIDPutProp GraphNodeID (QUOTE TouchedFlg)
		  (SETQ DestinationIDs
		    (NCONC (for Link in ToLinks bind DestID DestVisitedFlg DestTouchedFlg 
							     ThisWayLinkFlg OtherWayLinkFlg
				eachtime (BLOCK)
					   (if (SETQ ThisWayLinkFlg (NC.LinkLabelP Link 
					       then (SETQ DestID
							  (LET ((DestCard (fetch (Link 
									     of Link)))
							       (if (NC.CrossFileLinkCardP 
								   then (OR (
								 else DestCard))))
						      (SETQ DestVisitedFlg (NC.GraphNodeIDGetProp
							  (QUOTE VisitedFlg)))
						      (SETQ DestTouchedFlg (NC.GraphNodeIDGetProp
							  (QUOTE TouchedFlg)))
						      (SETQ OtherWayLinkFlg (NC.ReverseLinkLabelP
							  Link ListOfLinkLabels)))
				when ThisWayLinkFlg unless (AND DestVisitedFlg OtherWayLinkFlg)
				collect                    (* Record presence of this link.)
					  (NC.UIDAddProp GraphNodeID DestID (fetch (Link Label)
										 of Link)
			     (for Link in FromLinks bind DestID DestTouchedFlg DestVisitedFlg 
							       ThisWayLinkFlg OtherWayLinkFlg 
				 (if (AND (SETQ ThisWayLinkFlg (NC.ReverseLinkLabelP Link 
					      (NOT (NC.SameCardP
						       (SETQ SourceCard
							 (LET ((SrcCard (fetch (Link SourceCard)
									   of Link)))
							      (if (NC.CrossFileLinkCardP SrcCard)
								  then (OR (
								else SrcCard))))))
				     then (SETQ DestID (NC.GetBrowserNodeID GraphCard 
					    (SETQ DestVisitedFlg (NC.GraphNodeIDGetProp
						(QUOTE VisitedFlg)))
					    (SETQ DestTouchedFlg (NC.GraphNodeIDGetProp
						(QUOTE TouchedFlg)))
					    (SETQ OtherWayLinkFlg (NC.LinkLabelP Link 
				when ThisWayLinkFlg unless (AND DestVisitedFlg OtherWayLinkFlg)

          (* Crush the dest node's prop list if it's never been touched. But if dest node is a fringe node for this search, 
	  don't have to clear the whole proplist.)

					  (if (NOT DestTouchedFlg)
					      then (if (EQ 1 RemainingSearchDepth)
							 then (NC.GraphNodeIDRemProp DestID 
						       else (NC.SmashGraphNodeIDProps DestID)
							      (NC.GraphNodeIDPutProp DestID
                                                             (* Record presence of this link.)
					  (NC.UIDAddProp DestID GraphNodeID (fetch (Link Label)
										 of Link)
		  (SETQ DestinationIDs (DREMOVE (NC.GetBrowserNodeID GraphCard GraphCard)
						    (INTERSECTION DestinationIDs DestinationIDs)))
	       else (SETQ DestinationIDs NIL))
	     (NC.GraphNodeIDPutProp GraphNodeID (QUOTE VisitedFlg)

          (* * Create new node and add to graph unless we're working on a node already in the graph.)

	     (if (SETQ GraphNode (FASSOC GraphNodeID CurrentGraph))
		 then                                      (* If node is in graph, but we won't expand further, 
							     then leave it's destination IDs alone.)
			(AND (GREATERP RemainingSearchDepth 0)
			       (replace (GRAPHNODE TONODES) of GraphNode with DestinationIDs))
	       else (SETQ CurrentGraph
			(NCONC CurrentGraph
				 (LIST (create GRAPHNODE
						   NODEID ← GraphNodeID
						   TONODES ← DestinationIDs
						   NODELABEL ← Card)))))

          (* * Attach new IDs to end of queue.)

	     (for DestinationID in DestinationIDs bind DestCard
		eachtime (BLOCK)
			   (SETQ DestCard (NC.CardFromBrowserNodeID DestinationID))
		unless (OR (NC.GraphNodeIDGetProp DestinationID (QUOTE VisitedFlg))
			       (for CardAndDepth in (CAR CardsAndDepthsQueue) eachtime
				  thereis (NC.SameCardP DestCard (CAR CardAndDepth))))
		do (SETQ CardsAndDepthsQueue (TCONC CardsAndDepthsQueue (CONS DestCard
         (for Card in CardsNeedingDeactivation do (NC.DeactivateCard Card))
(* * Changes to NCLINKS)


  (LAMBDA (Link SourceCard LinkToInsertAfter BeingMovedFlg)
                                                             (* rht: "26-Oct-87 19:31")

          (* * Add Link to the cached ToLinks of the source card)

          (* * rht 3/26/85: Added LinkToInsertAfter arg which is either NIL, ATEND, or a link after which to insert new link.
	  If NIL, then insert at front of list. If ATEND then insert at end.)

          (* * kirk: 13Nov85: changed to use NoteFile instead of DatabaseStream)

          (* * kirk 15Nov85: deleted use of LinkID)

          (* * rht 8/11/86: Added BeingMovedFlg. If non-nil, then delete instance of Link from ToLinks before inserting it in
	  new spot.)

          (* * rht 10/26/87: Now adds to global links list if necessary.)

    (LET ((ToLinks (NC.FetchToLinks SourceCard)))
         (if BeingMovedFlg
	     then                                          (* Look for and delete old instance of the link.)
		    (if (NC.SameLinkP Link (CAR ToLinks))
			then (NC.SetToLinks SourceCard (SETQ ToLinks (CDR ToLinks)))
		      else (for RestOfToLinks on ToLinks thereis (NC.SameLinkP
									   (CADR RestOfToLinks))
				finally (RPLACD RestOfToLinks (CDDR RestOfToLinks)))))
	   ((AND ToLinks (type? Link LinkToInsertAfter))
                                                             (* Destructively insert after a given link.)
	     (for RestOfToLinks on ToLinks thereis (NC.SameLinkP LinkToInsertAfter
									 (CAR RestOfToLinks))
		finally (COND
			    (RestOfToLinks (RPLACD RestOfToLinks (CONS Link (CDR RestOfToLinks))
			    (T (NC.SetToLinks SourceCard (NCONC1 ToLinks Link))))))
	   ((EQ LinkToInsertAfter (QUOTE ATEND))         (* Destructively insert at the end.)
	     (NC.SetToLinks SourceCard (NCONC1 ToLinks Link)))
	   (T                                                (* Stick it at the front.)
	      (NC.SetToLinks SourceCard (CONS Link ToLinks))))
         (if (EQ (fetch (Link AnchorMode) of Link)
		     (QUOTE GlobalGlobal))
	     then (NC.SetGlobalLinks SourceCard (CONS Link (NC.FetchGlobalLinks SourceCard))))
         (NC.SetLinksDirtyFlg SourceCard T)

  (LAMBDA (Window LinkLabel DestinationCard SourceCard DisplayMode)
                                                             (* rht: "26-Oct-87 19:32")

          (* * Make a new global link from DestinationCard to SourceCard with label LinkLabel and display mode DisplayMode.
	  Window is optional if SourceCard is specified, otherwise it is required.)

          (* * rht 11/9/84: Now checks result of NC.MakeLink before building link.)

          (* * rht 10/26/87: Now lets functions under NC.MakeLink take care of adding to global links list.)

    (NC.MakeLink Window LinkLabel DestinationCard SourceCard DisplayMode (QUOTE GlobalGlobal)
(PUTPROPS RHTPATCH292 COPYRIGHT ("Xerox Corporation" 1987))
  (FILEMAP (NIL (1028 10193 (NC.GrowLinkLattice 1038 . 10191)) (10225 13441 (NC.CachedAddToLink 10235 . 
12700) (NC.MakeGlobalLink 12702 . 13439)))))