(FILECREATED "24-Nov-87 09:32:36" {QV}<NOTECARDS>1.3KNEXT>PMIPATCH071.;1 2119   

      changes to:  (VARS PMIPATCH071COMS)
		   (FNS NCP.OpenNoteFile))

(* Copyright (c) 1987 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.)


(RPAQQ PMIPATCH071COMS ((* * pmi 11/24/87: In NCP.OpenNoteFile, deleted extra NIL in call to 
			  (* * Changed in NCPROGINT)
			  (FNS NCP.OpenNoteFile)))
(* * pmi 11/24/87: In NCP.OpenNoteFile, deleted extra NIL in call to NC.OpenNoteFile.)

(* * Changed in NCPROGINT)


  (LAMBDA (NoteFileOrFileName Don'tCreateFlg Convertw/oConfirmFlg QuietFlg MenuPosition ReadOnlyFlg 
			      Don'tCreateInterfaceFlg)       (* pmi: "24-Nov-87 09:27")

          (* * Prog's intface version of opening a notefile.)

          (* * rht 7/7/86: Now takes QuietFlg and MenuPosition arg. Takes either NoteFile object or file name.)

          (* * rht 7/16/86: Added ReadOnlyFlg arg.)

          (* * rht 7/26/86: Added Don'tCreateInterfaceFlg)

          (* * Fix to bug %#391: Now calls NC.OpenNoteFile instead of NC.OpenDatabaseFile.)

          (* * pmi 5/20/87: Removed HashArray argument in calls to NC.OpenNoteFile.)

          (* * pmi 11/24/87: Deleted extra NIL in call to NC.OpenNoteFile.)

    (if (type? NoteFile NoteFileOrFileName)
	then (NC.OpenNoteFile NoteFileOrFileName NIL Don'tCreateFlg Convertw/oConfirmFlg NIL NIL 
				  Don'tCreateInterfaceFlg NIL NIL NIL MenuPosition QuietFlg
				  (AND ReadOnlyFlg (QUOTE INPUT))
      else (LET ((FileNameWithExt (NC.DatabaseFileName "Name of NoteFile to open:" " -- " T NIL 
	          (AND FileNameWithExt
			 (NC.OpenNoteFile FileNameWithExt NIL Don'tCreateFlg Convertw/oConfirmFlg 
					    NIL NIL Don'tCreateInterfaceFlg NIL NIL NIL MenuPosition 
					    QuietFlg (AND ReadOnlyFlg (QUOTE INPUT))
(PUTPROPS PMIPATCH071 COPYRIGHT ("Xerox Corporation" 1987))
  (FILEMAP (NIL (574 2037 (NCP.OpenNoteFile 584 . 2035)))))