(FILECREATED " 3-Sep-87 14:56:39" {QV}<NOTECARDS>1.3KNEXT>PMIPATCH060.;1 9324 changes to: (VARS PMIPATCH060COMS) (FNS NC.DoNoteFileOp)) (* Copyright (c) 1987 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.) (PRETTYCOMPRINT PMIPATCH060COMS) (RPAQQ PMIPATCH060COMS ((* * pmi 9/3/87: Fixes bug %#670 and unreported problems with Compact using wrong prompt window.) (* * Changed in NCINTERFACE) (FNS NC.DoNoteFileOp))) (* * pmi 9/3/87: Fixes bug %#670 and unreported problems with Compact using wrong prompt window.) (* * Changed in NCINTERFACE) (DEFINEQ (NC.DoNoteFileOp (LAMBDA (Op) (* pmi: " 3-Sep-87 14:51") (* * Do a NoteFile op chosen from NC icon menu) (* * rht 7/2/86: Now calls NC.AbortSession with NC.NoteCardsIconWindow arg.) (* * rht 7/5/86: Added Read-only% Open entry.) (* * rht 7/17/86: Now calls NC.InspectAndRepairNoteFile instead of NC.ScavengerPhase1.) (* * pmi 12/4/86: Added NC.NoteCardsIconWindow argument to calls to NC.ListOfNoteFilesMenu for "Delete" and "Rename" operations) (* * rht 2/11/87: Now handles case when Op has unexpected value.) (* * rht 2/16/87: Added Close% w/o% confirm case.) (* * pmi 5/15/87: overhauled to use NC.NoticedNoteFileNamesMenu instead of NC.ListOfNoteFilesMenu. Added "Create and Open" and "Create and Read-only Open" options.) (* * pmi 9/3/87: Now passes NC.NoteCardsIconWindow for InterestedWindow in calls to Compact functions.) (DECLARE (GLOBALVARS NC.NoteCardsIconWindow NC.MsgDelay)) (SELECTQ Op (Open% NoteFile (LET ((NoteFileName (NC.NoticedNoteFileNamesMenu T (QUOTE CLOSED) NC.NoteCardsIconWindow (QUOTE Open% NoteFile)))) (if (NULL NoteFileName) then NIL else (if (EQ NoteFileName (QUOTE NEW)) then (SETQ NoteFileName NIL)) (NC.OpenDatabaseFile NoteFileName NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NC.NoteCardsIconWindow)))) (Read-only% Open (LET ((NoteFileName (NC.NoticedNoteFileNamesMenu T (QUOTE CLOSED) NC.NoteCardsIconWindow (QUOTE Open% NoteFile)))) (if (NULL NoteFileName) then NIL else (if (EQ NoteFileName (QUOTE NEW)) then (SETQ NoteFileName NIL)) (NC.OpenDatabaseFile NoteFileName (QUOTE INPUT) NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NC.NoteCardsIconWindow)))) (Checkpoint% NoteFile (LET ((NoteFileName (NC.NoticedNoteFileNamesMenu NIL (QUOTE OPEN) NC.NoteCardsIconWindow (QUOTE Checkpoint% NoteFile)))) (if NoteFileName then (NC.CheckpointDatabase ( NC.NoteFileFromFileName NoteFileName) NIL NIL NC.NoteCardsIconWindow) else (NC.PrintMsg NC.NoteCardsIconWindow NIL "Checkpoint cancelled." (CHARACTER 13)) (DISMISS NC.MsgDelay) (NC.ClearMsg NC.NoteCardsIconWindow T)))) (Close% NoteFile (LET ((NoteFileName (NC.NoticedNoteFileNamesMenu NIL (QUOTE OPEN) NC.NoteCardsIconWindow (QUOTE Close% NoteFile)))) (if NoteFileName then (NC.CloseNoteFile (NC.NoteFileFromFileName NoteFileName) NC.NoteCardsIconWindow) else (NC.PrintMsg NC.NoteCardsIconWindow NIL "Close cancelled." (CHARACTER 13)) (DISMISS NC.MsgDelay) (NC.ClearMsg NC.NoteCardsIconWindow T)))) (Close% w/o% confirm (LET ((NoteFileName (NC.NoticedNoteFileNamesMenu NIL (QUOTE OPEN) NC.NoteCardsIconWindow (QUOTE Close% NoteFile)))) (if NoteFileName then (NC.CloseNoteFile (NC.NoteFileFromFileName NoteFileName) NC.NoteCardsIconWindow NIL T) else (NC.PrintMsg NC.NoteCardsIconWindow NIL "Close w/o confirm cancelled." (CHARACTER 13)) (DISMISS NC.MsgDelay) (NC.ClearMsg NC.NoteCardsIconWindow T)))) (Abort% NoteFile (LET ((NoteFileName (NC.NoticedNoteFileNamesMenu NIL (QUOTE OPEN) NC.NoteCardsIconWindow (QUOTE Abort% NoteFile)))) (if NoteFileName then (NC.AbortSession (NC.NoteFileFromFileName NoteFileName) NC.NoteCardsIconWindow) else (NC.PrintMsg NC.NoteCardsIconWindow NIL "Abort cancelled." (CHARACTER 13)) (DISMISS NC.MsgDelay) (NC.ClearMsg NC.NoteCardsIconWindow T)))) (Compact% NoteFile (LET ((NoteFileName (NC.NoticedNoteFileNamesMenu T (QUOTE CLOSED) NC.NoteCardsIconWindow (QUOTE Compact% NoteFile)))) (if (NULL NoteFileName) then NIL else (if (EQ NoteFileName (QUOTE NEW)) then (SETQ NoteFileName NIL)) (NC.CompactNoteFile NoteFileName NIL NIL NC.NoteCardsIconWindow)))) (Compact% In% Place (LET ((NoteFileName (NC.NoticedNoteFileNamesMenu T (QUOTE CLOSED) NC.NoteCardsIconWindow (QUOTE Compact% NoteFile)))) (if (NULL NoteFileName) then NIL else (if (EQ NoteFileName (QUOTE NEW)) then (SETQ NoteFileName NIL)) (NC.CompactNoteFile NoteFileName NIL T NC.NoteCardsIconWindow)))) (Inspect&Repair% NoteFile (LET ((NoteFileName (NC.NoticedNoteFileNamesMenu T (QUOTE CLOSED) NC.NoteCardsIconWindow (QUOTE Inspect&Repair% NoteFile)))) (if (NULL NoteFileName) then NIL else (if (EQ NoteFileName (QUOTE NEW)) then (SETQ NoteFileName NIL)) (NC.InspectAndRepairNoteFile NoteFileName NIL NC.NoteCardsIconWindow)))) (Read% Substances (LET ((NoteFileName (NC.NoticedNoteFileNamesMenu T (QUOTE CLOSED) NC.NoteCardsIconWindow (QUOTE Inspect&Repair% NoteFile)))) (if (NULL NoteFileName) then NIL else (if (EQ NoteFileName (QUOTE NEW)) then (SETQ NoteFileName NIL)) (NC.InspectAndRepairNoteFile NoteFileName T NC.NoteCardsIconWindow)))) (Copy% NoteFile (LET ((NoteFileName (NC.NoticedNoteFileNamesMenu T (QUOTE CLOSED) NC.NoteCardsIconWindow (QUOTE Copy% NoteFile)))) (if (NULL NoteFileName) then NIL else (if (EQ NoteFileName (QUOTE NEW)) then (SETQ NoteFileName NIL)) (NC.CopyNoteFile NoteFileName NIL NC.NoteCardsIconWindow)))) (Rename% NoteFile (LET ((NoteFileName (NC.NoticedNoteFileNamesMenu T (QUOTE CLOSED) NC.NoteCardsIconWindow (QUOTE Rename% NoteFile)))) (if (NULL NoteFileName) then NIL else (if (EQ NoteFileName (QUOTE NEW)) then (SETQ NoteFileName NIL)) (NC.RenameNoteFile NoteFileName NIL NC.NoteCardsIconWindow)))) (Delete% NoteFile (LET ((NoteFileName (NC.NoticedNoteFileNamesMenu T (QUOTE CLOSED) NC.NoteCardsIconWindow (QUOTE Delete% NoteFile)))) (if (NULL NoteFileName) then NIL else (if (EQ NoteFileName (QUOTE NEW)) then (SETQ NoteFileName NIL)) (NC.DeleteDatabaseFile NoteFileName NC.NoteCardsIconWindow)))) (Create% NoteFile (NC.CreateDatabaseFile NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NC.NoteCardsIconWindow NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL)) (Create% and% Open (NC.CreateDatabaseFile NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NC.NoteCardsIconWindow NIL NIL T NIL NIL NIL)) (LET ((NoteFileName (NC.NoticedNoteFileNamesMenu NIL (QUOTE EITHER) NC.NoteCardsIconWindow))) (if NoteFileName then (APPLY* Op (NC.NoteFileFromFileName NoteFileName) NC.NoteCardsIconWindow)))))) ) (PUTPROPS PMIPATCH060 COPYRIGHT ("Xerox Corporation" 1987)) (DECLARE: DONTCOPY (FILEMAP (NIL (599 9242 (NC.DoNoteFileOp 609 . 9240))))) STOP