(FILECREATED "18-Aug-87 16:55:08" {QV}<NOTECARDS>1.3KNEXT>PMIPATCH051.;8 1787   

      changes to:  (VARS PMIPATCH051COMS)
		   (FNS NCP.CardsOfTypes NCHACKS.CardsModifiedBetweenDates)

      previous date: "23-Jul-87 16:18:49" {QV}<NOTECARDS>1.3KNEXT>PMIPATCH051.;5)

(* Copyright (c) 1987 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.)


(RPAQQ PMIPATCH051COMS ((* * pmi 8/18/87: Created new ProgInt function which returns all cards of a 
			     given type or list of types found in a list of cards or a notefile.)
			  (* * New for NCPROGINT)
			  (FNS NCP.CardsOfTypes)))
(* * pmi 8/18/87: Created new ProgInt function which returns all cards of a given type or list
 of types found in a list of cards or a notefile.)

(* * New for NCPROGINT)


  (LAMBDA (CardsOrNoteFile Types)                            (* pmi: "18-Aug-87 11:17")

          (* * pmi 7/14/87: First created to return all cards in CardsOrNoteFile which are of any of the types in Types.
	  CardsOrNoteFile should be a card, a list of cards, or an open notefile. Types = NIL will return all cards in 

          (* * pmi 8/18/87: Modified to take an open notefile or a list of cards.)

    (LET (Cards)
         (if (NCP.OpenNoteFileP CardsOrNoteFile)
	     then (SETQ Cards (NCP.AllCards CardsOrNoteFile))
	   else (SETQ Cards (MKLIST CardsOrNoteFile)))
         (if Types
	     then (SETQ Types (MKLIST Types))
		    (for Card in Cards when (FMEMB (NCP.CardType Card)
		       collect Card)
	   else Cards))))
(PUTPROPS PMIPATCH051 COPYRIGHT ("Xerox Corporation" 1987))
  (FILEMAP (NIL (801 1705 (NCP.CardsOfTypes 811 . 1703)))))