(FILECREATED "15-Jan-88 11:10:27" {QV}<NOTECARDS>1.3KNEXT>PATCHLOADER.;66 2804 changes to: (VARS PATCHLOADERCOMS) previous date: "31-Dec-87 14:56:59" {QV}<NOTECARDS>1.3KNEXT>PATCHLOADER.;65) (* Copyright (c) 1987, 1988 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.) (PRETTYCOMPRINT PATCHLOADERCOMS) (RPAQQ PATCHLOADERCOMS ((* * This file contains patch files to load on top of <notecards>1.3knext>notecards.dcom in order to bring oneself up to date with the latest changes.) (FILES (FROM {QV}<NOTECARDS>1.3KNEXT>) (* * rg 12/2/87 puts back some things that were apparently lost in integration) RGPATCH068 (* * pmi 12/4/87: NCP.CollectCards now returns list of cards collected with NO duplicates.) PMIPATCH073 (* * pmi 12/7/87: This patch implements a change to link icon bitmaps for cross-file links. Instead of displaying the arrow cross-file link bitmap on the left side of the link icon, it has been moved to the right side of the link icon. The normal bitmap for the card type is now displayed on the left side, if the card type is known (the card's notefile is open.)) PMIPATCH069 (* * pmi 12/7/87: Having plenty of more important things to do, I decided to add a copyright symbol to the NoteCards icon. It just seems like it should be visable somewhere when running NoteCards. If it is deemed too obnoxious, I will put it back the way it was.) PMIPATCH074 (* * rg 12/7/87 fixes bogus free variable in NC.RevertTextCard) RGPATCH069 (* * rht 12/9/87: Fixes bug whereby deleting last link from orphan card caused half-link.) RHTPATCH297 (* * pmi 12/31/87: This patch file integrates a bunch of bug fixes, added features, and programmer's interface functions made or suggested by Dan Jordan in the course of his IDE hacking, and related changes and additions.) PMIPATCH075 (* * pmi 12/31/87: This is another attempt at "protecting" NoteCards by adding a copyright notice to the NoteCards icon. Comments and criticism welcome.) PMIPATCH076 (* * pmi 1/15/88: A few programmer's interface functions that I needed for History card hacking, and thought would be of general interest:) PMIPATCH077))) (* * This file contains patch files to load on top of <notecards>1.3knext>notecards.dcom in order to bring oneself up to date with the latest changes.) (FILESLOAD (FROM {QV}<NOTECARDS>1.3KNEXT>) RGPATCH068 PMIPATCH073 PMIPATCH069 PMIPATCH074 RGPATCH069 RHTPATCH297 PMIPATCH075 PMIPATCH076 PMIPATCH077) (PUTPROPS PATCHLOADER COPYRIGHT ("Xerox Corporation" 1987 1988)) (DECLARE: DONTCOPY (FILEMAP (NIL))) STOP