(FILECREATED " 3-Mar-86 17:47:29" ("compiled on " {QV}1.3K>SHRUNKENBROWSER.;12) "12-Nov-85 14:59:23" tcompl'd in "INTERLISP-D 7-Feb-86 ..." dated " 7-Feb-86 11:43:05") (FILECREATED " 3-Mar-86 17:47:05" {QV}1.3K>SHRUNKENBROWSER.;12 54238 changes to: (FNS NC.RedrawBrowserOverviewWin NC.BrowserOverviewWinRepaintFn NC.BrowserOverviewWinButtonEventFn) previous date: " 2-Mar-86 16:57:35" {QV}1.3K>SHRUNKENBROWSER.;11) NC.SetupTitleBarMenu D1 (I 2 NoteCardType I 1 Card I 0 Window F 2 NC.BrowserTitleBarMiddleButtonMenu F 3 NC.GraphTitleBarMiddleButtonMenu F 4 NC.GraphTitleBarMenu F 5 NC.BrowserTitleBarMenu F 6 NC.SketchTitleBarMenu) 9BA b@ g@g@gg @gBdgdg Td``dodi gl g HdIdg dgjdndhHdI cgbg Ud``dodi gl g HdIdg dgjdndhHdI c eBg^g Vd`N`dodi gl g HdIdg dgjdndhHdI c Bdgg@gg R`RM`dodi gl g HdIdg dgjdndhHdI c ge@gg S`SM`dodi gl g HdIdg dgjdndhHdI c (1066Q PUTWINDOWPROP 1004Q FONTCREATE 735Q BOUNDP 714Q PUTWINDOWPROP 632Q FONTCREATE 563Q BOUNDP 540Q PUTWINDOWPROP 456Q FONTCREATE 407Q BOUNDP 311Q FONTCREATE 240Q BOUNDP 142Q FONTCREATE 71Q BOUNDP 45Q PUTWINDOWPROP 42Q PUTWINDOWPROP 14Q \INSUREWINDOW 5 NC.RetrieveType) (1031Q DEFAULTMENUHELDFN 1022Q CLRPROMPT 1001Q BOLD 774Q HELVETICA 753Q MENUTYPE# 743Q MENUTYPE# 732Q NC.GraphTitleBarMiddleButtonMenu 727Q TitleBarMiddleButtonMenu 720Q Graph 657Q DEFAULTMENUHELDFN 650Q CLRPROMPT 627Q BOLD 622Q HELVETICA 601Q MENUTYPE# 571Q MENUTYPE# 560Q NC.BrowserTitleBarMiddleButtonMenu 555Q TitleBarMiddleButtonMenu 545Q Browser 503Q DEFAULTMENUHELDFN 474Q CLRPROMPT 453Q BOLD 446Q HELVETICA 425Q MENUTYPE# 416Q MENUTYPE# 404Q NC.SketchTitleBarMenu 376Q Sketch 336Q DEFAULTMENUHELDFN 327Q CLRPROMPT 306Q BOLD 301Q HELVETICA 260Q MENUTYPE# 247Q MENUTYPE# 235Q NC.BrowserTitleBarMenu 227Q Browser 167Q DEFAULTMENUHELDFN 160Q CLRPROMPT 137Q BOLD 132Q HELVETICA 111Q MENUTYPE# 100Q MENUTYPE# 66Q NC.GraphTitleBarMenu 57Q Graph 52Q TitleBarLeftButtonMenu 37Q NC.TitleBarButtonEventFn 34Q BUTTONEVENTFN 30Q OLDBUTTONEVENTFN 21Q NC.TitleBarButtonEventFn) ( 761Q ((Relayout% Graph (FUNCTION NC.RelayoutGraphCard) "Re-layout the graph, but keep same nodes.")) 607Q ((Recompute% Browser (FUNCTION NC.UpdateBrowserCard) "Recomputes this browser to show the current state of the NoteFile.") (Relayout% Graph (FUNCTION NC.RelayoutBrowserCard) "Re-layout the browser, but keep same nodes.") (Reconnect% Nodes (FUNCTION NC.ConnectNodesInBrowser) "Draw all possible links, from currently selected link types, between pairs of nodes.") (Unconnect% Nodes (FUNCTION NC.UnconnectNodesInBrowser) "Undraw all links in the browser.") (Expand% Browser% Node (FUNCTION NC.ExpandBrowserNode) "Expand the graph under one node to a given depth.") (Graph% Edit% Menu (FUNCTION NC.GetGraphEditMenu) "Bring up the graph editor menu.") (Change% Browser% Specs (FUNCTION NC.ChangeBrowserSpecs) "Make changes to some or all of the browser specs, e.g. link types, depth, etc.") (Browser% Overview% Win (FUNCTION NC.MakeBrowserOverviewWin) "Attach the browser overview window at top of left edge." (SUBITEMS (Attach% Upper% Left (FUNCTION NC.MakeBrowserOverviewWin) "Attach the browser overview window at top of left edge.") (Attach% Lower% Left (FUNCTION NC.MakeBrowserOverviewWinAtLowerLeft) "Attach the browser overview window at bottom of left edge.") (Attach% Left% Bottom (FUNCTION NC.MakeBrowserOverviewWinAtLeftBottom) "Attach the browser overview window at left of bottom edge.") (Attach% Right% Bottom (FUNCTION NC.MakeBrowserOverviewWinAtRightBottom) "Attach the browser overview window at right of bottom edge.")))) 433Q ((Edit% Property% List (FUNCTION NC.EditProperties) "Brings up an editor for the property list of this card.") (Show% Links (FUNCTION NC.ShowLinks) "Brings up a list of the links to and from this card.") (Title/Sources/FileBoxes (FUNCTION (LAMBDA (TextStream) (NC.AssignTitle TextStream) (NC.AssignSources TextStream) (NC.AddParents TextStream))) "Do all of the operations necessary to file this note card in a file box." (SUBITEMS (Assign% Title (FUNCTION NC.AssignTitle) "Assigns a (new) title to this note card.") (Designate% Sources (FUNCTION NC.AssignSources) "Designate the source(s) of the information in this card.") (File% in% FileBoxes (FUNCTION NC.AddParents) "File this note card in one or more file boxes.") (Unfile% from% FileBoxes (FUNCTION NC.UnfileNoteCard) "Remove this card from one or more of its file boxes.") (Delete% Source (FUNCTION NC.DeleteSource) "Delete one of the sources of this card."))) (Insert% Link (FUNCTION NC.AddLinkToSketchCard) "Add a link to another card to this sketch/map." (SUBITEMS (Insert% Link (FUNCTION NC.AddLinkToSketchCard) "Add a link to another card to this sketch/map.") (Add% Global% Link (FUNCTION NC.AddGlobalLinkToCard) "Add a global link emanating from this card.") (Add% Global% Links (FUNCTION NC.AddGlobalLinksToCard) "Add global links emanating from this card."))) (Close% and% Save (FUNCTION CLOSEW) "Close this note card after saving it in the NoteFile." (SUBITEMS (Close% and% Save (FUNCTION CLOSEW) "Close this note card after saving it in the NoteFile.") (Close% w/o% Saving (FUNCTION NC.QuitWithoutSaving) "Close this note card without saving any changes made since the last Save.") (Save% in% NoteFile (FUNCTION NC.CardSaveFn) "Save this card in the NoteFile but don't close the card.") (Delete% Card (FUNCTION NC.DeleteNoteCards) "Permenantly delete this card from the NoteFile.")))) 266Q ((Edit% Property% List (FUNCTION NC.EditProperties) "Brings up an editor for the property list of this card.") (Show% Links (FUNCTION NC.ShowLinks) "Brings up a list of the links to and from this card.") (Title/Sources/FileBoxes (FUNCTION (LAMBDA (TextStream) (NC.AssignTitle TextStream) (NC.AssignSources TextStream) (NC.AddParents TextStream))) "Do all of the operations necessary to file this note card in a file box." (SUBITEMS (Assign% Title (FUNCTION NC.AssignTitle) "Assigns a (new) title to this note card.") (Designate% Sources (FUNCTION NC.AssignSources) "Designate the source(s) of the information in this card.") (File% in% FileBoxes (FUNCTION NC.AddParents) "File this note card in one or more file boxes.") (Unfile% from% FileBoxes (FUNCTION NC.UnfileNoteCard) "Remove this card from one or more of its file boxes.") (Delete% Source (FUNCTION NC.DeleteSource) "Delete one of the sources of this card."))) (Add% Global% Link (FUNCTION NC.AddGlobalLinkToCard) "Add a global link emanating from this card." (SUBITEMS (Add% Global% Link (FUNCTION NC.AddGlobalLinkToCard) "Add a global link emanating from this card.") (Add% Global% Links (FUNCTION NC.AddGlobalLinksToCard) "Add global links emanating from this card."))) (Close% and% Save (FUNCTION CLOSEW) "Close this note card after saving it in the NoteFile." (SUBITEMS (Close% and% Save (FUNCTION CLOSEW) "Close this note card after saving it in the NoteFile.") (Close% w/o% Saving (FUNCTION NC.QuitWithoutSaving) "Close this note card without saving any changes made since the last Save.") (Save% in% NoteFile (FUNCTION NC.CardSaveFn) "Save this card in the NoteFile but don't close the card.") (Delete% Card (FUNCTION NC.DeleteNoteCards) "Permenantly delete this card from the NoteFile.")))) 117Q ((Edit% Property% List (FUNCTION NC.EditProperties) "Brings up an editor for the property list of this card.") (Show% Links (FUNCTION NC.ShowLinks) "Brings up a list of the links to and from this card.") (Title/Sources/FileBoxes (FUNCTION (LAMBDA (TextStream) (NC.AssignTitle TextStream) (NC.AssignSources TextStream) (NC.AddParents TextStream))) "Do all of the operations necessary to file this note card in a file box." (SUBITEMS (Assign% Title (FUNCTION NC.AssignTitle) "Assigns a (new) title to this note card.") (Designate% Sources (FUNCTION NC.AssignSources) "Designate the source(s) of the information in this card.") (File% in% FileBoxes (FUNCTION NC.AddParents) "File this note card in one or more file boxes.") (Unfile% from% FileBoxes (FUNCTION NC.UnfileNoteCard) "Remove this card from one or more of its file boxes.") (Delete% Source (FUNCTION NC.DeleteSource) "Delete one of the sources of this card."))) (Insert% Link (FUNCTION NC.AddLinkToGraphCard) "Add a node that points to another note card." (SUBITEMS (Insert% Link (FUNCTION NC.AddLinkToGraphCard) "Add a node that points to another note card.") (Add% Global% Link (FUNCTION NC.AddGlobalLinkToCard) "Add a global link emanating from this card.") (Add% Global% Links (FUNCTION NC.AddGlobalLinksToCard) "Add global links emanating from this card."))) (Close% and% Save (FUNCTION CLOSEW) "Close this note card after saving it in the NoteFile." (SUBITEMS (Close% and% Save (FUNCTION CLOSEW) "Close this note card after saving it in the NoteFile.") (Close% w/o% Saving (FUNCTION NC.QuitWithoutSaving) "Close this note card without saving any changes made since the last Save.") (Save% in% NoteFile (FUNCTION NC.CardSaveFn) "Save this card in the NoteFile but don't close the card.") (Delete% Card (FUNCTION NC.DeleteNoteCards) "Permenantly delete this card from the NoteFile."))))) NC.BringUpBrowserCard D1 (P 23Q ToNode P 22Q ThisNodeID P 20Q SavedLinkingInfo P 17Q SourceUID P 15Q SuperType P 14Q CardTypeRecord P 13Q NoteCardType P 12Q DestCard P 11Q LinkIcon P 10Q GraphNode P 6 BrowserSavedLinkingInfoForNode P 3 BrowserSavedLinkingInfo P 2 OldUIDToNewUIDHashArray P 1 Window P 0 GraphNodes I 2 Region/Position I 1 Substance I 0 Card) AA@ [ldhgg KM@ H1 OF@g @A HOh@ O  OO)OgOd doOog  O  OO )OgOd doOog @ABlLYd@g I@ Igg Igg Iggi Igg Igg Ig@ @IAi I INNHJ O_ O OO HJ O  O M]_O_ O gO _ O_}_OO O" O_o_&O&dggO$ O&gO& O"_"(1007Q LISTPUT 1004Q NC.CoerceToGraphNodeID 767Q LISTPUT 744Q BLOCK 714Q NC.CoerceToGraphNodeID 674Q BLOCK 654Q NC.UIDPutProp 642Q NC.FetchLinkFromLinkIcon 632Q NC.CoerceToGraphNodeID 623Q NC.LinkIconImageObjP 600Q BLOCK 553Q NC.UIDPutProp 544Q NC.NewBrowserNodeUIDFromOldUID 524Q BLOCK 511Q NC.NewBrowserNodeUIDFromOldUID 477Q BLOCK 470Q REDISPLAYW 463Q NC.GraphLinkIconUpdateCheck 454Q PUTWINDOWPROP 444Q PUTWINDOWPROP 432Q PUTWINDOWPROP 420Q WINDOWADDPROP 405Q WINDOWADDPROP 373Q PUTWINDOWPROP 361Q NC.MakeLinksLegendMenu 356Q NC.FetchBrowserLinksLegend 351Q NC.SetupTitleBarMenu 325Q NC.ReportError 322Q CONCAT 277Q NC.AutoLoadCardType 237Q NC.CardTypeRecord 225Q NC.ReportError 222Q CONCAT 177Q NC.AutoLoadCardType 137Q NC.CardTypeRecord 103Q NC.GetBrowserHashArray 76Q NC.SetUserDataProp 51Q NC.SetBrowserSavedLinkingInfo 27Q HASHARRAY 10Q NC.FetchBrowserSavedLinkingInfo) (775Q DESTNODEID 762Q NODEID 754Q Link% Parameters 645Q Link 635Q CardObject 450Q NoteCardObject 441Q NC.BrowserReshapeFn 436Q RESHAPEFN 427Q NC.BrowserScrollFn 424Q SCROLLFN 414Q NC.BrowserRepaintFn 411Q REPAINTFN 402Q NC.GraphCardShrinkFn 377Q SHRINKFN 370Q NC.BrowserRightButtonFn 365Q RIGHTBUTTONFN 346Q Browser 317Q EditFn 272Q NoteCardType 263Q EditFn 252Q NoteCardType 217Q SuperType 172Q NoteCardType 163Q SuperType 152Q NoteCardType 125Q CardObject 73Q BrowserHashArray 24Q NC.SameUIDP 21Q NC.MakeHashKey) ( 314Q " or card type field name: " 306Q "Unknown note card type: " 214Q " or card type field name: " 206Q "Unknown note card type: ") NC.RelayoutBrowserCard D1 (P 43Q FromNode P 36Q AssocPair P 35Q Node P 30Q NodeID P 27Q Node P 22Q RootCard P 16Q ToNodes P 15Q Node P 10Q SpecialBrowserSpecs P 7 DropVirtualNodesFlg P 6 BrowserFormat P 5 GraphNodes P 4 Graph P 3 OldToNodePairs P 2 RootNodeIDs P 1 RootCards P 0 Card I 0 Window F 44Q NC.*Graph*BrowserFormat) $@io @ Xd YH o^WHNi_H ddl hh_@g \]HL H@L MQO O[@I_OO_ O0O"ddg_&O( O&h_*O&&_(O*_OOh__O_O&_d_$HO$ _O Oh_"O&_ O"ZHi MdsdQO&&O(gWHN OOOO ^_.O._0O.O0dO0dJ_,O*O,h_*_(O&_&O,&_*dddddddddddh\dddQO2rO4L@gghi @gg @ggi @gg @gg H@g H @ g@g@gg @i h_:O:K_)O@O:_8O6O8h_6_4O2_2"O8&_6_FOFdg_DOBODh_B_@O>_>OD&_B(1213Q BLOCK 1025Q BLOCK 1014Q NC.ClearMsg 1006Q PUTWINDOWPROP 1003Q PUTWINDOWPROP 755Q \INSUREWINDOW 751Q NC.MarkCardDirty 745Q NC.SetSubstance 742Q GETWINDOWUSERPROP 732Q PUTWINDOWPROP 720Q PUTWINDOWPROP 706Q WINDOWADDPROP 673Q PUTWINDOWPROP 661Q SHOWGRAPH 472Q BLOCK 461Q LAYOUTGRAPH 433Q SUBST 402Q NC.SetPropListDirtyFlg 341Q NC.GetBrowserNodeID 176Q \APPEND2 153Q BLOCK 120Q NC.GraphLinkIconUpdateCheck 112Q NC.GetBrowserHashArray 102Q GETWINDOWUSERPROP 55Q NC.FetchSpecialBrowserSpecs 31Q NC.FetchBrowserFormat 24Q NC.FetchBrowserRoots 17Q NC.CoerceToCard 13Q NC.PrintMsg) (1223Q Link% Parameters 1000Q NC.TitleBarButtonEventFn 775Q BUTTONEVENTFN 771Q OLDBUTTONEVENTFN 762Q NC.TitleBarButtonEventFn 737Q GRAPH 727Q NC.BrowserReshapeFn 724Q RESHAPEFN 715Q NC.BrowserScrollFn 712Q SCROLLFN 702Q NC.BrowserRepaintFn 677Q REPAINTFN 670Q NC.BrowserRightButtonFn 665Q RIGHTBUTTONFN 653Q NC.GraphCardMiddleButtonFn 650Q NC.GraphCardLeftButtonFn 425Q LATTICE 226Q Link% Parameters 77Q GRAPH) ( 37Q (LATTICE) 10Q "Laying out graph ...") NC.ConnectNodesInBrowser D1 (P 45Q ToNodeID P 40Q ToNodeID P 33Q SourceNodeID P 32Q Link P 30Q DestNodeID P 27Q Link P 25Q OldToNodeIDs P 24Q NodeID P 23Q Node P 21Q RealCard P 20Q NodeID P 16Q NodeID P 15Q Node P 6 NodeIDs P 5 DropVirtualNodesFlg P 4 BrowserFormat P 3 GraphNodes P 2 Graph P 1 LinkLabels P 0 Card I 0 Window F 46Q NC.*Graph*BrowserFormat) &@ Xd YH \WLLi@g Z[HJ H@J KQOO^dd ^d!OK1O$cK HJ@M J@gghi @gg @ggi @gg @gg H@g H @ g@g@gg @i h_O O _ O_OOh__O_O&__ _" !O,O" !O2BO__.O.I "HO. _0NO O0O.i O,_,_4O4I )O4I !HO4 _6dNO O4i O2_2_&O&_(O& 0 O&"ddg_O Oh_O&_O_*O&O( A O8_@O@DO*h__O@_>O<'O>h_<_:O@_O@OOOO>&_ @BACF hF GjbGjbJW K _W"K _W$K _GG@BlBbGAClCbhF _d7dOOOOOdOOd BGCG HdId \HL]IL_d ^M_dO_OO_BGbCGbBCBONOCOOODEFG BCBONO COOO DEFG hg _KO껱(456Q GETWINDOWUSERPROP 446Q DRAWLINE 432Q MINUS 415Q MINUS 402Q DRAWLINE 307Q MINUS 263Q SQRT 243Q INSIDEP 230Q CREATEREGION 157Q DSPCLIPPINGREGION 110Q FIXR 77Q FIXR 66Q FIXR 27Q DSPSCALE 22Q WINDOWP 17Q WFROMDS) (453Q Scale 277Q FLOATP 270Q FLOATP 13Q FLOATP 5 FLOATP) () NC.MakeBrowserOverviewWin D1 (P 2 OverviewWin P 1 OverviewWinHeight P 0 OverviewWinWidth I 2 WhereToAttach I 1 Region I 0 BrowserWin F 3 NC.OffScreenPosition) A@g `A@g `@g J{SSHI Zd@BgBgg Jgg @gJ @gJg @gJg Jgg JgJ J  J@ @B J@B gN(271Q NC.RedrawBrowserOverviewWin 263Q NC.ReattachBrowserOverviewWinIfNeeded 255Q NC.RedrawBrowserOverviewWin 250Q PUTWINDOWPROP 240Q WINDOWREGION 231Q WINDOWREGION 221Q PUTWINDOWPROP 207Q PUTWINDOWPROP 204Q GETWINDOWPROP 171Q PUTWINDOWPROP 166Q GETWINDOWPROP 153Q PUTWINDOWPROP 143Q WINDOWDELPROP 131Q ATTACHWINDOW 101Q CREATEW 76Q CREATEREGION 57Q OPENWP 54Q GETWINDOWUSERPROP 40Q GETWINDOWUSERPROP 15Q GETWINDOWUSERPROP) (225Q MAXSIZE 216Q NC.BrowserOverviewWinMINSIZEFn 213Q MINSIZE 201Q HEIGHT 175Q OverviewWinHeight 163Q WIDTH 157Q OverviewWinWidth 147Q BrowserOverviewWin 140Q SHAPEW 135Q PASSTOMAINCOMS 125Q LOCALCLOSE 122Q TOP 113Q LEFT 51Q BrowserOverviewWin 45Q NC.BrowserOverviewDefaultHeight 35Q OverviewWinHeight 22Q NC.BrowserOverviewDefaultWidth 12Q OverviewWinWidth) () NC.MakeBrowserOverviewWinAtLowerLeft D1 (I 1 Region I 0 Window) @Ao (10Q NC.MakeBrowserOverviewWin) NIL ( 5 (LEFT . BOTTOM)) NC.MakeBrowserOverviewWinAtLeftBottom D1 (I 1 Region I 0 Window) @Ao (10Q NC.MakeBrowserOverviewWin) NIL ( 5 (BOTTOM . LEFT)) NC.MakeBrowserOverviewWinAtRightBottom D1 (I 1 Region I 0 Window) @Ao (10Q NC.MakeBrowserOverviewWin) NIL ( 5 (BOTTOM . RIGHT)) NC.ReattachBrowserOverviewWinIfNeeded D1 (P 0 WhereAttached I 2 WhereToAttach I 1 BrowserWin I 0 OverviewWin) 8@g HB(@ @ABgBgg @gg h(63Q WINDOWDELPROP 51Q ATTACHWINDOW 22Q DETACHWINDOW 6 GETWINDOWUSERPROP) (60Q SHAPEW 55Q PASSTOMAINCOMS 45Q LOCALCLOSE 42Q TOP 33Q LEFT 3 WHEREATTACHED) () NC.DRAWBOX D1 (I 6 Stream I 5 Operation I 4 LineWidth I 3 Height I 2 Width I 1 Bottom I 0 Left) >@A@BADEF @BA@BACDEF @BAC@ACDEF @AC@ADEF (73Q DRAWLINE 56Q DRAWLINE 35Q DRAWLINE 14Q DRAWLINE) NIL () NC.ShrinkGraphToWindow D1 (P 4 GraphNode P 2 ShrunkenGraph P 1 Scale P 0 GraphWindow I 1 Window I 0 Graph) CA @A @ JKJA AgI AgJ LIH K[(73Q NC.ScaleGraphNode 64Q BLOCK 56Q PUTWINDOWPROP 46Q PUTWINDOWPROP 36Q SHOWGRAPH 14Q COPY 10Q NC.ComputeOverviewScale 3 MAINWINDOW) (52Q GRAPH 42Q Scale) () NC.ScaleGraphNode D1 (P 7 NodeLabel P 6 OldBitmap P 5 NewBitmap P 4 NewHeight P 3 NewWidth P 2 OldPosition P 1 OldHeight P 0 OldWidth I 2 BrowserWin I 1 Scale I 0 GraphNode) @@@S@AHj[@AIj\@AJjAJj`AKL `MhdKL ;@^/HI @_ ON ON NA ]@M(222Q SCALEBITMAP 214Q PRIN1 211Q DSPCREATE 202Q NC.LinkIconDisplayFn 177Q DSPCREATE 170Q IMAGEOBJP 146Q BITMAPCREATE 130Q BLTSHADE 113Q BITMAPCREATE) (117Q GRAYSHADE 102Q NC.LeastScaleForGraphNodeShrinking) () NC.ComputeOverviewScale D1 (P 0 GraphRegion I 1 OverviewWin I 0 Graph) &@ Ag HAg Hk (43Q FMIN 31Q GETWINDOWPROP 15Q GETWINDOWPROP 3 GRAPHREGION) (26Q HEIGHT 12Q WIDTH) () NC.RedrawBrowserOverviewWin D1 (I 1 BrowserWin I 0 OverviewWin) 0Ag @ @gg @gg @gg @A (55Q NC.DrawWireFrameInOverviewWin 50Q PUTWINDOWPROP 36Q PUTWINDOWPROP 24Q PUTWINDOWPROP 12Q NC.ShrinkGraphToWindow 6 GETWINDOWUSERPROP) (45Q NC.BrowserOverviewWinButtonEventFn 42Q BUTTONEVENTFN 33Q NC.BrowserOverviewWinReshapeFn 30Q RESHAPEFN 21Q NC.BrowserOverviewWinRepaintFn 16Q REPAINTFN 3 GRAPH) () NC.DrawWireFrameInOverviewWin D1 (P 6 WireFrame I 1 BrowserWin I 0 OverviewWin) ShA @g BH'JNNNNkg@ @gN IMjؼK Lh[HXL&(66Q PUTWINDOWPROP 56Q NC.DRAWBOX 13Q GETWINDOWUSERPROP 4 DSPCLIPPINGREGION) (62Q LastWireFrame 51Q INVERT 10Q Scale) () NC.BrowserScrollFn D1 (P 0 OverviewWin I 3 CONTINUOUSFLG I 2 YDELTA I 1 XDELTA I 0 WINDOW) +@g H H@ @ABC H@ @ABC (50Q SCROLLBYREPAINTFN 40Q NC.DrawWireFrameInOverviewWin 33Q SCROLLBYREPAINTFN 24Q NC.DrawWireFrameInOverviewWin 15Q OPENWP 6 GETWINDOWUSERPROP) (3 BrowserOverviewWin) () NC.BrowserReshapeFn D1 (P 0 OverviewWin I 2 OldWinRegion I 1 OldWinBitmap I 0 Window) )@g H H@ @AB H@ @AB (46Q RESHAPEBYREPAINTFN 37Q NC.DrawWireFrameInOverviewWin 32Q RESHAPEBYREPAINTFN 24Q NC.DrawWireFrameInOverviewWin 15Q OPENWP 6 GETWINDOWUSERPROP) (3 BrowserOverviewWin) () NC.BrowserOverviewWinRepaintFn D1 (I 1 Region I 0 OverviewWin) @A @d (14Q NC.DrawWireFrameInOverviewWin 11Q MAINWINDOW 4 REDISPLAYGRAPH) NIL () NC.BrowserOverviewWinReshapeFn D1 (P 1 WhereAttached P 0 BrowserWin I 2 OldWinRegion I 1 OldWinBitmap I 0 OverviewWin) n@ @g @ @HIgIgg @gg Hg@  Hg@  @g@ @  @H (153Q NC.RedrawBrowserOverviewWin 146Q PUTWINDOWPROP 136Q WINDOWREGION 127Q WINDOWREGION 117Q PUTWINDOWPROP 110Q WINDOWREGION 100Q PUTWINDOWPROP 72Q WINDOWREGION 62Q WINDOWDELPROP 50Q ATTACHWINDOW 21Q DETACHWINDOW 12Q GETWINDOWUSERPROP 3 MAINWINDOW) (123Q MAXSIZE 104Q OverviewWinHeight 66Q OverviewWinWidth 57Q SHAPEW 54Q PASSTOMAINCOMS 44Q LOCALCLOSE 41Q TOP 32Q LEFT 7 WHEREATTACHED) () NC.BrowserOverviewWinMINSIZEFn D1 (P 1 BrowserWin P 0 Stkpos I 0 OverviewWin) Gg X@gg ghdH X@ Ig Ig oH (103Q RELSTK 70Q GETWINDOWUSERPROP 61Q GETWINDOWUSERPROP 47Q MAINWINDOW 40Q STKPOS 25Q STKARG 10Q STKPOS) (65Q OverviewWinHeight 56Q OverviewWinWidth 32Q RESHAPEALLWINDOWS 22Q SHAPEW 17Q WINDOW 5 SHAPEW) ( 77Q (24Q . 24Q)) NC.BrowserOverviewWinButtonEventFn D1 (P 5 BrowserWin P 4 ScaleReciprocal P 3 NewRegion P 2 LastWireFrame I 0 OverviewWin F 6 OldDisplayRegion) `kjC`dodg dgjdndhHdI  gu@d @g 1JJh@ Jh@ J@o [dh@ 3@ ]o@g \hM c MVKLjVKLj (263Q SCROLLW 231Q DSPCLIPPINGREGION 222Q GETWINDOWUSERPROP 206Q MAINWINDOW 200Q REGIONSINTERSECTP 175Q DSPCLIPPINGREGION 166Q GETBOXREGION 151Q DSPYOFFSET 141Q DSPXOFFSET 120Q GETWINDOWUSERPROP 110Q NC.RedrawBrowserOverviewWin 105Q MAINWINDOW 72Q MENU) (217Q Scale 115Q LastWireFrame 75Q RecomputeOverview 37Q DEFAULTMENUHELDFN 30Q CLRPROMPT 13Q MENUTYPE# 2 LASTMOUSEBUTTONS) ( 213Q 1.0 162Q "Please position browser overview wire frame." 21Q ((Recompute% Overview (QUOTE RecomputeOverview) "Recompute overview based on current browser contents."))) (PRETTYCOMPRINT SHRUNKENBROWSERCOMS) (RPAQQ SHRUNKENBROWSERCOMS ((* * Stuff following is for making and manipulating the tiny attached shrunken browser window.) (* * These functions are changed from NCINTERFACE) (FNS NC.SetupTitleBarMenu ) (* * These functions are changed from NCBROWSERCARD) (FNS NC.BringUpBrowserCard NC.RelayoutBrowserCard NC.ConnectNodesInBrowser NC.DrawArrowHead) (* * Rest of stuff below is new for NCBROWSERCARD) (GLOBALVARS NC.BrowserOverviewDefaultWidth NC.BrowserOverviewDefaultHeight NC.LeastScaleForGraphNodeShrinking) (INITVARS (NC.BrowserOverviewDefaultWidth 75) ( NC.BrowserOverviewDefaultHeight 75) (NC.LeastScaleForGraphNodeShrinking .3)) (FNS NC.MakeBrowserOverviewWin NC.MakeBrowserOverviewWinAtLowerLeft NC.MakeBrowserOverviewWinAtLeftBottom NC.MakeBrowserOverviewWinAtRightBottom NC.ReattachBrowserOverviewWinIfNeeded) (FNS NC.DRAWBOX NC.ShrinkGraphToWindow NC.ScaleGraphNode NC.ComputeOverviewScale NC.RedrawBrowserOverviewWin NC.DrawWireFrameInOverviewWin NC.BrowserScrollFn NC.BrowserReshapeFn NC.BrowserOverviewWinRepaintFn NC.BrowserOverviewWinReshapeFn NC.BrowserOverviewWinMINSIZEFn NC.BrowserOverviewWinButtonEventFn))) (RPAQ? NC.BrowserOverviewDefaultWidth 75) (RPAQ? NC.BrowserOverviewDefaultHeight 75) (RPAQ? NC.LeastScaleForGraphNodeShrinking .3) (PUTPROPS SHRUNKENBROWSER COPYRIGHT ("Xerox Corporation" 1986)) NIL