(FILECREATED " 9-May-87 21:23:09" ("compiled on " {QV}1.3K>NEXT>RHTPATCH258.;3) "12-Nov-85 14:59:23" recompiled changes: NC.RobustGetSubstance NC.ReportError BMOBJ.GETFN3 in "LOOPS/KOTO 4-May-87 ..." dated " 4-May-87 18:31:30") (FILECREATED " 9-May-87 21:22:47" {QV}1.3K>NEXT>RHTPATCH258.;3 5688 changes to: (VARS RHTPATCH258COMS) (FNS BMOBJ.GETFN3 NC.RobustGetSubstance NC.ReportError) previous date: " 8-May-87 14:23:03" {QV}1.3K>NEXT>RHTPATCH258.;1) (NC.LoadFileFromDirectories (QUOTE NCREPAIR)) NC.RobustGetSubstanceA0001 D1 (NAME ERRORSET P 3 FieldValue P 2 CardTypeRecord P 1 CardTypeName P 0 NoteCardType F 5 Card F 6 Length F 7 Stream F 10Q SubstanceVersion) ›UɵU H!Id²q ZžJÉ[dgð²P¿IJd”É ´ I Zd¬oI ¿JÉ[dgð² ¿oogoIo  ¿Kgð—Ig €KUVWWlLh(203Q NC.GetCardTypeFieldOfSuper 165Q NC.ReportError 162Q CONCAT 112Q NC.ReportError 107Q CONCAT 74Q NC.CardTypeRecord 66Q NC.CardTypeLoader 31Q NC.CardTypeRecord 13Q NC.GetType) (200Q GetFn 172Q \\FILLME// 145Q GetFn 126Q \\EMPTY// 117Q NoteCardType 61Q NoteCardType 46Q \\EMPTY// 37Q NoteCardType 3 CardObject) ( 156Q " still \\EMPTY// after autoloading." 151Q " of card type " 142Q "Field name " 136Q "NC.GetCardTypeField" 103Q "Cannot find full definition of card type: ") NC.RobustGetSubstance D1 (P 0 HELPFLAG I 3 SubstanceVersion I 2 Stream I 1 Length I 0 Card) o (11Q NC.RobustGetSubstanceA0001) NIL ( 6 (NC.RobustGetSubstanceA0001)) NC.CheckForValidSubstance D1 (P 2 EndPtr P 1 Length P 0 OldPtr I 4 ReadSubstanceFlg I 3 CardType I 2 Card I 1 EofPtr I 0 Stream) ]@ !A¦@ b¿HAlÕýó²>@ lç@ lç@ ÔÔY²-HIlÔÔZAó³"D²C žBC ¿BI@d ˜@J ’Iµ@H h(131Q SETFILEPTR 120Q SETFILEPTR 112Q NC.RobustGetSubstance 101Q NC.SetType 73Q NCP.ValidCardType 14Q GETEOFPTR 3 GETFILEPTR) NIL () NC.ReportError D1 (I 1 Msg I 0 FromFunction F 0 HELPFLAG) 4P´1`²` o A id@ hdAhlg(45Q MKATOM 36Q ERROR! 33Q PROMPTPRINT 27Q PROMPTPRINT 20Q CLRPROMPT 15Q FLASHW) (57Q BREAK1 12Q PROMPTWINDOW 5 \NC.NoBreakInReportError) ( 24Q "NoteCards Error") BMOBJ.GETFN3 D1 (P 1 ROT P 0 SCALE I 0 STREAM) 9@ l Ùjð’@ ¿@ lç@ @ lç@ Ôoëèè@ lç@ Ô@ HI (66Q BITMAPTEDITOBJ 61Q \READBINARYBITMAP 3 \PEEKBIN) NIL ( 37Q 32768.0) (PRETTYCOMPRINT RHTPATCH258COMS) (RPAQQ RHTPATCH258COMS ((DECLARE: FIRST (P (NC.LoadFileFromDirectories (QUOTE NCREPAIR)))) (* * This prevents NC.ReportError from breaking when HELPFLAG is nil. Also changes inspector to properly hang HELPFLAG when reading substances. Also, fixes bug where good browsers were claimed by inspect&repair to be bad. Also fixes %#534 seems that BMOBJ.GETFN3 is buggy, but in a very mysterious way. I replaced calls to \WIN with the equivalent PLUS of LSH of BIN with BIN and it works. WEIRD!) (* * Change to NCREPAIR) (FNS NC.RobustGetSubstance NC.CheckForValidSubstance) (* * Change to NCUTILITIES) (FNS NC.ReportError) (* * New function for KOTOTEDITPATCHES) (FNS BMOBJ.GETFN3))) (PUTPROPS RHTPATCH258 COPYRIGHT ("Xerox Corporation" 1987)) NIL