(FILECREATED " 2-May-87 18:01:58" ("compiled on " {QV}1.3K>NEXT>RHTPATCH253.;1) "12-Nov-85 14:59:23" tcompl'd in "INTERLISP-D 11-May-86 ..." dated "11-May-86 15:19:08") (FILECREATED " 2-May-87 18:01:36" {QV}1.3K>NEXT>RHTPATCH253.;1 5960 changes to: (VARS RHTPATCH253COMS)) (NC.LoadFileFromDirectories (QUOTE NCCOMPACT)) NC.CopySortedCardPartA0001 D1 (NAME ERRORSET P 6 \NF P 4 ToPtr P 3 ToStream P 2 CardPartTypeNum P 1 Card P 0 FromPtr F 7 SortingRecord F 10Q ToNoteFile F 11Q InterestedWindow F 12Q RESETY) cW hi WWWW$K INd`IN ]MKHLW IJL ci(134Q NC.UpdateCardLoc 124Q NC.CopyCardPart 100Q NC.NoteFileFromNoteFileUID 44Q GETFILEPTR 11Q OBTAIN.MONITORLOCK 4 NC.FetchMonitor) (111Q NoteFile 74Q CardObject 64Q NoteFileTYPE# 51Q CardObject 33Q NoteFile) () NC.CopySortedCardPart D1 (P 2 RESETZ P 1 RESETY P 0 LISPXHIST I 2 InterestedWindow I 1 ToNoteFile I 0 SortingRecord F 3 LISPXHIST F 4 RESETVARSLST) "S!Tog hgZ JI(35Q ERROR! 30Q RESETRESTORE 16Q NC.CopySortedCardPartA0001) (24Q ERROR 13Q INTERNAL) ( 10Q (NC.CopySortedCardPartA0001)) NC.UpdateCardLoc D1 (I 2 ToPtr I 1 CardPartTypeNum I 0 Card) OAdj@B Bk@B BAdl@BBl@BB` hiol h(113Q NC.PrintMsg 110Q CHARACTER 75Q FLASHW) (72Q PROMPTWINDOW 62Q CardObject 45Q CardObject 25Q CardObject 11Q CardObject) ( 103Q "Bad NoteFile. Please Inspect and Repair.") NC.CopySortedCardPartInPlaceA0001 D1 (NAME ERRORSET P 4 Length P 3 EndPtr P 2 Stream P 0 \NF F 5 Card F 6 BufferStream F 7 InterestedWindow F 10Q ToPtr F 11Q NoteFile F 12Q FromPtr F 13Q CardPartTypeNum F 14Q EOFBufferLoc F 15Q RESETY)  UHd`UH YIc hi W!JVWjW WL[WVJjWW $UWW VJjWW  UWW Kci(167Q NC.UpdateCardLoc 155Q NC.CopyCardPart 140Q NC.UpdateCardLoc 126Q NC.CopyCardPart 100Q NC.CopyCardPart 52Q OBTAIN.MONITORLOCK 45Q NC.FetchMonitor 32Q NC.NoteFileFromNoteFileUID) (60Q NoteFile 26Q CardObject 16Q NoteFileTYPE# 3 CardObject) () NC.CopySortedCardPartInPlace D1 (P 6 RESETZ P 5 RESETY P 4 LISPXHIST P 3 NoteFile P 2 CardPartTypeNum P 1 Card P 0 FromPtr I 4 InterestedWindow I 3 EOFBufferLoc I 2 ToPtr I 1 BufferStream I 0 SortingRecord F 7 LISPXHIST F 10Q RESETVARSLST) <@@@BHBIH W!Wog hg^ NM(67Q ERROR! 62Q RESETRESTORE 50Q NC.CopySortedCardPartInPlaceA0001 25Q NC.GetCardPartLength) (56Q ERROR 45Q INTERNAL) ( 42Q (NC.CopySortedCardPartInPlaceA0001)) NC.InstallCardInNoteFile D1 (P 0 OtherCard I 1 NoteFile I 0 Card) *@A Ho @@A @(46Q PUTHASH 25Q SHOULDNT 11Q NC.CardFromUID) (41Q NoteFile 32Q CardObject 3 CardObject) ( 22Q "Two cards in notefile with same UID. Please notify the nearest NoteCards guru.") (PRETTYCOMPRINT RHTPATCH253COMS) (RPAQQ RHTPATCH253COMS ((DECLARE: FIRST (P (NC.LoadFileFromDirectories (QUOTE NCCOMPACT)))) (* * Changes NC.InstallCardInNoteFile so that it breaks if encounters two cards with same UID. Also minor fixes to compact in place.) (* * Changes to NCCOMPACT) (FNS NC.CopySortedCardPart NC.UpdateCardLoc NC.CopySortedCardPartInPlace) (* * Changes to NCDATABASE) (FNS NC.InstallCardInNoteFile))) (PUTPROPS RHTPATCH253 COPYRIGHT ("Xerox Corporation" 1987)) NIL