(FILECREATED "10-Jun-87 17:41:01" ("compiled on " {QV}1.3K>NEXT>RGPATCH048.;1) "12-Nov-85 14:59:23" tcompl'd in "LOOPS/KOTO 17-Apr-87 ..." dated "17-Apr-87 16:50:00") (FILECREATED "10-Jun-87 17:40:48" {QV}1.3K>NEXT>RGPATCH048.;1 5661 changes to: (VARS RGPATCH048COMS) (FNS NC.PutMainCardData)) NC.PutMainCardDataA0001A0004 D1 (NAME ERRORSET P 17Q \Links P 16Q \Cache P 15Q FieldValue P 14Q CardTypeRecord P 13Q CardTypeName P 12Q NoteCardType P 7 SubstanceVersion P 6 StartSubstanceLoc P 5 CardType P 4 EndLoc P 3 StartDataLoc P 2 Stream P 0 \NF F 20Q Card F 21Q RESETVARSLST F 22Q OverrideStream F 23Q RESETY F 24Q UpdateUpdateListFlg F 25Q UseOldDateFlg F 26Q PutSuccessfulLoc) ogW Hd`W H YI*W oW Hd`W H YI*W gglIhW"c"W$ W q W(W J W `W*W W  J JW ] W J J Jj!Jj!Jj!Jj!W W  O! Od _O_dgYOOd O _doO O_dg"oogoOo  OgOg O_W JlO_J JN JLNll l!JLNll l!JLNll!Oj_JOl!JK JLKl l!JLKl l!JLKl!JL W gW d:W W `_OO_O`dhW$hhKc,W c&i(1003Q SETFILEPTR 760Q RSH 742Q RSH 730Q SETFILEPTR 662Q RSH 641Q RSH 624Q SETFILEPTR 616Q GETFILEPTR 566Q NC.GetCardTypeFieldOfSuper 546Q NC.ReportError 543Q CONCAT 470Q NC.ReportError 465Q CONCAT 450Q NC.CardTypeRecord 441Q NC.CardTypeLoader 376Q NC.CardTypeRecord 354Q NC.GetType 315Q GETFILEPTR 310Q NC.WriteRegion 301Q NC.WriteCardType 275Q NC.RetrieveType 266Q NC.WriteCardPartHeader 262Q NC.SetItemDate 257Q DATE 251Q NC.FetchItemDate 233Q GETFILEPTR 226Q NC.UpdateUpdateList 213Q NC.CoerceToNoteFileStream 204Q STREAMP 125Q NC.NoteFileFromNoteFileUID 37Q NC.NoteFileFromNoteFileUID) (1137Q LinksCache 1116Q LinksCacheTYPE# 1113Q CardCache 1100Q CardCache 1060Q CardCacheTYPE# 1055Q CardObject 1044Q CardObject 1033Q CardCache 1024Q CardObject 1014Q ACTIVE 1011Q CardObject 563Q PutFn 554Q \\FILLME// 525Q PutFn 506Q \\EMPTY// 476Q NoteCardType 434Q NoteCardType 417Q \\EMPTY// 407Q NoteCardType 343Q CardObject 241Q NC.ItemIdentifier 160Q BEFORE 155Q SUBSTANCE 143Q NoteFileDevice 136Q NoteFile 121Q CardObject 110Q NoteFileTYPE# 75Q CardObject 55Q NoteFileDevice 50Q NoteFile 33Q CardObject 22Q NoteFileTYPE# 7 CardObject 2 APPLY*) ( 537Q " still \\EMPTY// after autoloading." 531Q " of card type " 522Q "Field name " 516Q "NC.GetCardTypeField" 460Q "Cannot find full definition of card type: " 65Q (SUBSTANCE AFTER)) NC.PutMainCardDataA0001 D1 (NAME ERRORSET P 4 RESETZ P 3 RESETY P 2 LISPXHIST P 0 \NF F 5 Card F 6 LISPXHIST F 7 RESETVARSLST F 10Q RESETY) RUHd`UH YI hi V!Wog hg\ LKci(111Q ERROR! 103Q RESETRESTORE 71Q NC.PutMainCardDataA0001A0004 50Q OBTAIN.MONITORLOCK 43Q NC.FetchMonitor 32Q NC.NoteFileFromNoteFileUID) (77Q ERROR 66Q INTERNAL 26Q CardObject 16Q NoteFileTYPE# 3 CardObject) ( 63Q (NC.PutMainCardDataA0001A0004)) NC.PutMainCardData D1 (P 3 RESETZ P 2 RESETY P 1 LISPXHIST P 0 PutSuccessfulLoc I 3 OverrideStream I 2 UseOldDateFlg I 1 UpdateUpdateListFlg I 0 Card F 4 LISPXHIST F 5 RESETVARSLST) %T!Uog hg[ KJ(40Q ERROR! 33Q RESETRESTORE 21Q NC.PutMainCardDataA0001) (27Q ERROR 16Q INTERNAL) ( 13Q (NC.PutMainCardDataA0001)) (PRETTYCOMPRINT RGPATCH048COMS) (RPAQQ RGPATCH048COMS ((* * rg 6/10/87 NC.PutMainCardData now adds a links cache if card didn't already have one) (* * changes to NCDATABASE) (FNS NC.PutMainCardData))) (PUTPROPS RGPATCH048 COPYRIGHT ("Xerox Corporation" 1987)) NIL