(FILECREATED " 5-Jun-87 12:25:29" ("compiled on " {QV}1.3K>NEXT>RGPATCH045.;1) "12-Nov-85 14:59:23" tcompl'd in "LOOPS/KOTO 17-Apr-87 ..." dated "17-Apr-87 16:50:00") (FILECREATED " 5-Jun-87 12:25:16" {QV}1.3K>NEXT>RGPATCH045.;1 6011 changes to: (VARS RGPATCH045COMS) (FNS NC.CheckForExpandIndex)) NC.CheckForExpandIndex D1 (P 13Q ActualNumNewSlots P 12Q NewNum P 11Q NumNewSlots P 10Q NewIndexSize P 7 PromptWindow P 6 Menu P 1 NumUsed P 0 IndexSize I 2 InterestedWindow I 1 QuietFlg I 0 NoteFile)  B@ b@@ @$ kBIHk`dodi dkdkdkd`` l ؼgl g dJ$dodg dgjdndhdK d LB `B Hd`j__Bi@oIoHol  BhoOol NO O ]Mk i dgy@hdBol gBi @OhBhA _` hio 'OO!` hioOoOoh Bi OdgBi g ohddi _3OjHO__(675Q RNUMBER 645Q ERROR! 641Q NC.ClearMsg 622Q NC.ClearMsg 614Q NC.PrintMsg 564Q FLASHW 545Q ERROR! 541Q NC.PrintMsg 527Q FLASHW 515Q NC.ExpandIndexInPlace 501Q ERROR! 475Q NC.ClearMsg 463Q NC.CheckpointNoteFile 457Q CONCAT 454Q CHARACTER 427Q MENU 423Q CREATEPOSITION 405Q WINDOWREGION 377Q WINDOWREGION 370Q ALLOW.BUTTON.EVENTS 364Q NC.PrintMsg 361Q CONCAT 356Q CHARACTER 334Q NC.PrintMsg 331Q CONCAT 325Q CHARACTER 245Q NC.AttachPromptWindow 150Q FONTCREATE 131Q FONTHEIGHT 35Q LENGTH 5 NC.CoerceToInterestedWindow) (654Q Change% Num 631Q Cancel 561Q PROMPTWINDOW 524Q PROMPTWINDOW 466Q DON'T 433Q Yes 300Q NoteFile 262Q NC.IndexFractionToExpandBy 252Q PROMPTWINDOW 231Q MENU 201Q DEFAULTMENUHELDFN 172Q CLRPROMPT 145Q BOLD 140Q HELVETICA 126Q NC.MenuFont 120Q NC.MenuFont 57Q MENUTYPE# 30Q NoteFile 22Q NoteFile 14Q NoteFile) ( 665Q "Number of new cards to add" 607Q " requested." 601Q " new cards out of " 573Q "Only able to make room for " 536Q "Couldn't expand index. Card creation operation canceled." 447Q "Expanding notefile index" 351Q " new cards?" 343Q "Okay to checkpoint notefile and make room for " 320Q " cards used)." 313Q " out of " 306Q " is full (" 163Q ((Yes (QUOTE Yes) "Go ahead and expand index to make room for new cards.") (Cancel (QUOTE Cancel) "Cancel creation of new card.") (Change% Num (QUOTE Change% Num) "Change the number of new cards to expand index by.")) 65Q " Expand notefile index? ") (PRETTYCOMPRINT RGPATCH045COMS) (RPAQQ RGPATCH045COMS ((* * rg 6/5/87 several bugs fixed: now only offers to expand if index is completely full; clears prompt window on cancel; menu allows other mouse events) (* * changes to NCDATABASE) (FNS NC.CheckForExpandIndex))) (PUTPROPS RGPATCH045 COPYRIGHT ("Xerox Corporation" 1987)) NIL