(FILECREATED "30-Apr-87 16:26:19" {QV}<NOTECARDS>1.3K>NEXT>RHTPATCH251.;1 4114 changes to: (VARS RHTPATCH251COMS) (FNS NC.ProcessNoteFileNeedsTruncationError)) (* Copyright (c) 1987 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.) (PRETTYCOMPRINT RHTPATCH251COMS) (RPAQQ RHTPATCH251COMS ((* * Fixes bug reported by Kirk: NC.ProcessNoteFileNeedsTruncationError breaks with a shouldn't happen if the user selects outside of the menu asking whether to truncate or not.) (* * Change to NCDATABASE) (FNS NC.ProcessNoteFileNeedsTruncationError))) (* * Fixes bug reported by Kirk: NC.ProcessNoteFileNeedsTruncationError breaks with a shouldn't happen if the user selects outside of the menu asking whether to truncate or not.) (* * Change to NCDATABASE) (DEFINEQ (NC.ProcessNoteFileNeedsTruncationError (LAMBDA (NoteFile NoteFilesHashArray Don'tCacheTypesAndTitlesFlg Don'tCreateFlg Convertw/oConfirmFlg Don'tCreateArrayFlg Can'tTruncateFlg Don'tCreateInterfaceFlg Don'tGetSpecialCardsFlg PromptWindow PublicOrPrivate MenuPosition QuietFlg ReadOnlyFlg Don'tCheckForTruncationFlg) (* rht: "30-Apr-87 16:22") (* * Discovered NoteFile needs version truncation when attempted to open it. Process that error.) (* * fgh 5/23/86 First created.) (* * fgh 9/1/86 Updated args to match NC.OpenNoteFile.) (* * rht 10/29/86: Changed name from Abort to Cancel.) (* * rht 10/31/86: Added Don'tCheckForTruncationFlg arg.) (* * rht 4/30/87: No longer breaks when user selects outside of menu.) (PROG (TruncationFn) (* * If appropriate, notify the user.) (if (WINDOWP PromptWindow) then (NC.PrintMsg PromptWindow T "NoteFile " (fetch (NoteFile FullFileName) of NoteFile) " has information written since last successful close or checkpoint." (CHARACTER 13))) (* * If the device has a TruncationFn then apply it and try to Open the NoteFile.) (if (AND (NULL Can'tTruncateFlg) (SETQ TruncationFn (fetch (NoteFile TruncateNoteFileFn) of NoteFile))) then (* * ASk the user if they want to truncate, or abort, or repair the notefile.) (SELECTQ (NC.AskUserAboutTruncation NoteFile PromptWindow) (Cancel (RETURN (QUOTE CancelOpen))) (Inspect% &% Repair (RETURN (NC.ProcessInspectAndRepairRequest NoteFile NoteFilesHashArray Don'tCacheTypesAndTitlesFlg Don'tCreateFlg Convertw/oConfirmFlg Don'tCreateArrayFlg Can'tTruncateFlg Don'tCreateInterfaceFlg Don'tGetSpecialCardsFlg PromptWindow PublicOrPrivate MenuPosition QuietFlg ReadOnlyFlg Don'tCheckForTruncationFlg))) (Truncate% File (RETURN (NC.ProcessTruncationRequest NoteFile NoteFilesHashArray Don'tCacheTypesAndTitlesFlg Don'tCreateFlg Convertw/oConfirmFlg Don'tCreateArrayFlg Can'tTruncateFlg Don'tCreateInterfaceFlg Don'tGetSpecialCardsFlg PromptWindow PublicOrPrivate MenuPosition QuietFlg ReadOnlyFlg Don'tCheckForTruncationFlg))) (RETURN (QUOTE CancelOpen))) else (* * No TruncationFn. Tell the user if appropriate and return an error msg.) (if (WINDOWP PromptWindow) then (NC.PrintMsg PromptWindow NIL "No file truncation possible for this NoteFile." (CHARACTER 13) "See a NoteCards wizard." (CHARACTER 13))) (RETURN (QUOTE NoteFileNeedsTruncation)))))) ) (PUTPROPS RHTPATCH251 COPYRIGHT ("Xerox Corporation" 1987)) (DECLARE: DONTCOPY (FILEMAP (NIL (813 4032 (NC.ProcessNoteFileNeedsTruncationError 823 . 4030))))) STOP