(FILECREATED "10-Nov-86 22:50:53" {QV}<NOTECARDS>1.3K>NEXT>RHTPATCH142.;2 3262 changes to: (FNS NC.MakeFileBox) (VARS RHTPATCH142COMS) previous date: "10-Nov-86 22:47:48" {QV}<NOTECARDS>1.3K>NEXT>RHTPATCH142.;1) (* Copyright (c) 1986 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.) (PRETTYCOMPRINT RHTPATCH142COMS) (RPAQQ RHTPATCH142COMS ((* * Fix to bug #275 whereby fileboxes come up with LinkIndex title.) (* * Change to NCFILEBOXCARD) (FNS NC.MakeFileBox))) (* * Fix to bug #275 whereby fileboxes come up with LinkIndex title.) (* * Change to NCFILEBOXCARD) (DEFINEQ (NC.MakeFileBox (LAMBDA (Card Title NoDisplayFlg ParamList) (* rht: "10-Nov-86 22:49") (* Make up a blank contents card, hook it to the user specified parent contents cards, and display it.) (* * rht 12/2/84: In NoDisplayFlg case, changed to return ID rather than TextStream.) (* * rht 12/8/84: Massive shaving. Took out code to force filing now (at creation time)) (* * rht 9/11/85: Took out insertion of spacer when no markers.) (* * fgh 11/13/85 Updated to handle Card object.) (* * fgh 2/6/86 Chaged calls to NC.FetchDefaultHeight & NC.FetchDefaultWidth) (* * fgh 2/6/86 Removed bug where NC.ClearMsg was deleteing card immediately.) (* * rht 4/11/86: Now passes Type and Window to NC.MakeTEditLeftMenu.) (* * rht 8/2/86: Now lets NC.MakeTEditPropsList build the props to be passed to TEDIT.) (* * rht 9/8/86: Now doesn't create window before calling TEDIT to avoid stupid prompt win popping up.) (* * rht 9/19/86: Now applies supertype's MakeFn to cut out redundant code.) (* * rht 11/10/86: Now passes NIL as title to Super's makefn.) (DECLARE (GLOBALVARS NC.MarkersInFileBoxesFlg NC.SubBoxMarkerLabel NC.FiledCardMarkerLabel NC.AlphabetizedFileBoxChildrenFlg)) (LET ((Spacer (CONCAT (CHARACTER 13) (CHARACTER 13))) Window TextStream Type) (SETQ Window (WINDOWP (NC.ApplySupersFn MakeFn Card NIL NoDisplayFlg (if ParamList then (LISTPUT ParamList (QUOTE Don'tAttachUserSpecifiedPropsFlg) T) else (QUOTE ( Don'tAttachUserSpecifiedPropsFlg T)))))) (SETQ TextStream (NC.FetchSubstance Card)) (COND (NC.MarkersInFileBoxesFlg (TEDIT.INSERT.OBJECT (NC.MakePlaceMarker NC.SubBoxMarkerLabel) TextStream 1) (TEDIT.INSERT TextStream Spacer 2) (TEDIT.INSERT.OBJECT (NC.MakePlaceMarker NC.FiledCardMarkerLabel) TextStream 4) (TEDIT.INSERT TextStream Spacer 5))) (if NC.AlphabetizedFileBoxChildrenFlg then (NCP.CardProp Card (QUOTE OrderingFn) (FUNCTION NC.IDAlphOrder))) (if NoDisplayFlg then Card else Window)))) ) (PUTPROPS RHTPATCH142 COPYRIGHT ("Xerox Corporation" 1986)) (DECLARE: DONTCOPY (FILEMAP (NIL (617 3180 (NC.MakeFileBox 627 . 3178))))) STOP