(FILECREATED " 1-Nov-86 23:09:24" {QV}<NOTECARDS>1.3K>NEXT>RHTPATCH132.;1 4358   

      changes to:  (MACROS NC.GetCardTypeField)

(* Copyright (c) 1986 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.)


(RPAQQ RHTPATCH132COMS ((* * Fixes bug #254: break when fetching card type fields of the NoteCard 
			     card type.)
			  (* * Change to NCTYPESMECH)
			  (MACROS NC.GetCardTypeField)
			  (* * Note that somehow the functions that call this macro should be 
			     recompiled. These include for example, NCP.CardTypeFn and 
(* * Fixes bug #254: break when fetching card type fields of the NoteCard card type.)

(* * Change to NCTYPESMECH)

(DEFMACRO NC.GetCardTypeField (FieldName CardTypeNameForm)
	  (* * Fetch the card type datatype field passed directly for FieldName
	     (for the card type whose name is in a variable passed as the second parameter))
	  (* * rht 4/11/86: Was trying to autoload if field of card type was nil. Now only tries to 
	     autoload if CardTypeRecord is nil or if StubFlg is non-nil.)
	  (* * fgh 4/25/86 Fix to above fix. Checks for CardTypeRecord before doing fetch's in 2 
	     cluase of COND.)
	  (* * kirk&fgh 26Jun86 Added check for InheritedFlg to above fix. Changed to a DEFMACRO)
	  (* * fgh 8/26/86 Revamped completely to clean up and to account for case where one of 
	     supertypes is a stub and must be autoloaded. Added ability to handle \\EMPTY// fields.)
	  (* * kirk 8/26/86 Added check for FMEMB of FieldName in (RECORDFIELDNAMES (QUOTE 
	     before evaling fetch)
	  (* * rht 11/1/86: Added check for NIL CardTypeName. Also checks whether card is top level 
	     NoteCard type before fetching from super type.)
	  (BQUOTE (LET ((CardTypeName , CardTypeNameForm)
		       (COND ((NULL CardTypeName)
			     ((AND (SETQ CardTypeRecord (NC.CardTypeRecord CardTypeName))
				   (NEQ (fetch (NoteCardType , FieldName)
					       of CardTypeRecord)
					(QUOTE \\EMPTY//)))
			      (* * card type record exists and specified field has a value -- return 
			      (fetch (NoteCardType , FieldName)
				     of CardTypeRecord))
			     ((OR (NULL CardTypeRecord)
				  (fetch (NoteCardType StubFlg)
					 of CardTypeRecord))
			      (* * either the card type record doesn't exist or its just a stub -- 
				 either way it needs to be autoloaded.)
			      (if (NC.AutoLoadCardType CardTypeName (QUOTE , FieldName)
						       (AND CardTypeRecord (fetch (NoteCardType
										  of CardTypeRecord)))
				  (fetch (NoteCardType , FieldName)
					 (NC.CardTypeRecord CardTypeName))
				  (NC.ReportError NIL (CONCAT "Unknown note card type:  " 
							      "   or card type field name: "
							      (QUOTE , FieldName)))))
			     (, (AND (FMEMB (PACK* FieldName (QUOTE InheritedFlg))
					    (RECORDFIELDNAMES (QUOTE NoteCardType)))
				     (LIST (QUOTE fetch)
					   (LIST (QUOTE NoteCardType)
						 (PACK* FieldName (QUOTE InheritedFlg)))
					   (QUOTE of)
					   (QUOTE CardTypeRecord)))
				(* * card type record exists and is not a stub, but specified field 
				   is \\EMPTY//. And this field can be inherited. Must be that 
				   someone on the supertypes chain is a stub. Rectify the situation 
				   by fetching the field from the supertype, if any. Unfortunately 
				   direct recursion is not possible because this is a DEFMACRO.)
				(if (EQ CardTypeName (QUOTE NoteCard))
				    (QUOTE \\EMPTY//)
				    (NC.GetCardTypeFieldOfSuper CardTypeName (QUOTE , FieldName))))
			     (T (* * card type record exists and is not a stub, but specified field 
				   is \\EMPTY//. And this field can NOT be inherited. Thus, this 
				   record is underspecified. Signal the error.)
				(NC.ReportError NIL (CONCAT 
					     "Non-inheritable field not specified for card type "
(* * Note that somehow the functions that call this macro should be recompiled. These include 
for example, NCP.CardTypeFn and NCP.CardTypeVar.)

(PUTPROPS RHTPATCH132 COPYRIGHT ("Xerox Corporation" 1986))