(FILECREATED "18-Oct-86 15:15:32" {QV}<NOTECARDS>1.3K>NEXT>RHTPATCH125.;1 11471 changes to: (VARS RHTPATCH125COMS) (FNS NC.SelectNoteCards)) (* Copyright (c) 1986 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.) (PRETTYCOMPRINT RHTPATCH125COMS) (RPAQQ RHTPATCH125COMS ((* * Fix to bug # 116: try to give TTY to someplace intelligent after selectnotecards.) (* * Change to NCINTERFACE) (FNS NC.SelectNoteCards))) (* * Fix to bug # 116: try to give TTY to someplace intelligent after selectnotecards.) (* * Change to NCINTERFACE) (DEFINEQ (NC.SelectNoteCards (LAMBDA (SingleCardFlg SelectionPredicate Menu InstigatingCardOrWindow ReturnLinksFlg Msg CheckForCancelFlg) (* rht: "18-Oct-86 15:11") (* Select a set of note cards or a single note card, depending on SingleCardFlg. Works by interpreting all mouse presses until a card has been chosen (if SingleCardFlg is T) or until the Done button has been pressed (if SingleCardFlg is NIL). If the mouse press occus within a Title bar of a notecard, add that note card to the selected list. Otherwise, if you are pointing into a note card, call the BUTTONEVENTFN for that note card. The Selection in Progress flag has been set, so all note card BUTTONEVENTFNs should know to ignore all presses except those that occur on link icons. Link icon presses should simply add the desination of that link to the selected note cards list.) (* * rht 8/1/84: Changed second RESETSAVE call to give NC.ClearMsg a NIL argument.) (* * rht 1/9/85: Fixed so now prints name of selected item even it's a link.) (* * rht 2/15/85: Now can backspace over last selection chosen. Added new arg Msg so that when we reprint the list, we can reprint the message as well.) (* * rht 3/23/85: Added the CheckForCancelFlg arg, which if non-nil causes Cancel to be handled differently then Done after no selections. Namely, Cancel will return the atom CANCELLED whereas Done with no selections returns NIL. If CheckForCancelFlg is NIL then NIL is returned in both cases.) (* * fgh 11/14/85 Updated to handle Card and NoteFile objects.) (* * rht 11/18/85: Fixed so able to select when InstigatingNoteFile is NIL.) (* * fgh 12/20/85 Totally rewritten for 1.3 selection mechanism. Based on COPYINSERT now rather than on takingf over the mouse process.) (* * fgh 1/15/86 Added call to SPAWN.MOUSE in case this is called under the mouse process) (* * kirk 25Apr86 Changed to use SessionIcon (NC.NoteCardsIconWindow) rather than PROMPTWINDOW if no Instigating window is supplied.) (* * fgh 7/5/86 Added code to put CRs into printout of selected cards in order to keep prompt window from getting infinitely wide to accomdate the printout.) (* * rht 10/5/86: Now allows choice of cards from remote notefile.) (* * rht 10/18/86: Give TTY process to process that originally had it if possible.) (RESETLST (LET (Window Card ButtonEventFn InstigatingWindow InstigatingCard InstigatingNoteFile MenuWindow PromptWindow CopyInsertEvent SelectedCards PromptWindowProcess OldTTYProcess) (OR SelectionPredicate (SETQ SelectionPredicate (FUNCTION TRUE))) (COND ((NC.CardP InstigatingCardOrWindow) (SETQ InstigatingWindow (NC.FetchWindow InstigatingCardOrWindow)) (SETQ PromptWindow (NC.AttachPromptWindow InstigatingWindow))) ((WINDOWP InstigatingCardOrWindow) (SETQ InstigatingWindow InstigatingCardOrWindow) (SETQ PromptWindow (NC.AttachPromptWindow InstigatingWindow))) (T (SETQ InstigatingWindow (SETQ PromptWindow (NC.AttachPromptWindow NC.NoteCardsIconWindow))))) (SETQ InstigatingCard (NC.CoerceToCard InstigatingCardOrWindow)) (SETQ InstigatingNoteFile (AND InstigatingCard (fetch (Card NoteFile) of InstigatingCard))) (NC.PrintMsg InstigatingWindow T (COND (Msg (CONCAT Msg (CHARACTER 13))) (T "")) "Items selected: ") (SETQ OldTTYProcess (TTY.PROCESS)) (* * if we are running under the mouse process, start up a new mouse process) (AND (EQ (QUOTE MOUSE) (PROCESSPROP (THIS.PROCESS) (QUOTE NAME))) (SPAWN.MOUSE)) (* * Set up the prompt window for proper use by the CopyInsertFn) (WINDOWPROP PromptWindow (QUOTE COPYINSERTFN) (FUNCTION NC.SelectNoteCardsCopyInsertFn)) (WINDOWPROP PromptWindow (QUOTE CopyInsertEvent) (SETQ CopyInsertEvent (CREATE.EVENT (QUOTE CopyInsertEvent))) ) (RESETSAVE (WINDOWPROP PromptWindow (QUOTE SelectedCards) NIL) (BQUOTE (WINDOWPROP , PromptWindow (QUOTE SelectedCards) NIL))) (RESETSAVE (WINDOWPROP PromptWindow (QUOTE SelectingCards) T) (BQUOTE (WINDOWPROP , PromptWindow SelectingCards NIL))) (* * Make the process behind the prompt window includiong control for a blibnking cursor) (WINDOWPROP PromptWindow (QUOTE PROCESS) (SETQ PromptWindowProcess (ADD.PROCESS (QUOTE (PROG NIL (BLOCK) (TTYDISPLAYSTREAM (PROCESSPROP (THIS.PROCESS) (QUOTE WINDOW) )) XXXX (BIN) (BLOCK) (GO XXXX))) (QUOTE WINDOW) PromptWindow (QUOTE NAME) (QUOTE SelectNoteCardsProc) (QUOTE TTYENTRYFN) (FUNCTION (LAMBDA (Process) (PROCESSPROP Process (QUOTE OldCaret) (CARET CROSSHAIRS)) (ECHOMODE))) (QUOTE TTYEXITFN) (FUNCTION (LAMBDA (Process) (CARET (PROCESSPROP Process (QUOTE OldCaret))) (ECHOMODE T)))))) (RESETSAVE NIL (BQUOTE (DEL.PROCESS , PromptWindowProcess))) (* * Insure the prompt window is cleared on the way out) (RESETSAVE NIL (BQUOTE (PROGN (AND (HASTTYWINDOWP , PromptWindowProcess) (TTY.PROCESS (if (AND (PROCESSP , OldTTYProcess) (HASTTYWINDOWP , OldTTYProcess)) then , OldTTYProcess else T))) (NC.ClearMsg , InstigatingWindow T)))) (* * Set up the menu above the prompt window) (* fix in case MENUPOSITION is set incorrectly in menu passed down) (replace (MENU MENUPOSITION) of Menu with (CONSTANT (create POSITION XCOORD ← 0 YCOORD ← 0))) (RESETSAVE (ATTACHMENU Menu PromptWindow (if InstigatingWindow then (QUOTE TOP) else (QUOTE BOTTOM)) (QUOTE LEFT)) (BQUOTE (PROGN (DETACHWINDOW (WFROMMENU , Menu)) (DELETEMENU , Menu T)))) (* * If there is an instigating window, make sure it and all its attachments are visible on the screen.) (if InstigatingWindow then (NC.MoveWindowOntoScreen InstigatingWindow)) (* * Give the prompt window the tty process) (TTY.PROCESS (WINDOWPROP PromptWindow (QUOTE PROCESS))) (* * Loop as long as necessary) (until (OR (EQ SelectedCards (QUOTE CANCELLED)) (AND SingleCardFlg SelectedCards) (EQ (CAR SelectedCards) (QUOTE DONE))) do ( (* * Wait for the user to respond by copy inserting something into the prompt window) (until (EQ CopyInsertEvent (AWAIT.EVENT CopyInsertEvent)) do NIL) (* * Get the latest selection list) (SETQ SelectedCards (WINDOWPROP PromptWindow (QUOTE SelectedCards) )) (RESETLST (* * Turn off the caret) (RESETSAVE (TTY.PROCESS (THIS.PROCESS))) (* * If the last thing wasn't a done or cancel, process the new selection) (COND ((AND (NEQ (CAR SelectedCards) (QUOTE DONE)) (NEQ SelectedCards (QUOTE CANCELLED)) (NEQ (CAR SelectedCards) (QUOTE *New% Card*))) (* * Check to make sure that the selection is valid) (COND ((EQ (CAR SelectedCards) (QUOTE *Undo% Selection*)) (* Chop off two elements from the list - the indicator and the previous item.) (WINDOWPROP PromptWindow (QUOTE SelectedCards) (SETQ SelectedCards (CDDR SelectedCards))) (NC.ClearMsg InstigatingWindow NIL)) ((NULL (APPLY* SelectionPredicate (CAR SelectedCards))) (* Does this card match the slection predicate) (NC.PrintMsg InstigatingWindow T "*** Invalid selection. ***" (CHARACTER 13)) (WINDOWPROP PromptWindow (QUOTE SelectedCards) (SETQ SelectedCards (CDR SelectedCards)))) (T (* A valid selection.) (NC.ClearMsg InstigatingWindow NIL))) (* * Print the results in the prompt window) (NC.PrintMsg InstigatingWindow NIL (COND (Msg (CONCAT Msg (CHARACTER 13))) (T "")) "Items selected: ") (for Card in (REVERSE SelectedCards) do (NC.PrintMsg InstigatingWindow NIL ( NC.RetrieveTitle Card) ", ") (if (AND InstigatingWindow (GREATERP (DSPXPOSITION NIL PromptWindow) (TIMES 1.25 (WINDOWPROP InstigatingWindow (QUOTE WIDTH))))) then (NC.PrintMsg InstigatingWindow NIL (CHARACTER 13))))))))) (* * Return the result) (PROG1 (COND ((EQ SelectedCards (QUOTE CANCELLED)) (COND (CheckForCancelFlg (QUOTE CANCELLED)) (T NIL))) (SingleCardFlg (if (EQ (CAR SelectedCards) (QUOTE DONE)) then NIL else (CAR SelectedCards))) (T (if (EQ (CAR SelectedCards) (QUOTE DONE)) then (DREVERSE (CDR SelectedCards)) else (DREVERSE SelectedCards)))) (WINDOWPROP PromptWindow (QUOTE SelectedCards) NIL)))))) ) (PUTPROPS RHTPATCH125 COPYRIGHT ("Xerox Corporation" 1986)) (DECLARE: DONTCOPY (FILEMAP (NIL (583 11389 (NC.SelectNoteCards 593 . 11387))))) STOP