(FILECREATED "10-Dec-85 10:41:09" {QV}<NOTECARDS>1.3K>RHTPATCH016.;2 2637   

      changes to:  (VARS RHTPATCH016COMS)
		   (FNS NC.AddTextCard NC.FetchSlotNum)

      previous date: " 9-Dec-85 19:22:49" {QV}<NOTECARDS>1.3K>RHTPATCH016.;1)

(* Copyright (c) 1985 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.)


(RPAQQ RHTPATCH016COMS ((* * This new function belongs in NCCARDS with the other fetch fns, I 
			     guess. Or it could go in NCDATABASE or NCUTILITIES. Take your pick.)
			  (FNS NC.FetchSlotNum)
			  (* * Redefined from NCTEXTCARD)
			  (FNS NC.AddTextCard)))
(* * This new function belongs in NCCARDS with the other fetch fns, I guess. Or it could go in
 NCDATABASE or NCUTILITIES. Take your pick.)


  (LAMBDA (Card)                                             (* rht: " 9-Dec-85 18:48")

          (* * Compute the slot number for the card in the on-file index by basically dividing the index loc by the index 

    (ADD1 (QUOTIENT (DIFFERENCE (fetch (Card IndexLoc) of Card)
				      (CONSTANT (fetch (NoteFileVersion NoteFileHeaderSize)
						     of (NC.FetchCurrentVersionObject))))
			(CONSTANT (fetch (NoteFileVersion NoteFileIndexWidth) of (
(* * Redefined from NCTEXTCARD)


  (LAMBDA NIL                                                (* rht: "10-Dec-85 10:39")
    (NC.AddCardType (QUOTE Text)
		      (QUOTE NoteCard)
		      (BQUOTE ((MakeFn , (FUNCTION NC.MakeTEditCard))
				 (EditFn , (FUNCTION NC.BringUpTEditCard))
				 (QuitFn , (FUNCTION NC.TEditCloseFn))
				 (GetFn , (FUNCTION NC.GetTextSubstance))
				 (PutFn , (FUNCTION NC.PutTextSubstance))
				 (CopyFn , (FUNCTION NC.TextCopySubstance))
				 (MarkDirtyFn , (FUNCTION NC.MarkTextDirty))
				 (DirtyPFn , (FUNCTION NC.TextDirtyP))
				 (CollectLinksFn , (FUNCTION NC.CollectReferencesInText))
				 (DeleteLinksFn , (FUNCTION NC.DelReferencesToCardFromText))
				 (UpdateLinkIconsFn , (FUNCTION NC.UpdateLinkImagesInText))
				 (InsertLinkFn , (FUNCTION NC.InsertLinkInTextWindow))
				 (TranslateWindowPositionFn , (FUNCTION 
		      (BQUOTE ((LinkDisplayMode Title)
				 (DisplayedInMenuFlg T)
				 (DefaultWidth 300)
				 (DefaultHeight 200)
				 (LinkAnchorModesSupported T))))))
(PUTPROPS RHTPATCH016 COPYRIGHT ("Xerox Corporation" 1985))
  (FILEMAP (NIL (764 1380 (NC.FetchSlotNum 774 . 1378)) (1419 2555 (NC.AddTextCard 1429 . 2553)))))