(FILECREATED "21-Apr-87 16:23:23" {QV}<NOTECARDS>1.3K>NEXT>RGPATCH029.;1 3215 changes to: (VARS RGPATCH029COMS) (FNS NC.SetUpNOTECARDSDIRECTORIES)) (* Copyright (c) 1987 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.) (PRETTYCOMPRINT RGPATCH029COMS) (RPAQQ RGPATCH029COMS ((* * rg 4/21/87 now adds lib>next to dir list if notecards was loaded from >next>) (* * changes to NOTECARDS) (FNS NC.SetUpNOTECARDSDIRECTORIES))) (* * rg 4/21/87 now adds lib>next to dir list if notecards was loaded from >next>) (* * changes to NOTECARDS) (DEFINEQ (NC.SetUpNOTECARDSDIRECTORIES [LAMBDA (BaseDirectory ReleaseIdentifier) (* Randy.Gobbel "21-Apr-87 16:17") (* * Set up the NoteCards directories globalvars) (* * fgh 8/5/86 Now adds NC.ThisDirectory onto the beginning of the directory list retruned.) (* * RG 4/21/87 adds lib>next into dir list if notecards was loaded from >next) (LET (NoteCardsBaseDirectory StrPtr LibNextDirectory) (* * Get the directory for the file now being loaded) [COND ((SETQ NoteCardsBaseDirectory BaseDirectory)) (T (SETQ NC.ThisDirectory (PACK* (QUOTE {) (FILENAMEFIELD (FULLNAME (INPUT)) (QUOTE HOST)) (QUOTE }) (QUOTE <) (FILENAMEFIELD (FULLNAME (INPUT)) (QUOTE DIRECTORY)) (QUOTE >))) (* * Find the directory path up to the first subdirectory called NoteCards) (COND ((SETQ StrPtr (STRPOS "NOTECARDS>" (U-CASE NC.ThisDirectory) NIL NIL NIL T)) (SETQ NoteCardsBaseDirectory (SUBATOM NC.ThisDirectory 1 (SUB1 StrPtr] (SETQ LibNextDirectory (COND ((STRPOS ">NEXT>" NC.ThisDirectory) (PACK* NoteCardsBaseDirectory (OR ReleaseIdentifier NC.ReleaseIdentifier) ">LIBRARY>NEXT>")) (T NIL))) (* * Create the directory search list based on the NoteCardsBaseDirectory) (COND [NoteCardsBaseDirectory (COND [LibNextDirectory (UNION (LIST NC.ThisDirectory) (LIST (PACK* NoteCardsBaseDirectory (OR ReleaseIdentifier NC.ReleaseIdentifier) ">") LibNextDirectory (PACK* NoteCardsBaseDirectory (OR ReleaseIdentifier NC.ReleaseIdentifier) ">" "LIBRARY>") NoteCardsBaseDirectory (PACK* NoteCardsBaseDirectory "LIBRARY>"] (T (UNION (LIST NC.ThisDirectory) (LIST (PACK* NoteCardsBaseDirectory (OR ReleaseIdentifier NC.ReleaseIdentifier) ">") (PACK* NoteCardsBaseDirectory (OR ReleaseIdentifier NC.ReleaseIdentifier) ">" "LIBRARY>") NoteCardsBaseDirectory (PACK* NoteCardsBaseDirectory "LIBRARY>"] (T (LIST NC.ThisDirectory]) ) (PUTPROPS RGPATCH029 COPYRIGHT ("Xerox Corporation" 1987)) (DECLARE: DONTCOPY (FILEMAP (NIL (584 3134 (NC.SetUpNOTECARDSDIRECTORIES 594 . 3132))))) STOP