(FILECREATED "21-Jan-87 12:44:31" {QV}<NOTECARDS>1.3K>NEXT>RGPATCH011.;1 1221   

      changes to:  (VARS RGPATCH011COMS))

(* Copyright (c) 1987 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.)


(RPAQQ RGPATCH011COMS ((* * rg 1/21/87 Removed a reference to "sources")
			 (* * changes to NCCARDS)
			 (FNS NC.InsureProperFiling)))
(* * rg 1/21/87 Removed a reference to "sources")

(* * changes to NCCARDS)


  [LAMBDA (Card)                                             (* Randy.Gobbel "15-Jan-87 14:16")
                                                             (* Called when any type of note card is being quitted 
							     from, i.e., closed)

          (* * rht 12/9/84: Moved check of the NC.ForceFiling flag into NC.CheckContentsHooks.)

          (* * fgh 11/12/85 Updated to handle Card and NoteFile objects.)

          (* * fgh 6/27/86 Changed format to allow being killed by ERROR!)

      ((NULL (NC.FetchBeingDeletedFlg Card))
	(NC.CheckTitle Card)
	(NC.CheckFiling Card])
(PUTPROPS RGPATCH011 COPYRIGHT ("Xerox Corporation" 1987))
  (FILEMAP (NIL (459 1140 (NC.InsureProperFiling 469 . 1138)))))