(FILECREATED "11-Dec-86 20:09:48" {QV}<NOTECARDS>1.3K>NEXT>RGPATCH004.;2 3519 changes to: (FNS NC.PostGreet) (VARS RGPATCH004COMS) previous date: "11-Dec-86 20:07:14" {QV}<NOTECARDS>1.3K>NEXT>RGPATCH004.;1) (* Copyright (c) 1986 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.) (PRETTYCOMPRINT RGPATCH004COMS) (RPAQQ RGPATCH004COMS ((* * Oops. Left NOTECARDS file off the list last time. Maybe it's finally right) (* * This fixes, yet again, problems with loading sources into a NoteCards sysout.) (* * changes to NOTECARDS) (FNS NC.PostGreet))) (* * Oops. Left NOTECARDS file off the list last time. Maybe it's finally right) (* * This fixes, yet again, problems with loading sources into a NoteCards sysout.) (* * changes to NOTECARDS) (DEFINEQ (NC.PostGreet [LAMBDA NIL (* Randy.Gobbel "11-Dec-86 20:09") (* * called when loading NOTECARDS and after each greet (for NOTECARDS sysout users) Note this means you cannot put anything in here that should not be called twice!) (* * kirk 10Jul86 added load of NCPOSTRELEASEPATCHES) (* * kirk 10Aug86 set quietflg in call on NC.CardTypeLoader) (* * fgh 8/27/86 Changed call to NC.AddCardTypeStub to NC.CardTypeStubLoader to go along with changes to AddCardTypeStub) (* * rg 10/29/86 Added calls to NC.FixFileDates after all LOAD calls) (* * rg 12/11/86 Changed LOADFROM of source to LOADVARS of coms) (DECLARE (GLOBALVARS NC.CardTypes NC.CoreFiles NC.LOADFLG NOTECARDTYPES NOTECARDTYPESTUBS NOTECARDSLIBRARYFILES NCINITIALGLOBALPARAMS)) [LET (FullFileName TypeName Type File) (* * in case new patches have been made since the sysout was made or the last greet) (COND ((SETQ FullFileName (NC.FindFile (QUOTE POSTRELEASEPATCHES))) (LOAD? FullFileName NC.LOADFLG) (NC.FixFileDates FullFileName))) (for TypeName in NOTECARDTYPES unless (AND (SETQ Type (GETHASH TypeName NC.CardTypes)) (NOT (fetch (NoteCardType StubFlg) of Type))) do (NC.CardTypeLoader TypeName NIL T)) (for TypeName in NOTECARDTYPESTUBS unless (OR (NC.CardTypeRecord TypeName) (MEMB TypeName NOTECARDTYPES) (GETHASH TypeName NC.CardTypes)) do (NC.CardTypeStubLoader TypeName)) (* * Load the library packages requested by the user's NOTECARDSLIBRARYFILES parameters) (for File in NOTECARDSLIBRARYFILES unless (GETPROP File (QUOTE FILEDATES)) do (COND ((SETQ FullFileName (NC.FindFile File)) (LOAD FullFileName NC.LOADFLG) (NC.FixFileDates FullFileName)) (T (PRINT (CONCAT "NoteCards: Can't find library file: " File "."] (NCP.NoteCardsParameters NCINITIALGLOBALPARAMS) (if (NEQ NC.LOADFLG (QUOTE SYSLOAD)) then [for file in (CONS (QUOTE NOTECARDS) NC.CoreFiles) do (if (NOT (BOUNDP (FILECOMS file))) then (LOADVARS (FILECOMS file) (NC.FindFile file] (NC.FixFileDates NC.CoreFiles]) ) (PUTPROPS RGPATCH004 COPYRIGHT ("Xerox Corporation" 1986)) (DECLARE: DONTCOPY (FILEMAP (NIL (816 3438 (NC.PostGreet 826 . 3436))))) STOP