(FILECREATED "15-May-87 15:32:28" {QV}<NOTECARDS>1.3K>NEXT>PMIPATCH039.;2 2290 changes to: (FNS NC.BuildInspector) (VARS PMIPATCH039COMS) previous date: "15-May-87 15:31:02" {QV}<NOTECARDS>1.3K>NEXT>PMIPATCH039.;1) (* Copyright (c) 1987 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.) (PRETTYCOMPRINT PMIPATCH039COMS) (RPAQQ PMIPATCH039COMS ((* * pmi 5/15/87: Fixes creation of bogus Yes/No menus when Parameter Inspector's title bar is bugged with middle button. Removed NC.InspectorTitleCommandFn (TITLECOMMANDFN arg) from call to INSPECTW.CREATE) (* * Changed in NCPARAMETERS) (FNS NC.BuildInspector) (* * Remove NC.InspectorTitleCommandFn from NCPARAMETERS and put in NCOBSOLETE))) (* * pmi 5/15/87: Fixes creation of bogus Yes/No menus when Parameter Inspector's title bar is bugged with middle button. Removed NC.InspectorTitleCommandFn (TITLECOMMANDFN arg) from call to INSPECTW.CREATE) (* * Changed in NCPARAMETERS) (DEFINEQ (NC.BuildInspector (LAMBDA NIL (* pmi: "15-May-87 15:32") (* * Build and dislay an inspector window on the user tailoring flgs) (* * rht 5/1/86: Now flashes existing window instead of moving it.) (* * pmi 5/15/87: Removed NC.InspectorTitleCommandFn (TITLECOMMANDFN arg) from call to INSPECTW.CREATE) (DECLARE (GLOBALVARS NC.NoteCardsParameters)) (PROG (InspectWindow) (COND ((SETQ InspectWindow (for Window in (OPENWINDOWS) when (WINDOWPROP Window (QUOTE NoteCardsInspector)) do (RETURN Window))) (FLASHW InspectWindow)) (T (SETQ InspectWindow (INSPECTW.CREATE T NC.NoteCardsParameters (FUNCTION NC.InspectorFetchFn) NIL NIL NIL NIL "NoteCards Session Parameters" (FUNCTION NC.InspectorSelectionFn) NIL NIL)) (WINDOWPROP InspectWindow (QUOTE NoteCardsInspector) T)))))) ) (* * Remove NC.InspectorTitleCommandFn from NCPARAMETERS and put in NCOBSOLETE) (PUTPROPS PMIPATCH039 COPYRIGHT ("Xerox Corporation" 1987)) (DECLARE: DONTCOPY (FILEMAP (NIL (1021 2122 (NC.BuildInspector 1031 . 2120))))) STOP