(FILECREATED " 1-May-87 18:05:53" {QV}<NOTECARDS>1.3K>NEXT>PMIPATCH035.;1 27823 changes to: (VARS PMIPATCH035COMS) (FNS NC.LinkIconDisplayFn)) (* Copyright (c) 1987 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.) (PRETTYCOMPRINT PMIPATCH035COMS) (RPAQQ PMIPATCH035COMS ((* * pmi 5/1/87: added missing local vars declarations.) (* * Changes to NCINTERFACE) (FNS NC.LinkIconDisplayFn NC.LinkIconImageBoxFn))) (* * pmi 5/1/87: added missing local vars declarations.) (* * Changes to NCINTERFACE) (DEFINEQ (NC.LinkIconDisplayFn (LAMBDA (ImageObj ImageStream StreamType TextStream Scale) (* pmi: " 1-May-87 18:02") (* * Display a link icon) (* * rht 11/13/84: Made width of box lines also scale dependent.) (* * rht 12/4/84: Hacked so type-dependent icons come out optionally to left of text.) (* * rht 2/9/85: Changed to use new display mode format.) (* * fgh 2/5/86 Added call to NC.FetchLinkIconAttachedBitMap) (* * rht & fgh 5/9/86: Massive hacking to display coords, etc.) (* * fgh 5/9/86 Added DSPFONT kludge after TypeIcon BITBLT to get around bug in PRESS BITBLT. Bug reported as AR %#5630.0) (* * rht 5/10/86: Rearranged order of expressions a bit and added arg to call to NC.FetchLinkIconAttachedBitMap in order to get a bitmap with correct height for the box we're drawing.) (* * rht 8/7/86: Now passes Scale argument to NC.FetchLinkIconAttachedBitMap. Also uses the Title and Label args if non-nil. If not, then recomputes them more sensibly.) (* * rht 8/25/86: Fixed improperly placed comment.) (* * pmi 2/11/87: Overhauled to accommodate multi-line link icons) (* * pmi 2/27/87: Fixed problems with only displaying the attached bitmap and with displaying null titles) (* * pmi 5/1/87: added missing local vars declarations.) (DECLARE (GLOBALVARS NC.LinkIconMultiLineMode NC.LinkIconMaxWidth NC.LinkIconSpaceInnerX NC.LinkIconSpaceOuterX NC.LinkIconAttachBitmapFlg NC.LinkIconSpaceInnerY NC.LinkIconSpaceOuterY NC.LinkIconSpaceInterLine NC.LinkIconBorderWidth NC.LinkIconShowLinkTypeFlg NC.LinkIconShowTitleFlg)) (RESETLST (RESETSAVE NIL (BQUOTE (DSPFONT , (DSPFONT NC.LinkIconFont ImageStream) , ImageStream))) (PROG ((Scale (DSPSCALE NIL ImageStream)) (Link (NC.FetchLinkFromLinkIcon ImageObj)) Font FontHeight FontAscent FontDescent Left Bottom Top ShowTitleFlg LinkDisplayMode AttachBitmapFlg DisplayType Window Card Title Label LinkIconString LinkIconStrings ApproxBoxWidth ApproxBoxHeight BoxWidth BoxHeight ImageBox Icon ScaledIconHeight ScaledIconWidth XPosition ScaledLinkIconMaxWidth ScaledBorderWidth ScaledSpaceInnerX ScaledSpaceOuterX ScaledSpaceInnerY ScaledSpaceOuterY ScaledSpaceInterLine HalfScaledSpaceInterLine BottomOfLine) (SETQ Font (DSPFONT NIL ImageStream)) (SETQ FontHeight (FONTHEIGHT Font)) (* * Determine what type of Display to do) (SETQ DisplayType (fetch (Link DisplayMode) of Link)) (SETQ ShowTitleFlg (fetch (LINKDISPLAYMODE SHOWTITLEFLG) of DisplayType) ) (SETQ Card (if (EQ ShowTitleFlg (QUOTE SOURCE)) then (fetch (Link SourceCard) of Link) else (fetch (Link DestinationCard) of Link))) (SETQ LinkDisplayMode (fetch (LINKDISPLAYMODE SHOWLINKTYPEFLG) of DisplayType)) (SETQ AttachBitmapFlg (fetch (LINKDISPLAYMODE ATTACHBITMAPFLG) of DisplayType)) (SETQ AttachBitmapFlg (if (EQ AttachBitmapFlg (QUOTE FLOAT)) then NC.LinkIconAttachBitmapFlg else AttachBitmapFlg)) (* * Construct the text for the link icon) (SETQ Title (if (AND ShowTitleFlg (OR (NEQ ShowTitleFlg (QUOTE FLOAT)) NC.LinkIconShowTitleFlg)) then (NC.RetrieveTitle Card) else NIL)) (SETQ Label (AND (COND ((EQ LinkDisplayMode (QUOTE FLOAT)) NC.LinkIconShowLinkTypeFlg) (T LinkDisplayMode)) (fetch (Link Label) of Link))) (SETQ LinkIconString (CONCAT (COND (Label (CONCAT "<" Label ">")) (T "")) (COND ((AND Label Title) " ") (T "")) (OR Title ""))) (* * Make temporaries of scaled variables) (SETQ ScaledLinkIconMaxWidth (TIMES Scale NC.LinkIconMaxWidth)) (SETQ ScaledBorderWidth (TIMES Scale NC.LinkIconBorderWidth)) (SETQ ScaledSpaceInnerX (TIMES Scale NC.LinkIconSpaceInnerX)) (SETQ ScaledSpaceOuterX (TIMES Scale NC.LinkIconSpaceOuterX)) (SETQ ScaledSpaceInnerY (TIMES Scale NC.LinkIconSpaceInnerY)) (SETQ ScaledSpaceOuterY (TIMES Scale NC.LinkIconSpaceOuterY)) (SETQ ScaledSpaceInterLine (TIMES Scale NC.LinkIconSpaceInterLine)) (SETQ HalfScaledSpaceInterLine (IQUOTIENT ScaledSpaceInterLine 2)) (* * Set up the icon, if displayed) (SETQ ImageBox (IMAGEOBJPROP ImageObj (QUOTE BOUNDBOX))) (if AttachBitmapFlg then (* * Attached icon) (* * Use an estimate of the width and height to tell if the box contains more than one line of text) (if NC.LinkIconMultiLineMode then (* * Multi-line link icons are enabled) (SETQ ApproxBoxWidth (PLUS ScaledSpaceOuterX ScaledBorderWidth ScaledSpaceInnerX (STRINGWIDTH LinkIconString Font) ScaledSpaceInnerX ScaledBorderWidth ScaledSpaceOuterX)) (SETQ ApproxBoxHeight (PLUS ScaledSpaceOuterY ScaledBorderWidth ScaledSpaceInnerY FontHeight ScaledSpaceInnerY ScaledBorderWidth ScaledSpaceOuterY)) (if ImageBox then (* * The image box has already been calculated. Use the box height to determine if Multi-line or Single line. Calculate the correct bitmap.) (SETQ BoxHeight (fetch (IMAGEBOX YSIZE) of ImageBox)) (if (GREATERP BoxHeight ApproxBoxHeight) then (* Calculate height for Multi-line icon) (SETQ ScaledIconHeight (PLUS ScaledBorderWidth ScaledSpaceInnerY FontHeight HalfScaledSpaceInterLine)) else (* Calculate height for Single line icon) (SETQ ScaledIconHeight (PLUS ScaledBorderWidth ScaledSpaceInnerY FontHeight ScaledSpaceInnerY ScaledBorderWidth))) (SETQ Icon ( NC.FetchLinkIconAttachedBitMap Card ScaledIconHeight Scale)) (SETQ ScaledIconHeight (TIMES Scale (BITMAPHEIGHT Icon))) (SETQ ScaledIconWidth (TIMES Scale (BITMAPWIDTH Icon))) else (* * The image box must be calculated) (if (GREATERP ApproxBoxWidth ScaledLinkIconMaxWidth) then (* Calculate Multi-line icon) (SETQ ScaledIconHeight (PLUS ScaledBorderWidth ScaledSpaceInnerY FontHeight HalfScaledSpaceInterLine)) (SETQ Icon ( NC.FetchLinkIconAttachedBitMap Card ScaledIconHeight Scale)) (SETQ ScaledIconHeight (TIMES Scale (BITMAPHEIGHT Icon))) (SETQ ScaledIconWidth (TIMES Scale (BITMAPWIDTH Icon))) else (* Calculate Single line icon) (SETQ ScaledIconHeight (PLUS ScaledBorderWidth ScaledSpaceInnerY FontHeight ScaledSpaceInnerY ScaledBorderWidth)) (SETQ Icon ( NC.FetchLinkIconAttachedBitMap Card ScaledIconHeight Scale)) (SETQ ScaledIconHeight (TIMES Scale (BITMAPHEIGHT Icon))) (SETQ ScaledIconWidth (TIMES Scale (BITMAPWIDTH Icon))) (* * Now see if total width, including the icon, will still fit if this is a Single line) (if (AND (NOT (STREQUAL LinkIconString "")) (GREATERP (PLUS ApproxBoxWidth ScaledIconWidth) ScaledLinkIconMaxWidth) ) then (* Now it doesn't fit. Calculate Multi-line icon) (SETQ ScaledIconHeight (PLUS ScaledBorderWidth ScaledSpaceInnerY FontHeight HalfScaledSpaceInterLine)) (SETQ Icon ( NC.FetchLinkIconAttachedBitMap Card ScaledIconHeight Scale)) (SETQ ScaledIconHeight (TIMES Scale (BITMAPHEIGHT Icon))) (SETQ ScaledIconWidth (TIMES Scale (BITMAPWIDTH Icon)))))) else (* * Multi-line link icons are disabled) (SETQ ScaledIconHeight (PLUS ScaledBorderWidth ScaledSpaceInnerY FontHeight ScaledSpaceInnerY ScaledBorderWidth)) (SETQ Icon (NC.FetchLinkIconAttachedBitMap Card ScaledIconHeight Scale)) (SETQ ScaledIconHeight (TIMES Scale (BITMAPHEIGHT Icon))) (SETQ ScaledIconWidth (TIMES Scale (BITMAPWIDTH Icon)))) else (* * No attached icon) (SETQ Icon NIL) (SETQ ScaledIconHeight 0) (SETQ ScaledIconWidth 0)) (* * Now determine the text to be printed) (if (AND Icon (GREATERP (PLUS ScaledIconWidth ScaledSpaceOuterX ScaledSpaceOuterX) ScaledLinkIconMaxWidth)) then (* If the width of the icon plus the outer x's is greater than the ScaledLinkIconMaxWidth set by the user, set the icon and text to NIL) (SETQ Icon NIL) (SETQ ScaledIconHeight 0) (SETQ ScaledIconWidth 0) (SETQ LinkIconStrings (LIST "")) elseif (STREQUAL LinkIconString "") then (* There is no text to print, so set it to the null string) (SETQ LinkIconStrings (LIST "")) else (* * Have the text parsed into separate lines) (SETQ LinkIconStrings (NC.CreateLinkIconStrings Link LinkIconString Icon ImageStream) )) (* * Get the image box info for this icon) (SETQ ImageBox (OR ImageBox (NC.LinkIconImageBoxFn ImageObj ImageStream NIL NIL NIL DisplayType Title Label LinkIconString Icon LinkIconStrings))) (* * Compute all the size values.) (SETQ Bottom (PLUS (DIFFERENCE (DSPYPOSITION NIL ImageStream) (fetch (IMAGEBOX YDESC) of ImageBox)) ScaledSpaceOuterY)) (SETQ BoxHeight (DIFFERENCE (fetch (IMAGEBOX YSIZE) of ImageBox) (PLUS ScaledSpaceOuterY ScaledSpaceOuterY))) (SETQ Top (PLUS Bottom BoxHeight)) (SETQ Left (PLUS (DSPXPOSITION NIL ImageStream) ScaledSpaceOuterX)) (SETQ BoxWidth (DIFFERENCE (fetch (IMAGEBOX XSIZE) of ImageBox) (PLUS ScaledSpaceOuterX ScaledSpaceOuterX))) (* * Display the icon, if possible) (if (AND Icon (LEQ (PLUS ScaledIconWidth ScaledSpaceOuterX ScaledSpaceOuterX) ScaledLinkIconMaxWidth)) then (* Put out the icon bitmap, but only if the width of the icon plus the outer x's does not exceed the LinkIconMaxWidth set by the user.) (BITBLT Icon 0 0 ImageStream Left (DIFFERENCE Top ScaledIconHeight)) (* DSPFONT is a kludge to get around bug in PRESS BITBLT which sets the width of a space char to NIL. Bug reported as AR %#5630.0) (DSPFONT Font ImageStream) (if (NOT (OR Label Title)) then (* Quit because just a typeicon) (RETURN)) else (* There isn't enough space for the icon, so set it to NIL) (SETQ Icon NIL) (SETQ ScaledIconWidth 0)) (* * Enter the appropriate text.) (SETQ XPosition (PLUS Left (if Icon then ScaledIconWidth else ScaledBorderWidth) ScaledSpaceInnerX)) (DSPXPOSITION XPosition ImageStream) (SETQ FontDescent (FONTDESCENT Font)) (if LinkIconStrings then (if (GREATERP (LENGTH LinkIconStrings) 1) then (SETQ FontAscent (FONTASCENT Font)) (SETQ BottomOfLine (DIFFERENCE Top (PLUS ScaledBorderWidth ScaledSpaceInnerY FontAscent))) (SETQ XPosition (PLUS Left ScaledSpaceInnerX ScaledBorderWidth)) (for String in LinkIconStrings do (DSPYPOSITION BottomOfLine ImageStream) (PRIN1 String ImageStream) (SETQ BottomOfLine (DIFFERENCE BottomOfLine (PLUS FontDescent ScaledSpaceInterLine FontAscent))) (DSPXPOSITION XPosition ImageStream)) (* * Draw the box.) (NC.DrawInnerBox Left Bottom BoxWidth BoxHeight ScaledBorderWidth NIL ImageStream Icon ScaledIconWidth ScaledIconHeight) else (DSPYPOSITION (PLUS Bottom ScaledBorderWidth ScaledSpaceInnerY FontDescent) ImageStream) (PRIN1 (CAR LinkIconStrings) ImageStream) (* * Draw the box.) (NC.DrawInnerBox (PLUS Left ScaledIconWidth) Bottom (DIFFERENCE BoxWidth ScaledIconWidth) BoxHeight ScaledBorderWidth NIL ImageStream Icon))))))) (NC.LinkIconImageBoxFn (LAMBDA (ImageObj ImageStream CurrentX RightMargin DummyArg DisplayType Title Label LinkIconString Icon LinkIconStrings) (* pmi: " 1-May-87 18:00") (* * rht 9/20/84: Now scales result before returning by proper amount depending on stream type. e.g. for PRESS and INTERPRESS.) (* * rht 11/13/84: In computation of XSIZE, extra width is figured using characters in the font, "nn", rather than absolute pixel count.) (* * rht 2/9/85: Now uses new displaymode format.) (* * rht 5/9/86: Note that RightMargin non-nil signals a TEdit stream.) (* * rht & fgh 5/9/86: Massive hacking to display coords, etc.) (* * rht 5/10/86: Rearranged order of expressions a bit and added arg to call to NC.FetchLinkIconAttachedBitMap in order to get a bitmap with correct height for the box we're drawing.) (* * rht 8/7/86: Now passes Scale argument to NC.FetchLinkIconAttachedBitMap. Also uses the Title and Label args if non-nil. If not, then recomputes them more sensibly.) (* * rht 8/25/85: Fixed improperly placed comment.) (* * rg 11/18/86: Added TotalEdgeSpaceY to local vars declaration) (* * pmi 2/6/87: Overhauled to accommodate multi-line link icons) (* * pmi 2/27/87: Fixed problems with only displaying the attached bitmap and with displaying null titles) (* * pmi 5/1/87: added missing local vars declarations.) (DECLARE (GLOBALVARS NC.LinkIconMultiLineMode NC.LinkIconMaxWidth NC.LinkIconSpaceInnerX NC.LinkIconSpaceOuterX NC.LinkIconAttachBitmapFlg NC.LinkIconSpaceInnerY NC.LinkIconSpaceOuterY NC.LinkIconSpaceInterLine NC.LinkIconBorderWidth NC.LinkIconShowLinkTypeFlg NC.LinkIconShowTitleFlg)) (RESETLST (RESETSAVE NIL (BQUOTE (DSPFONT , (DSPFONT NC.LinkIconFont ImageStream) , ImageStream))) (LET ((Link (NC.FetchLinkFromLinkIcon ImageObj)) (Scale (DSPSCALE NIL ImageStream)) (StringWidth 0) Card Font FontHeight ShowTitleFlg AttachBitmapFlg LinkDisplayMode ApproxBoxWidth ScaledIconHeight ScaledIconWidth NumberOfLines XSize YSize ScaledLinkIconMaxWidth ScaledBorderWidth ScaledSpaceInnerX ScaledSpaceOuterX ScaledSpaceInnerY ScaledSpaceOuterY ScaledSpaceInterLine HalfScaledSpaceInterLine TotalEdgeSpaceY) (SETQ Font (DSPFONT NIL ImageStream)) (SETQ FontHeight (FONTHEIGHT Font)) (* * Determine what type of Display to do) (OR DisplayType (SETQ DisplayType (fetch (Link DisplayMode) of Link))) (SETQ ShowTitleFlg (fetch (LINKDISPLAYMODE SHOWTITLEFLG) of DisplayType)) (SETQ Card (if (EQ ShowTitleFlg (QUOTE SOURCE)) then (fetch (Link SourceCard) of Link) else (fetch (Link DestinationCard) of Link))) (SETQ LinkDisplayMode (fetch (LINKDISPLAYMODE SHOWLINKTYPEFLG) of DisplayType)) (SETQ AttachBitmapFlg (fetch (LINKDISPLAYMODE ATTACHBITMAPFLG) of DisplayType)) (SETQ AttachBitmapFlg (if (EQ AttachBitmapFlg (QUOTE FLOAT)) then NC.LinkIconAttachBitmapFlg else AttachBitmapFlg)) (* * Construct the text for the link icon) (if (NOT LinkIconString) then (OR Title (SETQ Title (if (AND ShowTitleFlg (OR (NEQ ShowTitleFlg (QUOTE FLOAT)) NC.LinkIconShowTitleFlg)) then (NC.RetrieveTitle Card) else NIL))) (OR Label (SETQ Label (AND (if (EQ LinkDisplayMode (QUOTE FLOAT)) then NC.LinkIconShowLinkTypeFlg else LinkDisplayMode) (fetch (Link Label) of Link)))) (SETQ LinkIconString (CONCAT (COND (Label (CONCAT "<" Label ">")) (T "")) (COND ((AND Label Title) " ") (T "")) (OR Title "")))) (* * Make temporaries of scaled vars.) (SETQ ScaledLinkIconMaxWidth (TIMES Scale NC.LinkIconMaxWidth)) (SETQ ScaledBorderWidth (TIMES Scale NC.LinkIconBorderWidth)) (SETQ ScaledSpaceInnerX (TIMES Scale NC.LinkIconSpaceInnerX)) (SETQ ScaledSpaceOuterX (TIMES Scale NC.LinkIconSpaceOuterX)) (SETQ ScaledSpaceInnerY (TIMES Scale NC.LinkIconSpaceInnerY)) (SETQ ScaledSpaceOuterY (TIMES Scale NC.LinkIconSpaceOuterY)) (SETQ ScaledSpaceInterLine (TIMES Scale NC.LinkIconSpaceInterLine)) (SETQ HalfScaledSpaceInterLine (IQUOTIENT ScaledSpaceInterLine 2)) (* *) (SETQ TotalEdgeSpaceY (PLUS ScaledBorderWidth ScaledSpaceOuterY ScaledSpaceInnerY)) (SETQ YSize (PLUS TotalEdgeSpaceY TotalEdgeSpaceY FontHeight)) (* * Set up the icon, if displayed) (if AttachBitmapFlg then (* * Attached icon) (* * Use an estimate of the width to tell if the box contains more than one line of text) (if NC.LinkIconMultiLineMode then (* * Multi-line link icons are enabled) (SETQ ApproxBoxWidth (PLUS ScaledSpaceOuterX ScaledBorderWidth ScaledSpaceInnerX (STRINGWIDTH LinkIconString Font) ScaledSpaceInnerX ScaledBorderWidth ScaledSpaceOuterX)) (* * The image box must be calculated) (if (GREATERP ApproxBoxWidth ScaledLinkIconMaxWidth) then (* Calculate Multi-line icon) (SETQ ScaledIconHeight (PLUS ScaledBorderWidth ScaledSpaceInnerY FontHeight HalfScaledSpaceInterLine)) (SETQ Icon (NC.FetchLinkIconAttachedBitMap Card ScaledIconHeight Scale)) (SETQ ScaledIconHeight (TIMES Scale ( BITMAPHEIGHT Icon))) (SETQ ScaledIconWidth (TIMES Scale (BITMAPWIDTH Icon))) else (* Calculate Single line icon) (SETQ ScaledIconHeight (PLUS ScaledBorderWidth ScaledSpaceInnerY FontHeight ScaledSpaceInnerY ScaledBorderWidth)) (SETQ Icon (NC.FetchLinkIconAttachedBitMap Card ScaledIconHeight Scale)) (SETQ ScaledIconHeight (TIMES Scale (BITMAPHEIGHT Icon))) (SETQ ScaledIconWidth (TIMES Scale (BITMAPWIDTH Icon))) (* * Now see if total width, including the icon, will still fit if this is a Single line) (if (AND (NOT (STREQUAL LinkIconString "") ) (GREATERP (PLUS ApproxBoxWidth ScaledIconWidth) ScaledLinkIconMaxWidth)) then (* Now it doesn't fit. Calculate Multi-line icon) (SETQ ScaledIconHeight (PLUS ScaledBorderWidth ScaledSpaceInnerY FontHeight HalfScaledSpaceInterLine)) (SETQ Icon ( NC.FetchLinkIconAttachedBitMap Card ScaledIconHeight Scale)) (SETQ ScaledIconHeight (TIMES Scale (BITMAPHEIGHT Icon))) (SETQ ScaledIconWidth (TIMES Scale (BITMAPWIDTH Icon))) )) else (* * Multi-line link icons are disabled) (SETQ ScaledIconHeight (PLUS ScaledBorderWidth ScaledSpaceInnerY FontHeight ScaledSpaceInnerY ScaledBorderWidth)) (SETQ Icon (NC.FetchLinkIconAttachedBitMap Card ScaledIconHeight Scale)) (SETQ ScaledIconHeight (TIMES Scale (BITMAPHEIGHT Icon))) (SETQ ScaledIconWidth (TIMES Scale (BITMAPWIDTH Icon))) ) else (* * No attached icon) (SETQ Icon NIL) (SETQ ScaledIconHeight 0) (SETQ ScaledIconWidth 0)) (* * Now determine the actual size of the image box) (if (AND Icon (GREATERP (PLUS ScaledIconWidth ScaledSpaceOuterX ScaledSpaceOuterX) ScaledLinkIconMaxWidth)) then (* If the width of the icon plus the outer x's is greater than the ScaledLinkIconMaxWidth set by the user, set the box width to ScaledLinkIconMaxWidth) (SETQ XSize ScaledLinkIconMaxWidth) elseif (STREQUAL LinkIconString "") then (if Icon then (* There is no text to print, so the box width is just the icon width plus the outer x on each side) (SETQ XSize (PLUS ScaledIconWidth ScaledSpaceOuterX ScaledSpaceOuterX)) else (* There is no text or Icon to print, so the box width is just the inner x, border width, and outer x on each side) (SETQ XSize (PLUS ScaledSpaceInnerX ScaledSpaceInnerX ScaledBorderWidth ScaledBorderWidth ScaledSpaceOuterX ScaledSpaceOuterX))) else (* Have the text parsed into separate lines) (SETQ LinkIconStrings (NC.CreateLinkIconStrings Link LinkIconString Icon ImageStream)) (if LinkIconStrings then (SETQ NumberOfLines (LENGTH LinkIconStrings)) (if (GREATERP NumberOfLines 1) then (SETQ StringWidth (PLUS (STRINGWIDTH (CAR LinkIconStrings) Font) ScaledIconWidth)) (* Find the longest string for the width of the box) (for String in (CDR LinkIconStrings) bind PartStringWidth when (GREATERP (SETQ PartStringWidth (STRINGWIDTH String Font)) StringWidth) do (SETQ StringWidth PartStringWidth)) (SETQ YSize (PLUS TotalEdgeSpaceY TotalEdgeSpaceY (TIMES NumberOfLines FontHeight) (TIMES (SUB1 NumberOfLines) ScaledSpaceInterLine))) else (SETQ StringWidth (PLUS (STRINGWIDTH (CAR LinkIconStrings) Font) ScaledIconWidth))) (SETQ XSize (MIN (PLUS StringWidth ScaledSpaceOuterX ScaledSpaceOuterX ScaledSpaceInnerX ScaledSpaceInnerX (if Icon then ScaledBorderWidth else (PLUS ScaledBorderWidth ScaledBorderWidth))) (PLUS (TIMES Scale ScaledLinkIconMaxWidth) ScaledSpaceOuterX ScaledSpaceOuterX))))) (create IMAGEBOX XSIZE ← XSize YSIZE ← YSize YDESC ←(COND (RightMargin (* This is in a TEdittextstream) (PLUS (FONTDESCENT Font) TotalEdgeSpaceY)) (T 0)) XKERN ← 0))))) ) (PUTPROPS PMIPATCH035 COPYRIGHT ("Xerox Corporation" 1987)) (DECLARE: DONTCOPY (FILEMAP (NIL (540 27741 (NC.LinkIconDisplayFn 550 . 15771) (NC.LinkIconImageBoxFn 15773 . 27739))))) STOP