(FILECREATED "31-Mar-87 15:34:01" {QV}<NOTECARDS>1.3K>NEXT>PMIPATCH026.;2 3326   

      changes to:  (VARS PMIPATCH026COMS)

      previous date: "31-Mar-87 15:24:21" {QV}<NOTECARDS>1.3K>NEXT>PMIPATCH026.;1)

(* Copyright (c) 1987 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.)


(RPAQQ PMIPATCH026COMS ((* * pmi 3/31/87: Fixes bug #501: changed prompt message for placing card 
			     to not say "... Card NIL" for a new card.)
			  (* * Changed in NCCARDS:)
			  (FNS NC.DetermineDisplayRegion)))
(* * pmi 3/31/87: Fixes bug #501: changed prompt message for placing card to not say 
"... Card NIL" for a new card.)

(* * Changed in NCCARDS:)


  (LAMBDA (Card Region/Position)                             (* pmi: "31-Mar-87 15:20")

          (* * fgh 11/13/85 Updated to handle Card object.)

          (* * fgh 2/5/86 Changed names DefaultcardWidth to FeatchDefaultWidth ...)

          (* * rht 3/25/87: Changed so as to account for the NoteFile indicator window height if present.)

          (* * pmi 3/31/87: Changed prompt message for placing card to not say "... Card NIL" for a new card.)

    (DECLARE (GLOBALVARS NC.BringUpCardAtOldPosFlg NC.ShowNoteFileOnCards))
    (LET (Region)
	   ((type? REGION Region/Position)
	   ((POSITIONP Region/Position)
	     (if (SETQ Region (NC.FetchRegion Card))
		 then (CREATEREGION (fetch (POSITION XCOORD) of Region/Position)
					(fetch (POSITION YCOORD) of Region/Position)
					(fetch (REGION WIDTH) of Region)
					(fetch (REGION HEIGHT) of Region))
	       else (CREATEREGION (fetch XCOORD of Region/Position)
				      (fetch YCOORD of Region/Position)
				      (NC.FetchDefaultWidth Card)
				      (NC.FetchDefaultHeight Card))))
	   ((AND NC.BringUpCardAtOldPosFlg (NC.FetchRegion Card)))
	   (T (LET (Width Height TotalHeight CardTitle NewRegion)
	           (if (SETQ Region (NC.FetchRegion Card))
		       then (SETQ Width (fetch WIDTH of Region))
			      (SETQ Height (fetch HEIGHT of Region))
		     else (SETQ Width (NC.FetchDefaultWidth Card))
			    (SETQ Height (NC.FetchDefaultHeight Card)))
	           (SETQ TotalHeight (if NC.ShowNoteFileOnCards
					   then (PLUS Height (NC.NoteFileIndicatorWinHeight))
					 else Height))
	           (SETQ CardTitle (NC.FetchTitle Card))
	           (replace (REGION HEIGHT) of (SETQ NewRegion
						     (GETBOXREGION Width TotalHeight (GETMOUSEX)
								     (if CardTitle
									 then (CONCAT
							 "Please specify location for Note Card "
								       else (CONCAT 
							       "Please specify location for new "
											" Card"))))
		      with Height)
(PUTPROPS PMIPATCH026 COPYRIGHT ("Xerox Corporation" 1987))
  (FILEMAP (NIL (698 3244 (NC.DetermineDisplayRegion 708 . 3242)))))