(FILECREATED "23-Dec-86 00:33:11" {QV}<NOTECARDS>1.3K>NEXT>KIRKPATCH034.;1 3695 changes to: (VARS KIRKPATCH034COMS y) (FNS NCLocalDevice.GetNoteFileHeader NC.FindFile)) (* Copyright (c) 1986 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.) (PRETTYCOMPRINT KIRKPATCH034COMS) (RPAQQ KIRKPATCH034COMS ((* * change to NCLOCALDEVICE, gets rid of unused local FullFileName var) (FNS NCLocalDevice.GetNoteFileHeader) (* * change to NOTECARDS, allows new LCOM files) (FNS NC.FindFile))) (* * change to NCLOCALDEVICE, gets rid of unused local FullFileName var) (DEFINEQ (NCLocalDevice.GetNoteFileHeader (LAMBDA (NoteFile) (* kirk: "21-Dec-86 16:57") (* * Fill in the NoteFile object with stuff from the file.) (LET ((Stream (fetch (NoteFile Stream) of NoteFile))) (* Recover the 30 information bytes for the notefile.) (SETFILEPTR Stream 0) (* 3 bytes for next card ID) (replace (NoteFile NextIndexNum) of NoteFile with (NC.ReadPtr Stream 3)) (* 3 bytes for index size) (replace (NoteFile HashArraySize) of NoteFile with (NC.ReadPtr Stream 3)) (* One dummy byte so that version number stays in favorite old place.) (NC.ReadPtr Stream 1) (* 1 byte for notecards version number) (replace (NoteFile Version) of NoteFile with (NC.ReadPtr Stream 1)) (* 3 bytes for next link ID) (replace (NoteFile NextLinkNum) of NoteFile with (NC.ReadPtr Stream 3)) (* 3 bytes for pointer to current checkpt ptr.) (replace (NoteFile CheckptPtr) of NoteFile with (NC.ReadPtr Stream 3)) (* 14 bytes for NoteFile UID.) (replace (NoteFile UID) of NoteFile with (NC.ReadUID NoteFile)) (* 2 bytes for future needs) (NC.ReadPtr Stream 2) NoteFile))) ) (* * change to NOTECARDS, allows new LCOM files) (DEFINEQ (NC.FindFile (LAMBDA (FileName TypeName CheckConnectedDirFlg SourceFlg) (* kirk: "23-Dec-86 00:32") (* * kirk 6/12/86 find code file to implement a card type) (* * kirk 9/21/86 added optional FileName parameter) (* * rht&rg&pmi 10/21/86: Removed lots of useless kruft and replaced with other FINDFILE kruft. Added CheckConnectedDirFlg arg.) (* * kirk 12/23/86 replaced use of DCOM with COMPILE.EXT) (DECLARE (GLOBALVARS NOTECARDSDIRECTORIES)) (LET ((FilesLoadDirs (if CheckConnectedDirFlg then (CONS (DIRECTORYNAME T T) NOTECARDSDIRECTORIES) else NOTECARDSDIRECTORIES))) (OR FileName (SETQ FileName (PACK* (QUOTE NC) (U-CASE TypeName) (QUOTE CARD)))) (if (AND (NULL (FILENAMEFIELD FileName (QUOTE EXTENSION))) (FINDFILE (PACKFILENAME (QUOTE BODY) FileName (QUOTE EXTENSION) (if SourceFlg then "" else COMPILE.EXT)) T FilesLoadDirs)) else (OR (FINDFILE FileName T FilesLoadDirs) FileName))))) ) (PUTPROPS KIRKPATCH034 COPYRIGHT ("Xerox Corporation" 1986)) (DECLARE: DONTCOPY (FILEMAP (NIL (601 2310 (NCLocalDevice.GetNoteFileHeader 611 . 2308)) (2366 3612 (NC.FindFile 2376 . 3610))))) STOP