(FILECREATED " 3-Sep-86 02:10:53" {QV}<NOTECARDS>1.3K>NEXT>FGHPATCH106.;2 2076 changes to: (FNS NC.NoteFileAddProp NC.NoteFileDelProp) previous date: " 2-Sep-86 13:24:15" {QV}<NOTECARDS>1.3K>NEXT>FGHPATCH106.;1) (* Copyright (c) 1986 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.) (PRETTYCOMPRINT FGHPATCH106COMS) (RPAQQ FGHPATCH106COMS ((* * Functions for adding and deleting items for property values on NoteFile UserProps -- Should be placed right after NC.NoteFileProp in NCDATABASE) (FNS NC.NoteFileAddProp NC.NoteFileDelProp))) (* * Functions for adding and deleting items for property values on NoteFile UserProps -- Should be placed right after NC.NoteFileProp in NCDATABASE) (DEFINEQ (NC.NoteFileAddProp (LAMBDA (NoteFile PROP NEWVALUE) (* fgh: " 3-Sep-86 01:38") (* * Includes NEWVALUE in the LIST of values for the PROP property of the UserProps list for NoteFile.) (PROG ((CURRENTPROPVALUELIST (NC.NoteFileProp NoteFile PROP))) (RETURN (COND ((LISTP CURRENTPROPVALUELIST) (NC.NoteFileProp NoteFile PROP (CONS NEWVALUE CURRENTPROPVALUELIST))) (T (NC.NoteFileProp NoteFile PROP (LIST NEWVALUE)))))))) (NC.NoteFileDelProp (LAMBDA (NoteFile PROP VALUE MATCHFN) (* fgh: " 3-Sep-86 02:10") (* * Opposite of NCSERVER.NoteFileAddProp. If VALUE is present on the list of values for PROP, then it is removed. MATCHFN if provided determines when VALUE matches some element from the list of values to be removed. Default MATCHFN is EQ.) (PROG ((PROPVALUES (NC.NoteFileProp NoteFile PROP)) (REALMATCHFN (OR MATCHFN (FUNCTION EQ)))) (RETURN (NC.NoteFileProp NoteFile PROP (DREMOVE (find Val in PROPVALUES suchthat (APPLY* REALMATCHFN Val VALUE)) PROPVALUES)))))) ) (PUTPROPS FGHPATCH106 COPYRIGHT ("Xerox Corporation" 1986)) (DECLARE: DONTCOPY (FILEMAP (NIL (743 1994 (NC.NoteFileAddProp 753 . 1279) (NC.NoteFileDelProp 1281 . 1992))))) STOP