(FILECREATED " 5-Nov-86 16:38:38" {DSK}<LISPFILES>NCPATHPARSE.;4 17594  

      changes to:  (FNS NCPathParse.CheckAndComputeFlag NCPathParse.Path 
			NCPathParse.PathStepDescriptor NCPathParse.FunctionalPathDescription)

      previous date: " 4-Nov-86 15:35:45" {DSK}<LISPFILES>NCPATHPARSE.;3)

(* Copyright (c) 1986 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.)


(RPAQQ NCPATHPARSECOMS [(* * This file is intended to be the genesis/testbed for ideas about 
			     parsing the user language for a path-specification faclility into an 
			     NCPathFSM for the functions of NCPath to use. The first list of 
			     functions are the current ones in use. Right now, the system only parses 
			     linear specifications.)
	(FNS NCPathParse NCPathParse.Path NCPathParse.PathStep NCPathParse.PathStepDescriptor 
	     NCPathParse.LiteralPathDescription NCPathParse.FunctionalPathDescription 
	     NCPathParse.CreateFSMNode NCPathParse.CreatePredicateForm NCPathParse.RepeaterExpression 
	     NCPathParse.RepeaterToken NCPathParse.LimitedRepeaterToken NCPathParse.LoopDecision 
	     NCPathParse.CreateLoop NCPathParse.PathStepOperation)
	(FNS NCPathParse.FunctionP NCPathParse.CheckAndComputeFlag NCPathParse.CombinePredicates)
	(FNS NCPathParse.CombinationExpressions)
	(FNS NCPathParse.CoalesceStates NCPathParse.CoalesceRepeaterStates)
	(* * The following functions are utilities from other sources)
									      (LAMA LOGICAL.EQUAL])
(* * This file is intended to be the genesis/testbed for ideas about parsing the user language
 for a path-specification faclility into an NCPathFSM for the functions of NCPath to use. The 
first list of functions are the current ones in use. Right now, the system only parses linear 


  [LAMBDA (Expression NoteFile DepthLimit)                   (* Newman " 4-Nov-86 09:49")

          (* * This function is intended to be the top-level function that parses an expression into an FSM that 
	  NCPath.FSM.PathCollect can deal with.)

    (if (NCP.OpenNoteFileP NoteFile)
	then [LET [(FirstState (NCPathParse.CoalesceStates (NCPathParse.Path Expression 
		    (if FirstState
			then (create NCPathFSM
					 InitialState ← FirstState
					 CurrentState ← FirstState
					 AbsoluteDepthLimit ←(OR DepthLimit 0]
      else (NCP.ReportError NoteFile " is not an open notefile."])

  [LAMBDA (Expression NoteFile)                              (* Newman " 5-Nov-86 16:21")

          (* * This function parses an individual path as a list of steps or repeater expressions.)

    (if (NULL Expression)
	then NIL
      else (OR (NCPathParse.PathStep Expression NoteFile)
		   [if (LISTP Expression)
		       then (for Item in Expression collect (OR (NCPathParse.Path Item 
									  (RETURN NIL]
		   (if (EQUAL 1 (LENGTH Expression))
		       then (NCPathParse.Path (CAR Expression)
		   (if (EQUAL 2 (LENGTH Expression))
		       then (NCPathParse.RepeaterExpression (CADR Expression)
								(MKLIST (NCPathParse.Path
									    (CAR Expression)

  [LAMBDA (Expression NoteFile)                              (* Newman " 4-Nov-86 10:19")

          (* * This function parses an individual step of a path. A Step is either a path step descriptor or some combination
	  of descriptors.)

    (if (NULL Expression)
	then NIL
      else (OR (NCPathParse.PathStepDescriptor Expression NoteFile)
		   (if (MEMBER (CAR Expression)
				   (QUOTE (OR AND NOT)))
		       then (NCPathParse.PathStepOperation Expression NoteFile])

  [LAMBDA (Expression NoteFile)                              (* Newman " 5-Nov-86 16:21")

          (* * Parses a path step descriptor. A descriptor is a literal descriptor, a functional descriptor, a "don't care" 
	  expression, or a variable pointing to a descriptor of one of the other types. The variable is checked for immediate
	  circularity, but not for indirect circularity; either of these conditions could cause an infinite loop.)

    (if (NULL Expression)
	then NIL
      else (OR (NCPathParse.LiteralPathDescription Expression NoteFile)
		   (NCPathParse.FunctionalPathDescription Expression)
		   (if (EQUAL Expression (QUOTE ANY))
		       then (NCPathParse.CreateFSMNode (FUNCTION TRUE)
							   T T T))
		   (if [AND (BOUNDP Expression)
				(NOT (EQUAL Expression (EVAL Expression]
		       then (NCPathParse.PathStepDescriptor (EVAL Expression)

  [LAMBDA (Expression NoteFile)                              (* Newman " 4-Nov-86 13:11")

          (* * This function parses literal path descriptions. These are path descriptions that are valid link labels or 
	  valid card types with appropriate prefixes as described in the grammar.)

    (OR (if (NCP.ValidLinkLabel Expression NoteFile)
	      then (NCPathParse.CreateFSMNode Expression T T))
	  (if (AND (EQUAL (SUBATOM Expression 1 1)
				(QUOTE @))
		       (NCP.ValidCardType (SUBATOM Expression 2 -1)))
	      then (NCPathParse.CreateFSMNode (SUBATOM Expression 2 -1)
						  NIL T))
	  (if (AND (EQUAL (SUBATOM Expression 1 1)
				(QUOTE ←))
		       (NCP.ValidLinkLabel (SUBATOM Expression 2 -1)
	      then (NCPathParse.CreateFSMNode (SUBATOM Expression 2 -1)
						  T NIL))
	  (if (AND (MEMBER (SUBATOM Expression 1 2)
				 (QUOTE (←@ @←)))
		       (NCP.ValidCardType (SUBATOM Expression 3 -1)))
	      then (NCPathParse.CreateFSMNode (SUBATOM Expression 3 -1)
						  T NIL])

  [LAMBDA (Expression)                                       (* Newman " 5-Nov-86 16:21")

          (* * This function parses functional path descriptions. These are path descriptions which are the names of Lisp 
	  predicates with the appropriate prefixes.)

    (OR (if (AND (EQUAL (SUBATOM Expression 1 1)
				(QUOTE #))
		       (NCPathParse.FunctionP (SUBATOM Expression 2 -1)))
	      then (NCPathParse.CreateFSMNode (SUBATOM Expression 2 -1)
						  T T T))
	  (if (AND (MEMBER (SUBATOM Expression 1 2)
				 (QUOTE (@# #@)))
		       (NCPathParse.FunctionP (SUBATOM Expression 3 -1)))
	      then (NCPathParse.CreateFSMNode (SUBATOM Expression 3 -1)
						  NIL T T))
	  (if (AND (MEMBER (SUBATOM Expression 1 2)
				 (QUOTE (←# #←)))
		       (NCPathParse.FunctionP (SUBATOM Expression 3 -1)))
	      then (NCPathParse.CreateFSMNode (SUBATOM Expression 3 -1)
						  NIL T T))
	  (if (AND (MEMBER (SUBATOM Expression 1 3)
				 (QUOTE (←#@ ←@# @←# @#← #@← #←@)))
		       (NCPathParse.FunctionP (SUBATOM Expression 4 -1)))
	      then (NCPathParse.CreateFSMNode (SUBATOM Expression 4 -1)
						  NIL T T])

  [LAMBDA (Item Link/CardFlag DirectionFlag FunctionFlag)    (* Newman " 4-Nov-86 11:37")

          (* * This function creates an instance of the NCPathFSMNode data type according to the arguments passed in.
	  Its chief purpose is to call NCPathParse.CreatePredicateForm)

    (create NCPathFSMNode
	      Predicate ←(if FunctionFlag
			     then Item
			   else (NCPathParse.CreatePredicateForm Item Link/CardFlag))
	      Card/Link ← Link/CardFlag
	      Direction ← DirectionFlag])

  [LAMBDA (Type Link/CardFLAG)                               (* Newman " 4-Nov-86 08:52")

          (* * This function creates a LAMBDA expression that will serve as a predicate. See PARSE.COMBINE.PREDICATES.)

    (BQUOTE (LAMBDA (Item)
			      (Link/CardFLAG (FUNCTION NCP.LinkType))
			      (T (QUOTE NCP.CardType)))
			 (QUOTE , Type])

  [LAMBDA (RepeaterExpression LoopSteps)                     (* Newman "18-Mar-86 09:21")

          (* * This function parses repeater expressions. Unfortunately, I have not yet determined how to deal with limited 
	  repeater expressions.)

    (OR (NCPathParse.RepeaterToken RepeaterExpression LoopSteps)
	  (NCPathParse.LimitedRepeaterToken RepeaterExpression LoopSteps)
	  (NCP.ReportError " Repeater Expression mucked up " RepeaterExpression)
	  (BREAK1 NIL T])

  [LAMBDA (RepeaterExpression LoopSteps)                     (* Newman "19-Mar-86 15:41")

          (* * creates a repeater loop with no limit, or with infinite limit)

    (if (EQUAL RepeaterExpression (QUOTE *))
	then (NCPathParse.CreateLoop LoopSteps 0 0)
      elseif (EQUAL RepeaterExpression (QUOTE +))
	then (NCPathParse.CreateLoop LoopSteps 1 0])

  [LAMBDA (RepeaterExpression LoopSteps)                     (* Newman "18-Mar-86 09:20")

          (* * This function parses repeater tokens that have an integral limit.)

    (OR (NCPathParse.LoopDecision RepeaterExpression LoopSteps 1 (QUOTE +))
	  (NCPathParse.LoopDecision RepeaterExpression LoopSteps 0 (QUOTE *))
	  (NCP.ReportError " Repeater Expression mucked up " RepeaterExpression)
	  (BREAK1 NIL T])

  [LAMBDA (Expression LoopSteps MinimumRepeat Symbol)        (* Newman "18-Mar-86 09:18")

          (* * This function decides what kind of loop is to be created and then creates it.)

    (if (EQUAL Symbol (SUBATOM Expression 1 1))
	then (NCPathParse.CreateLoop LoopSteps (OR MinimumRepeat 0)
					 (OR (NUMBERP (SUBATOM Expression 2 -1))
					       (NCP.ReportError " Repeater Expression mucked up " 
      elseif (NUMBERP Expression)
	then (NCPathParse.CreateLoop LoopSteps 1 Expression])

  [LAMBDA (LoopSteps MinTimes MaxTimes)                      (* Newman "15-Mar-86 12:17")

          (* * Here we create a loop expression that PARSE.CoalesceStates understands.)

	    MinTimes MaxTimes LoopSteps])

  [LAMBDA (Expression NoteFile)                              (* Newman " 4-Nov-86 14:42")

          (* * Here we parse combinations of pathsteps.)

    (NCPathParse.CombinationExpressions (for Step in (CDR Expression)
					     collect (OR (NCPathParse.PathStep Step NoteFile)
							     (RETURN NIL)))
					  (SELECTQ (CAR Expression)
						     (AND (QUOTE AND))
						     (OR (QUOTE OR))
						     (NOT (QUOTE NAND))
			       " Operator not AND, OR, or NOT in NCPathParse.PathStepOperation. "])

  [LAMBDA (Function)                                         (* Newman " 4-Nov-86 11:39")

          (* * This function determines whether or not a function passed in is an appropriate function for use by NCPath 
	  functions. The criterial is rather limited at the moment, including only that the function must be defined, must 
	  accept only one argument, and must not be an NLAMBDA function.)

    (AND (GETD Function)
	   (EQUAL 1 (NARGS Function))
	   (NOT (NLAMBDAFNP Function])

  [LAMBDA (StepList FlagName)                                (* Newman " 5-Nov-86 10:22")

          (* * This function computes the Direction and Card/Link flags when parsing a combination FSMNode.)

		   (for Step in StepList collect (EVAL (BQUOTE (fetch (NCPathFSMNode
										    , FlagName)
									    of Step]
	then [EVAL (BQUOTE (fetch (NCPathFSMNode , FlagName) of (CAR StepList]
      else (NCP.ReportError " Flags don't all match " StepList)
	     (QUOTE ERROR])

  [LAMBDA (StepList Operation)                               (* Newman "14-Mar-86 16:07")

          (* * This function builds the LAMBDA expression that will be the predicate in a combination FSMNode.
	  I wish we could compile the LAMBDA expression for speed. Perhaps we could use a GENSYM, and compile the function 
	  that way?)

    (BQUOTE (LAMBDA (Item)
		(\, (CONS Operation (for I in StepList collect (LIST (fetch (NCPathFSMNode
										  of I)
									       (QUOTE Item])

  [LAMBDA (StepList Operation)                               (* Newman "24-Mar-86 15:19")

          (* * This function combines pathstep specifications using AND, OR, or NOT.)

    (if (NULL StepList)
	then NIL
      else (LET [(Card/LinkFlag (NCPathParse.CheckAndComputeFlag StepList (QUOTE Card/Link)))
		   (DirectionFlag (NCPathParse.CheckAndComputeFlag StepList (QUOTE Direction]
	          (if (OR (EQUAL Card/LinkFlag (QUOTE ERROR))
			      (EQUAL DirectionFlag (QUOTE ERROR)))
		      then NIL
		    else (create NCPathFSMNode
				     Predicate ←(NCPathParse.CombinePredicates StepList Operation)
				     Card/Link ← Card/LinkFlag
				     Direction ← DirectionFlag])

  [LAMBDA (NodeList)                                         (* Newman "18-Mar-86 09:28")

          (* * This function takes a lisp-style list of NCPathFSMNodes and turns them into a linked list.
	  The linked list will include circularities where repeater expressions exist.)

    (if (NULL NodeList)
	then NIL
      elseif (EQUAL (TYPENAME NodeList)
			(QUOTE NCPathFSMNode))
	then NodeList
      elseif (EQUAL (TYPENAME (CAR NodeList))
			(QUOTE NCPathFSMNode))
	then (replace (NCPathFSMNode NextNodes) of (CAR NodeList) with (
										   (CDR NodeList)))
	       (CAR NodeList)
      elseif (AND (LISTP NodeList)
		      (EQUAL (CAR NodeList)
	then (NCPathParse.CoalesceRepeaterStates (MKLIST (CADDDR NodeList))
						     (CADDR NodeList))
      elseif (AND (LISTP (CAR NodeList))
		      (EQUAL (CAAR NodeList)
	then (LET ((Rest (NCPathParse.CoalesceStates (CDR NodeList)))
		     (Expression (CAR NodeList)))
		    (if (AND (ZEROP (CADR Expression))
			then (LIST Rest (NCPathParse.CoalesceRepeaterStates
					 (MKLIST (CADDDR Expression))
					 (CADDR Expression)))
		      else (NCPathParse.CoalesceRepeaterStates (MKLIST (CADDDR Expression))
								   (CADDR Expression])

  [LAMBDA (LoopList Next Limit)                              (* Newman "19-Mar-86 15:39")

          (* * This function creates the circular linked list structure that repeater expressions need.)

    (LET [(FirstNode (CAR LoopList))
	  (LastNode (CAR (LAST LoopList]
         (NCPathParse.CoalesceStates LoopList)
         (replace (NCPathFSMNode LoopLimit) of FirstNode with (OR Limit 0))
         [replace (NCPathFSMNode NextNodes) of LastNode with (CONS
								     (CONS FirstNode
									     (fetch (NCPathFSMNode
										of LastNode]
(* * The following functions are utilities from other sources)


  [NLAMBDA Args                                              (* Newman " 4-Nov-86 11:40")

          (* * This function is the logical function NOT AND.)


  [LAMBDA ARGS                                               (* Newman " 8-Nov-84 09:42")

          (* * This function is a logical operator. It determines if the arbitrary number of arguments are logically equal or
	  not. --DVN)

    (OR (for I from 1 to ARGS always (ARG ARGS I))
	  (for I from 1 to ARGS never (ARG ARGS I])



  (FILEMAP (NIL (1927 11671 (NCPathParse 1937 . 2622) (NCPathParse.Path 2624 . 3506) (
NCPathParse.PathStep 3508 . 4074) (NCPathParse.PathStepDescriptor 4076 . 5101) (
NCPathParse.LiteralPathDescription 5103 . 6310) (NCPathParse.FunctionalPathDescription 6312 . 7645) (
NCPathParse.CreateFSMNode 7647 . 8197) (NCPathParse.CreatePredicateForm 8199 . 8642) (
NCPathParse.RepeaterExpression 8644 . 9180) (NCPathParse.RepeaterToken 9182 . 9617) (
NCPathParse.LimitedRepeaterToken 9619 . 10107) (NCPathParse.LoopDecision 10109 . 10721) (
NCPathParse.CreateLoop 10723 . 11016) (NCPathParse.PathStepOperation 11018 . 11669)) (11672 13473 (
NCPathParse.FunctionP 11682 . 12235) (NCPathParse.CheckAndComputeFlag 12237 . 12872) (
NCPathParse.CombinePredicates 12874 . 13471)) (13474 14286 (NCPathParse.CombinationExpressions 13484
 . 14284)) (14287 16645 (NCPathParse.CoalesceStates 14297 . 15930) (NCPathParse.CoalesceRepeaterStates
 15932 . 16643)) (16715 17363 (NAND 16725 . 16955) (LOGICAL.EQUAL 16957 . 17361)))))