(FILECREATED "18-Jan-88 17:13:04" ("compiled on " {QV}1.3KNEXT>NCPROGINT.;8) "12-Nov-85 14:59:23" recompiled changes: NCP.OpenNoteFile NCP.CreateCard NCP.ValidCardP NCP.CollectCards NCP.CreateLinkType NCP.ListRegisteredCards NCP.DisplayedCards NCP.AddNoteFileIconMiddleButtonItems in "INTERLISP-D 8-Sep-87 ..." dated " 8-Sep-87 19:13:09") (FILECREATED "18-Jan-88 17:12:15" {QV}1.3KNEXT>NCPROGINT.;8 164265 changes to: (FNS NCP.CollectCards NCP.OpenNoteFile NCP.CreateCard NCP.ValidCardP NCP.CreateLinkType NCP.ListRegisteredCards NCP.DisplayedCards NCP.AddNoteFileIconMiddleButtonItems) (VARS NCPROGINTCOMS) previous date: "30-Nov-87 15:52:09" {QV}1.3KNEXT>NCPROGINT.;7) NCP.CreateNoteFile D1 (P 0 FileNameWithExt I 1 QuietFlg I 0 FileName) 9hddd@ H gooHo hHhdddddA H(65Q NC.CreateDatabaseFile 47Q NCP.ReportError 44Q CONCAT 17Q INFILEP 10Q NC.DatabaseFileName) (24Q NCP.CreateNoteFile) ( 41Q " already exists." 34Q "Filename " 30Q "NCP.CreateNoteFile") NCP.OpenNoteFile D1 (P 0 FileNameWithExt I 6 Don'tCreateInterfaceFlg I 5 ReadOnlyFlg I 4 MenuPosition I 3 QuietFlg I 2 Convertw/oConfirmFlg I 1 Don'tCreateFlg I 0 NoteFileOrFileName) L@`@hABhdFhddDCEg ooih@ HdhABhdFhddDCEg (111Q NC.OpenNoteFile 55Q NC.DatabaseFileName 35Q NC.OpenNoteFile) (105Q INPUT 31Q INPUT 4 NoteFileTYPE#) ( 46Q " -- " 42Q "Name of NoteFile to open:") NCP.OpenNoteFileP D1 (I 0 NoteFile) @ (3 NC.NoteFileOpenP) NIL () NCP.ListOfOpenNoteFiles D1 (P 4 NoteFile) 'AHI\ LJ KhZHXK&(20Q NCP.OpenNoteFileP 2 NC.ListOfNoteFiles) NIL () NCP.CloseNoteFiles D1 (P 0 NoteFile I 2 AutoConfirmFlg I 1 QuietFlg I 0 NoteFilesOrT) B@di30@d,h(dH goHo HhA h(71Q NC.CloseNoteFile 62Q NCP.ReportError 57Q CONCAT 36Q NCP.OpenNoteFileP 10Q NCP.ListOfOpenNoteFiles) (43Q NCP.CloseNoteFiles) ( 54Q " is not a currently open notefile." 47Q "Argument ") NCP.CheckpointNoteFiles D1 (P 0 NoteFile I 1 QuietFlg I 0 NoteFilesOrT) A@di2/@d+h'dH goHo HA h(70Q NC.CheckpointDatabase 62Q NCP.ReportError 57Q CONCAT 36Q NCP.OpenNoteFileP 10Q NCP.ListOfOpenNoteFiles) (43Q NCP.CheckpointNoteFiles) ( 54Q " is not a currently open notefile." 47Q "Argument ") NCP.AbortNoteFiles D1 (P 0 NoteFile I 2 QuietFlg I 1 Don'tConfirmFlg I 0 NoteFilesOrT) C@di41@d-h)dH goHo HhAB h(72Q NC.AbortSession 62Q NCP.ReportError 57Q CONCAT 36Q NCP.OpenNoteFileP 10Q NCP.ListOfOpenNoteFiles) (43Q NCP.AbortNotefiles) ( 54Q " is not a currently open notefile." 47Q "Argument ") NCP.CompactNoteFile D1 (I 2 InPlaceFlg I 1 ToFileName I 0 FromNoteFileOrFileName) @AB (5 NC.CompactNoteFile) NIL () NCP.CompactNoteFileInPlace D1 (I 0 NoteFileOrFileName) @hi (5 NCP.CompactNoteFile) NIL () NCP.RepairNoteFile D1 (I 1 ReadSubstancesFlg I 0 NoteFileOrFileName) @ go@ @A (30Q NC.InspectAndRepairNoteFile 22Q NCP.ReportError 17Q CONCAT 3 NCP.OpenNoteFileP) (7 NCP.RepairNoteFile) ( 13Q "Can't inspect&repair an open notefile: ") NCP.DeleteNoteFile D1 (P 0 FileNameWithExt I 2 QuietFlg I 1 Don'tConfirmFlg I 0 NoteFileOrFileName) ,@`@hAB ooih@ HdhAB (51Q NC.DeleteDatabaseFile 35Q NC.DatabaseFileName 15Q NC.DeleteDatabaseFile) (4 NoteFileTYPE#) ( 26Q " -- " 22Q "Name of NoteFile to delete:") NCP.NoteFileFromFileName D1 (I 0 FileName) @ (3 NC.NoteFileFromFileName) NIL () NCP.FileNameFromNoteFile D1 (I 0 NoteFile) @d`go@ (26Q NCP.ReportError 23Q CONCAT) (32Q NoteFile 13Q NCP.FileNameFromNoteFile 5 NoteFileTYPE#) ( 17Q "Arg to NCP.FileNameFromNoteFile is not a notefile: ") NCP.NoteFileMenu D1 (L (0 NoteFile)) @`@NIL (13Q NoteFile 4 NoteFileTYPE#) () NCP.CheckInNoteFile D1 (P 1 User P 0 LockFile I 1 ToFile I 0 FromFile)   ooidA bd XAooid@ bo@oAo  @A ol A g j H i Hg Hgg X Y.oIoHg l ol  H hHg Ag 4oIoHg oAg l ol hH H (405Q DELFILE 400Q CLOSEF 372Q PRIN1 367Q CONCAT 363Q CHARACTER 352Q CHARACTER 345Q GETFILEINFO 332Q GETFILEINFO 306Q GETFILEINFO 277Q GETFILEINFO 266Q CLOSEF 261Q PRIN1 256Q CONCAT 252Q CHARACTER 241Q CHARACTER 234Q GETFILEINFO 210Q READ 204Q OPENFILE 170Q OPENP 161Q USERNAME 152Q DELFILE 142Q GETFILEINFO 133Q FULLNAME 127Q PRIN1 124Q CONCAT 121Q CHARACTER 110Q COPYFILE 103Q PRIN1 100Q CONCAT 54Q NC.DatabaseFileName 32Q INFILEP 27Q NCP.LockFileName 21Q NC.DatabaseFileName) (342Q WRITEDATE 327Q WRITEDATE 303Q IWRITEDATE 274Q IWRITEDATE 231Q WRITEDATE 201Q OLD 176Q INPUT 165Q INPUT 137Q LENGTH) ( 356Q "To override, delete lock file and try again." 336Q " but written by someone at " 323Q " at " 316Q "Can't check in because file was locked by " 245Q "To override, delete lock file and try again." 225Q " at " 220Q "Can't check in because file was locked by " 114Q "Done." 74Q " ... " 67Q " to " 62Q "Copying " 45Q "--" 41Q "Name of file to check in from: " 12Q "--" 6 "Name of file to check in to: ") NCP.CheckOutNoteFile D1 (P 1 User P 0 LockFile I 1 ToFile I 0 FromFile)  ooid@ b@ X AHg jH Hg Hgg X oIl H hHg Xol hg kThi H H ooidA bo@oAo  @A ol A H 8(333Q DELFILE 330Q CLOSEF 323Q FULLNAME 316Q PRIN1 313Q CONCAT 310Q CHARACTER 276Q COPYFILE 270Q PRIN1 265Q CONCAT 240Q NC.DatabaseFileName 220Q CLOSEF 213Q PRINT 207Q USERNAME 176Q FILENAMEFIELD 166Q PRIN1 163Q CONCAT 160Q CHARACTER 144Q OPENFILE 133Q CLOSEF 126Q PRIN1 123Q CONCAT 120Q CHARACTER 105Q READ 101Q OPENFILE 65Q OPENP 54Q DELFILE 45Q GETFILEINFO 34Q INFILEP 30Q NCP.LockFileName 21Q NC.DatabaseFileName) (173Q VERSION 141Q OUTPUT 76Q OLD 73Q INPUT 62Q INPUT 42Q LENGTH) ( 303Q "Done." 261Q " ... " 254Q " to " 247Q "Copying " 231Q "--" 225Q "Name of file to check out to: " 153Q "Trouble in NC.CheckOutNoteFile." 112Q "File is locked by: " 12Q "--" 6 "Name of file to check out: ") NCP.LockFileName D1 (I 0 FileName) %g@g o gkg@h (42Q PACKFILENAME 20Q PACK* 11Q FILENAMEFIELD) (27Q BODY 23Q VERSION 6 EXTENSION 2 EXTENSION) ( 15Q "LOCKFILE") NCP.NumCardSlotsRemaining D1 (I 0 NoteFile) !@ @@ g@o (36Q NCP.ReportError 33Q CONCAT 16Q NC.TotalCardsInNoteFile 3 NCP.OpenNoteFileP) (23Q NCP.NumCardSlotsRemaining 10Q NoteFile) ( 30Q " is not an open notefile.") NCP.ExpandNoteFileIndex D1 (P 0 WasOpenFlg I 2 QuietFlg I 1 NumNewSlots I 0 NoteFile) 6@ X@B @ihBhdi @dAhddB H@B (63Q NCP.CloseNoteFiles 53Q NC.ExpandIndexInPlace 31Q NCP.OpenNoteFile 15Q NCP.CheckpointNoteFiles 6 NCP.OpenNoteFileP) (37Q NoteFile) () NCP.NoteFileClosingP D1 (I 0 DontCheckForAbortFlg) g @h g (30Q RELSTK 25Q STKPOS 10Q RELSTK 5 STKPOS) (22Q NC.AbortSession 2 NC.CloseNoteFile) () NCP.NoteFileAddProp D1 (I 2 NEWVALUE I 1 PROP I 0 NoteFile) @AB (5 NC.NoteFileAddProp) NIL () NCP.CardTypes D1 NIL (2 NC.ListOfCardTypes) NIL () NCP.CreateCardType D1 (I 3 VarsAssocList I 2 FnsAssocList I 1 SuperType I 0 TypeName) @oo@ @ABC @(34Q NC.AddCardType 24Q NCP.ReportWarning 21Q CONCAT 3 NCP.CardTypes) NIL ( 15Q "Redefining NoteCard type: " 11Q "NCP.CreateCardType") NCP.DeleteCardType D1 (I 1 DeleteSubTypesFlg I 0 TypeName) @A (4 NC.DeleteCardType) NIL () NCP.CreateCardTypeStub D1 (I 5 ListOfFILLMEFields I 4 VarsAssocList I 3 FnsAssocList I 2 FullDefinitionFileName I 1 SuperType I 0 TypeName) #@oo@ @ABCDE @(37Q NC.AddCardTypeStub 24Q NCP.ReportWarning 21Q CONCAT 3 NCP.CardTypes) NIL ( 15Q "Redefining NoteCard type: " 11Q "NCP.CreateCardTypeStub") NCP.ChangeCardTypeFields D1 (I 2 VarsAssocList I 1 FnsAssocList I 0 TypeName) @ @AB go@ (31Q NCP.ReportError 26Q CONCAT 12Q NC.RecomputeCardType 3 NCP.CardTypeP) (16Q NCP.ChangeCardTypeFields) ( 22Q "Undefined card type: ") NCP.CardTypeSuper D1 (P 2 FieldValue P 1 CardTypeRecord P 0 CardTypeName I 0 Type) @ z@!Hdq YIZdgPHId H YdoH IZdg oogoHo  JgHg Jg@o h(213Q NCP.ReportError 210Q CONCAT 172Q NC.GetCardTypeFieldOfSuper 154Q NC.ReportError 151Q CONCAT 101Q NC.ReportError 76Q CONCAT 63Q NC.CardTypeRecord 55Q NC.CardTypeLoader 20Q NC.CardTypeRecord 3 NCP.CardTypeP) (200Q NCP.CardTypeSuper 167Q SuperType 161Q \\FILLME// 134Q SuperType 115Q \\EMPTY// 106Q NoteCardType 50Q NoteCardType 35Q \\EMPTY// 26Q NoteCardType) ( 205Q " is not a loaded NoteCard type." 145Q " still \\EMPTY// after autoloading." 140Q " of card type " 131Q "Field name " 125Q "NC.GetCardTypeField" 72Q "Cannot find full definition of card type: ") NCP.CardTypeLinkDisplayMode D1 (P 2 FieldValue P 1 CardTypeRecord P 0 CardTypeName I 0 Type) @ z@!Hdq YI&ZdgPHId H YdoH I&Zdg oogoHo  JgHg Jg@o h(213Q NCP.ReportError 210Q CONCAT 172Q NC.GetCardTypeFieldOfSuper 154Q NC.ReportError 151Q CONCAT 101Q NC.ReportError 76Q CONCAT 63Q NC.CardTypeRecord 55Q NC.CardTypeLoader 20Q NC.CardTypeRecord 3 NCP.CardTypeP) (200Q NCP.CardTypeLinkDisplayMode 167Q LinkDisplayMode 161Q \\FILLME// 134Q LinkDisplayMode 115Q \\EMPTY// 106Q NoteCardType 50Q NoteCardType 35Q \\EMPTY// 26Q NoteCardType) ( 205Q " is not a loaded NoteCard type." 145Q " still \\EMPTY// after autoloading." 140Q " of card type " 131Q "Field name " 125Q "NC.GetCardTypeField" 72Q "Cannot find full definition of card type: ") NCP.CardTypeFn D1 (I 1 Fn I 0 TypeName) 9@ $A gAo gAo g@o h(65Q NCP.ReportError 62Q CONCAT 46Q NCP.ReportError 43Q CONCAT 27Q EVAL 11Q NCP.ValidCardTypeFn 3 NCP.CardTypeP) (52Q NCP.CardTypeFn 33Q NCP.CardTypeFn 15Q NC.GetCardTypeField) ( 57Q " is not a loaded NoteCard type." 40Q " is not a kind of Fn for NoteCard types." 22Q (TypeName)) NCP.CardTypeVar D1 (I 1 Var I 0 TypeName) 9@ $A gAo gAo g@o h(65Q NCP.ReportError 62Q CONCAT 46Q NCP.ReportError 43Q CONCAT 27Q EVAL 11Q NCP.ValidCardTypeVar 3 NCP.CardTypeP) (52Q NCP.CardTypeVar 33Q NCP.CardTypeVar 15Q NC.GetCardTypeField) ( 57Q " is not a loaded NoteCard type." 40Q " is not a kind of Var for NoteCard types." 22Q (TypeName)) NCP.CardTypeP D1 (I 0 TypeName) @@(3 NC.ListOfCardTypes) NIL () NCP.CardTypeFnP D1 (L (0 CardTypeFn)) @`@NIL (3 NCP.NoteCardTypeFns) () NCP.CardTypeVarP D1 (L (0 CardTypeVar)) @`@NIL (3 NCP.NoteCardTypeVars) () NCP.CardTypeFns D1 NIL `NIL (2 NCP.NoteCardTypeFns) () NCP.CardTypeVars D1 NIL `NIL (2 NCP.NoteCardTypeVars) () NCP.CardTypeDisplayedInMenu D1 (P 2 OldVal P 1 CardType P 0 Args) ^e HkHlB@Y +Ig ZHldHlIhgHlhh gIo hgo h(132Q NCP.ReportError 116Q NCP.ReportError 113Q CONCAT 76Q NCP.ChangeCardTypeFields 36Q NCP.CardTypeVar 25Q NCP.CardTypeP) (123Q NCP.CardTypeDisplayedInMenu 103Q NCP.CardTypeDisplayedInMenu 62Q DisplayedInMenuFlg 33Q DisplayedInMenuFlg) ( 127Q "Improper number of args to NCP.CardTypeDisplayedInMenu." 110Q " is not a loaded NoteCard type.") NCP.IsSubTypeOfP D1 (I 1 SupposedSuperTypeName I 0 SubTypeName) @A (4 NC.IsSubTypeOfP) NIL () NCP.TextBasedP D1 (P 0 CardType I 0 CardOrCardType) @ @ @Hg (24Q NC.IsSubTypeOfP 10Q NCP.CardType 3 NC.CardP) (21Q Text) () NCP.SketchBasedP D1 (P 0 CardType I 0 CardOrCardType) @ @ @Hg (24Q NC.IsSubTypeOfP 10Q NCP.CardType 3 NC.CardP) (21Q Sketch) () NCP.GraphBasedP D1 (P 0 CardType I 0 CardOrCardType) @ @ @Hg (24Q NC.IsSubTypeOfP 10Q NCP.CardType 3 NC.CardP) (21Q Graph) () NCP.AutoLoadCardType D1 (I 0 TypeName) @g (6 NC.AutoLoadCardType) (3 SuperType) () NCP.AddSpecialCard D1 (P 2 SpecialCard P 0 NoteFile I 0 Card) 3@ Hg Ii Hg@ @J hIY(50Q NCP.SameCardP 40Q NC.NoteFileAddProp 15Q NCP.NoteFileProp 3 NCP.CardNoteFile) (34Q SpecialCards 12Q SpecialCards) () NCP.RemoveSpecialCard D1 (P 0 \NF I 0 Card) -@Hd`@H YIg@g (52Q NC.NoteFileDelProp 32Q NC.NoteFileFromNoteFileUID) (47Q NC.SameCardP 43Q SpecialCards 26Q CardObject 16Q NoteFileTYPE# 3 CardObject) () NCP.CardsOfTypes D1 (P 5 Card P 0 Cards I 1 Types I 0 CardsOrNoteFile) K@ @ @ddhAHddhbHAIJ] AMK Lh[IYL&(62Q NCP.CardType 13Q NCP.AllCards 6 NCP.OpenNoteFileP) NIL () NCP.CreateCard D1 (P 2 Box P 1 CardIdentifier P 0 Card I 6 TypeSpecificArgs I 5 ParentFileBoxes I 4 Props I 3 NoDisplayFlg I 2 Title I 1 NoteFile I 0 Type) y@ d @ABCF YdS I IXDdDH Hi Ed)d&h"dJ HJ gJo Hgo@ h(165Q NCP.ReportError 162Q CONCAT 140Q NCP.ReportError 135Q CONCAT 121Q NCP.FileCards 113Q NCP.FileBoxP 65Q NC.SetPropListDirtyFlg 57Q NC.SetPropList 54Q \APPEND2 51Q NC.RetrievePropList 35Q NCP.CardFromWindow 30Q WINDOWP 21Q NC.MakeNoteCard 3 NCP.CardTypeP) (152Q NCP.CreateCard 125Q NCP.CreateCard) ( 156Q "Unknown card type: " 132Q " not an existing filebox.") NCP.CreateTextCard D1 (I 4 ParentFileBoxes I 3 Props I 2 NoDisplayFlg I 1 Title I 0 NoteFile) g@ABCD (13Q NCP.CreateCard) (2 Text) () NCP.CreateFileBox D1 (P 0 Card I 5 ParentFileBoxes I 4 ChildCardsBoxes I 3 Props I 2 NoDisplayFlg I 1 Title I 0 NoteFile) g@ABCE DH H(23Q NCP.FileCards 13Q NCP.CreateCard) (2 FileBox) () NCP.CreateBrowserCard D1 (P 6 LinkType P 2 NewParamList P 1 LinkTypes P 0 ValidLinkTypes I 5 ParentFileBoxes I 4 Props I 3 NoDisplayFlg I 2 ParamList I 1 Title I 0 NoteFile) 00Bg'Y`dNdg@ Ag@ 6N@ Nkd o Nl @ NhgNo h[LK]\MXdd XIdh \KBgHhZg@ACDEJ  ZgH (252Q LISTPUT 242Q COPY 236Q NCP.CreateCard 200Q LAST 166Q INTERSECTION 135Q NCP.ReportError 132Q CONCAT 112Q NCP.ValidLinkTypeP 106Q SUBATOM 77Q STREQUAL 70Q SUBSTRING 60Q NCP.ValidLinkTypeP 51Q NCP.ReverseLinkTypes 36Q NCP.LinkTypes) (246Q LINKTYPES 224Q Browser 213Q LINKTYPES 122Q NCP.CreateBrowserCard 43Q _ALL 27Q ALL 11Q LINKTYPES) ( 127Q " not a valid link type." 74Q "_") NCP.CreateSketchCard D1 (I 4 ParentFileBoxes I 3 Props I 2 NoDisplayFlg I 1 Title I 0 NoteFile) g@ABCD (13Q NCP.CreateCard) (2 Sketch) () NCP.CreateGraphCard D1 (I 4 ParentFileBoxes I 3 Props I 2 NoDisplayFlg I 1 Title I 0 NoteFile) g@ABCD (13Q NCP.CreateCard) (2 Graph) () NCP.MakeDocument D1 (P 2 WasActive P 1 DocCard P 0 CurParams I 5 ParentFileBoxes I 4 Props I 3 NoDisplayFlg I 2 ParamProps I 1 RootCard I 0 NoteFile) O0A 7A ZA B#g@hCDEA YBgH JAi I gAo h(113Q NCP.ReportError 110Q CONCAT 72Q NCP.DocumentParameters 65Q NCP.UncacheCards 55Q SETPROPLIST 43Q NCP.CreateCard 22Q NCP.CacheCards 14Q NCP.CardCachedP 6 NC.ValidCardP) (100Q NCP.MakeDocument 51Q NC.MakeDocParameters 31Q Document) ( 105Q " not a valid card or filebox.") NCP.MakeLinkIndex D1 (P 4 ValidLinkTypes P 3 LinkType I 5 ParentFileBoxes I 4 Props I 3 NoDisplayFlg I 2 BackPointersP I 1 LinkTypes I 0 NoteFile) 0AdNdKhGdKdg@ (g@ K@ gKo hKhXIHZYJLd \Adh YHg@hCDELBh (200Q NCP.CreateCard 152Q LAST 140Q INTERSECTION 101Q NCP.ReportError 76Q CONCAT 61Q NCP.ValidLinkType 52Q NCP.ReverseLinkTypes 37Q NCP.LinkTypes) (162Q LinkIndex 66Q NCP.MakeLinkIndex 44Q _ALL 30Q ALL) ( 73Q " not a valid link label.") NCP.OpenCard D1 (P 2 \NF P 0 OldProc I 3 ReadOnly I 2 TypeSpecificArgs I 1 Region/Position I 0 Card) V@ B@C(dJd`@J YI(AB H H g@o (123Q NCP.ReportError 120Q CONCAT 103Q TTY.PROCESS 76Q PROCESSP 72Q NC.EditNoteCard 52Q NC.NoteFileFromNoteFileUID 10Q TTY.PROCESS 3 NC.ValidCardP) (110Q NCP.OpenCard 63Q NoteFile 46Q CardObject 36Q NoteFileTYPE# 23Q CardObject) ( 115Q " not an existing card or box.") NCP.CloseCardsA0001 D1 (NAME ERRORSET P 6 Process P 5 Win P 4 Card P 3 OldProc P 0 A0355 F 7 Cards F 10Q QuietFlg F 11Q RESETY) Wddho HY(iWddh"J K K LjIgh\ oLo L LihdddW gL ]JZd .N Hci(241Q BLOCK 234Q PROCESS.FINISHEDP 216Q \INSUREWINDOW 201Q NC.FetchWindow 170Q NC.QuitCard 152Q NCP.CardCachedP 143Q NCP.ReportError 140Q CONCAT 122Q NC.ValidCardP 70Q TTY.PROCESS 63Q PROCESSP 50Q TTY.PROCESS 17Q NC.LockListOfCards) (173Q CANCELLED 107Q US) ( 135Q " not an existing card or filebox." 130Q "NCP.CloseCards" 14Q "Close Cards") NCP.CloseCards D1 (P 3 RESETZ P 2 RESETY P 1 LISPXHIST P 0 CardListResetVar I 1 QuietFlg I 0 Cards F 4 LISPXHIST) 'T!gog hg[ KJ(42Q ERROR! 35Q NAMED-RESETRESTORE 23Q NCP.CloseCardsA0001) (31Q ERROR 20Q INTERNAL 11Q CardListResetVar) ( 15Q (NCP.CloseCardsA0001)) NCP.DisplayCard D1 (P 2 \NF P 0 OldProc I 3 ReadOnly I 2 TypeSpecificArgs I 1 Region/Position I 0 Card) k@ W@ B@C(dJd`@J YI(AB H H g@o g@o (150Q NCP.ReportError 145Q CONCAT 131Q NCP.ReportError 126Q CONCAT 111Q TTY.PROCESS 104Q PROCESSP 100Q NC.EditNoteCard 60Q NC.NoteFileFromNoteFileUID 16Q TTY.PROCESS 11Q NCP.CardCachedP 3 NC.ValidCardP) (135Q NCP.DisplayCard 116Q NCP.DisplayCard 71Q NoteFile 54Q CardObject 44Q NoteFileTYPE# 31Q CardObject) ( 142Q " not an existing card or box." 123Q " must be cached before displayed: NCP.DisplayCard.") NCP.UndisplayCards D1 (P 2 OldProc P 1 Card I 2 WriteChangesFlg I 1 QuietFlg I 0 Cards) a@ddhHIY gIo 4I hiIo "IiBhhddAi J J HX(130Q TTY.PROCESS 123Q PROCESSP 116Q NC.QuitCard 75Q TTY.PROCESS 67Q NCP.PrintMsg 54Q NCP.CardDisplayedP 45Q NCP.ReportError 42Q CONCAT 25Q NC.ValidCardP) (32Q NCP.UndisplayCards) ( 64Q " already undisplayed: NCP.UndisplayCards" 37Q " not an existing card or filebox.") NCP.CacheCards D1 (P 1 Card I 0 Cards) B@ddhHIY gIo I hiIo I HX(72Q NC.GetNoteCard 65Q NCP.PrintMsg 52Q NCP.CardCachedP 44Q NCP.ReportError 41Q CONCAT 25Q NC.ValidCardP) (31Q NCP.CacheCards) ( 62Q " already cached: NCP.CacheCards." 36Q " not an existing card or filebox.") NCP.UncacheCards D1 (P 0 Card I 1 QuietFlg I 0 Cards) b@dYdVhRdH gHo 6H gHo !H gHo HhddddA h(131Q NC.QuitCard 115Q NCP.ReportError 112Q CONCAT 76Q NCP.CardDisplayedP 70Q NCP.ReportError 65Q CONCAT 51Q NCP.CardCachedP 43Q NCP.ReportError 40Q CONCAT 24Q NC.ValidCardP) (102Q NCP.UncacheCards 55Q NCP.UncacheCards 30Q NCP.UncacheCards) ( 107Q " must be undisplayed before can uncache." 62Q " must be cached before can uncache." 35Q " not an existing card or filebox.") NCP.CardCachedP D1 (I 0 Card) @ (3 NC.ActiveCardP) NIL () NCP.CardDisplayedP D1 (I 0 Card) @ @ (11Q NCP.WindowFromCard 3 NCP.CardCachedP) NIL () NCP.CardWindow D1 (I 0 Card) @ @ (11Q NC.FetchWindow 3 NC.ValidCardP) NIL () NCP.WindowFromCard D1 (I 0 Card) @ (3 NCP.CardWindow) NIL () NCP.CardFromWindow D1 (I 0 Win) @ (3 NC.CoerceToCard) NIL () NCP.CardFromTextStream D1 (I 0 TextStream) @ (3 NC.CoerceToCard) NIL () NCP.CardType D1 (I 0 Card) @ @ (11Q NC.RetrieveType 3 NC.ValidCardP) NIL () NCP.ValidCardP D1 (I 0 Card) @ @(3 NC.ValidCardP) NIL () NCP.CardTitle D1 (P 1 Card P 0 Args) FeHkHlgo h@Y I HlIhA gIo h(102Q NCP.ReportError 77Q CONCAT 62Q NC.AssignTitle 47Q NC.RetrieveTitle 41Q NC.ValidCardP 32Q NCP.ReportError) (67Q NCP.CardTitle 23Q NCP.CardTitle) ( 74Q " not an existing card or box." 27Q "Improper number of arguments to NCP.CardBoxTitle.") NCP.FileCards D1 (P 11Q Box P 4 Card I 1 BoxList I 0 CardBoxList) @ddhAH)IbAddhAHDIbd@ dA M`N\ gLo ihLJ KhZHXK&\ gLo ihLJ KhZHXK&_hO@i O_OOh_M]O&_(235Q NC.FileBoxCollectChildren 170Q NCP.ReportError 165Q CONCAT 150Q NCP.FileBoxP 112Q NCP.ReportError 107Q CONCAT 72Q NC.ValidCardP) (155Q NCP.FileCards 77Q NCP.FileCards) ( 162Q " not an existing filebox. Can't be filed into." 104Q " not an existing card or box. Can't file.") NCP.UnfileCards D1 (P 5 Box P 4 Card I 1 BoxList I 0 CardBoxList) !@g@ddhAH5IbAgAddhAHHIb@gAg~@v\ gLo ihLJ KhZHXK&\ gLo ihLJ KhZHXK&dhL``h [@(dAdML``h hٰ-Adg"bdMh``h @A(425Q NCP.DeleteLinks 422Q NCP.GetLinks 373Q NCP.AllBoxes 342Q NCP.DeleteLinks 337Q NCP.GetLinks 272Q NCP.DeleteLinks 267Q NCP.GetLinks 213Q NCP.ReportError 210Q CONCAT 173Q NCP.FileBoxP 135Q NCP.ReportError 132Q CONCAT 115Q NC.ValidCardP) (414Q NC.SubBoxLinkLabel 411Q NC.FiledCardLinkLabel 364Q ALL 331Q NC.SubBoxLinkLabel 326Q NC.FiledCardLinkLabel 261Q NC.SubBoxLinkLabel 256Q NC.FiledCardLinkLabel 200Q NCP.UnfileCards 122Q NCP.UnfileCards 102Q ALL 71Q ALL 36Q ALL 3 ALL) ( 205Q " not an existing filebox." 127Q " not an existing card or box. Can't unfile.") NCP.CardParents D1 (I 0 Card) B@ .0h@``h dIHhZH&Jg@o (77Q NCP.ReportError 74Q CONCAT 26Q NCP.GetLinks 3 NC.ValidCardP) (64Q NCP.CardParents 35Q Link 20Q NC.SubBoxLinkLabel 15Q NC.FiledCardLinkLabel) ( 71Q " is not an existing card or filebox.") NCP.FileBoxChildren D1 (I 0 Box) B@ .0@h``h dIHhZH&Jg@o (77Q NCP.ReportError 74Q CONCAT 26Q NCP.GetLinks 3 NCP.FileBoxP) (64Q NCP.FileBoxChildren 35Q Link 20Q NC.SubBoxLinkLabel 15Q NC.FiledCardLinkLabel) ( 71Q " is not an existing filebox.") NCP.CardNeighbors D1 (P 11Q SrcCard P 10Q Link P 7 LinkType P 6 BackwardLinkTypes P 5 ForwardLinkTypes P 4 DestCard P 3 Link I 2 FollowCrossFileLinksFlg I 1 LinkTypes I 0 Cards) 0 AH0@ 2dKL BL LddhXI HZYJ YH Ad3d0h,dOk gOl dNN^OdMM]MJ0@hgMdM 2dKL BL LddhXIHZYJNR0h@gNh YHN 2d O_ B O OddhXIHZYJ  YH(451Q LAST 445Q UNION 407Q NC.GetCrossFileLinkDestCard 376Q NC.CrossFileLinkCardP 353Q NCP.GetLinks 342Q LAST 264Q NC.GetCrossFileLinkDestCard 254Q NC.CrossFileLinkCardP 230Q NCP.GetLinks 156Q SUBATOM 142Q NTHCHAR 103Q LAST 45Q NC.GetCrossFileLinkDestCard 35Q NC.CrossFileLinkCardP 11Q NCP.GetLinks) (367Q Link 332Q ANY 243Q Link 217Q ANY 145Q _ 24Q Link) () NCP.GetLinksA0001A0002 D1 (L (0 Link) F 0 Labels) P@PiNIL (5 Link) () NCP.GetLinksA0001A0003 D1 (L (0 Link) F 0 Labels) P@PiNIL (5 Link) () NCP.GetLinksA0001 D1 (P 12Q Link P 11Q Link P 4 Card P 3 Card P 0 PredicateResult I 1 Key I 0 Value F 13Q Labels F 14Q CollectionList) 0@K KkgXq@K `KL A MNL_WIWiOkg_OOh_M]O&_d OkghWc@K ]KL A MN_WJWiOkg_OOh_M]O&_d Okgh(233Q NC.RetrieveToLinks 221Q NCP.ValidCardP 54Q NC.RetrieveToLinks 42Q NCP.ValidCardP 15Q NCP.ValidCardP 5 BLOCK) (346Q PROG1 276Q PROG1 257Q Link 171Q PROG1 121Q PROG1 102Q Link 24Q TRUE) () NCP.GetLinks D1 (P 14Q CollectionList P 6 Card P 1 ValidDestinationCards P 0 ValidCards I 3 NoteFile I 2 Labels I 1 DestinationCards I 0 Cards)   Bddhb@ddhAJ&KXAddhAJGKY@H!LjMN gNo ihNL Mh\JZM&N gNo ihNL Mh\JZM&MN A OO L\x_AOI!BOBO_OOh__O_O&_A]I!LMMN A OO L\_BOBO_OOh__O_O&_0 Cg OdZK J\[L [J(616Q LAST 564Q MAPHASH 452Q \NCONC2 434Q NC.RetrieveFromLinks 426Q BLOCK 276Q \NCONC2 260Q NC.RetrieveToLinks 252Q BLOCK 214Q NCP.ReportError 211Q CONCAT 174Q NC.ValidCardP 167Q BLOCK 131Q NCP.ReportError 126Q CONCAT 111Q NC.ValidCardP 104Q BLOCK) (561Q NCP.GetLinksA0001 554Q NoteFile 473Q Link 335Q Link 320Q Link 201Q NCP.GetLinks 116Q NCP.GetLinks) ( 206Q " not an existing card or box." 123Q " not an existing card or box.") NCP.CardPropList D1 (I 0 Card) @ (3 NC.RetrievePropList) NIL () NCP.CardProp D1 (P 2 PropList P 1 Card P 0 Args) me HlHlgoH h@Y 5I ZA'HlJIABh I I AB Ii gIo h(151Q NCP.ReportError 146Q CONCAT 131Q NC.SetPropListDirtyFlg 122Q LISTPUT 113Q NC.PutPropList 106Q NCP.CardCachedP 101Q NC.SetPropList 54Q NC.RetrievePropList 46Q NC.ValidCardP 37Q NCP.ReportError 34Q CONCAT) (136Q NCP.CardProp 24Q NCP.CardProp) ( 143Q " not an existing card or box." 30Q "Improper number of args: ") NCP.CardAddProp D1 (P 1 OldPropValue P 0 PropList I 2 ItemToAdd I 1 Property I 0 Card) f@ Q@ HA'BIddh6H@ABhh @ @ AIddhBh @i Ig@o h(142Q NCP.ReportError 137Q CONCAT 122Q NC.SetPropListDirtyFlg 113Q LISTPUT 110Q \APPEND2 67Q NC.PutPropList 61Q NCP.CardCachedP 54Q NC.SetPropList 11Q NC.RetrievePropList 3 NC.ValidCardP) (127Q NCP.CardAddProp) ( 134Q " not an existing card or box.") NCP.CardDelProp D1 (P 1 OldPropValue P 0 PropList I 2 ItemToDelete I 1 Property I 0 Card) i@ T@ HA'IhBI