(FILECREATED "18-Jan-88 17:03:24" ("compiled on " {QV}1.3KNEXT>NCINTERFACE.;10) "12-Nov-85 14:59:23" recompiled changes: NC.AskNoteCardType NC.BringUpNoteCardsIcon NC.ListOfNoteFilesMenu NC.SetUpNoteFileInterface in "INTERLISP-D 8-Sep-87 ..." dated " 8-Sep-87 19:13:09") (FILECREATED "18-Jan-88 17:01:24" {QV}1.3KNEXT>NCINTERFACE.;10 216759 changes to: (VARS NC.NoteCardsIconBitmap NCINTERFACECOMS) (FNS NC.AskNoteCardType NC.BringUpNoteCardsIcon NC.ListOfNoteFilesMenu NC.SetUpNoteFileInterface) previous date: "30-Nov-87 15:14:00" {QV}1.3KNEXT>NCINTERFACE.;9) NoteCards D1 (I 0 IconPosition) @ @ (11Q NC.BringUpNoteCardsIcon 3 POSITIONP) NIL () NC.MakeMainMenu D1 (P 2 X P 1 Position P 0 TitleFont I 0 DatabaseTitle) gl g ` n^n``dodgdodi dkdkdld`` l ؼdIdH$dg dgjdndhdK d LZd`dodgdodi dkdkdld`` l ؾdIdH$dg dgjdndhdM d NZd`dodgdodi dkdkdld`` l _dIdH$dg dgjdndh_dO d OZd`dodgdodi dkdkdkd`` l _dIdH$dg dgjdndh_dO d OZd`dodgdodi dkdkdld`` l _dIdH$dg dgjdndh_dO d OZd`dodgdodi dkdkdld`` l _dIdH$dg dgjdndh_dO d OZd`dodgdodi dkdkdld`` l _ dIdH$dg dgjdndh_dO d O Zd`dodgdodi dkdkdld`` l _$dIdH$dg dgjdndh_"dO" d O$Zd`dodgdodi dkdkdld`` l _(dIdH$dg dgjdndh_&dO& d O(Zd`dodgdodi dkdkdld`` l _,dIdH$dg dgjdndh_*dO* d O,dh(2330Q FONTHEIGHT 2127Q FONTHEIGHT 1726Q FONTHEIGHT 1525Q FONTHEIGHT 1324Q FONTHEIGHT 1123Q FONTHEIGHT 722Q FONTHEIGHT 522Q FONTHEIGHT 327Q FONTHEIGHT 134Q FONTHEIGHT 20Q POSITIONP 12Q FONTCREATE) (2433Q NC.SelectingCardsMenu 2416Q MENU 2363Q DEFAULTMENUHELDFN 2354Q CLRPROMPT 2325Q NC.MenuFont 2317Q NC.MenuFont 2253Q NC.SelectionMenusWhenSelectedFn 2236Q MENUTYPE# 2233Q NC.SelectingFileBoxChildrenMenu 2215Q MENU 2162Q DEFAULTMENUHELDFN 2153Q CLRPROMPT 2124Q NC.MenuFont 2116Q NC.MenuFont 2052Q NC.SelectionMenusWhenSelectedFn 2035Q MENUTYPE# 2032Q NC.SelectingBrowserSourceMenu 2014Q MENU 1761Q DEFAULTMENUHELDFN 1752Q CLRPROMPT 1723Q NC.MenuFont 1715Q NC.MenuFont 1651Q NC.SelectionMenusWhenSelectedFn 1634Q MENUTYPE# 1631Q NC.SelectingParentsMenu 1613Q MENU 1560Q DEFAULTMENUHELDFN 1551Q CLRPROMPT 1522Q NC.MenuFont 1514Q NC.MenuFont 1450Q NC.SelectionMenusWhenSelectedFn 1433Q MENUTYPE# 1430Q NC.DeleteSelectingMenu 1412Q MENU 1357Q DEFAULTMENUHELDFN 1350Q CLRPROMPT 1321Q NC.MenuFont 1313Q NC.MenuFont 1247Q NC.SelectionMenusWhenSelectedFn 1232Q MENUTYPE# 1227Q NC.SelectingMultipleCardsMenu 1211Q MENU 1156Q DEFAULTMENUHELDFN 1147Q CLRPROMPT 1120Q NC.MenuFont 1112Q NC.MenuFont 1046Q NC.SelectionMenusWhenSelectedFn 1031Q MENUTYPE# 1026Q NC.SelectingCardMenu 1010Q MENU 755Q DEFAULTMENUHELDFN 746Q CLRPROMPT 717Q NC.MenuFont 711Q NC.MenuFont 646Q NC.SelectionMenusWhenSelectedFn 631Q MENUTYPE# 626Q NC.SelectingSingleCardMenu 610Q MENU 555Q DEFAULTMENUHELDFN 546Q CLRPROMPT 517Q NC.MenuFont 511Q NC.MenuFont 445Q NC.SelectionMenusWhenSelectedFn 430Q MENUTYPE# 425Q NC.SelectingContentsMenu 410Q MENU 360Q DEFAULTMENUHELDFN 351Q CLRPROMPT 324Q NC.MenuFont 316Q NC.MenuFont 252Q NC.SelectionMenusWhenSelectedFn 235Q MENUTYPE# 232Q NC.SelectingSourcesMenu 215Q MENU 165Q DEFAULTMENUHELDFN 156Q CLRPROMPT 131Q NC.MenuFont 123Q NC.MenuFont 57Q NC.SelectionMenusWhenSelectedFn 42Q MENUTYPE# 15Q NC.MainMenuPosition 7 BOLD 2 HELVETICA) ( 2263Q " Selecting Cards " 2244Q ((Cancel NIL "Cancel this operation.") (Undo NIL "Backup over last selection.") (Done NIL "Indicates that this operation is completed.")) 2062Q " Selecting cards to file " 2043Q ((Cancel NIL "Cancel this operation.") (Undo NIL "Backup over last selection.") (Done NIL "Indicates that this operation is completed.")) 1661Q " Selecting Starting Card(s)/Box(s) " 1642Q ((Cancel NIL "Cancel this selection.") (Undo NIL "Backup over last selection.") (Done NIL "Indicates that this operation is completed.")) 1460Q " Selecting FileBox(s) " 1441Q ((Cancel NIL "Cancel this selection.") (Undo NIL "Backup over last selection.") (Done NIL "Indicates that selection is completed.")) 1257Q " Selecting cards to close or delete " 1240Q ((Cancel NIL "Cancel this selection.") (Undo NIL "Backup over last selection.") (Done NIL "Indicates that selection is completed.")) 1056Q " Selecting Note Cards " 1037Q ((Cancel NIL "Cancel this selection.") (Undo NIL "Backup over last selection.") (Done NIL "Indicates that selection is completed.")) 656Q " Selecting Single Card " 637Q ((Cancel NIL "Cancel this selection.")) 455Q " Selecting Note Card " 436Q ((New% Card NIL "Make a new note card.") (Cancel NIL "Cancel this selection.")) 262Q " Selecting File Box(es) " 243Q ((Cancel NIL "Cancel card closing.") (Undo NIL "Backup over last selection.") (Done NIL "Indicates that selection is completed.")) 67Q " Selecting Source(s) " 50Q ((NoSource NIL "Indicates that this note card has no source.") (Undo NIL "Backup over last selection.") (Done NIL "Indicates that selection is completed."))) NC.LogoutAdvice D1 (P 10Q NF P 5 OpenNoteFiles P 4 NoteFile) AH)I!Mhiol ol MC\ L LJ KhZHXK&dhdOo k^ji ld h ld Nkٰl_j` Okٰg (257Q RETFROM 242Q FLASHW 217Q DISMISS 211Q VIDEOCOLOR 204Q DISMISS 176Q VIDEOCOLOR 157Q NC.PrintMsg 105Q OPENP 72Q STREAMP 55Q NC.PrintMsg 51Q CHARACTER 40Q CHARACTER 2 NC.ListOfNoteFiles) (254Q LOGOUT 237Q PROMPTWINDOW 146Q NoteFile 100Q NoteFile 65Q NoteFile) ( 154Q ", " 44Q "They must be closed before you can logout!!!" 33Q "The following NoteFiles are still open.") NC.AttachPromptWindow D1 (I 4 DontCreate I 3 Font I 2 Height I 1 MinWidth I 0 MainWindow) 9@6An,bBlkc>W@dW< c@ _hhdi iL W@L Lgg LW \g L LWOkhL _OJ L OM NM W< QO">O$Lg Lg Lg WH!WJog UhU a_*g _,g)O*O,O*g hO* _(O&O(h_&_$O"_"O(&_&g_4 O4O.!O6 OW>`_8O*dLi_:O*W Lg Lgg j`L _Ok_WWVio TUU hdV WVi TI{ghvHci(220Q NC.ClearMsg 207Q NC.CloseNoteCards 201Q NCP.CollectCards 167Q NC.PrintMsg 142Q NC.AskTraversalSpecs 125Q NC.NoteFileFromNoteFileUID 64Q ERROR! 56Q NC.SelectNoteCards 20Q NC.LockListOfCards) (237Q US 121Q CardObject 110Q NoteFileTYPE# 75Q CardObject 45Q NC.SelectingCardsMenu) ( 164Q "Collecting cards to close ..." 137Q (SubBox FiledCard) 52Q "Shift-select the root cards of the structure" 15Q "Close Structure") NC.CloseStructure D1 (P 3 RESETZ P 2 RESETY P 1 LISPXHIST P 0 CardListResetVar I 3 QuietFlg I 2 InterestedWindow I 1 TraversalSpecs I 0 RootCards F 4 LISPXHIST) 'T!gog hg[ KJ(42Q ERROR! 35Q NAMED-RESETRESTORE 23Q NC.CloseStructureA0001) (31Q ERROR 20Q INTERNAL 11Q CardListResetVar) ( 15Q (NC.CloseStructureA0001)) NC.DeleteStructureA0001 D1 (NAME ERRORSET P 3 \NF P 0 A0034 F 4 RootCards F 5 TraversalSpecs F 6 QuietFlg F 7 InterestedWindow F 10Q RESETY F 11Q Don'tPutToBeDeletedCardsFlg) Tddhco !HYiThd`ho cU/TKd`TK ZJo c TGUDVWio TUU ihWVhW VWi TIqghpHci(232Q NC.ClearMsg 221Q NC.DeleteNoteCards 205Q NCP.CollectCards 173Q NC.PrintMsg 146Q NC.AskTraversalSpecs 131Q NC.NoteFileFromNoteFileUID 70Q ERROR! 62Q NC.SelectNoteCards 20Q NC.LockListOfCards) (251Q US 125Q CardObject 114Q NoteFileTYPE# 101Q CardObject 51Q NC.SelectingCardsMenu) ( 170Q "Collecting cards to delete ..." 143Q (SubBox FiledCard) 56Q "Shift-select the root cards of the structure" 15Q "Delete Structure") NC.DeleteStructure D1 (P 3 RESETZ P 2 RESETY P 1 LISPXHIST P 0 CardListResetVar I 4 Don'tPutToBeDeletedCardsFlg I 3 QuietFlg I 2 InterestedWindow I 1 TraversalSpecs I 0 RootCards F 4 LISPXHIST) 'T!gog hg[ KJ(42Q ERROR! 35Q NAMED-RESETRESTORE 23Q NC.DeleteStructureA0001) (31Q ERROR 20Q INTERNAL 11Q CardListResetVar) ( 15Q (NC.DeleteStructureA0001)) NC.MoveStructureA0001 D1 (NAME ERRORSET P 2 Structure P 0 A0248 F 3 RootCards F 4 InterestedWindow F 5 QuietFlg F 6 DestinationFileBox F 7 TraversalSpecs F 10Q RESETY F 11Q Don'tPutToBeDeletedCardsFlg) OSo HY*i7SddhVWTU JdihTUhW IghHci(64Q NC.DeleteNoteCards 43Q NC.CopyStructure 7 NC.LockListOfCards) (101Q US) ( 4 "Move Structure") NC.MoveStructure D1 (P 3 RESETZ P 2 RESETY P 1 LISPXHIST P 0 CardListResetVar I 5 Don'tPutToBeDeletedCardsFlg I 4 QuietFlg I 3 InterestedWindow I 2 TraversalSpecs I 1 DestinationFileBox I 0 RootCards F 4 LISPXHIST) 'T!gog hg[ KJ(42Q ERROR! 35Q NAMED-RESETRESTORE 23Q NC.MoveStructureA0001) (31Q ERROR 20Q INTERNAL 11Q CardListResetVar) ( 15Q (NC.MoveStructureA0001)) NC.NoteFileMenuWindowP D1 (I 0 Window) @g (6 GETWINDOWUSERPROP) (3 NoteFile) () NC.SetUpNoteFileInterfaceA0017 D1 (I 0 Window) @g g@ (21Q PUTMENUPROP 16Q WINDOWPOSITION 6 GETWINDOWUSERPROP) (12Q OldPosition 3 MENU) () NC.SetUpNoteFileInterface D1 (P 14Q Item P 12Q Item P 4 FullFileName P 3 NoteFileMenu P 2 NoteFileMenuWindow P 1 TitleFont P 0 Font I 3 Don'tCreateInterfaceFlg I 2 InterestedWindow I 1 Position I 0 NoteFile) L gl g gl g  @\@ L [dA__`dodgdi dkdldldH@ SoQ@ ooLg oLg KhK K K oLg oLg dMH l_dI$jddNdg dgjdndh_dO _d OO gH l [Kd OK@ j` @ K OK Z !J W_dgK` O_C