(FILECREATED "30-Nov-87 15:30:47" ("compiled on " {QV}1.3KNEXT>NCCOMPACT.;5) "12-Nov-85 14:59:23" recompiled changes: NC.GetCardPartLength NC.SortIndexEntries NC.UpdateCardLoc NC.CompactNoteFileToTarget NC.CopySortedCardPart NC.CopySortedCardPartInPlace in "LOOPS/KOTO 9-Sep-87 ..." dated " 9-Sep-87 14:19:57") (FILECREATED "30-Nov-87 15:30:26" {QV}1.3KNEXT>NCCOMPACT.;5 18937 changes to: (FNS NC.GetCardPartLength NC.SortIndexEntries NC.UpdateCardLoc NC.CompactNoteFileToTarget NC.CopySortedCardPart NC.CopySortedCardPartInPlace) previous date: "25-Nov-87 16:22:50" {QV}1.3KNEXT>NCCOMPACT.;4) NC.GetCardPartLength D1 (P 2 NoteFile P 0 \NF I 1 FromPtr I 0 Card) O@Hd`@H YIJA J lJ lJ 3 (55Q SETFILEPTR 32Q NC.NoteFileFromNoteFileUID) (105Q NoteFile 73Q NoteFile 61Q NoteFile 47Q NoteFile 26Q CardObject 16Q NoteFileTYPE# 3 CardObject) () NC.SortIndexEntriesA0001 D1 (I 1 Key I 0 Value F 1 CardParts) W@HgDH HjhQcH HkhQcHHlhQcHHlhQc(2 BLOCK) (107Q CardObject 66Q CardObject 46Q CardObject 26Q CardObject 17Q ACTIVE 12Q CardObject) () NC.SortIndexEntries D1 (P 0 CardParts I 0 NoteFile) @g Hi (23Q SORT 16Q MAPHASH) (13Q NC.SortIndexEntriesA0001 6 NoteFile) () NC.UpdateCardLoc D1 (I 2 ToPtr I 1 CardPartTypeNum I 0 Card) OAdj@B Bk@B BAdl@BBl@BB` hiol h(113Q NC.PrintMsg 110Q CHARACTER 75Q FLASHW) (72Q PROMPTWINDOW 62Q CardObject 45Q CardObject 25Q CardObject 11Q CardObject) ( 103Q "Bad NoteFile. Please Inspect and Repair.") NC.CompactNoteFileToTargetA0001 D1 (NAME ERRORSET P 4 BytesRecovered P 3 TargetFileLength P 2 FromFileLength P 1 TargetStream P 0 OriginalStream F 5 FromNoteFile F 6 ToNoteFile F 7 RESETVARSLST F 10Q InterestedWindow F 11Q OperationMsg F 12Q RESETY) gUhhhWcgVhhhWcUV2VU IV U VhddWW H UIUWiW UHVI [VUV JKռhiUoVl oLoLJldjol Wi ci(336Q NC.ClearMsg 327Q NC.PrintMsg 323Q CHARACTER 271Q CHARACTER 235Q NC.PutNoteFileHeader 210Q GETEOFPTR 167Q NCLocalDevice.PutHashArray 145Q GETEOFPTR 133Q NC.CopySortedCardParts 117Q NC.SortIndexEntries 112Q SETFILEPTR 107Q NC.TotalIndexSize) (262Q NoteFile 250Q NoteFile 224Q NoteFile 220Q NoteFile 204Q NoteFile 174Q NoteFile 152Q NoteFile 102Q NoteFile 70Q NoteFile 64Q NoteFile 53Q NoteFile 45Q NoteFile 23Q NC.ForceDatabaseClose 2 NC.ForceDatabaseClose) ( 316Q "%%)" 302Q " bytes (" 275Q "Recovered " 256Q " compacted to ") NC.CompactNoteFileToTarget D1 (P 4 RESETZ P 3 RESETY P 2 LISPXHIST P 1 OperationMsg P 0 ToNoteFile I 2 InterestedWindow I 1 ToFileName I 0 FromNoteFile F 5 LISPXHIST F 6 RESETVARSLST) ~ @iddhdidBhddi bfo@l A@IihiBhdddi XdghiddddddBhddddi U!Vog hg\ LH(172Q ERROR! 164Q RESETRESTORE 152Q NC.CompactNoteFileToTargetA0001 132Q NC.OpenNoteFile 77Q NC.CreateDatabaseFile 51Q CONCAT 46Q CHARACTER 23Q NC.OpenNoteFile) (160Q ERROR 147Q INTERNAL 104Q CreateCancelled 57Q NoteFile 37Q NoteFile) ( 144Q (NC.CompactNoteFileToTargetA0001) 33Q "Compacting ") NC.CopySortedCardPartA0001 D1 (NAME ERRORSET P 6 \NF P 4 ToPtr P 3 ToStream P 2 CardPartTypeNum P 1 Card P 0 FromPtr F 7 SortingRecord F 10Q ToNoteFile F 11Q InterestedWindow F 12Q RESETY) cW hi WWWW$K INd`IN ]MKHLW IJL ci(134Q NC.UpdateCardLoc 124Q NC.CopyCardPart 100Q NC.NoteFileFromNoteFileUID 44Q GETFILEPTR 11Q OBTAIN.MONITORLOCK 4 NC.FetchMonitor) (111Q NoteFile 74Q CardObject 64Q NoteFileTYPE# 51Q CardObject 33Q NoteFile) () NC.CopySortedCardPart D1 (P 2 RESETZ P 1 RESETY P 0 LISPXHIST I 2 InterestedWindow I 1 ToNoteFile I 0 SortingRecord F 3 LISPXHIST F 4 RESETVARSLST) "S!Tog hgZ JI(35Q ERROR! 30Q RESETRESTORE 16Q NC.CopySortedCardPartA0001) (24Q ERROR 13Q INTERNAL) ( 10Q (NC.CopySortedCardPartA0001)) NC.CopySortedCardParts D1 (P 4 SortedRecord P 3 CTR P 0 TotalUseableCardParts I 6 OperationMsg I 5 InterestedWindow I 4 OriginalLengthOfFile I 3 BufferStream I 2 ToPtr I 1 NewNoteFile I 0 SortedSortingRecords) Fol b @ EiFokoHol @kJBKlYjI#I EiFoKoHol ALAE LCBDE bhJKkԻ(202Q NC.CopySortedCardPartInPlace 170Q NC.CopySortedCardPart 157Q NC.PrintMsg 153Q CHARACTER 123Q \FZEROP 101Q BLOCK 61Q NC.PrintMsg 55Q CHARACTER 24Q LENGTH 15Q CONCAT 12Q CHARACTER) NIL ( 146Q "." 141Q " of " 134Q "Copying piece " 50Q "." 43Q " of " 36Q "Copying piece " 5 "Compacting NoteFile") NC.ComputeNewDatabaseIndexSize D1 (L (0 NoteFile)) @@ HojHlNIL (14Q NoteFile 3 NoteFile) ( 23Q .75) NC.CompactNoteFileInPlaceA0001 D1 (NAME ERRORSET P 6 NumBytesSaved P 5 OperationMsg P 4 OriginalLengthOfFile P 3 ToPtr P 2 FullFileName P 1 BufferStream P 0 SourceStream F 7 NoteFile F 10Q InterestedWindow F 11Q RESETVARSLST F 12Q RESETY) MgWhhhWcWggho W3oJol H W hW IH WM [WK WioJo WWiM JgK WhoJol Wiol Wi LKjN+hiJol oN oN Lldjo"iJol oNoNLldjol ghgJ ` hioJo ci(506Q NC.PrintMsg 466Q FLASHW 453Q PACKFILENAME 437Q NC.PrintMsg 433Q CHARACTER 401Q CHARACTER 351Q MINUS 341Q MINUS 331Q CHARACTER 301Q NC.ClearMsg 272Q NC.PrintMsg 267Q CHARACTER 251Q NC.PrintMsg 245Q CHARACTER 222Q SETFILEINFO 211Q NCLocalDevice.PutHashArray 177Q NC.PrintMsg 156Q NC.PutCheckptPtr 143Q NC.CopySortedCardParts 134Q GETEOFPTR 127Q NC.TotalIndexSize 114Q NC.SortIndexEntries 106Q GETEOFPTR 101Q CONCAT 76Q CHARACTER 46Q OPENSTREAM) (463Q PROMPTWINDOW 456Q NC.DatabaseFileNameSuggestion 447Q BODY 443Q VERSION 216Q LENGTH 122Q NoteFile 53Q NoteFile 36Q BOTH 33Q {NODIRCORE} 26Q NoteFile 2 NC.ForceDatabaseClose) ( 502Q " cancelled." 475Q "Compact of " 426Q "%%)" 412Q " bytes (" 405Q "Recovered " 374Q " compacted in place." 364Q "%%)" 345Q " bytes (" 335Q "Increased by " 324Q " compacted in place." 262Q "Done." 240Q "." 233Q "Couldn't truncate " 173Q " ..." 166Q "Truncating file " 71Q " in place." 64Q "Compacting " 43Q ((TYPE BINARY))) NC.CompactNoteFileInPlace D1 (P 2 RESETZ P 1 RESETY P 0 LISPXHIST I 1 InterestedWindow I 0 NoteFile F 3 LISPXHIST F 4 RESETVARSLST) 6@d2idhdiddA b"S!Tog hgZ JI(61Q ERROR! 54Q RESETRESTORE 42Q NC.CompactNoteFileInPlaceA0001 17Q NC.OpenNoteFile) (50Q ERROR 37Q INTERNAL) ( 34Q (NC.CompactNoteFileInPlaceA0001)) NC.CopySortedCardPartInPlaceA0001 D1 (NAME ERRORSET P 4 Length P 3 EndPtr P 2 Stream P 0 \NF F 5 Card F 6 BufferStream F 7 InterestedWindow F 10Q ToPtr F 11Q NoteFile F 12Q FromPtr F 13Q CardPartTypeNum F 14Q EOFBufferLoc F 15Q RESETY)  UHd`UH YIc hi W!JVWjW WL[WVJjWW $UWW VJjWW  UWW Kci(167Q NC.UpdateCardLoc 155Q NC.CopyCardPart 140Q NC.UpdateCardLoc 126Q NC.CopyCardPart 100Q NC.CopyCardPart 52Q OBTAIN.MONITORLOCK 45Q NC.FetchMonitor 32Q NC.NoteFileFromNoteFileUID) (60Q NoteFile 26Q CardObject 16Q NoteFileTYPE# 3 CardObject) () NC.CopySortedCardPartInPlace D1 (P 6 RESETZ P 5 RESETY P 4 LISPXHIST P 3 NoteFile P 2 CardPartTypeNum P 1 Card P 0 FromPtr I 4 InterestedWindow I 3 EOFBufferLoc I 2 ToPtr I 1 BufferStream I 0 SortingRecord F 7 LISPXHIST F 10Q RESETVARSLST) <@@@BHBIH W!Wog hg^ NM(67Q ERROR! 62Q RESETRESTORE 50Q NC.CopySortedCardPartInPlaceA0001 25Q NC.GetCardPartLength) (56Q ERROR 45Q INTERNAL) ( 42Q (NC.CopySortedCardPartInPlaceA0001)) (PRETTYCOMPRINT NCCOMPACTCOMS) (RPAQQ NCCOMPACTCOMS ((* File created by KELLEY) (* * NoteFile compactor.) (RECORDS SortingRecord) ( FNS NC.GetCardPartLength NC.SortIndexEntries NC.UpdateCardLoc) (* * Compact to target) (FNS NC.CompactNoteFileToTarget NC.CopySortedCardPart NC.CopySortedCardParts NC.ComputeNewDatabaseIndexSize ) (* * Compact in place) (FNS NC.CompactNoteFileInPlace NC.CopySortedCardPartInPlace))) (RECORD SortingRecord (FileLoc Card CardPartTypeNum)) (PUTPROPS NCCOMPACT COPYRIGHT ("Xerox Corporation" 1985 1986 1987)) NIL