(FILECREATED "14-Jul-87 17:18:09" {QV}<NOTECARDS>1.3KNEXT>NCPARAMETERS.;2 31591 changes to: (VARS NCPARAMETERSCOMS) previous date: "10-Jul-87 18:20:31" {QV}<NOTECARDS>1.3KNEXT>NCPARAMETERS.;1) (* Copyright (c) 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.) (PRETTYCOMPRINT NCPARAMETERSCOMS) (RPAQQ NCPARAMETERSCOMS ((* * Tailoring parameters for the user to set.) [DECLARE: DONTEVAL@LOAD DOCOPY FIRST (P (NC.LoadFileFromDirectories (QUOTE STYLESHEET) (QUOTE LISPUSERSDIRECTORIES] (GLOBALVARS NC.FixedMenuFlg NC.AdviseWindowMenuFlg NC.ForceSourcesFlg NC.ForceFilingFlg NC.ForceTitlesFlg NC.MarkersInFileBoxesFlg NC.AlphabetizedFileBoxChildrenFlg NC.LinkIconAttachBitmapFlg NC.LinkIconShowLinkTypeFlg NC.LinkIconShowTitleFlg NC.MainMenuPosition NC.ShowNoteFileOnCards NC.IncludeCardObjectInShowInfo World5File NC.SpecialBrowserSpecsFlg NC.AnnoFlg NC.LinkDashingInBrowser NC.ArrowHeadsInBrowser NC.EnableBravoToTEditConversionFlg NC.DefaultFont NC.LinkIconFont NC.NoteFileIndicatorFont NC.MenuFont NC.DefaultCardType NC.BringUpCardAtOldPosFlg NC.CloseCardsOffScreenFlg NC.NoteCardsParameters NC.SpecialBrowserMiddleButtonFn NCINITIALGLOBALPARAMS NC.UseDeletedLinkIconIndicatorsFlg NC.DelTEditProcessAtShrinkFlg NC.UserSpecifiedTEditProps NC.AskTEditPropsWindowWidth NC.AskTEditPropsWindowHeight NC.NoteFileMenuLingerFlg NC.DefaultIndexSizeInEntries NC.MsgDelay NC.LinkIconMultiLineMode NC.LinkIconMaxWidth) (INITVARS (NC.FixedMenuFlg NIL) (NC.ShortWindowMenuFlg T) (NC.ShowNoteFileOnCards T) (NC.IncludeCardObjectInShowInfo NIL) (NC.ForceSourcesFlg NIL) (NC.ForceFilingFlg T) (NC.ForceTitlesFlg T) (NC.MarkersInFileBoxesFlg T) (NC.AlphabetizedFileBoxChildrenFlg NIL) (NC.LinkIconAttachBitmapFlg T) (NC.LinkIconShowTitleFlg T) (NC.LinkIconShowLinkTypeFlg NIL) (NC.LinkDashingInBrowser NIL) (NC.ArrowHeadsInBrowser (QUOTE None)) (NC.MainMenuPosition NIL) (World5File (QUOTE {DSK}WORLD5.MAPDATA)) (NC.SpecialBrowserSpecsFlg NIL) (NC.AnnoFlg NIL) (NC.DefaultCardType (QUOTE Text)) (NC.CloseCardsOffScreenFlg NIL) (NC.BringUpCardAtOldPosFlg NIL) (NC.EnableBravoToTEditConversionFlg NIL) (NC.DefaultFont (FONTCREATE (QUOTE TimesRoman) 12)) (NC.LinkIconFont (FONTCREATE (QUOTE HELVETICA) 10 (QUOTE BOLD))) (NC.NoteFileIndicatorFont (FONTCREATE (QUOTE HELVETICA) 10 (QUOTE BOLD))) (NC.MenuFont (FONTCREATE (QUOTE HELVETICA) 10 (QUOTE BOLD))) (NCINITIALGLOBALPARAMS NIL) (NC.UseDeletedLinkIconIndicatorsFlg T) (NC.DelTEditProcessAtShrinkFlg NIL) (NC.UserSpecifiedTEditProps NIL) (NC.AskTEditPropsWindowWidth 425) (NC.AskTEditPropsWindowHeight 70) (NC.NoteFileMenuLingerFlg T) (NC.DefaultIndexSizeInEntries 1000) (NC.MsgDelay 1500) (NC.LinkIconMultiLineMode NIL) (NC.LinkIconMaxWidth SCREENWIDTH)) (GLOBALVARS NC.ListOfFontFamilies NC.ListOfFontSizes NC.ListOfFontFaces) [INITVARS (NC.ListOfFontFamilies (QUOTE (TIMESROMAN HELVETICA GACHA CLASSIC MODERN TERMINAL TITAN CREAM OLDENGLISH))) (NC.ListOfFontSizes (QUOTE (8 9 10 11 12 14 18 24 30 36))) (NC.ListOfFontFaces (QUOTE (STANDARD BOLD ITALIC BOLDITALIC] [DECLARE: DONTEVAL@LOAD DOCOPY (PROPS (NC.NoteCardsParameters DefaultCardType) (NC.NoteCardsParameters MenuLingersAfterNoteFileClose) (NC.NoteCardsParameters ShowNoteFileOnCards) (NC.NoteCardsParameters NewNoteFileInitialSize) (NC.NoteCardsParameters ForceFiling) (NC.NoteCardsParameters ForceTitles) (NC.NoteCardsParameters CloseCardsOffScreen) (NC.NoteCardsParameters BringUpCardsAtPreviousPos) (NC.NoteCardsParameters MarkersInFileBoxes) (NC.NoteCardsParameters AlphabetizedFileBoxChildren) (NC.NoteCardsParameters DefaultLinkIconAttachBitmap) (NC.NoteCardsParameters DefaultLinkIconShowTitle) (NC.NoteCardsParameters DefaultLinkIconShowLinkType) (NC.NoteCardsParameters UseDeletedLinkIconIndicators) (NC.NoteCardsParameters DelTEditProcessWhenShrinking) (NC.NoteCardsParameters ExtraTEditProps) (NC.NoteCardsParameters EnableBravoToTEditConversion) (NC.NoteCardsParameters IncludeCardObjectInShowInfo) (NC.NoteCardsParameters LinkDashingInBrowsers) (NC.NoteCardsParameters ArrowHeadsInBrowsers) (NC.NoteCardsParameters SpecialBrowserSpecs) (NC.NoteCardsParameters DefaultFont) (NC.NoteCardsParameters LinkIconFont) (NC.NoteCardsParameters MenuFont) (NC.NoteCardsParameters NoteFileIndicatorFont) (NC.NoteCardsParameters LinkIconMultiLineMode) (NC.NoteCardsParameters LinkIconMaxWidthInPixels) (NC.NoteCardsParameters LinkIconBorderWidth) (NC.NoteCardsParameters NewCrossFileLinksMode)) (VARS (NC.NoteCardsParameters (PROPNAMES (QUOTE NC.NoteCardsParameters] (* * Parameter Inspector & Editor) (RECORDS GLOBALPARAMETER) (FNS NC.BuildInspector NC.InspectorFetchFn NC.InspectorSelectionFn NC.DefaultCardTypeSelectionFn NC.DefaultCardTypeCheckFn NC.ArrowHeadsInBrowserSelectionFn NC.ArrowHeadsInBrowserCheckFn NC.EnableBravoToTEditConversionFetchFn NC.EnableBravoToTEditConversionSelectionFn NC.DefaultFontFetchFn NC.DefaultFontSelectionFn NC.GetFontFromUser NC.FontFaceShorthand NC.UserSpecifiedTEditPropsSelectionFn NC.UserSpecifiedTEditPropsCheckFn NC.DefaultLinkIconParametersSelectionFn NC.ClearAllLinkIconImageBoxCaches NC.SetNewFileInitialSize NC.MenuFontAfterChangeFn NC.NewCrossFileLinksModeSelectionFn NC.NewCrossFileLinksModeCheckFn) (FNS NC.SetLinkIconMaxWidth NC.SetLinkIconBorderWidth))) (* * Tailoring parameters for the user to set.) (DECLARE: DONTEVAL@LOAD DOCOPY FIRST (NC.LoadFileFromDirectories (QUOTE STYLESHEET) (QUOTE LISPUSERSDIRECTORIES)) ) (DECLARE: DOEVAL@COMPILE DONTCOPY (GLOBALVARS NC.FixedMenuFlg NC.AdviseWindowMenuFlg NC.ForceSourcesFlg NC.ForceFilingFlg NC.ForceTitlesFlg NC.MarkersInFileBoxesFlg NC.AlphabetizedFileBoxChildrenFlg NC.LinkIconAttachBitmapFlg NC.LinkIconShowLinkTypeFlg NC.LinkIconShowTitleFlg NC.MainMenuPosition NC.ShowNoteFileOnCards NC.IncludeCardObjectInShowInfo World5File NC.SpecialBrowserSpecsFlg NC.AnnoFlg NC.LinkDashingInBrowser NC.ArrowHeadsInBrowser NC.EnableBravoToTEditConversionFlg NC.DefaultFont NC.LinkIconFont NC.NoteFileIndicatorFont NC.MenuFont NC.DefaultCardType NC.BringUpCardAtOldPosFlg NC.CloseCardsOffScreenFlg NC.NoteCardsParameters NC.SpecialBrowserMiddleButtonFn NCINITIALGLOBALPARAMS NC.UseDeletedLinkIconIndicatorsFlg NC.DelTEditProcessAtShrinkFlg NC.UserSpecifiedTEditProps NC.AskTEditPropsWindowWidth NC.AskTEditPropsWindowHeight NC.NoteFileMenuLingerFlg NC.DefaultIndexSizeInEntries NC.MsgDelay NC.LinkIconMultiLineMode NC.LinkIconMaxWidth) ) (RPAQ? NC.FixedMenuFlg NIL) (RPAQ? NC.ShortWindowMenuFlg T) (RPAQ? NC.ShowNoteFileOnCards T) (RPAQ? NC.IncludeCardObjectInShowInfo NIL) (RPAQ? NC.ForceSourcesFlg NIL) (RPAQ? NC.ForceFilingFlg T) (RPAQ? NC.ForceTitlesFlg T) (RPAQ? NC.MarkersInFileBoxesFlg T) (RPAQ? NC.AlphabetizedFileBoxChildrenFlg NIL) (RPAQ? NC.LinkIconAttachBitmapFlg T) (RPAQ? NC.LinkIconShowTitleFlg T) (RPAQ? NC.LinkIconShowLinkTypeFlg NIL) (RPAQ? NC.LinkDashingInBrowser NIL) (RPAQ? NC.ArrowHeadsInBrowser (QUOTE None)) (RPAQ? NC.MainMenuPosition NIL) (RPAQ? World5File (QUOTE {DSK}WORLD5.MAPDATA)) (RPAQ? NC.SpecialBrowserSpecsFlg NIL) (RPAQ? NC.AnnoFlg NIL) (RPAQ? NC.DefaultCardType (QUOTE Text)) (RPAQ? NC.CloseCardsOffScreenFlg NIL) (RPAQ? NC.BringUpCardAtOldPosFlg NIL) (RPAQ? NC.EnableBravoToTEditConversionFlg NIL) (RPAQ? NC.DefaultFont (FONTCREATE (QUOTE TimesRoman) 12)) (RPAQ? NC.LinkIconFont (FONTCREATE (QUOTE HELVETICA) 10 (QUOTE BOLD))) (RPAQ? NC.NoteFileIndicatorFont (FONTCREATE (QUOTE HELVETICA) 10 (QUOTE BOLD))) (RPAQ? NC.MenuFont (FONTCREATE (QUOTE HELVETICA) 10 (QUOTE BOLD))) (RPAQ? NCINITIALGLOBALPARAMS NIL) (RPAQ? NC.UseDeletedLinkIconIndicatorsFlg T) (RPAQ? NC.DelTEditProcessAtShrinkFlg NIL) (RPAQ? NC.UserSpecifiedTEditProps NIL) (RPAQ? NC.AskTEditPropsWindowWidth 425) (RPAQ? NC.AskTEditPropsWindowHeight 70) (RPAQ? NC.NoteFileMenuLingerFlg T) (RPAQ? NC.DefaultIndexSizeInEntries 1000) (RPAQ? NC.MsgDelay 1500) (RPAQ? NC.LinkIconMultiLineMode NIL) (RPAQ? NC.LinkIconMaxWidth SCREENWIDTH) (DECLARE: DOEVAL@COMPILE DONTCOPY (GLOBALVARS NC.ListOfFontFamilies NC.ListOfFontSizes NC.ListOfFontFaces) ) (RPAQ? NC.ListOfFontFamilies (QUOTE (TIMESROMAN HELVETICA GACHA CLASSIC MODERN TERMINAL TITAN CREAM OLDENGLISH))) (RPAQ? NC.ListOfFontSizes (QUOTE (8 9 10 11 12 14 18 24 30 36))) (RPAQ? NC.ListOfFontFaces (QUOTE (STANDARD BOLD ITALIC BOLDITALIC))) (DECLARE: DONTEVAL@LOAD DOCOPY (PUTPROPS NC.NoteCardsParameters DefaultCardType (NC.DefaultCardType EVAL NC.DefaultCardTypeSelectionFn NC.DefaultCardTypeCheckFn)) (PUTPROPS NC.NoteCardsParameters MenuLingersAfterNoteFileClose NC.NoteFileMenuLingerFlg) (PUTPROPS NC.NoteCardsParameters ShowNoteFileOnCards NC.ShowNoteFileOnCards) (PUTPROPS NC.NoteCardsParameters NewNoteFileInitialSize (NC.DefaultIndexSizeInEntries EVAL NC.SetNewFileInitialSize NIL) ) (PUTPROPS NC.NoteCardsParameters ForceFiling NC.ForceFilingFlg) (PUTPROPS NC.NoteCardsParameters ForceTitles NC.ForceTitlesFlg) (PUTPROPS NC.NoteCardsParameters CloseCardsOffScreen NC.CloseCardsOffScreenFlg) (PUTPROPS NC.NoteCardsParameters BringUpCardsAtPreviousPos NC.BringUpCardAtOldPosFlg) (PUTPROPS NC.NoteCardsParameters MarkersInFileBoxes NC.MarkersInFileBoxesFlg) (PUTPROPS NC.NoteCardsParameters AlphabetizedFileBoxChildren NC.AlphabetizedFileBoxChildrenFlg) (PUTPROPS NC.NoteCardsParameters DefaultLinkIconAttachBitmap (NC.LinkIconAttachBitmapFlg NIL NC.DefaultLinkIconParametersSelectionFn NIL) ) (PUTPROPS NC.NoteCardsParameters DefaultLinkIconShowTitle (NC.LinkIconShowTitleFlg NIL NC.DefaultLinkIconParametersSelectionFn NIL) ) (PUTPROPS NC.NoteCardsParameters DefaultLinkIconShowLinkType (NC.LinkIconShowLinkTypeFlg NIL NC.DefaultLinkIconParametersSelectionFn NIL) ) (PUTPROPS NC.NoteCardsParameters UseDeletedLinkIconIndicators NC.UseDeletedLinkIconIndicatorsFlg) (PUTPROPS NC.NoteCardsParameters DelTEditProcessWhenShrinking NC.DelTEditProcessAtShrinkFlg) (PUTPROPS NC.NoteCardsParameters ExtraTEditProps (NC.UserSpecifiedTEditProps EVAL NC.UserSpecifiedTEditPropsSelectionFn NC.UserSpecifiedTEditPropsCheckFn)) (PUTPROPS NC.NoteCardsParameters EnableBravoToTEditConversion (NC.EnableBravoToTEditConversionFlg NC.EnableBravoToTEditConversionFetchFn NC.EnableBravoToTEditConversionSelectionFn NIL) ) (PUTPROPS NC.NoteCardsParameters IncludeCardObjectInShowInfo NC.IncludeCardObjectInShowInfo) (PUTPROPS NC.NoteCardsParameters LinkDashingInBrowsers NC.LinkDashingInBrowser) (PUTPROPS NC.NoteCardsParameters ArrowHeadsInBrowsers (NC.ArrowHeadsInBrowser EVAL NC.ArrowHeadsInBrowserSelectionFn NC.ArrowHeadsInBrowserCheckFn)) (PUTPROPS NC.NoteCardsParameters SpecialBrowserSpecs NC.SpecialBrowserSpecsFlg) (PUTPROPS NC.NoteCardsParameters DefaultFont (NC.DefaultFont NC.DefaultFontFetchFn NC.DefaultFontSelectionFn FONTP)) (PUTPROPS NC.NoteCardsParameters LinkIconFont (NC.LinkIconFont NC.DefaultFontFetchFn NC.DefaultFontSelectionFn FONTP)) (PUTPROPS NC.NoteCardsParameters MenuFont (NC.MenuFont NC.DefaultFontFetchFn NC.DefaultFontSelectionFn FONTP NC.MenuFontAfterChangeFn)) (PUTPROPS NC.NoteCardsParameters NoteFileIndicatorFont (NC.NoteFileIndicatorFont NC.DefaultFontFetchFn NC.DefaultFontSelectionFn FONTP)) (PUTPROPS NC.NoteCardsParameters LinkIconMultiLineMode NC.LinkIconMultiLineMode) (PUTPROPS NC.NoteCardsParameters LinkIconMaxWidthInPixels (NC.LinkIconMaxWidth EVAL NC.SetLinkIconMaxWidth NIL) ) (PUTPROPS NC.NoteCardsParameters LinkIconBorderWidth (NC.LinkIconBorderWidth EVAL NC.SetLinkIconBorderWidth NIL) ) (PUTPROPS NC.NoteCardsParameters NewCrossFileLinksMode (NC.NewCrossFileLinksMode EVAL NC.NewCrossFileLinksModeSelectionFn NC.NewCrossFileLinksModeCheckFn)) (RPAQ NC.NoteCardsParameters (PROPNAMES (QUOTE NC.NoteCardsParameters))) ) (* * Parameter Inspector & Editor) [DECLARE: EVAL@COMPILE (RECORD GLOBALPARAMETER (PARAMGLOBALVAR PARAMFETCHFN PARAMSELECTIONFN PARAMCHECKFN PARAMAFTERCHANGEFN)) ] (DEFINEQ (NC.BuildInspector [LAMBDA NIL (* pmi: "15-May-87 15:32") (* * Build and dislay an inspector window on the user tailoring flgs) (* * rht 5/1/86: Now flashes existing window instead of moving it.) (* * pmi 5/15/87: Removed NC.InspectorTitleCommandFn (TITLECOMMANDFN arg) from call to INSPECTW.CREATE) (DECLARE (GLOBALVARS NC.NoteCardsParameters)) (PROG (InspectWindow) (COND ((SETQ InspectWindow (for Window in (OPENWINDOWS) when (WINDOWPROP Window (QUOTE NoteCardsInspector)) do (RETURN Window))) (FLASHW InspectWindow)) (T (SETQ InspectWindow (INSPECTW.CREATE T NC.NoteCardsParameters (FUNCTION NC.InspectorFetchFn) NIL NIL NIL NIL "NoteCards Session Parameters" (FUNCTION NC.InspectorSelectionFn) NIL NIL)) (WINDOWPROP InspectWindow (QUOTE NoteCardsInspector) T]) (NC.InspectorFetchFn [LAMBDA (Object Property) (* rht: " 1-May-86 17:12") (* * Fetches the value of the atom specified by property. Object is a dummy argument in this case.) (* * rht 10/25/84: Now find relevant globalvar on proplist of NC.NoteCardsParameters. If there is a valuesfn, then we just display the value. If not, then it's assumed to be a binary T/NIL type globalvar and we display either Yes or No.) (* * rht 3/19/85: Rewrote to use the new GLOBALPARAMETER record which contains GlobalVar's name and fetchFn among other stuff.) (LET ((ParameterInfo (GETPROP (QUOTE NC.NoteCardsParameters) Property)) GlobalVar FetchFn Value) (if (LISTP ParameterInfo) then (SETQ GlobalVar (fetch (GLOBALPARAMETER PARAMGLOBALVAR) of ParameterInfo)) (SETQ FetchFn (fetch (GLOBALPARAMETER PARAMFETCHFN) of ParameterInfo)) else (SETQ GlobalVar ParameterInfo)) (COND (FetchFn (APPLY* FetchFn GlobalVar)) ((EVAL GlobalVar) (QUOTE Yes)) (T (QUOTE No]) (NC.InspectorSelectionFn [LAMBDA (Property ValueFlg InspectWindow) (* pmi: " 6-Apr-87 12:20") (* * Actions to be taken when the user selects an item in the Inspector. If a value, then ignore. If a property, ask for a new value.) (* * KLUDGED to hadle the NC.DefaultcardType property --- should be fixed to be general!!!!!!! fgh 10/23/84) (* * rht 10/25/84: Rewritten to access the NC.NoteCardsParameters variable's prop list to get all info including the name of the relevant globalvar for this parameter and an optional function. The latter returns a list of possible values. If no such function, then just toggle between Yes and No.) (* * rht 3/19/85: Rewritten to use new GLOBALPARAMETER record which contains globalvar's name and selection fn among other stuff.) (* * rht 5/1/86: Now can toggle either by clicking attribute or value.) (* * pmi 4/1/87: Added fifth field to GLOBALPARAMETER record: PARAMAFTERCHANGEFN. This function is called after the Global parameter has been changed.) (* * pmi 4/6/87: Added check for non-NIL AfterChangeFn before trying to apply it to the GlobalVar.) (PROG (Answer (ParameterInfo (GETPROP (QUOTE NC.NoteCardsParameters) Property)) SelectionFn AfterChangeFn GlobalVar) (if (LISTP ParameterInfo) then (SETQ GlobalVar (fetch (GLOBALPARAMETER PARAMGLOBALVAR) of ParameterInfo) ) (SETQ SelectionFn (fetch (GLOBALPARAMETER PARAMSELECTIONFN) of ParameterInfo)) (SETQ AfterChangeFn (fetch (GLOBALPARAMETER PARAMAFTERCHANGEFN) of ParameterInfo)) else (SETQ GlobalVar ParameterInfo)) (COND (SelectionFn (if (NEQ (QUOTE NOTCHANGED) (SETQ Answer (APPLY* SelectionFn GlobalVar))) then (SET GlobalVar Answer) (if AfterChangeFn then (APPLY* AfterChangeFn GlobalVar)) (INSPECTW.REDISPLAY InspectWindow Property))) (T (COND ((EVAL GlobalVar) (SET GlobalVar NIL)) (T (SET GlobalVar T))) (INSPECTW.REDISPLAY InspectWindow Property))) (INSPECTW.SELECTITEM InspectWindow]) (NC.DefaultCardTypeSelectionFn [LAMBDA (GlobalVar) (* rht: "12-Jun-87 11:56") (* * Let user choose from a menu of card types.) (* * pmi 3/25/87: Added NC.MenuFont to all menus and cleaned up to use NC.NoteCardTypeMenu) (* * rht 6/12/87: Somehow this was broken in such a way that it wasn't calling MENU when NC.NoteCardTypeMenu was bound.) (DECLARE (GLOBALVARS NC.NoteCardTypeMenu NC.MenuFont)) [OR (AND (BOUNDP (QUOTE NC.NoteCardTypeMenu)) (type? MENU NC.NoteCardTypeMenu)) (SETQ NC.NoteCardTypeMenu (create MENU ITEMS ← (NC.ListOfCardTypes T) CENTERFLG ← T TITLE ← "Card Types" MENUFONT ← NC.MenuFont ITEMHEIGHT ← (IPLUS (FONTPROP NC.MenuFont (QUOTE HEIGHT)) 1] (OR (MENU NC.NoteCardTypeMenu (CREATEPOSITION LASTMOUSEX LASTMOUSEY)) (QUOTE NOTCHANGED]) (NC.DefaultCardTypeCheckFn [LAMBDA (CandidateVal) (* rht: "18-Mar-85 18:23") (* * Must be a valid card type.) (FMEMB CandidateVal (NC.ListOfCardTypes]) (NC.ArrowHeadsInBrowserSelectionFn [LAMBDA (GlobalVar) (* pmi: "25-Mar-87 10:03") (* * Ask user for new value from a menu of choices.) (* * pmi 3/25/87: Added NC.MenuFont to all menus and cleaned up for consistency.) (DECLARE (GLOBALVARS NC.MenuFont)) (OR (MENU (create MENU ITEMS ← (QUOTE ((At% Midpoint (QUOTE AtMidpoint) "Place arrow heads at midpoints of browser links.") (At% Endpoint (QUOTE AtEndpoint) "Place arrow heads at endpoints of browser links.") (None (QUOTE None) "Do not draw arrow heads in browsers."))) TITLE ← " Arrow Head Types " CENTERFLG ← T MENUFONT ← NC.MenuFont ITEMHEIGHT ← (IPLUS (FONTPROP NC.MenuFont (QUOTE HEIGHT)) 1))) (QUOTE NOTCHANGED]) (NC.ArrowHeadsInBrowserCheckFn [LAMBDA (CandidateVar) (* rht: "18-Mar-85 18:36") (* * Check candidate against list of possible values.) (FMEMB CandidateVar (QUOTE (AtMidpoint AtEndpoint None]) (NC.EnableBravoToTEditConversionFetchFn [LAMBDA (GlobalVar) (* rht: "19-Mar-85 10:36") (* * Just convert T/NIL to Yes/No.) (if (EVAL GlobalVar) then (QUOTE Yes) else (QUOTE No]) (NC.EnableBravoToTEditConversionSelectionFn [LAMBDA (GlobalVar) (* rht: "19-Mar-85 11:03") (* * Just toggle the value, but do side effect of setting or unsetting TEdit's input formats.) (if (EVAL GlobalVar) then (SETQ TEDIT.INPUT.FORMATS NIL) NIL else [SETQ TEDIT.INPUT.FORMATS (BQUOTE ((\TEDIT.BRAVOFILE? TEDITFROMBRAVO] T]) (NC.DefaultFontFetchFn [LAMBDA (GlobalVar) (* rht: "19-Mar-85 10:47") (* * Return the shorthand display of font.) (PROG ((Font (EVAL GlobalVar))) (RETURN (LIST (FONTPROP Font (QUOTE FAMILY)) (FONTPROP Font (QUOTE SIZE)) (NC.FontFaceShorthand (FONTPROP Font (QUOTE FACE]) (NC.DefaultFontSelectionFn [LAMBDA (GlobalVar) (* rht: "19-Mar-85 11:15") (* * Just go get a font from the user.) (OR (NC.GetFontFromUser (EVAL GlobalVar)) (QUOTE NOTCHANGED]) (NC.GetFontFromUser [LAMBDA (CurrentFont) (* rht: " 7-Feb-87 14:38") (* * Get a font from the user. Current font characteristics serve as the default.) (* * fgh 6/5/86 Fixed so that never returns a font it cannot find. If font is not found, returns old font.) (* * rht 2/7/87: Fixed bug %#411: now returns NIL when stylesheet was aborted. Also does nicer things with prompt window in case of bad font choice. Lists of font families, sizes, and faces are now in global vars so users can change them in their init files.) (DECLARE (GLOBALVARS NC.ListOfFontFamilies NC.ListOfFontSizes NC.ListOfFontFaces)) (LET [(Answer (STYLESHEET (CREATE.STYLE (QUOTE TITLE) "Please select a font:" (QUOTE ITEM.TITLES) (QUOTE (Family Size Face)) (QUOTE ITEM.TITLE.FONT) (QUOTE (TIMESROMAN 12 BOLD)) (QUOTE ITEMS) (LIST (create MENU ITEMS ← NC.ListOfFontFamilies) (create MENU ITEMS ← (SORT NC.ListOfFontSizes)) (create MENU ITEMS ← NC.ListOfFontFaces)) (QUOTE SELECTIONS) [LIST (FONTPROP CurrentFont (QUOTE FAMILY)) (FONTPROP CurrentFont (QUOTE SIZE)) (NC.FontFaceShorthand (FONTPROP CurrentFont (QUOTE FACE] (QUOTE NEED.NOT.FILL.IN) NIL] (RESETLST [RESETSAVE (SETQ HELPFLAG NIL) (BQUOTE (SETQ HELPFLAG , (KWOTE HELPFLAG] (COND ((NULL Answer) NIL) [(CAR (NLSETQ (APPLY (FUNCTION FONTCREATE) Answer] (T (NC.PrintMsg (LET ((InspectWindow (for Window in (OPENWINDOWS) when (WINDOWPROP Window (QUOTE NoteCardsInspector)) do (RETURN Window))) PromptWin) (if (AND InspectWindow (SETQ PromptWin (GETPROMPTWINDOW InspectWindow))) then (FLASHW PromptWin) PromptWin else NIL)) T "Cannot find font: " Answer) NIL]) (NC.FontFaceShorthand [LAMBDA (FontFace) (* rht: " 6-Mar-85 18:17") (* * If there's a shorthand atomic representation of this face, then return it, else just return the 3-tuple representation.) (PROG [(Regular (QUOTE (MEDIUM REGULAR REGULAR))) (Italic (QUOTE (MEDIUM ITALIC REGULAR))) (Bold (QUOTE (BOLD REGULAR REGULAR))) (BoldItalic (QUOTE (BOLD ITALIC REGULAR] (RETURN (COND ((EQUAL FontFace Regular) (QUOTE STANDARD)) ((EQUAL FontFace Italic) (QUOTE ITALIC)) ((EQUAL FontFace Bold) (QUOTE BOLD)) ((EQUAL FontFace BoldItalic) (QUOTE BOLDITALIC)) (T FontFace]) (NC.UserSpecifiedTEditPropsSelectionFn [LAMBDA (GlobalVar) (* rht: " 1-May-86 21:24") (* * Get the user's tedit props by letting her type in a TTYIN window.) (LET ((TTYINWindow (CREATEW (CREATEREGION LASTMOUSEX LASTMOUSEY NC.AskTEditPropsWindowWidth NC.AskTEditPropsWindowHeight) "TEdit Props?")) (OldValue (EVAL GlobalVar)) NewValue) (NC.MoveWindowOntoScreen TTYINWindow) (PRIN1 (CONCAT "Type sequence of pairs of attributes and values" (CHARACTER 13) "followed by carriage return." (CHARACTER 13) "(Preface expressions with ctrl-Y to have them eval'ed.)" (CHARACTER 13)) TTYINWindow) [SETQ NewValue (RESETFORM (TTYDISPLAYSTREAM TTYINWindow) (CAR (NLSETQ (TTYIN ">> " NIL NIL (QUOTE (LISPXREAD)) NIL NIL OldValue T] (CLOSEW TTYINWindow) (if (NC.UserSpecifiedTEditPropsCheckFn NewValue) then NewValue else (NC.PrintMsg NIL T "List must contain an even number of items.") (FLASHW PROMPTWINDOW) OldValue]) (NC.UserSpecifiedTEditPropsCheckFn [LAMBDA (CandidateVar) (* rht: " 1-May-86 18:34") (* * Check that candidate is a list of pairs.) (OR (NULL CandidateVar) (AND (LISTP CandidateVar) (EVENP (LENGTH CandidateVar]) (NC.DefaultLinkIconParametersSelectionFn [LAMBDA (GlobalVar) (* rht: "18-Nov-86 15:23") (* * Toggle setting of parameter and then update every card on the screen.) (* * fgh 6/5/86 First created.) (* * rht 11/18/86: Commented out the clearing of all link icon caches. This functionality should be made available somewhere else than the session params window.) (PROG1 (COND ((EVAL GlobalVar) (SET GlobalVar NIL)) (T (SET GlobalVar T))) (* NC.ClearAllLinkIconImageBoxCaches) ]) (NC.ClearAllLinkIconImageBoxCaches [LAMBDA NIL (* fgh: " 5-Jun-86 18:01") (* * FOr all cards on the screen, clear the image box caches for all the link icons in thee cards) (* * fgh 6/5/86 First created.) (bind Card for Window in (OPENWINDOWS) when (SETQ Card (NC.CoerceToCard Window)) do (for LinkIcon in (CAR (NC.CollectReferences Card NIL T NIL)) do [IMAGEOBJPROP LinkIcon (QUOTE BOUNDBOX) (NC.LinkIconImageBoxFn LinkIcon (WINDOWPROP Window (QUOTE DSP] (if (WINDOWPROP Window (QUOTE TEXTSTREAM)) then (TEDIT.OBJECT.CHANGED (TEXTSTREAM Window) LinkIcon) else (REDISPLAYW Window]) (NC.SetNewFileInitialSize [LAMBDA NIL (* kirk: "14-Aug-86 21:11") (* * kirk 14Aug86 first created) (OR (RNUMBER "Initial Size of New NoteFiles" NIL NIL NIL T NIL) NC.DefaultIndexSizeInEntries]) (NC.MenuFontAfterChangeFn [LAMBDA (GlobalVar) (* pmi: " 1-Apr-87 14:14") (* * pmi 4/1/87: Reset menu global variables to force their recomputation later.) (NC.ResetCachedMenus]) (NC.NewCrossFileLinksModeSelectionFn [LAMBDA (GlobalVar) (* rht: " 3-Jun-87 18:13") (* * Ask user for new value from a menu of choices.) (DECLARE (GLOBALVARS NC.MenuFont)) (OR (MENU (create MENU ITEMS ← (QUOTE ((Two-way (QUOTE TWOWAY) "Make new cross-file links be two-way, i.e. back link is created in destination notefile.") (One-way (QUOTE ONEWAY) "Make new cross-file links be one-way, i.e. no record of link is made in destination notefile.") (Ask% User (QUOTE ASK) "Ask user to find out whether cross-file link should be one-way or two-way."))) TITLE ← "New cross-file links mode" CENTERFLG ← T MENUFONT ← NC.MenuFont ITEMHEIGHT ← (IPLUS (FONTPROP NC.MenuFont (QUOTE HEIGHT)) 1))) (QUOTE NOTCHANGED]) (NC.NewCrossFileLinksModeCheckFn [LAMBDA (CandidateVar) (* rht: " 3-Jun-87 18:07") (* * Check candidate against list of possible values.) (FMEMB CandidateVar (QUOTE (TWOWAY ONEWAY ASK]) ) (DEFINEQ (NC.SetLinkIconMaxWidth [LAMBDA NIL (* pmi: "13-Feb-87 14:33") (DECLARE (GLOBALVARS NC.LinkIconMaxWidth)) (LET ((MaxScreenSpace (DIFFERENCE SCREENWIDTH 18)) NewLinkIconMaxWidth InspectWindow) (SETQ NewLinkIconMaxWidth (OR (RNUMBER "Maximum Width of Link Icons (in Pixels)" NIL NIL NIL T NIL) NC.LinkIconMaxWidth)) (if (GREATERP NewLinkIconMaxWidth MaxScreenSpace) then (NC.PrintMsg (if (SETQ InspectWindow (for Window in (OPENWINDOWS) when (WINDOWPROP Window (QUOTE NoteCardsInspector)) do (RETURN Window))) then (GETPROMPTWINDOW InspectWindow 1) else NIL) T "You are limited to screen width of " MaxScreenSpace) MaxScreenSpace else NewLinkIconMaxWidth]) (NC.SetLinkIconBorderWidth [LAMBDA NIL (* pmi: "13-Feb-87 14:33") (DECLARE (GLOBALVARS NC.LinkIconBorderWidth)) (LET ((MaxBorderWidth 20) NewLinkIconBorderWidth InspectWindow) (SETQ NewLinkIconBorderWidth (OR (RNUMBER "Width of Link Icon Borders (in Pixels)" NIL NIL NIL T NIL) NC.LinkIconBorderWidth)) (if (GREATERP NewLinkIconBorderWidth MaxBorderWidth) then (NC.PrintMsg (if (SETQ InspectWindow (for Window in (OPENWINDOWS) when (WINDOWPROP Window (QUOTE NoteCardsInspector)) do (RETURN Window))) then (GETPROMPTWINDOW InspectWindow 1) else NIL) T "You are limited to a maximum border width of " MaxBorderWidth) MaxBorderWidth else NewLinkIconBorderWidth]) ) (PUTPROPS NCPARAMETERS COPYRIGHT ("Xerox Corporation" 1984 1985 1986 1987)) (DECLARE: DONTCOPY (FILEMAP (NIL (13230 29546 (NC.BuildInspector 13240 . 14325) (NC.InspectorFetchFn 14327 . 15523) ( NC.InspectorSelectionFn 15525 . 17904) (NC.DefaultCardTypeSelectionFn 17906 . 18912) ( NC.DefaultCardTypeCheckFn 18914 . 19140) (NC.ArrowHeadsInBrowserSelectionFn 19142 . 20085) ( NC.ArrowHeadsInBrowserCheckFn 20087 . 20354) (NC.EnableBravoToTEditConversionFetchFn 20356 . 20634) ( NC.EnableBravoToTEditConversionSelectionFn 20636 . 21084) (NC.DefaultFontFetchFn 21086 . 21493) ( NC.DefaultFontSelectionFn 21495 . 21759) (NC.GetFontFromUser 21761 . 24008) (NC.FontFaceShorthand 24010 . 24769) (NC.UserSpecifiedTEditPropsSelectionFn 24771 . 25976) ( NC.UserSpecifiedTEditPropsCheckFn 25978 . 26286) (NC.DefaultLinkIconParametersSelectionFn 26288 . 26944) (NC.ClearAllLinkIconImageBoxCaches 26946 . 27793) (NC.SetNewFileInitialSize 27795 . 28077) ( NC.MenuFontAfterChangeFn 28079 . 28330) (NC.NewCrossFileLinksModeSelectionFn 28332 . 29282) ( NC.NewCrossFileLinksModeCheckFn 29284 . 29544)) (29547 31493 (NC.SetLinkIconMaxWidth 29557 . 30523) ( NC.SetLinkIconBorderWidth 30525 . 31491))))) STOP