(FILECREATED "30-Nov-87 15:56:33" {QV}<NOTECARDS>1.3KNEXT>NCHASHCARD.;3 8723 changes to: (FNS NC.RegistryCardMakeFn NC.RegisterCardByName NC.LookupCardByName) previous date: "14-Jul-87 20:00:58" {QV}<NOTECARDS>1.3KNEXT>NCHASHCARD.;2) (* Copyright (c) 1986, 1987 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.) (PRETTYCOMPRINT NCHASHCARDCOMS) (RPAQQ NCHASHCARDCOMS [(* * Stuff for the hash card type. This includes the basic general hash card and a specialization called Registry card type.) (FNS NCAddStub.HashCard) (GLOBALVARS NC.DefaultHashCardHashArraySize) (INITVARS (NC.DefaultHashCardHashArraySize 100)) (FNS NC.AddHashCard NC.HashCardMakeFn NC.HashCardEditFn NC.HashCardGetFn NC.HashCardPutFn NC.HashCardCopyFn) (DECLARE: DONTEVAL@LOAD (P (NC.AddHashCard))) (* * This is a specialization of Hash card called Registry card. It maps atoms to UIDs and has tailored Get and Put fns.) (GLOBALVARS NC.RegistrySubstanceEndMarker NC.DefaultRegistryCardHashArraySize) (INITVARS (NC.DefaultRegistryCardHashArraySize 100) (NC.RegistrySubstanceEndMarker (QUOTE %##EndRegistrySubstance##))) (FNS NC.AddRegistryCard NC.RegistryCardMakeFn NC.RegistryCardGetFn NC.RegistryCardPutFn) (FNS NC.RegisterCardByName NC.LookupCardByName NC.UnregisterName) (DECLARE: DONTEVAL@LOAD (P (NC.AddRegistryCard]) (* * Stuff for the hash card type. This includes the basic general hash card and a specialization called Registry card type.) (DEFINEQ (NCAddStub.HashCard (LAMBDA NIL (* kirk: "19-Jun-86 20:52") (* * kirk 18Jun86 Add the text card stub) (NC.AddCardTypeStub (QUOTE Hash) (QUOTE NoteCard) (QUOTE NCHASHCARD)))) ) (DECLARE: DOEVAL@COMPILE DONTCOPY (GLOBALVARS NC.DefaultHashCardHashArraySize) ) (RPAQ? NC.DefaultHashCardHashArraySize 100) (DEFINEQ (NC.AddHashCard (LAMBDA NIL (* rht: "14-Jul-86 01:07") (* * rht 7/14/86: No longer has a QuitFn.) (NC.AddCardType (QUOTE Hash) (QUOTE NoteCard) (BQUOTE ((MakeFn , (FUNCTION NC.HashCardMakeFn)) (EditFn , (FUNCTION NC.HashCardEditFn)) (GetFn , (FUNCTION NC.HashCardGetFn)) (PutFn , (FUNCTION NC.HashCardPutFn)) (CopyFn , (FUNCTION NC.HashCardCopyFn)) (MarkDirtyFn , (FUNCTION NILL)) (DirtyPFn , (FUNCTION NILL)) (QuitFn , (FUNCTION NILL)))) (QUOTE ((LinkAnchorModesSupported NIL)))))) (NC.HashCardMakeFn (LAMBDA (Card Title NoDisplayFlg HASHARRAYArgs) (* rht: "26-Feb-86 10:21") (* * Make a hash substance. HASHARRAYArgs should be a list of arguments to the HASHARRAY call. HASHARRAYArgs should be a list the first element of which is a positive integer. Otherwise use default.) (if (OR (NOT (LISTP HASHARRAYArgs)) (NOT (AND (FIXP (CAR HASHARRAYArgs)) (GREATERP (CAR HASHARRAYArgs) 0)))) then (SETQ HASHARRAYArgs (LIST NC.DefaultHashCardHashArraySize))) (NC.SetSubstance Card (APPLY (FUNCTION HASHARRAY) HASHARRAYArgs)) Card)) (NC.HashCardEditFn (LAMBDA NIL (* rht: "26-Feb-86 10:22") (NC.ReportError NIL "Cannot edit a hash substance"))) (NC.HashCardGetFn (LAMBDA (Card Length Stream) (* kirk: "16-Sep-86 17:34") (* * Get the hash substance from the disk) (* * 9/16/86 changed READ to HREAD) (HREAD Stream))) (NC.HashCardPutFn (LAMBDA (Card Stream) (* kirk: "16-Sep-86 17:33") (* * Puts hash substance to notefile.) (* * kirk 9/16/84 changed PRINT to HPRINT) (HPRINT (NC.FetchSubstance Card) Stream) 0)) (NC.HashCardCopyFn (LAMBDA (Card FromStream ToStream Length) (* rht: "26-Feb-86 10:24") (* * Copy a hash substance from FromStream to ToStream.) (LET* ((FromStartPtr (GETFILEPTR FromStream)) (FromEndPtr (PLUS Length FromStartPtr))) (COPYBYTES FromStream ToStream FromStartPtr FromEndPtr)) T)) ) (DECLARE: DONTEVAL@LOAD (NC.AddHashCard) ) (* * This is a specialization of Hash card called Registry card. It maps atoms to UIDs and has tailored Get and Put fns.) (DECLARE: DOEVAL@COMPILE DONTCOPY (GLOBALVARS NC.RegistrySubstanceEndMarker NC.DefaultRegistryCardHashArraySize) ) (RPAQ? NC.DefaultRegistryCardHashArraySize 100) (RPAQ? NC.RegistrySubstanceEndMarker (QUOTE %##EndRegistrySubstance##)) (DEFINEQ (NC.AddRegistryCard (LAMBDA NIL (* rht: "26-Feb-86 11:09") (NC.AddCardType (QUOTE Registry) (QUOTE Hash) (BQUOTE ((MakeFn , (FUNCTION NC.RegistryCardMakeFn)) (GetFn , (FUNCTION NC.RegistryCardGetFn)) (PutFn , (FUNCTION NC.RegistryCardPutFn)))) (QUOTE ((LinkAnchorModesSupported NIL)))))) (NC.RegistryCardMakeFn [LAMBDA (Card Title NoDisplayFlg) (* rht: "26-Feb-86 11:09") (* * Make a Registry substance.) (NC.ApplySupersFn MakeFn Card Title NoDisplayFlg (LIST NC.DefaultRegistryCardHashArraySize]) (NC.RegistryCardGetFn [LAMBDA (Card Length Stream) (* rht: " 1-Nov-86 16:06") (* * Get the Registry substance from the disk) (* * rht 11/1/86: Now uses our readtable when reading.) (DECLARE (GLOBALVARS NC.OrigReadTable NC.RegistrySubstanceEndMarker NC.DefaultRegistryCardHashArraySize)) (LET [(HashArray (HASHARRAY NC.DefaultRegistryCardHashArraySize)) (EndLoc (PLUS Length (GETFILEPTR Stream] (for bind Key eachtime (BLOCK) while (LESSP (GETFILEPTR Stream) EndLoc) until (EQ (SETQ Key (READ Stream NC.OrigReadTable)) NC.RegistrySubstanceEndMarker) do (* Skip CR) (BIN Stream) (PUTHASH Key (NC.ReadUID Stream) HashArray)) HashArray]) (NC.RegistryCardPutFn [LAMBDA (Card Stream) (* rht: " 1-Nov-86 16:08") (* * Puts Registry substance to notefile. Writes down atomic key followed by UID for each hash table pair. Writes down special marker at the end.) (* * rht 11/1/86: Now uses our readtable when printing.) (DECLARE (GLOBALVARS NC.OrigReadTable NC.RegistrySubstanceEndMarker)) [MAPHASH (NC.FetchSubstance Card) (FUNCTION (LAMBDA (Value Item) (PRINT Item Stream) (NC.WriteUID Stream Value] (PRINT NC.RegistrySubstanceEndMarker Stream NC.OrigReadTable) 0]) ) (DEFINEQ (NC.RegisterCardByName [LAMBDA (RegistryCard Name Card) (* rht: "26-Feb-86 15:38") (* * Stuff the item/val pair Name/Card into RegistryCard's hash array. Note that RegistryCard should be active when this is called.) (PUTHASH (MKATOM Name) (fetch (Card UID) of Card) (NC.FetchSubstance RegistryCard)) (NC.MarkCardDirty RegistryCard]) (NC.LookupCardByName [LAMBDA (RegistryCard Name) (* fgh: " 2-May-86 22:25") (* * Look up in RegistryCard's hash array the card hash'ed by key Name. Note that RegistryCard must be active when this is called.) (* * fgh 5/2/86 Now handles case where no match is found in registry table!) (LET [(UIDFound (GETHASH (MKATOM Name) (NC.FetchSubstance RegistryCard] (if UIDFound then (NC.CardFromUID UIDFound (fetch (Card NoteFile) of RegistryCard]) (NC.UnregisterName (LAMBDA (RegistryCard Name) (* rht: "26-Feb-86 15:39") (* * Remove any entry for Name from RegistryCard's hash array. Note that RegistryCard should be active when this is called.) (PUTHASH (MKATOM Name) NIL (NC.FetchSubstance RegistryCard)) (NC.MarkCardDirty RegistryCard))) ) (DECLARE: DONTEVAL@LOAD (NC.AddRegistryCard) ) (PUTPROPS NCHASHCARD COPYRIGHT ("Xerox Corporation" 1986 1987)) (DECLARE: DONTCOPY (FILEMAP (NIL (1547 1836 (NCAddStub.HashCard 1557 . 1834)) (1968 4447 (NC.AddHashCard 1978 . 2649) ( NC.HashCardMakeFn 2651 . 3341) (NC.HashCardEditFn 3343 . 3519) (NC.HashCardGetFn 3521 . 3773) ( NC.HashCardPutFn 3775 . 4073) (NC.HashCardCopyFn 4075 . 4445)) (4867 7150 (NC.AddRegistryCard 4877 . 5291) (NC.RegistryCardMakeFn 5293 . 5562) (NC.RegistryCardGetFn 5564 . 6470) (NC.RegistryCardPutFn 6472 . 7148)) (7151 8589 (NC.RegisterCardByName 7161 . 7601) (NC.LookupCardByName 7603 . 8187) ( NC.UnregisterName 8189 . 8587))))) STOP