IDL ARRAY INSPECTOR Jan Pedersen IDL arrays may be inspected in the usual way. An IDL array inspector has three panes: a static header information pane, a format menu pane, and a contents display pane attached on the left. The header pane displays the format, the value label dimension (if any), the rank, and the shape of the array. The format menu pane controls which one or two dimensional selection of the array is shown in the contents display pane. The current display is determined by a set of restrictions on all the dimensions of the array. Buttoning on SHOW will display the current set of restrictions. Buttoning on APPLY will cause the current settings in the format menu pane to determine the displayed array selection. A restriction may be ALL (meaning show every level of that dimension), SOME (meaning, show a subset of the levels for that dimension) or a level specifier (an integer or label). Buttoning IT_SELECTION will bind the atom IT to the currently displayed selection. The format menu will not appear if you are inspecting a vector. Example: Suppose A is a rank two array with 10 levels in the first dimension and 3 levels in the second dimension. To display only the third column you would APPLY the restrictions: rows (dimension 1) set to ALL columns (dimension 2) set to 3 (or the label for level three) The contents display pane is capable of showing either a two or one dimensional selection of an array and is scrollable. A particular datum in the contents display may be selected by left buttoning. Middle buttoning then pops up a menu that allows either a display of the indices of that datum, setting of this position's value, or binding IT to the selected datum. The row and column labels are also selectable, and if selected will pop up a menu which allows changing of the labels or selection of the whole column or row.(ø TIMESROMAN  TIMESROMAN ?1(DEFAULTFONT 1 (GACHA 10) (GACHA 8) (TERMINAL 8)) ¶>pzº