IDL RELEASE0.1: 1186 RELEASE NOTES Jan Pedersen 10 July 1986 Installation: This distribution consists of three directories on five floppies: IDL run files Two floppies containing compiled files for release0 of IDL IDL lispusers files Two floppies containing associated lispusers files; included with the possibility in mind that field sites may not have a full complement of standard lispusers packages IDL documemtation One floppy containing Tedit documentation files for associated lispusers files and updates to the IDL reference manual To install IDL the following steps are required: 1.) Copy the IDL lispusers files to some convenient directory. 2.) Copy the IDL run files to some convenient directory. 3.) Load the file LOADIDL (the symbolics -- not the compiled file) 4.) Change the value of IDLLISPUSERSDIRECTORY to reflect the location of the IDL lispusers files in the file system. This value will be APPEND'ed to the front of LISPUSERDIRECTORIES at IDL load-time. 5.) CLEANUP the file LOADIDL 6.) LOAD the file LOADIDL.DCOM. As a side effect, all relevant files will be loaded. The full loadup should take between five and ten minutes. Documentation: The IDL reference manual, "The Interactive Data-analysis Language Reference Manual", by Kaplan, Sheil, and Smith, SSL-1978-4, is the main documentation for IDL, although due to the inclusion of new features, supplementary documentation is included in the directory Doc>. In particular, the tty-style graphics mentioned in the reference manual is no longer supported; it has been superceded by the IDL graphics facility. Also, an IDL array inspector has been implemented. Caveats: Source code will not be distributed for several reasons. First, I expect IDL internals to change substantially in the near future, so any code which depends heavily on the current implementation will have a short life time. Second, the distributed "fast" version of IDL differs in subtle ways from the "slow" test environment I use for development, so the connection between IDL source and "fast" compiled code is tenuous at best. As documented in the reference manual, IDL redefines generic arithmetic to operate on IDL arrays. Although this portion of IDL has been thoroughly tested, a bug appearing at this level may manifest itself in a confusing way; be warned. Although largely accurate, the IDL reference manual is out of date in several places. Hopefully, the supplemental documentation will help out, but not all inconsistencies have been noted. .xx(( TIMESROMAN  TIMESROMAN  TIMESROMAN #   BI1?9C Jz