IDL REFERENCE MANUALD:SUMMARY LIST OF FUNCTIONS1Appendix DSummary list of IDL functionsThis appendix lists the functions available in the IDL system, giving their arguments and abrief description of their behavior. The functions are described in the M-Lisp notation usedin the Interlisp and IDL manuals. Thus, even though the function names appear here inlower-case, you must type them in upper-case to IDL.adjoin[vector...]No-spread. Produces a new vector formed by joining its arguments together end toend.anova[mtable;nesting]Produces a matrix containing a summary table for the analysis of variance ofmoments array mtable, where nesting is an optional specification of the nestingrelations between the independent variables.assign[target;source]The IDL assignment operator. target must be a selection on some array, and thatarray will be side-effected. The infix operator _ translates to assign if an arrayselection expression appears as its left-hand[a;sltr]The IDL selection operator. Produces an array as output which is a window onto thesection of a described by sltr. sltr may be a list of length no greater than thenumber of dimensions of a to specify a selection of a's values, or a label or codeselector. The infix operator @ is associated with at.code[lev;val]Constructs a code selector to be given to at. If lev is NIL, the selector can be usedto reference the value-labeled dimension of the array to which it is applied by at.Otherwise, if val is NIL, the selector will reference the complete codebook associatedwith level lev on the array's value-labeled dimension. If val is a non-NIL literal atom,it will reference the value associated with it on level lev. Finally, if val is a scalar, itwill reference the label associated with that value.copy[x]The Interlisp copy function extended to copy IDL arrays (which may be the value of xor may appear at arbitrary levels in the list-structure x). Assigning into a copy of anarray will not affect the original.counts[a]A generic function that returns the sum of the elements of a just like rplus, exceptthat it skips over NIL's. In effect, it produces contingency tables for arrays that havebeen previously grouped.covar[a;wt]Builds the covariation matrix (sums of mean centered cross products) for thecolumns of matrix a, using wt as a weighting vector. Returns a symmetric matrix,whose last row represents a mythical Constant variable (with value always 1) that hasbeen swept out, so that the last row has the means of the columns of a, and -1/n inthe last[n]Returns a vector containing a random permutation of the integers from 1 to n. fpqpqDp ekqpqpqGfp%br L^ Zp!: YmH WA Vc4 RcP;OY L-J@ I# rprpG, DrBrp'AhAsp ?6 < ;2B9 rp rprp(8(rprp63sp 3w 1sprpqp0mLsp. rpqp 0-c rp-rp qp +8rp rp*Y4 '-% sp/r$#p8rp sp"# r#rp sphqp4  2 4 rprp(%tpErp   mKrp J &=\tIDL REFERENCE MANUALD:SUMMARY LIST OF FUNCTIONS2dumpidlarray[a;file]Writes a symbolic expression on file (primary output file if file is NIL) from whichreadidlarray can reconstruct an array equivalent to a. If file is not an open file, it isopened, the expression is printed, and then file is closed.eapply[fn;expects;args]Extended APPLY. Applies fn to each section of the decomposition of argsaccording to expects, an expectation list.eapply*[fn;expects;args...]No-spread. Extended APPLY*. Applies fn to each section of the decomposition ofargs according to expects.elementtype[a]Returns the type (INTEGER or FLOATING) of the elements of a, an array.ems[nlevels;nesting;random]Produces an expected mean squares coefficient table for an analysis of variancedesign with factor levels given by nlevels, the nesting relationships by nesting, andthe factors in random considered random. nlevels can be the moments table itself,as well as just the shape of its classification space.extend[fn;expects]Modifies fn so that it will automatically extend across array arguments according toexpects.format[a]Returns the format (either FULL or SYMMETRIC) of array a.fprob[f;dfnum;dfden]Returns the probability of F-value f, with degrees of freedom dfnum, dfden.genvec[initial;end]Generates a vector of the numbers from initial to end. If initial is a two elementvector, it is taken as the first two terms of the series (i.e. it specifies an increment).Thus, (GENVEC '(3 5) 11) generates the odd integers from 3 to[attribs;values]Contructs an array of m+n dimensions, where m is the number of columns of thematrix attribs, and n the dimensionality of values. The values in each row ofattribs are used as a subscript for an m-dimensional array whose extents are givenby the number of distinct values found in the corresponding column of attribs. Theoutput is formed by grouping all row-planes of values corresponding to equal rowsof attribs in the m-space location addressed by that row. In effect, group places therow-planes of values within the cells of the classification design represented byattribs. If values is NIL, it is defaulted to a constant vector of 1's with length thenumber of rows of attribs. This produces an object from which counts will computea contingency table.hist[v;file]Prints a histogram for v, a vector, to the primary output file, or to file if given.Supresses multiple identical lines whenever their number exceeds the value ofHISTRPTLINES. If file is not an open file, it is opened, the histogram is printed, andthen file is closed.idlmatrix[data]Produces a two-dimensional IDL array from data, a list structure describing its labels fpqpqDp ekqpqpqGfp b`rprtutp _s t(vprp],rp ZcXrp!rWYp rp T-R&rp%Q#rp rp M Lrqpqprp IFG7F<rprpDrp rp!C26 @>rp+&W{F TORrp ONrprp#rLpqprprpKA G F^'sp"D rprpqprp rp A@(&rprp>rpqp&= 9 8mrpsp6 3 27rprpsp0 - ,7 ( 'P7 $$"rpqp! rprprp%2rpqp: _ rp- )?rp  x"rprp rpN n :l[^jIDL REFERENCE MANUALD:SUMMARY LIST OF FUNCTIONS4pairn[a;wt]Returns a matrix of the pairwise N corresponding to a covariation matrix on a, usingwt as a weighting vector.plot[y;x;file]Plots the vector y against the vector x (1 thru length y, if not given) on the primaryoutput file, or file if specified. The axes are scaled so that they are approximatelythe same size. This scaling is controlled by the global variable PLOT.AXIS.RATIO. If fileis not an open file, it is opened, the plot is printed, and then file is closed.plusp[x]A predicate which is T if the scalar x is a positive number.pool[mtable]Collapses mtable into a 3-vector of the pooled cell N, cell means, and mean-centered sum of squares. Effectively removes factors from a moments array.ppa[a;file]Prints the array a on the primary output file, or file if specified. If file is not an openfile, it is opened, the array is printed, and then file is closed. The precison ofnumbers in the table is determined by the global variable PRECISION, a list specifyingthe number of digits to appear to the right and left of the decimal point. The initialsetting is (4 3) so that numbers are printed in the format rrrr.lll. The global variableROWLABELWIDTH is an integer determining the number of columns to leave for thelabels on rows (initally 8).randn[mean;stdev]Returns a single number randomly sampled from the normal distribution with meanmean (default 0) and standard deviation stdev (default 1).rank[a]Ranks the array a in ascending order. Result will be integer unless floating isnecessary to resolve ties. Cells containing NIL are ignored in computing the ranks,and the corresponding cells in the value will be NIL.readidlarray[file]Constructs an IDL array from an expression read from file (primary input file if file isNIL). If file is not an open file, it is opened, the expression is read, and then file isclosed. dumpidlarray produces an expression of the appropriate form.reduce[a;fn;startval]Applies function fn left associatively to the elements of a. If startval is given, fn isfirst applied to startval and a1, otherwise to a1 and a2. Thus, (REDUCE ARY 'NCONC1NIL) returns a list of the elements of ARY. This function distinguishes the situtationwhere startval is specified as NIL from the case where it is not specified at all:(REDUCE ARY 'NCONC1) will leave a1 out of its value.reshape[a;newshape;newformat]Reshapes a to an array of shape newshape and format newformat. The elementsof a are put into the new array in rowmajor order. If newshape is NIL, a is simplyflattened into a vector. If newformat is NIL, it is defaulted to FULL.rplus[a]Equivalent to reduce[a;function[plus]], but more convenient to type.rtimes[a]Equivalent to reduce[a;function[times]], but more convenient to type. fpqpqDp ekqpqpqGfp b `qp*rp_rp [ ZcrprprpXrp/WY.qprUp7 rp RQ#%rtp M Lr rpqpJK G F<rprprpD3rp C2#qpAW@(,->q p>= 98m86rt$vt p 327rp3 0,ut$/-1ut ,p*|5rtvt(utprp; rp'rs t0 $Fp"rp'rprp rp!<rpr q!SHOW are included in IDL. Thus, the command SHOW fpqpqDp ekqpqpqGfp b`rpF_rp'rp [Zc+rp W7U)rp rp T-rpRrp O|M(sp J IFsp rprp FDrprprpC&rprp)A% rp@'rp >'uptu]IDL REFERENCE MANUALD:SUMMARY LIST OF FUNCTIONS6may be given to the INTERLISP executive to cause the value of the last expression typed into be pretty-printed. If that value happens to be an IDL array, the function ppa willautomatically be invoked. The variable IT may be used in an expression to refer to the valueof the preceding expression. These two augmentations to the Lisp system greatly improvethe convenience of IDL interactions. For more details, see SHOW.TTY. fpqpqDp ekqpqpqGfp bF `D sp _ qp3 ]5# \ =qpqp X X=sU HELVETICA  HELVETICA HELVETICA  HELVETICA  HELVETICA  HELVETICA HELVETICA MATH mRf')j/,*KAPPENDIXD.BravoKAPLANJune 16, 1978 9:57 PM