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XEROX Palo Alto Research Center1 February 1977
Inter-Office Memorandum
ToT. Strollo
FromB. Sheil
Subject Office space and terminal access for temporary programmer
Following today’s approval of the allocation request for the IDL project (see attached memo), this memo outlines the project’s needs for office space and terminal access for the temporary programmer that is to be hired. Although the allocation request specified that this temporary was to be located in CSL, CSL approval was on the basis that this was to be for administrative purposes only, and that he actually be located in SSL. Consequently, this memo requests office space and a terminal allocation from SSL facilities.
We have proposed that the temporary be employed for a period not to exceed eight months, starting as soon as suitable arrangements can be made. His primary activity during this time will be programming in INTERLISP on MAXC, and he therefore needs extensive access to a MAXC terminal. Although at some stage towards the end of the project he will need a limited amount of access to an Alto, a VTS terminal would be sufficient for most of his work. We propose that some CRT terminal be dedicated to him throughout the project, and that activities that specifically require an Alto should be handled informally (e.g. by making use of non-dedicated machines such as those in the User Sciences Laboratory).
The temporary should also have some office space, preferably containing his terminal. We think of his need for office space as being similar to that of summer students. In particular, there is no overriding need for him to have a dedicated office, or the same office throughout the project.
I would appreciate your comments on this request and any suggestions that you might have as to how these needs might be met.
c: Kaplan, Rulifson, Treichel.
Jeanie: Please note that the project allocation includes some amount of secretarial assistance (a total of not more than one man-month distributed across the eight calendar months). I’m sure that we can schedule this informally, but I’d like you to know it’s there so that a series of such requests doesn’t build up without anyone noticing.