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XEROX Palo Alto Research Center9 February 1977
Inter-Office Memorandum
ToFrank Squires
FromBeau Sheil
Subject IDL Temporary Programmer
This memo is to draw to your attention the length of time for which we have requested permission to engage the temporary programmer for the IDL project, and to request a waiver of the six month maximum period allowed for temporary hires under normal corporate policy.
The IDL project, described on the attached memos, is a service project for research groups at PARC which require data analysis facilities. In no way could the work for which we are requesting this position be considerd an appropriate use of the time of a member of the research staff, and, therefore, we feel that a temporary position is the best way to have this work done.
The time budget for this project has been determined by an analysis of the amount of time required for an implementation which will meet the data analysis needs outlined in the attached memos. The estimate of eight months is the result of an extended review by staff members not involved in the project. However, barring unforseen delays, it is quite probable that the project could be complete in six months. The eight month period allows leeway to cope with unforseen circumstances, and is not an estimate which is itself subject to extension.
In summary, we request that we be granted permission to continue the temporary’s engagement beyond the limit set by normal corporate policy, up to a maximum of eight months total, should the extension prove necessary.
c: PARC Center Manager