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XEROX Palo Alto Research Center 31 January 1977
Inter-Office Memorandum
ToW. Sutherland, R. Taylor
FromB. Sheil, R. Kaplan
Subject Allocation request for IDL project.
Following the approval in principle of the IDL project, this memo details, and requests authorization for, the expenditures required to execute the plan as described in the memos on the basis of which approval was given.
As outlined in Kaplan’s memo of 19 January, the anticipated costs of the IDL project are eight months of temporary programmer, 1.9 months of the two principals (Kaplan and Sheil), and one month of secretarial assistance, the latter two items being spread over the eight months of the project. Support costs include the provision of MAXC terminal access and office space for the temporary, and computing time and supplies to the project as a whole.
Our current plan is to hire Dr. Jan Dericksen as the temporary programmer. Given his qualifications, it has been determined by Personnel that we should offer a salary of $1450 a month, resulting in a net outlay of $11,600 over the eight month period. We propose that he be officially located in CSL and report to Kaplan.
The other costs are the temporary allocation of office space, terminal access, and secretarial time. We propose that these be made informally and that the costs be absorbed by overhead.